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Kisnard Online is a small indie game so I will use any help I can get!  If you are interested in contributing please reach out on Discord.  Please note all contributions must match the style of the game, must be original, and may not be used in any other games.
Jump to: Artwork | Music | Sound Effects | Maps | Translations | Streaming | Marketing



32px by 32px, 3-4 frames of idle animation (arms swinging, legs moving, etc.)

human, orc, tundrian, brimlock, cow, pig, miner



32px by 32px, 3-4 frames of idle animation (arms swinging, legs moving, magic, fire, etc.)

bear, snake, wraith, trifid, dragon, dirt burrower, pirate captain, molten



32px by 32px, single image or 3-4 frames of idle animation (blood drips, flames, glowing, etc.)

Axes, Blunts, Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Polearms, Swords, Wands



32px by 32px, single image or 3-4 frames of idle animation (shine, glowing, etc.)

head, gloves, chest, shield, belt, pants, boots, rings, necklaces



32px by 32px, single image or 3-4 frames of animation (shine, flames, etc.)

apples, arrows, logs, ingot, chest, elemental essence, ruby, potion, linen, potion, tuna, bolts of flame



32px by 32px, birds-eye view & 80% birds-eye/20% top view

grass, water, floor, ice-snow, rock path, plant, rock, log, throne, barrel



icon (32px by 32px) and cast animations (96px by 96px)


gust, nock




~60 seconds, looping, used in areas without many challenges

grass, ice, town



~60 seconds, looping, used in monster filled areas, dungeons, etc.

grass, ice


Sound Effects:


~3-10 words, 3+ phrases per person, spoken by NPCs

criminal guard, crazy lady, warrior



~3-4 seconds, 2+ noises per monster (creepy, eerie, etc.)

wolf, tormented souls, succubus



~2-9 seconds for all sorts of things

set spawn, level up, fire damage, door open



Kisnard Online is mapped with Tiled.  Tiled is an awesome 2D level editor that is free to download.  If you are interested in creating points-of-interest of even entire areas for Kisnard Online you can download the Kisnard Example Map to start from.  Once you download/install Tiled and download/extract the sample map, just double click the KisnardExampleMap.tmx file to open the map with Tiled.  Then let your imagination run wild.  The only important item to note is to be careful to draw using the correct tileset on the correct map layer.  As of writing this there is no way to force that within the Tiled software.



Kisnard Online is translated into multiple languages.  Most languages are incomplete as I speak only English and am constantly adding new content to the game.  If you are interested in helping translate the game to a new language contact me on Discord – new languages will require a client update.  If you are interested in contributing translations to an existing language you can download the current language files from the website – language resource files.  English is named “strings.xml”, German is named “strings_de.xml”, Spanish is named “strings_es.xml”, etc.  Again, contact me on Discord with any strings you are able to translate.



Kisnard Online currently has a very small community.  Any help streaming gameplay would be most appreciated.  Anyone who helps stream can have their Twitch, YouTube, etc. shared here.  Send me links to your videos!
Smiggley (Twitch | YouTube)




Kisnard Online currently has a very small community.  Marketing is crazy expensive to get visibility to new players.  Tell your family, friends, step-cousin, sister, shout it from the rooftops.  The game is more fun played with others.  The features page is a great spot to link to.  Also the gameplay trailer is another great spot to link to.  Share Kisnard Online on Discord, gaming forums, Reddit, Facebook groups, bathroom stalls (joking), etc.