New Features
- Pets… armor, cosmetic, levelable, cute!! Check out The Capital

- New content… armors, items, npcs, quests, sprites, etc.
- ANDROID: item quantities can be displayed in backpack, bank, etc.
- Windows have help (?) icons with general information – ANDROID: setting to disable
- Additional DEV and GM tools: change server clock speed, player and monster walk speed, etc.
- ANDROID: resizable windows have gripper button to adjust size

- ANDROID: large chat window can be pinned to automatically open
- ANDROID: able to register an account within the app
- WEBSITE: wiki should load images faster – Amazon CDN
- SERVER: website and game server are on separate servers
Gameplay Changes
- Increased player and monster/npc walking speed
- Removed Elite Guard from daily quests
- Capped daily quest multiplier to 5
- Adjusted daily quests weapons, armors, and items
- Adjusted daily quest gold, allegiance, and exp
- Reset allegiance to +-10,000
- Buffed healing spells
- Crafting luck bonus displayed on bonus number
- Necklace armor buffed
Bug Fixes
- Arrows and bolt crafting gave exp * quantity
- Actions bar updated upon death
- ANDROID: Minimap has different settings for landscape and portrait size
- ANDROID: Minimap duplicate windows upon death
- ANDROID: hopefully improved performance during long play sessions
- Crashes on some windows if using locale with period as thousands separator
Posted in Release Notes | 05/28/2023 | No Comments ยป
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