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Version 1.7.2 patch

New Features

  • ANDROID: In Settings the General page includes available translation languages and how to help translate
  • DevGM settings to control email sends, CCs, etc.
  • ANDROID: Able to email log files from Settings screen

Gameplay Changes

  • ANDROID: Log file off by default
  • ANDROID: Log files log up to character selection regardless
  • Able to login to game if someone else repeatedly tries to unsuccessfully login to your account via website
  • DISCORD: Wiki unlocks now posted to new channel

Bug Fixes

  • Cactus top halfs are walk through
  • Client crashing when switching characters
  • Client crashing sometimes when near mist cloud
  • Viewing items in mailbox inbox was not saving to database
  • ANDROID: Character creation popup hidden on successful creation
  • ANDROID: Character creation create button stays disabled when name already taken
  • WIKI: Extra deleted fields showing in unlocks section
  • SITE: unsubscribe page ignores case insensitivity email check
  • SITE: after login white screen shown until page refresh

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