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Listed on MMOsite

Got listed on MMOsite yesterday!! Super excited all!! They have a community of over 6 million members and growing!

Kisnard Online at MMOsite

We have already seen a growth in the playerbase in one day. Hoping we get some really cool people playing and into the game. Also been advertising on Facebook and going to start Google AdWords too! As always, I would appreciate any help – word of mouth is great ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is the link to the writeup they did in their news section. Kisnard Online: New 32 Bit Medieval MMORPG

Here is the Kisnard Online listing on their site. If you would not mind giving a (hopefully good) rating of the game it would be very much appreciated!! Use their buttons to share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

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