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2 years old!

Kisnard Online is now 2 years old to date!  2 years have gone so fast and I am very pleased to have this much done already. My goal is to have Kisnard Online online with basic playable features.  Of course, content, features, and game mechanics will be added constantly, after go-live.  Thanks for following and stay tuned. Some more exciting updates coming soon.

Password Hardening & Encryption

I have been working on strengthening the password encryption and salting algorithms.  Unfortunately, in order to do so, all registered accounts will need to click the link sent to their email address.  You do not have to “change” your password if you do not wish to, but you will need to follow the link and re-enter it.  Thanks for your understanding and please appreciate that this one time hassle is for your security.  The last thing I want is to accept your data without ensuring it is secure.

Website has reached the internet!

Goodbye localhost!!  The basic skeleton of a website is here.  Obviously this will be enhanced and edited over time.  Account creation is enabled(yet useless for the time being).



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