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Level: | 76 |
Age: | 2021-01-10 10:13:03 UTC |
Helm: | (Legendary) Bronze Barbute |
Chest: | (Uber 5*) Bronze Curiass |
Gloves: | +1 (Legendary) Bronze Gauntlets |
Pants: | +3 (Legendary) Bronze Greaves |
Boots: | (Legendary) Bronze Boots |
Necklace: | +3 Gold Necklace Diamond |
Ring 1: | +2 Gold Ring Diamond |
Ring 2: | +3 Gold Ring Ruby |
Belt: | +3 (Uber 4*) Bronze Belt |
Left Hand: | +1 (Uber) Bronze Targe |
Right Hand: | +2 Wind Hammer |
Costume: | +3 (Legendary) Costume Werewolf |
Mount: | +4 (Uncommon) Ship Deed Sailboat |
Pet: | +1 (Uncommon 2*) Pet Pumpkin Angry |
Name: | Legendary |
Tag: | LE |
Wiki Unlocks:
Total | Monster | NPC | Resource | Item | Armor | Weapon |
142 | 25 | 0 | 4 | 85 | 14 | 14 |
Monster Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Bear | Item: Scroll Of Amplify | 2021-01-21 02:17:28 UTC |
Dirt Burrower | Armor: Earth Helm | 2021-01-26 07:03:57 UTC |
Spider Poison | movement_speed | 2021-02-24 00:04:11 UTC |
Troll | Item: Shard Of Earthen | 2021-03-02 21:44:53 UTC |
Goblin | action_distance | 2021-03-09 02:24:53 UTC |
Stone Giant | dexterity | 2021-03-19 03:35:58 UTC |
Stone Giant | hit_speed | 2021-03-25 06:56:06 UTC |
Dullahan | Weapon: Fire Hammer | 2021-03-25 23:43:29 UTC |
Dullahan | Weapon: Huge Sword | 2021-03-25 23:45:04 UTC |
Bog Demon | Armor: Fire Pants | 2021-04-05 19:41:36 UTC |
Dullahan | action_distance | 2021-09-19 01:49:12 UTC |
Turtle | elemental_hit_max | 2022-01-16 04:49:37 UTC |
Spider Mage | walk_distance | 2022-01-23 08:56:47 UTC |
Spider Mage | blocked_mountains | 2022-04-21 02:25:47 UTC |
Spider Mage | elemental_hit_max | 2022-04-21 02:48:48 UTC |
Bog Demon | Weapon: Double Spear | 2022-05-16 14:11:51 UTC |
Spider Mage | Item: Potion Vial Spirit | 2022-09-18 03:36:10 UTC |
Undead Mage | walk_distance_during_attack | 2022-09-24 05:17:25 UTC |
Undead Mage | intelligence | 2022-09-24 05:24:57 UTC |
Undead Mage | Weapon: Reinforced Crossbow | 2022-09-25 00:04:03 UTC |
Pumpkin King | strength | 2023-10-26 18:29:34 UTC |
Pumpkin King | walk_distance_during_attack | 2023-10-26 18:34:27 UTC |
Pumpkin Angry | blocked_water | 2023-10-26 23:35:52 UTC |
Pumpkin King | movement_speed | 2023-10-27 02:57:15 UTC |
Pumpkin King | dexterity | 2023-11-01 21:23:17 UTC |
NPC Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Resource Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Sand Rock | Item: Tome Of Smelting | 2021-04-08 00:12:31 UTC |
Holly Bush | action_length | 2021-04-10 23:49:38 UTC |
Small Ripple | Item: Tome Of Fishing | 2021-04-12 04:39:06 UTC |
Sand Rock | Item: Tome Of Blacksmithing | 2021-04-18 00:33:53 UTC |
Item Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Huge Mushroom | intelligence_requirement | 2021-01-11 23:42:20 UTC |
Iron Ingot | description | 2021-01-22 02:12:35 UTC |
Health Bottle Medium | dexterity_requirement | 2021-01-22 06:50:22 UTC |
Health Bottle Medium | elemental_damage_increase_percent | 2021-01-25 07:08:48 UTC |
Imp Blood | Monster: Imp | 2021-01-26 04:07:24 UTC |
Imp Blood | skill_requirement | 2021-01-26 04:58:13 UTC |
Imp Blood | intelligence_requirement | 2021-01-26 05:05:05 UTC |
Shard Of Inferno | NPC: Guttlekraw | 2021-01-26 05:33:15 UTC |
Doll | Monster: Giant | 2021-01-27 03:35:19 UTC |
Mana Vial Large | Monster: Yetti | 2021-02-02 23:24:51 UTC |
Huge Mushroom | skill_requirement_type | 2021-02-20 22:11:10 UTC |
Bolts Of Bronze | rarity | 2021-02-26 03:53:01 UTC |
Health Vial Large | armor_increase | 2021-02-28 05:36:23 UTC |
Arrows Of Bronze | skill_type | 2021-03-09 01:26:48 UTC |
Health Bottle Large | intelligence_requirement | 2021-03-09 01:52:05 UTC |
Mystic Bolt | strength_requirement | 2021-03-19 03:52:56 UTC |
Bronze Ore | rarity | 2021-03-19 05:00:34 UTC |
Bronze Ore | weight | 2021-03-21 20:58:23 UTC |
Scroll Of Poison | skill_requirement_type | 2021-03-21 23:52:54 UTC |
Sand Pear | duration | 2021-03-31 21:40:44 UTC |
Health Beaker Large | exp_increase_percent | 2021-04-03 19:18:09 UTC |
Shard Of Giants | Monster: Golem | 2021-04-04 19:45:17 UTC |
Chest Of Weapons Medium | weight | 2021-04-05 19:22:32 UTC |
Strong Handle | strength_requirement | 2021-04-07 23:16:04 UTC |
Holly Leaf | description | 2021-04-10 23:54:31 UTC |
Rose Red | rarity | 2021-04-11 00:53:16 UTC |
Cooked Stingray | exp_increase_percent | 2021-04-12 04:29:53 UTC |
Health Beaker Large | rarity | 2021-04-24 23:34:49 UTC |
Stingray Meat | description | 2021-04-25 02:15:09 UTC |
Cooked Stingray | strength_increase | 2021-04-25 02:31:45 UTC |
Bolts Of Maple | intelligence_increase | 2021-04-26 02:01:23 UTC |
Bronze Ingot | sell_price | 2021-04-29 02:25:24 UTC |
Lily Pink | Monster: Giant Bee | 2021-05-01 21:01:14 UTC |
Mana Bottle Large | constitution_requirement | 2021-05-03 05:30:08 UTC |
Green Slime | constitution_requirement | 2021-05-05 18:22:48 UTC |
Health Bottle Large | rarity | 2021-08-06 19:07:58 UTC |
Chest Of Armor Medium | Monster: Hydra Grim | 2022-01-07 01:07:52 UTC |
Health Beaker Large | description | 2022-01-10 03:38:05 UTC |
Health Beaker Large | damage_increase_percent | 2022-01-10 04:17:07 UTC |
Pouch Of Luck Medium | dexterity_requirement | 2022-01-12 10:59:59 UTC |
Turtle Meat | skill_requirement_type | 2022-01-16 04:49:25 UTC |
Sand Pear | NPC: Farmer | 2022-01-16 05:42:18 UTC |
Pouch Of Mist Medium | skill_requirement_type | 2022-01-23 06:05:36 UTC |
Pouch Of Mist Medium | rarity | 2022-01-23 07:45:12 UTC |
Shard Of Humanoid | Monster: Gorgon | 2022-01-23 08:10:53 UTC |
Tiny Spider Fangs | description | 2022-01-23 23:59:15 UTC |
Copper Dust | skill_requirement | 2022-01-30 05:58:09 UTC |
Bananas | exp_increase_percent | 2022-01-30 06:24:23 UTC |
Chest Of Armor Huge | constitution_requirement | 2022-02-07 03:17:39 UTC |
Tome Of Smelting | Resource: Gold | 2022-02-13 04:56:56 UTC |
Letter Piece | rarity | 2022-02-22 20:27:53 UTC |
Gold Bar | constitution_requirement | 2022-03-17 23:22:18 UTC |
Shard Of Inferno | slot | 2022-03-20 06:39:44 UTC |
Seeds Of Strawberry | weight | 2022-04-21 03:40:19 UTC |
Box Of Tomes | Monster: Spider Poison | 2022-04-21 03:53:17 UTC |
Seeds Of Strawberry | skill_requirement_type | 2022-04-21 04:25:20 UTC |
Tiny Spider Fangs | Monster: Spider Mage | 2022-04-21 04:28:20 UTC |
Scroll Of Greed | skill_requirement_type | 2022-04-27 02:42:27 UTC |
Shard Of Marine | Monster: Stingray | 2022-04-27 02:56:05 UTC |
Diamond Chunks | Monster: Holy Flame Grim | 2022-04-27 04:30:40 UTC |
Shard Of Cursed | Monster: Cursed Guard Trainee | 2022-05-09 04:45:23 UTC |
Shard Of Giants | skill_requirement | 2022-06-07 22:01:35 UTC |
Mage Blood | skill_requirement | 2022-09-24 05:16:32 UTC |
Scroll Of Disease | Monster: Shade | 2022-10-16 01:53:01 UTC |
Scroll Of Freeze | dexterity_requirement | 2022-10-16 01:56:06 UTC |
Health Bottle Large | Monster: Barbarian Mage | 2023-01-19 03:25:34 UTC |
Seeds Of Lily Pink | strength_requirement | 2023-07-13 17:41:14 UTC |
Iron Ingot | intelligence_requirement | 2023-09-26 04:25:43 UTC |
Box Of Tomes | Monster: Frost Knight | 2023-10-26 16:51:21 UTC |
Shard Of Earthen | intelligence_requirement | 2023-10-26 16:54:31 UTC |
Shard Of Royalty | NPC: Leif | 2023-10-26 19:43:03 UTC |
Shard Of Royalty | Monster: Egg King Boss | 2023-10-27 02:02:30 UTC |
Shard Of Earthen | sell_price | 2023-10-27 02:17:07 UTC |
Box Of Tomes | Monster: Pumpkin King | 2023-10-28 08:44:31 UTC |
Shard Of Royalty | Monster: Egg King | 2023-10-29 08:11:35 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud (60) | 2024-05-03 01:05:39 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Dark (30) | 2024-05-03 01:06:28 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Holy (30) | 2024-05-03 04:20:35 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Water (60) | 2024-05-04 00:45:14 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Dark (90) | 2024-05-04 04:08:14 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Wind (30) | 2024-05-04 04:08:27 UTC |
Gold | Monster: Mist Cloud Fire (90) | 2024-05-04 06:22:40 UTC |
Snowball | daily_gift | 2024-05-04 09:46:07 UTC |
Shard Of Frost | Monster: Frost Knight | 2024-05-04 23:47:01 UTC |
Snowball | daily_task | 2024-05-06 02:23:15 UTC |
Armor Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Iron Cuirass | weight | 2021-03-25 19:54:32 UTC |
Bronze Belt | skill_requirement | 2021-05-18 00:51:44 UTC |
Gold Ring | strength_requirement | 2022-01-09 20:33:22 UTC |
Gold Ring Pearl | armor | 2022-01-21 00:55:48 UTC |
Silver Necklace | strength_requirement | 2022-04-09 21:23:47 UTC |
Bronze Greaves | armor | 2022-04-13 23:49:34 UTC |
Chainmail Belt | skill_requirement_type | 2022-04-17 07:52:11 UTC |
Chainmail Coif | skill_requirement | 2022-04-17 08:33:34 UTC |
Steel Belt | Monster: Werewolf | 2022-09-26 00:59:01 UTC |
Steel Sabatons | elemental_armor | 2022-09-26 01:53:50 UTC |
Titanium Necklace | constitution_requirement | 2022-10-27 00:48:55 UTC |
Titanium Ring | dexterity_requirement | 2022-10-30 03:23:16 UTC |
Bronze Belt | skill_requirement_type | 2023-06-12 14:54:43 UTC |
Costume Werewolf | dexterity_requirement | 2023-10-26 18:42:35 UTC |
Weapon Unlocks:
Name | Field Name | Unlock Date |
Bronze Dagger | sell_price | 2021-03-03 13:19:47 UTC |
Bronze Dagger | hit_min | 2021-03-19 04:53:08 UTC |
Bronze Dagger | elemental_hit_max | 2021-03-21 19:16:18 UTC |
Bronze Dagger | constitution_requirement | 2021-03-21 19:51:21 UTC |
Bronze Dagger | description | 2021-03-21 20:26:08 UTC |
Steel Wand | skill_requirement | 2021-04-30 01:21:47 UTC |
Bronze Mace | Monster: Mummy | 2022-01-23 07:13:03 UTC |
Fire Crossbow | constitution_requirement | 2022-03-20 06:14:21 UTC |
Frozen Dagger | elemental_hit_max | 2022-03-20 07:06:02 UTC |
Decorative Spear | speed | 2022-04-09 21:35:55 UTC |
Decorative Bow | elemental_hit_min | 2022-10-01 07:23:59 UTC |
Decorative Spear | Monster: Wraith | 2022-10-01 07:25:50 UTC |
Wooden Wand | in_dailies | 2022-10-01 07:29:27 UTC |
Cracked Axe | hit_min | 2024-05-04 05:30:20 UTC |