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Wiki: Researchers List

The page shows a combined view of all of the Wiki researchers.

Monster researchers:

NameMonsterField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierSnakeHit Min2014-12-24 20:44:28 UTC
DEV ProskierSnakeDrop: Snake Fang2014-12-25 04:13:04 UTC
ZonkilSnake CoralDescription2015-09-02 09:17:18 UTC
MukarrammaSnake CoralStrength2015-10-08 01:04:20 UTC
MukarrammaSnakeHit Max2015-10-08 02:38:06 UTC
spoonSnakeMovement Speed2016-02-02 04:32:32 UTC
FrostavengerFire MitesWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-14 03:53:03 UTC
FrostavengerFire MitesDrop: Burnt Ash2016-02-14 03:54:53 UTC
FrostavengerFire MitesDexterity2016-02-14 05:24:21 UTC
FrostavengerFrogDrop: Decorative Shield2016-02-14 08:40:51 UTC
fourfivezerooneCockroachesWalk Distance2016-02-14 13:38:02 UTC
MatoSnake CoralMovement Speed2016-02-14 13:43:30 UTC
MatoSnake KingDrop: Serpent Tooth Dagger2016-02-14 18:07:35 UTC
MatoSnake CornDexterity2016-02-14 18:33:33 UTC
Crazy ClownSnakeDrop: Snake Skin2016-02-14 19:03:22 UTC
Crazy ClownMouseWalk Distance2016-02-14 19:12:23 UTC
MatoMouseMovement Speed2016-02-14 19:33:32 UTC
Crazy ClownSnake CoralWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-14 19:52:31 UTC
Crazy ClownBatDrop: Scroll Of Bless2016-02-14 20:33:46 UTC
MatoSnake CornElemental Hit Min2016-02-14 22:55:39 UTC
MatoMouseDrop: Mouse Tail2016-02-14 23:00:00 UTC
MatoCockroachesArmor2016-02-15 00:08:13 UTC
FrostavengerBatWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-15 00:30:03 UTC
FrostavengerSpiderDrop: Robe Sandles2016-02-15 02:35:29 UTC
MatoSpiderIntelligence2016-02-15 04:01:29 UTC
LangTuSnakeArmor2016-02-15 06:12:37 UTC
EyalonSnakeSpawn Rate2016-02-15 11:07:52 UTC
pierre CHTSnakeWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-15 11:37:37 UTC
DEV ProskierSnake CoralBlocked Mountains2016-02-15 11:48:16 UTC
pierre CHTSnakeIntelligence2016-02-15 13:38:51 UTC
pierre CHTFrogDescription2016-02-15 13:50:35 UTC
MatoSnake CoralElemental Hit Min2016-02-15 13:59:01 UTC
FrostavengerSpiderHit Min2016-02-15 17:22:25 UTC
FrostavengerSpiderAction Distance2016-02-15 17:35:40 UTC
MatoSpiderHit Speed2016-02-15 17:50:21 UTC
MatoSpiderDescription2016-02-15 19:37:42 UTC
MatoSnake CoralSpawn Rate2016-02-15 20:31:30 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmArmor2016-02-15 22:39:08 UTC
Crazy ClownSnake CornBlocked Mountains2016-02-15 22:58:26 UTC
Mr BaemSnakeDrop: Wooden Club2016-02-15 22:59:57 UTC
IcelordBatDrop: Lead Ore2016-02-15 23:23:55 UTC
VenominaCockroachesBlocked Mountains2016-02-16 02:52:44 UTC
zZMaiAnhZzBatAction Distance2016-02-16 02:53:21 UTC
VenominaCockroachesElemental Hit Min2016-02-16 03:27:45 UTC
pierre CHTSnake CoralBlocked Water2016-02-16 05:43:57 UTC
pierre CHTSnake CoralHit Max2016-02-16 07:36:15 UTC
pierre CHTSnake CoralArmor2016-02-16 08:10:33 UTC
pierre CHTSpiderElemental Hit Max2016-02-16 08:34:36 UTC
pierre CHTSnakeStrength2016-02-16 10:56:23 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesElemental Hit Max2016-02-16 11:33:19 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesWalk Distance2016-02-16 12:03:32 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesHit Max2016-02-16 12:06:43 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesDrop: Robe Gloves2016-02-16 14:10:42 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesArmor2016-02-16 14:12:02 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesStrength2016-02-16 14:56:04 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesDrop: Chainmail Gauntlets2016-02-16 15:17:38 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesBlocked Mountains2016-02-16 16:20:17 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesIntelligence2016-02-16 16:27:17 UTC
pierre CHTFire MitesHit Min2016-02-16 16:35:55 UTC
VenominaFire MitesHit Speed2016-02-16 18:15:00 UTC
VenominaSnake CornConstitution2016-02-16 19:21:42 UTC
VenominaSnake CoralIntelligence2016-02-16 20:28:43 UTC
VenominaSnake CoralBlocked Objects2016-02-16 20:30:03 UTC
DEV ProskierSpiderSpawn Rate2016-02-16 21:35:33 UTC
MatoWraithIntelligence2016-02-16 21:44:28 UTC
VenominaSpiderElemental Hit Min2016-02-16 21:45:21 UTC
Crazy ClownFrogDrop: Cloth Handwraps2016-02-16 21:57:30 UTC
Crazy ClownSpiderWalk Distance2016-02-16 22:24:17 UTC
VenominaFrogDrop: Frog Leg2016-02-16 22:33:56 UTC
VenominaFrogDrop: Pine Staff2016-02-16 22:57:02 UTC
VenominaFrogHit Max2016-02-17 00:27:04 UTC
VenominaCockroachesDrop: Throwing Knife2016-02-17 00:27:57 UTC
VenominaFrogDexterity2016-02-17 00:48:27 UTC
MatoSpiderDexterity2016-02-17 01:07:43 UTC
MatoSpiderArmor2016-02-17 01:18:53 UTC
VenominaFrogIntelligence2016-02-17 02:39:44 UTC
VenominaSpiderConstitution2016-02-17 05:35:43 UTC
IcelordFrogMovement Speed2016-02-17 06:10:32 UTC
VenominaSpiderHit Max2016-02-17 06:16:01 UTC
XalizardSnakeElemental Hit Min2016-02-17 07:04:47 UTC
pierre CHTSnakeBlocked Water2016-02-17 07:49:06 UTC
VenominaSpiderDrop: Chainmail Shield2016-02-17 08:54:35 UTC
VenominaMouseBlocked Objects2016-02-17 09:13:33 UTC
VenominaSpiderBlocked Mountains2016-02-17 09:15:46 UTC
pierre CHTSnake CornBlocked Water2016-02-17 11:15:30 UTC
pierre CHTSnake CornDrop: Gold2016-02-17 11:16:56 UTC
XalizardMouseElemental Hit Max2016-02-17 12:39:07 UTC
pierre CHTSpiderWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-17 12:51:11 UTC
pierreCHTpSnakeBlocked Mountains2016-02-17 15:28:43 UTC
pierreCHTpMouseArmor2016-02-17 16:23:12 UTC
pierreCHTpSnake CornDrop: Serpent Belt2016-02-17 17:16:02 UTC
pierre CHTSpiderBlocked Water2016-02-17 18:21:38 UTC
MatoSpiderElemental Armor2016-02-17 19:16:59 UTC
MatoSpiderStrength2016-02-17 19:18:58 UTC
Crazy ClownBatMovement Speed2016-02-17 20:41:16 UTC
MatoSpiderMovement Speed2016-02-17 21:22:29 UTC
FrostavengerSpiderDrop: Cloth Covered Shield2016-02-18 02:17:53 UTC
FrostavengerSpiderDrop: Wooden Wand2016-02-18 02:27:15 UTC
XalizardSpiderBlocked Objects2016-02-18 05:18:58 UTC
pierre CHTFrogDrop: Wood Bludgeon2016-02-18 09:06:13 UTC
pierre CHTMouseBlocked Water2016-02-18 12:32:03 UTC
FrostavengerSnakeDescription2016-02-18 17:34:13 UTC
MatoSpiderFaction Id2016-02-18 20:47:05 UTC
MatoFrogDrop: Robe Headband2016-02-18 20:53:35 UTC
MatoMouseDrop: Bread Loaves2016-02-18 23:52:02 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmDrop: Robe Sandles2016-02-19 01:54:24 UTC
DysupSnakeFaction Id2016-02-19 14:35:56 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmIntelligence2016-02-19 16:14:52 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmElemental Hit Min2016-02-19 19:35:26 UTC
MatoMouseHit Max2016-02-19 22:53:41 UTC
MatoMouseStrength2016-02-19 22:53:44 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmAction Distance2016-02-19 23:19:50 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmDrop: Huge Mushroom2016-02-19 23:46:08 UTC
FrostavengerCockroachesDrop: Cockroach Leg2016-02-20 00:36:11 UTC
MatoFrogBlocked Mountains2016-02-20 12:16:19 UTC
DysupFire MitesConstitution2016-02-20 12:44:14 UTC
DysupMouseConstitution2016-02-20 14:07:13 UTC
DysupSnake CoralFaction Id2016-02-20 14:19:48 UTC
MatoMouseDrop: Lead Pike2016-02-20 14:31:25 UTC
MatoMouseSpawn Rate2016-02-20 14:51:34 UTC
MatoSnake CoralDrop: Robe Satchel2016-02-20 16:01:48 UTC
MatoSnake KingArmor2016-02-20 16:26:01 UTC
FrostavengerWater BugsDrop: Scroll Of Freeze2016-02-20 18:46:23 UTC
MatoMouseDexterity2016-02-20 21:12:21 UTC
MatoCockroachesDrop: Cloth Pants2016-02-20 21:15:10 UTC
MatoMouseDescription2016-02-20 22:34:14 UTC
MatoWraithDrop: Decorative Spear2016-02-20 23:15:11 UTC
MatoMouseDrop: Cloth Belt2016-02-20 23:37:25 UTC
MatoMouseIntelligence2016-02-20 23:48:33 UTC
XalizardSnake CornStrength2016-02-21 04:13:47 UTC
pierre CHTMouseFaction Id2016-02-21 04:49:22 UTC
DysupSnake CoralDrop: Chainmail Coif2016-02-21 06:49:12 UTC
DysupSnake CornWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-21 07:14:39 UTC
pierre CHTMouseElemental Hit Min2016-02-21 10:01:47 UTC
pierre CHTMouseDrop: Lead Round Mace2016-02-21 10:08:14 UTC
DysupFire MitesSpawn Rate2016-02-21 10:36:48 UTC
MatoFrogWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-21 16:27:37 UTC
DysupSnake CoralWalk Distance2016-02-21 16:34:01 UTC
DysupFire MitesDrop: Wooden Bow2016-02-21 17:10:42 UTC
MatoCockroachesBlocked Water2016-02-21 17:34:51 UTC
CrixusFire MitesDescription2016-02-21 17:36:45 UTC
MatoMouseAction Distance2016-02-21 17:50:45 UTC
CrixusSnake CornIntelligence2016-02-21 18:15:29 UTC
MatoWraithArmor2016-02-21 19:39:33 UTC
FrostavengerBearWalk Distance2016-02-21 22:51:34 UTC
FrostavengerHarpyDrop: Arrows Of Steel2016-02-22 01:21:44 UTC
XalizardWraithHit Min2016-02-22 03:58:31 UTC
FrostavengerFlea SwarmElemental Hit Max2016-02-22 04:20:04 UTC
pierre CHTMouseHit Speed2016-02-22 06:27:25 UTC
MatoHarpyBlocked Objects2016-02-22 10:34:43 UTC
MatoMoltenElemental Armor2016-02-22 11:49:35 UTC
CrixusSnake CornDrop: Berries2016-02-22 12:32:09 UTC
DysupFire MitesDrop: Lead Dagger2016-02-22 12:50:41 UTC
MatoHarpyDexterity2016-02-22 13:00:36 UTC
MatoHarpyBlocked Mountains2016-02-22 14:08:06 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonDrop: Arm Bone2016-02-22 21:40:48 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonWalk Distance2016-02-22 21:48:36 UTC
MatoHarpyDrop: Eucalyptus Sprig2016-02-22 22:15:42 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonStrength2016-02-22 22:54:35 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonElemental Hit Min2016-02-23 00:38:03 UTC
FrostavengerGiant BeeDrop: Lily Pink2016-02-23 03:59:00 UTC
FrostavengerGiant BeeDrop: Linen Cuff2016-02-23 04:16:41 UTC
CrixusSnake CornDrop: Robe Breeches2016-02-23 09:47:09 UTC
MatoSkeletonHit Min2016-02-23 19:37:16 UTC
MatoSkeletonBlocked Objects2016-02-23 21:01:36 UTC
MatoSkeletonElemental Hit Max2016-02-23 21:02:37 UTC
MatoHarpySpawn Rate2016-02-23 21:33:49 UTC
MatoMoltenAction Distance2016-02-23 23:44:12 UTC
FrostavengerCyclopsBlocked Mountains2016-02-24 02:19:35 UTC
FrostavengerGiant BeeWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-24 02:33:41 UTC
FrostavengerCyclopsSpawn Rate2016-02-24 02:54:07 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonElemental Armor2016-02-24 03:45:40 UTC
IcelordFrogArmor2016-02-24 04:32:30 UTC
IcelordFrogSpawn Rate2016-02-24 04:53:30 UTC
IcelordFrogBlocked Objects2016-02-24 05:29:57 UTC
IcelordFrogBlocked Water2016-02-24 05:34:07 UTC
IcelordSpiderDrop: Glass Vial Small2016-02-24 06:07:05 UTC
FrostavengerGiant BeeDexterity2016-02-24 07:24:37 UTC
CrixusSnakeDexterity2016-02-24 08:56:20 UTC
DysupFrogElemental Hit Min2016-02-24 14:11:25 UTC
DysupSnake CoralDrop: Snake Fang2016-02-24 14:49:34 UTC
DysupSnake CornHit Min2016-02-24 15:42:24 UTC
DysupSnake CornSpawn Rate2016-02-24 15:55:02 UTC
spoonSkeletonConstitution2016-02-24 18:43:46 UTC
MatoCyclopsElemental Hit Max2016-02-24 18:45:07 UTC
MatoHarpyWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-24 18:53:46 UTC
spoonShadeBlocked Mountains2016-02-24 18:58:46 UTC
MatoSkeletonBlocked Mountains2016-02-24 19:59:33 UTC
MatoSkeletonBlocked Water2016-02-24 20:02:57 UTC
FrostavengerMoltenBlocked Objects2016-02-24 20:06:47 UTC
MatoSkeletonDrop: Glass Bottle Small2016-02-24 20:22:50 UTC
FrostavengerMoltenDrop: Scroll Of Burn2016-02-24 20:37:38 UTC
MatoSkeletonDrop: Blunt Dagger2016-02-24 20:45:33 UTC
FrostavengerMoltenHit Min2016-02-24 21:13:54 UTC
CrixusSkeletonDexterity2016-02-24 21:34:29 UTC
spoonFrogWalk Distance2016-02-24 21:49:24 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonSpawn Rate2016-02-24 21:52:49 UTC
MatoSkeletonIntelligence2016-02-24 21:56:19 UTC
spoonFrogDrop: Scroll Of Drown2016-02-24 22:03:58 UTC
CrixusHarpyDrop: Apples2016-02-24 22:10:52 UTC
MatoSkeletonArmor2016-02-24 22:33:46 UTC
CrixusMoltenFaction Id2016-02-24 22:39:25 UTC
FrostavengerFlea SwarmBlocked Water2016-02-24 23:38:07 UTC
FrostavengerBearDrop: Steel Axe2016-02-25 03:23:05 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonMovement Speed2016-02-25 03:50:25 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonFaction Id2016-02-25 04:06:34 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonDrop: Barbarian Sword2016-02-25 04:09:42 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonDrop: Bolts Of Steel2016-02-25 04:10:42 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonDescription2016-02-25 04:28:33 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonDrop: Gold2016-02-25 04:47:51 UTC
FrostavengerSkeletonHit Max2016-02-25 04:57:30 UTC
CrixusSkeletonWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-25 08:52:55 UTC
CrixusSkeletonAction Distance2016-02-25 08:57:07 UTC
CrixusSkeletonHit Speed2016-02-25 10:21:28 UTC
DysupFire MitesDrop: Scroll Of Burn2016-02-25 13:40:40 UTC
DysupSnake CoralAction Distance2016-02-25 15:19:30 UTC
DysupFire MitesMovement Speed2016-02-26 14:16:11 UTC
VenomosSnake CoralDrop: Cloth Footwraps2016-02-27 03:31:57 UTC
VenomosSnakeDrop: Cloth Scarf2016-02-27 03:50:54 UTC
VenomosFrogAction Distance2016-02-27 04:07:03 UTC
XalizardFire MitesBlocked Water2016-02-27 04:31:14 UTC
FrostavengerShadeHit Speed2016-02-27 05:44:43 UTC
FrostavengerShadeIntelligence2016-02-27 06:17:04 UTC
FrostavengerShadeDescription2016-02-27 07:02:30 UTC
CrixusBearElemental Hit Min2016-02-27 17:45:21 UTC
CrixusBearDrop: Tambaqui2016-02-27 19:37:52 UTC
CrixusMouseWalk Distance During Attack2016-02-27 19:46:10 UTC
CrixusFrogHit Speed2016-02-27 19:48:35 UTC
DysupFrogElemental Hit Max2016-02-28 04:08:41 UTC
DysupSnakeBlocked Objects2016-02-28 04:12:09 UTC
DysupFire MitesFaction Id2016-02-28 04:13:30 UTC
DysupFire MitesDrop: Arrows Of Lead2016-02-28 04:36:58 UTC
DysupMouseDrop: Bolts Of Pine2016-02-28 04:55:18 UTC
DysupWraithMovement Speed2016-02-28 05:56:30 UTC
DysupMouseElemental Armor2016-02-28 11:50:13 UTC
DysupMouseBlocked Mountains2016-02-28 12:16:37 UTC
CrixusBearBlocked Mountains2016-02-28 19:09:42 UTC
CrixusHarpyDrop: Linen Gloves2016-02-28 19:15:03 UTC
CrixusHarpyElemental Hit Max2016-02-28 19:33:43 UTC
MatoFlea SwarmDrop: Mana Bottle Small2016-02-28 19:49:39 UTC
CrixusHarpyDrop: Health Bottle Small2016-02-28 19:58:08 UTC
CrixusSwamp MuckHit Speed2016-02-28 20:56:58 UTC
FrostavengerRavenElemental Armor2016-02-28 21:02:17 UTC
CrixusWerewolfStrength2016-02-28 21:12:02 UTC
FrostavengerRavenDrop: Steel Spear2016-02-28 21:12:52 UTC
FrostavengerHydraConstitution2016-02-28 21:28:03 UTC
FrostavengerHydraIntelligence2016-02-28 21:31:59 UTC
DEV ProskierBearFaction Id2016-02-28 21:42:57 UTC
DEV ProskierShadeConstitution2016-02-28 21:44:38 UTC
CrixusRavenStrength2016-02-28 21:46:52 UTC
FrostavengerYettiDrop: Studded Leather Brigandine2016-02-28 22:32:57 UTC
FrostavengerWolfDescription2016-02-28 23:01:31 UTC
MatoGolemIntelligence2016-02-28 23:38:03 UTC
FrostavengerWolfDrop: Holly Berries2016-02-29 00:09:57 UTC
MatoWerewolfBlocked Water2016-02-29 00:19:46 UTC
DysupMouseHit Min2016-02-29 14:15:02 UTC
FrostavengerShadeFaction Id2016-02-29 14:38:52 UTC
FrostavengerShadeHit Min2016-02-29 14:38:59 UTC
MatoHydraDrop: Steel Club2016-02-29 15:09:45 UTC
MatoSkeletonDrop: Viking Helmet2016-02-29 15:11:59 UTC
MatoGolemMovement Speed2016-02-29 16:43:40 UTC
FrostavengerGolemDrop: Bronze Boots2016-02-29 16:45:30 UTC
FrostavengerGolemWalk Distance2016-02-29 17:06:02 UTC
FrostavengerGolemAction Distance2016-02-29 17:42:52 UTC
FrostavengerGolemSpawn Rate2016-02-29 18:15:33 UTC
FrostavengerGolemElemental Hit Min2016-02-29 19:37:54 UTC
FrostavengerVampireDrop: Gold2016-02-29 20:08:49 UTC
FrostavengerVampireDrop: Linen Slippers2016-02-29 20:19:35 UTC
FrostavengerVampireDrop: Speckled Rod2016-02-29 20:35:25 UTC
MatoWerewolfWalk Distance2016-02-29 20:35:44 UTC
FrostavengerVampireHit Speed2016-02-29 20:49:24 UTC
FrostavengerVampire BatDrop: Gold2016-02-29 20:51:26 UTC
FrostavengerVampire BatBlocked Mountains2016-02-29 21:05:16 UTC
FrostavengerVampireDrop: Katana2016-02-29 21:07:47 UTC
MatoRavenArmor2016-02-29 21:29:03 UTC
MatoGolemFaction Id2016-02-29 22:53:04 UTC
FrostavengerGolemBlocked Mountains2016-02-29 23:23:32 UTC
GroulBatFaction Id2016-02-29 23:34:08 UTC
FrostavengerEttinIntelligence2016-02-29 23:43:36 UTC
FrostavengerEttinDrop: Mana Bottle Large2016-03-01 00:04:18 UTC
FrostavengerEttinDrop: Skull2016-03-01 00:11:26 UTC
GroulBatBlocked Mountains2016-03-01 00:26:34 UTC
GroulBatDrop: Bat Wing2016-03-01 00:36:38 UTC
GroulBatStrength2016-03-01 00:37:12 UTC
DysupMouseDrop: Arrows Of Pine2016-03-01 14:30:12 UTC
MatoVampireSpawn Rate2016-03-01 16:44:07 UTC
MatoCyclopsAction Distance2016-03-01 17:37:59 UTC
MatoFlea SwarmDexterity2016-03-01 17:55:00 UTC
MatoVampireMovement Speed2016-03-01 18:00:15 UTC
MatoShadeElemental Hit Max2016-03-01 18:21:52 UTC
MatoYettiHit Speed2016-03-01 19:22:12 UTC
MatoStone GiantHit Max2016-03-01 21:16:09 UTC
MatoEttinMovement Speed2016-03-01 22:54:51 UTC
MatoYettiAction Distance2016-03-01 23:38:14 UTC
MatoFlea SwarmWalk Distance2016-03-02 00:35:28 UTC
FrostavengerEttinSpawn Rate2016-03-02 01:00:50 UTC
FrostavengerEttinDrop: Dragon Scale Shield2016-03-02 01:09:26 UTC
FrostavengerEttinArmor2016-03-02 01:14:26 UTC
FrostavengerGolemBlocked Water2016-03-02 02:26:36 UTC
FrostavengerGolemDrop: Bronze Glaive2016-03-02 03:30:16 UTC
FrostavengerGolemDexterity2016-03-02 04:51:47 UTC
FrostavengerGolemDrop: Dragon Scale Gloves2016-03-02 05:11:28 UTC
FrostavengerYettiDrop: Gold2016-03-02 07:28:31 UTC
FrostavengerYettiElemental Hit Min2016-03-02 07:39:47 UTC
FrostavengerWolfHit Min2016-03-02 07:59:28 UTC
MatoYettiElemental Hit Max2016-03-02 10:57:43 UTC
MatoYettiDexterity2016-03-02 10:59:16 UTC
MatoYettiHit Max2016-03-02 11:21:55 UTC
MatoYettiDrop: Iron Sword2016-03-02 11:40:57 UTC
CrixusShadeBlocked Objects2016-03-02 12:11:56 UTC
MatoYettiElemental Armor2016-03-02 18:44:12 UTC
MatoYettiBlocked Water2016-03-02 18:54:44 UTC
MatoYettiDrop: Mana Vial Large2016-03-02 19:05:34 UTC
MatoEttinFaction Id2016-03-02 19:26:08 UTC
MatoYettiDrop: Iron Helm2016-03-02 21:37:41 UTC
MatoYettiDescription2016-03-02 21:49:17 UTC
FrostTestRavenElemental Hit Max2016-03-03 07:10:42 UTC
MatoYettiWalk Distance2016-03-03 21:13:43 UTC
MatoYettiFaction Id2016-03-03 21:18:27 UTC
MatoYettiBlocked Mountains2016-03-03 21:31:16 UTC
MatoWolfStrength2016-03-03 21:54:38 UTC
MatoWolfBlocked Objects2016-03-03 21:57:23 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Health Vial Medium2016-03-03 23:00:53 UTC
MatoWolfElemental Hit Min2016-03-03 23:02:18 UTC
MatoWolfElemental Armor2016-03-03 23:04:15 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Arrows Of Iron2016-03-03 23:04:38 UTC
MatoWolfMovement Speed2016-03-03 23:17:44 UTC
MatoWolfWalk Distance2016-03-03 23:28:11 UTC
MatoWolfBlocked Water2016-03-03 23:28:37 UTC
MatoWolfWalk Distance During Attack2016-03-04 17:46:04 UTC
MatoYettiMovement Speed2016-03-05 12:10:35 UTC
MatoWolfHit Speed2016-03-05 21:50:46 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Gold2016-03-05 21:58:01 UTC
MatoWolfIntelligence2016-03-05 22:02:35 UTC
MatoWolfSpawn Rate2016-03-05 22:16:59 UTC
MatoWolfHit Max2016-03-05 22:19:07 UTC
MatoWolfAction Distance2016-03-05 22:31:02 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Apples2016-03-05 22:37:43 UTC
MatoWolfConstitution2016-03-05 23:04:21 UTC
MatoWolfDexterity2016-03-06 15:26:38 UTC
MatoWolfArmor2016-03-06 15:36:06 UTC
MatoWolfBlocked Mountains2016-03-06 15:44:37 UTC
MatoWolfElemental Hit Max2016-03-06 15:48:18 UTC
MatoWolfFaction Id2016-03-06 15:57:48 UTC
MatoYettiIntelligence2016-03-07 16:31:25 UTC
MatoYettiHit Min2016-03-07 16:51:30 UTC
MatoYettiArmor2016-03-07 17:34:23 UTC
MatoYettiBlocked Objects2016-03-08 19:18:17 UTC
MatoYettiDrop: Cracked Axe2016-03-08 19:19:37 UTC
RegulatorBatDrop: Scroll Of Gust2016-03-20 15:51:03 UTC
CrusherSnake CoralElemental Hit Max2016-03-21 23:06:26 UTC
WangDanglesSnakeHit Speed2016-03-30 20:40:15 UTC
WangDanglesSnake CoralDrop: Snake Skin2016-03-30 21:48:42 UTC
WangDanglesFrogElemental Armor2016-03-30 21:55:18 UTC
HELLRAZZERSnakeElemental Hit Max2016-04-27 17:55:20 UTC
HELLRAZZERSnakeWalk Distance2016-04-27 18:03:04 UTC
HELLRAZZERCockroachesDescription2016-04-28 19:03:12 UTC
HELLRAZZERFrogConstitution2016-04-28 23:23:34 UTC
HELLRAZZERFrogStrength2016-04-28 23:37:36 UTC
LegyuBatSpawn Rate2016-04-30 12:34:27 UTC
LegyuSnake CoralConstitution2016-04-30 21:02:27 UTC
LegyuFrogFaction Id2016-04-30 21:36:54 UTC
LegyuSnake CoralDexterity2016-04-30 23:31:30 UTC
LegyuSnake CoralElemental Armor2016-04-30 23:55:27 UTC
MakkaSnakeConstitution2016-05-08 11:55:10 UTC
MakkaBlowfishIntelligence2016-05-08 15:33:41 UTC
MakkaSnake CoralHit Min2016-05-08 17:32:10 UTC
MakkaSnakeAction Distance2016-05-11 14:43:59 UTC
XarosBatElemental Hit Min2016-05-27 11:26:28 UTC
AdmoSnake CoralHit Speed2016-05-27 16:12:14 UTC
CokoJIRUSnakeElemental Armor2016-06-13 15:17:23 UTC
LufixCockroachesHit Min2016-06-15 01:56:23 UTC
LufixSnake CornArmor2016-06-17 18:17:31 UTC
LufixSnake CornHit Max2016-06-17 19:51:38 UTC
LufixSnake CornElemental Hit Max2016-06-17 19:51:58 UTC
LufixFrogDrop: Scroll Of Crush2016-06-18 02:53:25 UTC
LufixCockroachesDrop: Bolts Of Pine2016-06-18 02:56:11 UTC
LufixCockroachesDexterity2016-06-18 03:31:22 UTC
SaigaBatIntelligence2016-06-30 22:36:21 UTC
SaigaBatBlocked Objects2016-06-30 22:54:06 UTC
XalizardBearHit Speed2016-07-07 06:16:52 UTC
FrostavengerBearSpawn Rate2016-07-08 03:35:44 UTC
FrostavengerWerewolfDrop: Werewolf Hide2016-07-08 04:26:57 UTC
FrostavengerRavenDescription2016-07-08 04:30:51 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinWalk Distance2016-07-08 04:38:05 UTC
FrostavengerUndead MageDrop: Iron Axe2016-07-08 05:21:24 UTC
FrostavengerTormented SoulsHit Max2016-07-08 06:19:58 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchAction Distance2016-07-08 06:23:40 UTC
FrostavengerSharkHit Speed2016-07-08 06:52:06 UTC
FrostavengerPirateHit Speed2016-07-08 07:23:48 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchDescription2016-07-08 08:24:21 UTC
MatoSkeletonDrop: Bone Necklace2016-07-08 17:44:46 UTC
MatoVampireDrop: Skull2016-07-08 17:48:19 UTC
MatoMummyFaction Id2016-07-08 21:53:05 UTC
FrostavengerImpMovement Speed2016-07-08 22:05:04 UTC
FrostavengerLizardMovement Speed2016-07-09 03:22:40 UTC
FrostavengerLizardBlocked Objects2016-07-09 03:45:41 UTC
FrostavengerWolfDrop: Studded Leather Bolt2016-07-09 04:10:57 UTC
FrostavengerUndead MageElemental Hit Min2016-07-09 09:15:21 UTC
FrostavengerUndead MageBlocked Objects2016-07-09 09:23:35 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantBlocked Objects2016-07-09 09:42:58 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-09 09:58:31 UTC
MatoImpBlocked Mountains2016-07-09 17:05:35 UTC
FrostavengerTrollDrop: Mystic Belt2016-07-09 17:50:09 UTC
FrostavengerTrollHit Min2016-07-09 17:57:22 UTC
FrostavengerTrollDescription2016-07-09 20:28:08 UTC
FrostavengerTrollHit Max2016-07-09 20:37:07 UTC
FrostavengerTrollWalk Distance2016-07-09 21:12:33 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinFaction Id2016-07-09 23:25:38 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinHit Max2016-07-10 12:22:45 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-10 13:31:55 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinDescription2016-07-10 13:40:34 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinDrop: Arrows Of Bronze2016-07-10 14:45:34 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinElemental Hit Max2016-07-10 15:15:45 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinDrop: Bronze Dagger2016-07-10 16:11:35 UTC
FrostavengerTrollDexterity2016-07-10 22:15:17 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantWalk Distance2016-07-11 10:09:42 UTC
BloodlustSnakeDrop: Robe Scrap2016-07-11 11:29:02 UTC
BloodlustFrogDrop: Frog Skin2016-07-11 13:41:35 UTC
BloodlustFrogHit Min2016-07-11 13:48:29 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantDrop: Long Bow2016-07-12 00:44:16 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantArmor2016-07-12 00:56:09 UTC
FrostavengerSpore SwarmWalk Distance2016-07-12 01:37:45 UTC
FrostavengerSharkElemental Hit Min2016-07-12 02:13:39 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDrop: Steel Cutlass2016-07-12 02:17:13 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDexterity2016-07-12 11:59:06 UTC
FrostavengerSharkIntelligence2016-07-12 12:49:06 UTC
FrostavengerSharkAction Distance2016-07-12 13:41:09 UTC
FrostavengerPirateConstitution2016-07-12 14:10:32 UTC
FrostavengerPirate CaptainSpawn Rate2016-07-12 18:32:02 UTC
FrostavengerPirateElemental Hit Min2016-07-12 18:53:23 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchBlocked Mountains2016-07-12 19:16:53 UTC
FrostavengerPirateElemental Armor2016-07-12 20:36:29 UTC
BloodlustSpore SwarmFaction Id2016-07-13 06:56:28 UTC
BloodlustSpore SwarmDrop: Health Vial Small2016-07-13 07:13:59 UTC
BloodlustBatDexterity2016-07-13 07:40:29 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDescription2016-07-13 08:42:27 UTC
FrostavengerPirateArmor2016-07-13 08:53:55 UTC
FrostavengerPirateSpawn Rate2016-07-13 08:55:07 UTC
BloodlustWraithBlocked Objects2016-07-13 09:19:56 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDrop: Gold2016-07-13 09:46:59 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDrop: Ale2016-07-13 10:06:24 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchHit Min2016-07-13 10:08:52 UTC
FrostavengerPirate CaptainArmor2016-07-13 10:38:50 UTC
FrostavengerPirateHit Max2016-07-13 10:52:24 UTC
FrostavengerPirateDrop: Pirate Belt2016-07-13 10:58:02 UTC
FrostavengerPirateElemental Hit Max2016-07-13 11:05:55 UTC
BloodlustBearDrop: Anchovy2016-07-13 11:19:16 UTC
BloodlustBearIntelligence2016-07-13 11:31:48 UTC
BloodlustBearAction Distance2016-07-13 11:39:04 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchElemental Armor2016-07-13 11:39:56 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchStrength2016-07-13 11:52:32 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchWalk Distance2016-07-13 12:29:15 UTC
FrostavengerPirate WenchDexterity2016-07-13 13:08:42 UTC
BloodlustBearElemental Armor2016-07-13 13:08:48 UTC
FrostavengerPirateStrength2016-07-13 13:10:23 UTC
FrostavengerTormented SoulsArmor2016-07-13 13:19:22 UTC
FrostavengerTormented SoulsDrop: Mana Bottle Medium2016-07-13 13:26:46 UTC
FrostavengerMummyMovement Speed2016-07-13 14:35:05 UTC
FrostavengerMummyAction Distance2016-07-13 15:29:19 UTC
FrostavengerMummyDexterity2016-07-13 16:35:02 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurBlocked Objects2016-07-13 17:05:06 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurHit Min2016-07-13 17:12:43 UTC
BloodlustPirateMovement Speed2016-07-13 17:35:41 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurBlocked Mountains2016-07-13 19:06:22 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurElemental Hit Max2016-07-13 21:02:38 UTC
BloodlustVampire BatWalk Distance2016-07-14 07:46:41 UTC
BloodlustVampireIntelligence2016-07-14 07:50:40 UTC
FrostavengerYettiWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-14 08:26:24 UTC
BloodlustVampireBlocked Mountains2016-07-14 09:42:12 UTC
pierreCHTtBatHit Speed2016-07-14 10:06:08 UTC
FrostavengerHydraDrop: Leather Cap2016-07-14 10:31:21 UTC
FrostavengerImpFaction Id2016-07-14 10:42:18 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchIntelligence2016-07-14 11:07:43 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchElemental Hit Max2016-07-14 11:26:26 UTC
FrostavengerImpWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-14 12:28:09 UTC
BloodlustPirateDrop: Ceramic Mug2016-07-14 13:20:46 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantBlocked Water2016-07-14 13:22:21 UTC
pierreCHTtCockroachesHit Max2016-07-14 13:27:50 UTC
BloodlustPirateHit Min2016-07-14 13:49:02 UTC
BloodlustPirateFaction Id2016-07-14 14:47:47 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchDrop: Pirate Hook2016-07-14 15:13:36 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurDrop: Bolts Of Iron2016-07-14 15:20:25 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurDescription2016-07-14 15:20:47 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurWalk Distance2016-07-14 15:56:25 UTC
BloodlustPirateBlocked Mountains2016-07-14 16:25:29 UTC
BloodlustSharkElemental Armor2016-07-14 16:35:20 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchDrop: Pirate Cuff2016-07-14 16:46:30 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchHit Max2016-07-14 17:48:12 UTC
BloodlustPirateBlocked Objects2016-07-14 17:53:29 UTC
BloodlustPirateDrop: Pirate Boots2016-07-14 18:14:04 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-14 18:22:05 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurAction Distance2016-07-14 18:53:21 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchSpawn Rate2016-07-14 19:03:50 UTC
BloodlustPirate WenchFaction Id2016-07-14 19:24:20 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurDexterity2016-07-14 19:27:35 UTC
MakkaBearDescription2016-07-14 19:28:12 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurDrop: Gold2016-07-14 20:57:25 UTC
BloodlustSharkWalk Distance2016-07-15 04:14:37 UTC
BloodlustPirateDrop: Bolts Of Iron2016-07-15 04:20:25 UTC
BloodlustPirateWalk Distance2016-07-15 04:26:03 UTC
BloodlustLizardDrop: Silk Bolt2016-07-15 06:32:36 UTC
BloodlustLizardDrop: Studded Leather Shield2016-07-15 06:34:14 UTC
BloodlustLizardWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-15 06:57:12 UTC
BloodlustYettiStrength2016-07-15 07:09:31 UTC
BloodlustYettiSpawn Rate2016-07-15 12:28:17 UTC
BloodlustYettiConstitution2016-07-15 12:36:06 UTC
BloodlustEntDescription2016-07-15 13:06:19 UTC
MakkaWraithHit Max2016-07-15 13:47:43 UTC
BloodlustYettiDrop: Health Vial Large2016-07-15 13:48:11 UTC
BloodlustImpWalk Distance2016-07-15 16:21:41 UTC
MakkaBearMovement Speed2016-07-15 16:25:13 UTC
BloodlustSharkBlocked Mountains2016-07-15 18:28:21 UTC
BloodlustTormented SoulsHit Min2016-07-16 05:06:52 UTC
BloodlustUndead MageConstitution2016-07-16 06:32:06 UTC
BloodlustUndead MageDexterity2016-07-16 07:20:51 UTC
BloodlustYettiDrop: Snowball2016-07-16 08:20:03 UTC
BloodlustStone GiantDrop: Mystic Bolt2016-07-16 08:56:52 UTC
BloodlustStone GiantStrength2016-07-16 09:01:09 UTC
pierre CHTBlowfishDrop: Gold2016-07-16 09:04:47 UTC
pierre CHTVampire BatFaction Id2016-07-16 09:40:46 UTC
BloodlustTrollDrop: Glass Bottle Large2016-07-16 12:16:54 UTC
pierre CHTVampire BatStrength2016-07-16 12:26:55 UTC
pierreCHTtFire MitesElemental Hit Min2016-07-16 14:24:21 UTC
MakkaVampireAction Distance2016-07-16 16:24:09 UTC
BloodlustGolemHit Speed2016-07-16 18:57:36 UTC
MakkaVampire BatHit Max2016-07-16 19:16:51 UTC
MakkaVampire BatElemental Hit Min2016-07-16 19:43:57 UTC
MakkaVampireDrop: Steel Cuirass2016-07-16 19:55:34 UTC
MakkaVampireHit Min2016-07-16 20:24:13 UTC
MakkaVampire BatBlocked Water2016-07-16 20:33:01 UTC
MakkaVampire BatHit Min2016-07-17 07:34:18 UTC
BloodlustGolemHit Max2016-07-17 08:50:26 UTC
BloodlustStone GiantElemental Hit Max2016-07-17 09:00:02 UTC
BloodlustTrollBlocked Objects2016-07-17 10:36:58 UTC
BloodlustTrollMovement Speed2016-07-17 10:37:43 UTC
BloodlustTrollHit Speed2016-07-17 11:29:39 UTC
MakkaVampireDexterity2016-07-17 11:40:49 UTC
BloodlustMummyDescription2016-07-17 12:45:05 UTC
BloodlustMummyDrop: Bronze Curiass2016-07-17 13:22:17 UTC
MakkaPirateAction Distance2016-07-17 15:26:12 UTC
BloodlustGoblinDrop: Health Bottle Large2016-07-17 15:39:13 UTC
BloodlustEttinWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-17 16:26:21 UTC
BloodlustMummyHit Min2016-07-17 17:07:19 UTC
BloodlustMummyBlocked Objects2016-07-17 17:42:51 UTC
BloodlustMummySpawn Rate2016-07-17 18:12:55 UTC
BloodlustSludgeWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-17 18:13:16 UTC
BloodlustMummyElemental Hit Max2016-07-17 18:41:54 UTC
BloodlustMummyWalk Distance During Attack2016-07-17 18:43:23 UTC
BloodlustSludgeBlocked Mountains2016-07-18 08:41:10 UTC
BloodlustMummyHit Max2016-07-18 09:47:18 UTC
MakkaPirateBlocked Water2016-07-18 18:00:47 UTC
pierre CHTBlowfishDrop: Arrows Of Maple2016-07-19 05:23:53 UTC
BloodlustMummyElemental Hit Min2016-07-19 05:36:53 UTC
pierre CHTWraithDescription2016-07-19 05:59:47 UTC
BloodlustEttinBlocked Mountains2016-07-19 15:12:59 UTC
MakkaVampire BatDescription2016-07-19 16:58:27 UTC
BloodlustSludgeDrop: Dragon Scale Schynbalds2016-07-20 08:14:59 UTC
BloodlustSludgeHit Speed2016-07-20 08:58:34 UTC
MakkaPirateIntelligence2016-07-20 14:15:48 UTC
BloodlustSludgeAction Distance2016-07-20 14:53:07 UTC
BloodlustCentaurDrop: Wind Spear2016-07-21 07:44:31 UTC
BloodlustCentaurBlocked Water2016-07-21 07:50:39 UTC
MakkaVampire BatAction Distance2016-07-21 13:41:53 UTC
MakkaPirate WenchDrop: Pirate Belt2016-07-25 14:42:05 UTC
MakkaWraithSpawn Rate2016-07-26 13:21:41 UTC
FrostavengerSludgeDrop: Gold2016-08-22 06:45:37 UTC
FrostavengerSludgeElemental Hit Min2016-08-22 06:52:08 UTC
tawazBatHit Min2016-09-14 13:05:43 UTC
LucyBatHit Max2016-09-23 06:22:43 UTC
KlintSnake KingDexterity2016-10-22 19:23:33 UTC
KlintBlowfishDrop: Chainmail Belt2016-10-22 19:59:40 UTC
KlintBatArmor2016-10-23 04:59:12 UTC
agarabiBatDescription2017-01-07 09:55:53 UTC
MokouBatBlocked Water2017-01-07 14:52:41 UTC
MokouBatConstitution2017-01-07 17:05:46 UTC
akarinSnake CornAction Distance2017-01-08 06:16:59 UTC
akarinSpore SwarmStrength2017-01-08 06:29:02 UTC
MokouSnake CornWalk Distance2017-01-08 07:25:18 UTC
akarinCockroachesIntelligence2017-01-08 08:40:14 UTC
MokouWraithBlocked Water2017-01-13 14:24:30 UTC
pierre CHTBearBlocked Objects2017-02-10 17:10:58 UTC
pierreCHTpBatElemental Hit Max2017-02-11 05:38:34 UTC
meepoBatElemental Armor2017-02-12 19:27:37 UTC
pierre CHTCyclopsStrength2017-02-15 14:29:30 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsDrop: Iron Morning Star2017-02-15 14:53:01 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsDexterity2017-02-15 14:55:42 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsSpawn Rate2017-02-15 14:57:13 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsDrop: Silk Gloves2017-02-19 05:50:08 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsWalk Distance During Attack2017-02-19 08:49:00 UTC
pierre CHTTormented SoulsHit Speed2017-02-19 09:20:39 UTC
FrostavengerGiantBlocked Mountains2017-02-20 04:12:29 UTC
pierre CHTHarpyElemental Armor2017-02-20 12:19:00 UTC
pierre CHTHarpyConstitution2017-02-20 12:20:29 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkHit Max2017-02-20 14:04:11 UTC
FrostavengerGiantDrop: Ballista2017-02-20 14:33:35 UTC
FrostavengerLizardHit Min2017-02-20 14:59:03 UTC
FrostavengerImpHit Min2017-02-20 15:48:41 UTC
FrostavengerImpHit Speed2017-02-20 15:54:49 UTC
FrostavengerImpDrop: Shard Of Inferno2017-02-20 16:09:59 UTC
FrostavengerImpDrop: Health Bottle Medium2017-02-20 16:20:12 UTC
FrostavengerImpElemental Hit Min2017-02-20 16:30:58 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Barbarian Legplates2017-02-20 17:04:18 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanBlocked Water2017-02-20 18:42:14 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian XbowmanBlocked Water2017-02-20 22:20:23 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian XbowmanBlocked Objects2017-02-20 22:24:12 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanDrop: Barbarian Belt2017-02-20 22:44:47 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanWalk Distance2017-02-20 23:31:08 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian MageHit Speed2017-02-20 23:37:55 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2017-02-20 23:39:10 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian MageStrength2017-02-21 00:37:47 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanSpawn Rate2017-02-21 00:54:10 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Gold2017-02-21 01:06:36 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanElemental Hit Min2017-02-21 01:06:50 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanHit Speed2017-02-21 09:37:11 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanAction Distance2017-02-21 18:33:33 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanArmor2017-02-21 20:16:02 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Gold2017-02-21 21:04:00 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian XbowmanElemental Hit Max2017-02-21 21:08:37 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanWalk Distance During Attack2017-02-21 22:04:02 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Bronze Mace2017-02-22 00:43:49 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian XbowmanStrength2017-02-22 00:45:28 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanDescription2017-02-22 06:54:14 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanBlocked Mountains2017-02-22 07:17:13 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanElemental Hit Max2017-02-22 07:32:49 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanDrop: Bronze Axe2017-02-22 08:01:36 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanHit Speed2017-02-22 08:03:53 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanMovement Speed2017-02-22 08:22:46 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanStrength2017-02-22 08:44:03 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanDrop: Barbarian Boots2017-02-22 17:48:25 UTC
FrostavengerBarbarian AxemanElemental Armor2017-02-22 19:17:44 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkWalk Distance2017-02-23 00:26:42 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkBlocked Mountains2017-02-23 00:59:50 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkAction Distance2017-02-23 01:16:17 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkElemental Hit Min2017-02-23 01:20:18 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkDrop: Bronzed Crossbow2017-02-23 01:33:53 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkBlocked Water2017-02-23 01:47:23 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkIntelligence2017-02-23 02:07:24 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkDexterity2017-02-23 05:12:17 UTC
FrostavengerDeranged MonkElemental Hit Max2017-02-23 05:30:00 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Iron Morning Star2017-02-23 05:37:34 UTC
FrostavengerSirenHit Min2017-02-23 06:10:11 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterElemental Armor2017-02-23 06:15:24 UTC
FrostavengerSirenWalk Distance2017-02-23 06:47:42 UTC
pierre CHTPirate CaptainHit Speed2017-02-23 11:09:09 UTC
MatoGiantHit Speed2017-02-23 18:09:59 UTC
MatoWolfDrop: Shard Of Pelt2017-02-24 03:53:23 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonElemental Armor2017-02-24 04:07:44 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathHit Max2017-02-24 05:03:02 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathSpawn Rate2017-02-24 20:25:47 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathDrop: Dark Belt2017-02-24 20:37:30 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathElemental Hit Max2017-02-24 21:07:44 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathDescription2017-02-24 21:48:26 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManStrength2017-02-24 21:54:00 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathElemental Hit Min2017-02-25 04:06:56 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathBlocked Mountains2017-02-25 04:13:50 UTC
FrostavengerToxic DeathMovement Speed2017-02-25 04:36:13 UTC
FrostavengerDemonDrop: Shard Of Inferno2017-02-25 15:01:03 UTC
FrostavengerDemonBlocked Objects2017-02-25 15:03:37 UTC
FrostavengerDemonDrop: Gold2017-02-25 15:08:17 UTC
FrostavengerDemonWalk Distance2017-02-25 15:40:10 UTC
AegisBatDrop: Cloth Scrap2017-02-25 20:22:35 UTC
AegisBatDrop: Shard Of Birds2017-02-25 20:23:22 UTC
FrostavengerDemonElemental Hit Max2017-02-26 04:18:27 UTC
FrostavengerDemonHit Speed2017-02-26 04:48:07 UTC
FrostavengerDemonConstitution2017-02-26 05:33:17 UTC
AegisFrogDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-02-26 13:21:54 UTC
FrostavengerDemonIntelligence2017-02-26 18:29:23 UTC
FrostavengerDemonDrop: Gold Necklace Peridot2017-02-26 22:25:29 UTC
FrostavengerDemonElemental Armor2017-02-27 05:01:18 UTC
AegisSnake CornBlocked Objects2017-02-27 06:58:35 UTC
AegisHarpyHit Speed2017-02-27 12:21:34 UTC
AegisSkeletonDrop: Chest Of Weapons Small2017-02-27 16:10:57 UTC
AegisVampireHit Max2017-02-27 16:40:16 UTC
AegisHarpyMovement Speed2017-02-27 19:55:56 UTC
AegisSkeletonDrop: Shard Of Undead2017-02-27 20:05:51 UTC
FrostavengerDemonArmor2017-02-27 22:31:35 UTC
DEV ProskierBarbarian SwordsmanBlocked Mountains2017-02-27 22:53:30 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonDrop: Fire Sword2017-02-28 00:26:37 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonMovement Speed2017-02-28 01:28:57 UTC
AhnixBatWalk Distance2017-02-28 02:38:25 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonDrop: Gold Flakes2017-02-28 03:28:26 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManHit Speed2017-02-28 05:10:47 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonWalk Distance2017-02-28 06:19:52 UTC
AegisBearDrop: Leather Bolt2017-02-28 09:47:46 UTC
AegisPirateDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2017-02-28 13:21:43 UTC
LegendSnakeDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-02-28 14:41:53 UTC
LegendSnake CornHit Speed2017-02-28 15:00:37 UTC
LegendSnake CornElemental Armor2017-02-28 15:04:51 UTC
LegendSnake CoralDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-02-28 15:14:20 UTC
LegendSnake CornDescription2017-02-28 16:33:32 UTC
AegisPirate WenchBlocked Objects2017-02-28 18:00:40 UTC
AegisPirateWalk Distance During Attack2017-02-28 18:31:44 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonConstitution2017-02-28 20:34:16 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonElemental Hit Max2017-02-28 20:46:10 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonSpawn Rate2017-02-28 21:23:34 UTC
FrostavengerBog DemonHit Speed2017-02-28 21:24:33 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManMovement Speed2017-02-28 22:32:41 UTC
AegisTormented SoulsConstitution2017-03-01 15:04:44 UTC
AegisWolfDrop: Iron Dirk2017-03-01 18:46:23 UTC
PoofMouseDrop: Shard Of Pelt2017-03-03 03:11:46 UTC
PuffWraithBlocked Mountains2017-03-04 08:59:05 UTC
PoofSnake CornMovement Speed2017-03-06 23:49:42 UTC
foxDBearStrength2017-03-08 00:12:47 UTC
foxDBearWalk Distance During Attack2017-03-08 00:29:00 UTC
foxDHarpyDrop: Feather2017-03-08 01:44:14 UTC
foxDHarpyIntelligence2017-03-08 02:06:47 UTC
PoofVampireDrop: Bone Necklace2017-03-08 04:41:48 UTC
foxDShadeHit Max2017-03-08 05:09:18 UTC
PoofHarpyDescription2017-03-08 08:33:32 UTC
PoofVampire BatElemental Armor2017-03-08 08:41:41 UTC
PoofVampire BatWalk Distance During Attack2017-03-08 09:00:13 UTC
PoofSwamp MuckAction Distance2017-03-08 22:07:46 UTC
PoofSwamp MuckWalk Distance During Attack2017-03-08 22:31:11 UTC
PoofHarpyDrop: Bird Claw2017-03-08 22:37:07 UTC
foxDTormented SoulsDrop: Gold2017-03-09 03:01:03 UTC
foxDRavenHit Min2017-03-09 04:12:50 UTC
PoofHarpyDrop: Arrows Of Pine2017-03-09 04:56:46 UTC
PoofWraithDrop: Decorative Axe2017-03-09 23:57:46 UTC
foxDWerewolfBlocked Mountains2017-03-09 23:59:28 UTC
foxDWerewolfMovement Speed2017-03-10 00:08:13 UTC
foxDWerewolfDrop: Linen Shirt2017-03-10 00:12:18 UTC
PoofTormented SoulsWalk Distance2017-03-10 00:12:41 UTC
foxDCyclopsBlocked Water2017-03-10 01:08:05 UTC
foxDShadeDrop: Old Sycthe2017-03-10 03:07:44 UTC
foxDLizardHit Speed2017-03-10 04:12:54 UTC
PoofRavenHit Max2017-03-10 22:31:03 UTC
PoofRavenWalk Distance2017-03-11 00:54:54 UTC
PoofRavenDrop: Eyeball2017-03-11 01:40:18 UTC
foxDRavenDrop: Steel Helm2017-03-11 02:20:24 UTC
PoofRavenHit Speed2017-03-11 02:28:55 UTC
meepoCockroachesWalk Distance During Attack2017-03-11 23:26:22 UTC
foxDPirate WenchMovement Speed2017-03-12 00:15:16 UTC
foxDRavenWalk Distance During Attack2017-03-12 03:02:52 UTC
foxDRavenDrop: Chest Of Weapons Medium2017-03-12 03:10:28 UTC
PoofRavenConstitution2017-03-12 06:36:04 UTC
PoofRavenAction Distance2017-03-12 06:55:17 UTC
foxDImpBlocked Objects2017-03-12 07:35:59 UTC
foxDImpDrop: Crystaled Wand2017-03-12 07:41:11 UTC
foxDRavenIntelligence2017-03-12 08:40:42 UTC
foxDRavenBlocked Water2017-03-12 17:11:04 UTC
foxDIce CritterBlocked Water2017-03-12 22:05:01 UTC
foxDRavenDrop: Bird Claw2017-03-13 00:39:55 UTC
foxDRavenDexterity2017-03-13 00:42:09 UTC
PoofRavenElemental Hit Min2017-03-13 01:02:15 UTC
foxDLizardSpawn Rate2017-03-13 01:11:04 UTC
foxDLizardDescription2017-03-13 01:57:36 UTC
foxDLizardDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-03-13 02:00:28 UTC
PoofRavenMovement Speed2017-03-14 04:26:56 UTC
foxDIce CritterSpawn Rate2017-03-14 05:05:05 UTC
foxDIce CritterArmor2017-03-14 05:07:54 UTC
FrostavengerSirenDrop: Water Helm2017-03-14 05:19:16 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterDexterity2017-03-14 05:21:33 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterDrop: Gold Ring2017-03-14 05:37:53 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterHit Max2017-03-14 05:51:35 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterBlocked Objects2017-03-14 06:16:37 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterDrop: Gold2017-03-14 07:56:31 UTC
FrostavengerFrost KnightDrop: Gold2017-03-14 08:03:13 UTC
FrostavengerSirenConstitution2017-03-14 22:26:13 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterElemental Hit Min2017-03-14 22:32:20 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterAction Distance2017-03-15 04:20:17 UTC
FrostavengerSirenIntelligence2017-03-15 04:44:34 UTC
FrostavengerSirenDrop: Topaz2017-03-15 04:52:10 UTC
foxDPirate WenchElemental Hit Min2017-03-16 02:08:33 UTC
foxDTormented SoulsAction Distance2017-03-16 02:16:04 UTC
foxDImpArmor2017-03-16 04:18:39 UTC
foxDImpDrop: Gold Necklace2017-03-17 01:00:44 UTC
foxDImpDrop: Imp Blood2017-03-17 01:10:05 UTC
foxDImpElemental Armor2017-03-17 01:38:29 UTC
foxDImpDescription2017-03-17 01:41:41 UTC
foxDImpDrop: Iron Kite Shield2017-03-17 01:50:21 UTC
BrbaddSnake CornDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-03-22 08:05:30 UTC
BrbaddMouseDrop: Chest Of Weapons Tiny2017-03-22 08:14:05 UTC
BrbaddSnake CornDrop: Snake Skin2017-03-22 19:47:28 UTC
BrbaddCockroachesMovement Speed2017-03-22 19:59:33 UTC
KostiaNBearElemental Hit Max2017-03-22 21:38:07 UTC
VoinHarpyDrop: Shard Of Birds2017-03-25 20:25:15 UTC
foxDLizardDrop: Iron Dirk2017-03-25 22:36:28 UTC
VoinBearHit Min2017-03-26 16:32:57 UTC
foxDLizardConstitution2017-03-26 22:24:57 UTC
foxDLizardElemental Hit Max2017-03-26 22:34:50 UTC
foxDGiantBlocked Objects2017-03-26 23:53:44 UTC
foxDSwamp MuckMovement Speed2017-03-27 01:38:43 UTC
foxDIce CritterDrop: Chest Of Armor Medium2017-03-27 02:50:10 UTC
VoinHarpyArmor2017-03-29 18:38:43 UTC
VoinHarpyElemental Hit Min2017-03-30 18:33:59 UTC
VoinRavenDrop: Feather2017-03-30 18:49:25 UTC
VoinRavenDrop: Shard Of Birds2017-03-30 19:02:36 UTC
FrostavengerSirenMovement Speed2017-04-03 10:29:21 UTC
FrostavengerSirenHit Speed2017-04-03 10:49:25 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterDrop: Titanium Ring Peridot2017-04-03 11:02:18 UTC
foxDPirate CaptainStrength2017-04-03 23:44:01 UTC
foxDTrollAction Distance2017-04-04 04:23:47 UTC
foxDLizardWalk Distance2017-04-06 03:38:29 UTC
PoofIce CritterIntelligence2017-04-06 21:14:38 UTC
PoofIce CritterDrop: Scroll Of Greed2017-04-06 21:19:58 UTC
PoofIce CritterDrop: Shard Of Frost2017-04-06 21:21:18 UTC
foxDImpIntelligence2017-04-06 23:01:17 UTC
foxDImpDexterity2017-04-06 23:04:27 UTC
PoofIce CritterDrop: Gnarled Staff2017-04-06 23:25:29 UTC
foxDImpStrength2017-04-06 23:54:49 UTC
foxDImpAction Distance2017-04-07 01:14:43 UTC
foxDImpBlocked Water2017-04-07 01:58:58 UTC
foxDUndead MageBlocked Mountains2017-04-07 02:49:41 UTC
PoofRavenSpawn Rate2017-04-07 03:18:52 UTC
PoofRavenBlocked Mountains2017-04-07 03:27:18 UTC
PoofRavenBlocked Objects2017-04-07 03:39:19 UTC
FrostavengerSirenBlocked Objects2017-04-07 05:35:12 UTC
foxDUnicornDrop: Pouch Of Luck Large2017-04-07 22:27:48 UTC
foxDGiantMovement Speed2017-04-08 03:31:25 UTC
foxDLizardHit Max2017-04-08 03:47:03 UTC
foxDImpSpawn Rate2017-04-08 05:55:52 UTC
foxDLizardDrop: Letter Piece2017-04-08 15:56:32 UTC
foxDPirate WenchDrop: Ceramic Mug2017-04-08 17:23:10 UTC
foxDSharkHit Max2017-04-08 18:53:37 UTC
foxDLizardBlocked Water2017-04-08 19:43:47 UTC
foxDPirate WenchWalk Distance During Attack2017-04-09 02:24:21 UTC
foxDPirate WenchConstitution2017-04-09 03:23:42 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterHit Speed2017-04-09 04:11:40 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterConstitution2017-04-09 04:12:11 UTC
FrostavengerSirenStrength2017-04-09 04:41:23 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterMovement Speed2017-04-09 04:43:00 UTC
foxDTrollDrop: Dragon Scale Cuisses2017-04-09 05:41:05 UTC
foxDImpConstitution2017-04-09 21:49:56 UTC
foxDLizardDexterity2017-04-09 23:08:59 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantDescription2017-04-10 04:11:01 UTC
FrostavengerStone GiantMovement Speed2017-04-10 04:31:23 UTC
FrostavengerHell SpawnStrength2017-04-10 06:03:05 UTC
FrostavengerDemonElemental Hit Min2017-04-10 06:46:31 UTC
FrostavengerDemonHit Min2017-04-10 08:37:41 UTC
FrostavengerHell SpawnMovement Speed2017-04-11 00:45:13 UTC
foxDShadeDrop: Arrows Of Lead2017-04-11 00:50:51 UTC
foxDSpiritsDrop: Shard Of Cherubs2017-04-11 01:20:52 UTC
foxDSpiritsHit Max2017-04-11 01:25:04 UTC
foxDSpiritsBlocked Mountains2017-04-11 01:47:39 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManElemental Hit Max2017-04-11 03:02:36 UTC
foxDTrollElemental Hit Min2017-04-11 03:13:52 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManConstitution2017-04-11 03:42:55 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2017-04-11 03:54:46 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManHit Min2017-04-11 04:01:19 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManDrop: Sturdy Pole2017-04-11 04:44:42 UTC
FrostavengerLizard ManDescription2017-04-11 04:52:02 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurArmor2017-04-11 06:47:02 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurIntelligence2017-04-11 06:54:15 UTC
FrostavengerGoblinIntelligence2017-04-11 19:34:26 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanWalk Distance2017-04-11 22:52:17 UTC
foxDGiantElemental Hit Max2017-04-11 23:18:16 UTC
foxDLizardAction Distance2017-04-11 23:30:40 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanDescription2017-04-12 00:20:33 UTC
foxDLizardStrength2017-04-12 00:45:46 UTC
foxDStone GiantDrop: Silk Cuff2017-04-12 01:40:37 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanDexterity2017-04-12 02:31:06 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanAction Distance2017-04-12 02:52:35 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanDescription2017-04-12 03:53:58 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurHit Max2017-04-12 06:41:32 UTC
FrostavengerCentaurDrop: Long Bow2017-04-12 20:52:47 UTC
FrostavengerSirenDrop: Water Trident2017-04-12 21:09:33 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterDescription2017-04-12 21:12:39 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterWalk Distance2017-04-12 21:13:32 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterWalk Distance During Attack2017-04-12 21:23:41 UTC
FrostavengerIce CritterBlocked Mountains2017-04-12 21:26:35 UTC
FrostavengerSirenBlocked Water2017-04-12 21:26:48 UTC
foxDImpHit Max2017-04-13 01:15:05 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanWalk Distance2017-04-13 02:48:16 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanIntelligence2017-04-13 02:55:33 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanMovement Speed2017-04-13 03:49:52 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanHit Min2017-04-13 05:22:29 UTC
FrostavengerFrost KnightWalk Distance During Attack2017-04-13 08:25:24 UTC
FrostavengerSuccubusDrop: Ethereal Scrap2017-04-13 23:09:32 UTC
FrostavengerSludgeHit Max2017-04-14 00:20:42 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanHit Max2017-04-14 00:46:56 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Barbarian Chest2017-04-14 01:39:54 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanMovement Speed2017-04-14 01:50:53 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanHit Max2017-04-14 02:24:29 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanElemental Hit Max2017-04-14 02:46:46 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanStrength2017-04-14 03:10:32 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanHit Max2017-04-14 03:13:04 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanBlocked Objects2017-04-14 04:36:20 UTC
foxDGiantSpawn Rate2017-04-14 05:05:41 UTC
FrostavengerSludgeElemental Armor2017-04-14 07:03:24 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanHit Min2017-04-14 22:29:29 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanElemental Hit Min2017-04-14 22:43:15 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanWalk Distance During Attack2017-04-14 22:50:19 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2017-04-14 23:16:54 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanElemental Armor2017-04-14 23:28:30 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanConstitution2017-04-14 23:39:40 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanDrop: Gold2017-04-14 23:49:29 UTC
foxDBarbarian SwordsmanArmor2017-04-15 04:54:28 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanDexterity2017-04-15 06:25:24 UTC
PoofLizardDrop: Iron Belt2017-04-15 19:20:30 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Barbarian Helm2017-04-15 22:09:18 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Bronzed Crossbow2017-04-16 05:02:34 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanElemental Hit Min2017-04-16 05:39:11 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanConstitution2017-04-16 05:49:05 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2017-04-16 19:18:08 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanIntelligence2017-04-16 19:45:51 UTC
foxDStone GiantElemental Hit Min2017-04-16 22:34:41 UTC
foxDGolemElemental Hit Max2017-04-17 02:08:40 UTC
PoofLizardDrop: Silk Cuff2017-04-17 23:48:31 UTC
foxDLizardArmor2017-04-18 00:04:04 UTC
foxDLizardElemental Hit Min2017-04-18 00:14:12 UTC
foxDGoblinElemental Hit Min2017-04-18 02:29:02 UTC
foxDGoblinDrop: Dragon Scale Cuisses2017-04-18 02:47:39 UTC
foxDGoblinArmor2017-04-18 03:27:07 UTC
foxDGoblinMovement Speed2017-04-18 03:39:07 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanArmor2017-04-19 01:26:52 UTC
foxDFlea SwarmSpawn Rate2017-04-20 02:39:35 UTC
foxDGiantDescription2017-04-20 02:49:48 UTC
foxDGoblinElemental Armor2017-04-20 03:25:51 UTC
foxDTrollDrop: Bolts Of Bronze2017-04-20 03:52:51 UTC
foxDTrollConstitution2017-04-20 04:10:48 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanWalk Distance During Attack2017-04-20 23:51:41 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanHit Min2017-04-21 01:24:07 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanBlocked Water2017-04-21 01:45:05 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanElemental Armor2017-04-22 02:33:06 UTC
foxDBarbarian AxemanSpawn Rate2017-04-23 01:16:31 UTC
foxDEttinDrop: Elemental Polished Rock2017-04-23 01:58:20 UTC
FrostavengerHoly FlameBlocked Mountains2017-05-09 10:12:17 UTC
FrostavengerTrifidDescription2017-05-09 22:51:24 UTC
FrostavengerAngelArmor2017-05-10 08:50:42 UTC
ClosterCockroachesAction Distance2017-05-31 15:53:05 UTC
ClosterCockroachesElemental Armor2017-05-31 16:23:19 UTC
foxDGiantElemental Hit Min2017-07-25 01:31:33 UTC
foxDSpecterElemental Hit Max2017-07-25 05:21:10 UTC
foxDGiantElemental Armor2017-07-27 23:02:18 UTC
foxDGolemArmor2017-07-28 01:52:20 UTC
foxDGolemBlocked Objects2017-07-28 02:21:07 UTC
foxDGolemConstitution2017-07-28 22:41:25 UTC
ToxinFlea SwarmDrop: Bolts Of Birch2018-08-05 02:51:29 UTC
VenomosCockroachesDrop: Chainmail Sollerets2018-10-05 01:17:33 UTC
VenomosHarpyDrop: Steel Bow2018-10-05 03:56:44 UTC
VenomosFlea SwarmDrop: Scroll Of Stun2018-10-07 04:11:46 UTC
VenomosVampireWalk Distance2018-10-07 05:06:09 UTC
NepravilanCockroachesDrop: Shard Of Bugs2018-11-20 16:59:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCockroachesSpawn Rate2019-01-14 05:38:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBlowfishHit Min2019-01-15 06:30:43 UTC
PollyannaOpingCockroachesStrength2019-01-16 06:33:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesVampire BatDrop: Bone Necklace2019-01-20 19:48:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMoltenElemental Hit Min2019-01-23 06:40:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesVampire BatDrop: Polished Sword2019-01-23 07:42:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGiantWalk Distance2019-01-25 06:43:06 UTC
FrostavengerCursed Elite GuardWalk Distance2019-01-26 04:31:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesStingrayWalk Distance2019-01-26 05:16:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesImpDrop: Studded Leather Cap2019-01-26 06:59:30 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHarpyWalk Distance2019-01-26 21:12:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesStone GiantDrop: Steel Ore2019-01-28 00:48:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDeathDrop: Simple Blade2019-01-28 06:01:14 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLizardDrop: Gold2019-01-29 04:09:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCyclopsDrop: Steel Sabatons2019-02-01 05:46:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpiritsDrop: Elemental Holy Essence2019-02-01 06:52:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesUndead MageDrop: Gold2019-02-04 03:04:15 UTC
PuppyHarpyHit Min2019-05-10 06:49:22 UTC
PuppyHarpyStrength2019-05-10 07:00:24 UTC
PuppyHarpyHit Max2019-05-10 09:43:42 UTC
PuppyHarpyBlocked Water2019-05-10 15:47:02 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Sand Pear2019-08-18 04:15:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSharkStrength2019-08-20 03:14:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGoblinDexterity2019-08-21 03:16:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDullahanDescription2019-08-24 04:07:58 UTC
foxDTrollStrength2019-08-24 17:47:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesValkyrieIntelligence2019-08-25 02:33:56 UTC
foxDGolemStrength2019-08-25 03:13:07 UTC
foxDMummyBlocked Mountains2019-08-25 06:40:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDjinnWalk Distance2019-08-25 19:11:52 UTC
foxDBarbarian XbowmanAction Distance2019-08-26 02:38:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPirate WenchDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2019-08-26 03:23:44 UTC
foxDMummyConstitution2019-08-26 23:01:33 UTC
foxDMummyWalk Distance2019-08-27 01:08:50 UTC
foxDEttinBlocked Objects2019-08-27 22:43:00 UTC
foxDEttinDrop: Gold2019-08-27 23:54:01 UTC
foxDEttinWalk Distance2019-08-28 01:54:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEttinDrop: Earth Boots2019-08-28 02:22:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEttinBlocked Water2019-08-28 02:43:50 UTC
foxDEttinStrength2019-08-28 03:08:12 UTC
foxDGoblinSpawn Rate2019-08-28 04:39:07 UTC
foxDNymphWalk Distance2019-08-29 05:00:36 UTC
foxDMummyHit Speed2019-08-30 02:36:10 UTC
foxDMummyDrop: Mystic Cuff2019-08-30 22:13:28 UTC
foxDMummyDrop: Bronze Mace2019-09-01 01:29:29 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEntMovement Speed2019-09-01 05:05:46 UTC
foxDMummyBlocked Water2019-09-01 21:26:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEntHit Max2019-09-01 21:34:48 UTC
foxDMummyStrength2019-09-02 00:27:02 UTC
foxDMummyDrop: Dragon Scale Helmet2019-09-02 01:58:35 UTC
foxDSludgeDrop: Water Boots2019-09-02 06:26:02 UTC
foxDMummyDrop: Shard Of Undead2019-09-02 06:51:43 UTC
foxDSludgeConstitution2019-09-02 07:02:08 UTC
PuppyDeathBlocked Water2019-09-02 10:00:31 UTC
foxDMummyDrop: Blood Blade2019-09-02 15:19:32 UTC
foxDSirenDrop: Gold2019-09-02 22:20:45 UTC
foxDSirenSpawn Rate2019-09-03 03:13:24 UTC
foxDSirenDexterity2019-09-03 23:58:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirt BurrowerDrop: Copper Dust2019-09-05 05:22:27 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleDrop: Water Bow2019-09-06 04:06:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleDrop: Clay Pottery2019-09-07 05:03:12 UTC
foxDTrifidHit Speed2019-09-07 05:24:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleIntelligence2019-09-07 05:25:41 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleWalk Distance2019-09-07 18:22:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleArmor2019-09-07 18:52:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSalamander PoisonDexterity2019-09-07 22:24:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSalamanderWalk Distance During Attack2019-09-08 23:14:30 UTC
foxDCentaurDrop: Bronze Barbute2019-09-10 01:54:18 UTC
foxDFrost KnightDrop: Water Belt2019-09-14 21:24:14 UTC
foxDDeranged MonkMovement Speed2019-09-15 05:01:56 UTC
foxDToxic DeathDrop: Shard Of Undead2019-09-15 18:05:20 UTC
foxDDeranged MonkWalk Distance During Attack2019-09-21 17:56:19 UTC
FrostavengerAngelDrop: Holy Boots2019-09-22 22:02:49 UTC
FrostavengerFrozen HawkWalk Distance2019-09-22 22:22:10 UTC
AngelaIce CritterHit Min2019-09-23 18:50:41 UTC
AngelaIce CritterStrength2019-09-24 11:06:56 UTC
PuppyDirt BurrowerElemental Armor2019-09-29 04:03:50 UTC
PuppyDeathElemental Hit Max2019-09-29 21:38:34 UTC
PuppyStone GiantDrop: Health Beaker Medium2019-10-02 22:35:22 UTC
PuppyStone GiantElemental Armor2019-10-03 00:25:01 UTC
PuppyBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Barbarian Cuffs2019-10-09 09:45:32 UTC
PuppyBarbarian XbowmanHit Speed2019-10-10 13:31:26 UTC
PuppyBarbarian XbowmanDexterity2019-10-16 14:34:59 UTC
PuppyBarbarian AxemanDrop: Burnt Ash2019-10-24 06:56:25 UTC
PuppyBarbarian AxemanBlocked Objects2019-10-28 11:46:03 UTC
PuppyBarbarian XbowmanBlocked Mountains2019-10-29 00:39:15 UTC
TomekSnake CornDrop: Crucible2019-11-04 00:49:53 UTC
PuppyTurtleStrength2019-11-06 08:16:54 UTC
TomekSpiderDrop: Shard Of Bugs2019-11-07 03:04:13 UTC
TomekBearDrop: Honeycomb2019-11-12 04:31:11 UTC
TomekPirate WenchDrop: Ale2019-11-17 15:57:30 UTC
TomekSwamp MuckDexterity2019-11-28 04:07:19 UTC
TomekDeathBlocked Mountains2019-11-30 19:44:12 UTC
TomekGiantBlocked Water2019-12-12 02:28:07 UTC
TomekPirate WenchDrop: Gold2019-12-14 01:34:33 UTC
PLZxCockroachesDrop: Chest Of Armor Tiny2019-12-24 23:08:23 UTC
PLZxWraithStrength2019-12-25 10:16:32 UTC
PLZxVampireDrop: Silk Bolt2019-12-30 07:14:50 UTC
PLZxPirate WenchArmor2019-12-30 22:30:47 UTC
PLZxWerewolfWalk Distance During Attack2020-01-01 10:14:33 UTC
PLZxDjinnDrop: Basket Large2020-01-01 22:06:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSwamp MuckElemental Armor2020-01-01 22:25:03 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSwamp MuckDescription2020-01-04 05:46:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSwamp MuckArmor2020-01-04 07:31:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFlameDrop: Shard Of Inferno2020-01-06 05:46:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMoltenDrop: Scroll Of Leech2020-01-06 06:22:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMoltenDrop: Gold2020-01-06 06:32:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMoltenHit Max2020-01-06 06:35:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMoltenWalk Distance During Attack2020-01-06 06:37:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPirate WenchDrop: Silk Boots2020-01-23 07:49:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFrozen HawkElemental Hit Max2020-01-24 07:31:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDragon GreenBlocked Water2020-01-31 06:00:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoly FlameDrop: Shard Of Cherubs2020-02-01 09:33:53 UTC
TomekWater BugsArmor2020-03-18 04:46:38 UTC
TomekHarpyAction Distance2020-03-29 15:33:10 UTC
TomekHarpyDrop: Leather Shield2020-03-29 15:34:25 UTC
TomekWolfDrop: Gale Bow2020-04-01 23:38:18 UTC
TomekIce CritterElemental Hit Max2020-04-03 00:49:27 UTC
TomekImpDrop: Magic Bag2020-04-03 13:09:09 UTC
GooseCockroachesHit Speed2020-05-17 01:18:40 UTC
TomekRavenDrop: Mud Mace2020-06-01 05:17:31 UTC
TomekHarpyDrop: Linen Scrap2020-06-04 23:06:24 UTC
TomekVampire BatDrop: Steel Gauntlets2020-06-06 01:45:40 UTC
GooseSnake KingStrength2020-06-07 13:28:43 UTC
TomekFrozen HawkStrength2020-06-09 13:42:19 UTC
PromageBearArmor2020-06-21 22:18:25 UTC
PromageWater BugsBlocked Water2020-06-21 23:20:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtleBlocked Water2020-07-04 21:36:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCrabWalk Distance2020-07-04 21:40:22 UTC
BruthusCockroachesBlocked Objects2020-07-05 15:17:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBearDrop: Leather Boots2020-07-06 02:51:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesStone GiantDrop: Shard Of Giants2020-07-06 04:47:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEttinDrop: Blood Crossbow2020-07-06 05:38:37 UTC
GooseShadeDrop: Steel Cutlass2020-07-07 14:35:38 UTC
LotusDeathIntelligence2020-07-08 02:19:04 UTC
LotusShadeDrop: Bolts Of Lead2020-07-08 04:07:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesWraithElemental Hit Min2020-07-08 05:32:59 UTC
PuppyDirt BurrowerHit Max2020-07-08 05:46:10 UTC
LotusSnake KingElemental Hit Max2020-07-08 07:12:09 UTC
PuppySirenArmor2020-07-08 16:56:06 UTC
LotusVampireElemental Hit Min2020-07-09 05:52:25 UTC
LotusVampireConstitution2020-07-09 05:53:36 UTC
LotusVampireDrop: Shard Of Undead2020-07-09 06:47:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGolemDrop: Shard Of Giants2020-07-09 07:44:38 UTC
TessSpiderDrop: Spider Legs2020-07-09 23:51:34 UTC
PuppySirenDrop: Spiked Bow2020-07-10 22:09:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGolemDrop: Mystic Boots2020-07-11 00:21:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonDrop: Gold Ring Ruby2020-07-11 04:25:59 UTC
TessWater BugsDrop: Shard Of Bugs2020-07-11 09:56:12 UTC
PuppyEntDrop: Birch Logs2020-07-11 17:03:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSirenWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-11 18:26:07 UTC
Burolia EnrisCockroachesElemental Hit Max2020-07-11 21:12:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSirenHit Max2020-07-11 21:13:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSirenDrop: Shard Of Marine2020-07-12 04:04:31 UTC
PuppyDragon GreenDexterity2020-07-12 20:36:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-13 00:18:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBarbarian MageWalk Distance2020-07-13 02:56:34 UTC
PuppyImpElemental Hit Max2020-07-14 12:15:59 UTC
ZiltoidFlea SwarmBlocked Mountains2020-07-14 16:19:08 UTC
TessUndead MageDrop: Wind Belt2020-07-14 21:00:30 UTC
ZiltoidFlea SwarmElemental Hit Min2020-07-14 23:14:50 UTC
PuppyDemonBlocked Mountains2020-07-14 23:47:29 UTC
TessUndead MageDescription2020-07-15 18:20:43 UTC
TessUndead MageHit Speed2020-07-15 19:09:35 UTC
GoosePirate WenchHit Speed2020-07-16 01:16:52 UTC
PuppyDjinnWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-16 03:54:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDeranged MonkDescription2020-07-16 05:33:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDeranged MonkSpawn Rate2020-07-16 07:06:53 UTC
TessUndead MageDrop: Mage Blood2020-07-16 21:43:56 UTC
TessImpDrop: Wet Sprig2020-07-17 19:37:28 UTC
TessEntStrength2020-07-17 21:05:46 UTC
PuppyDemonWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-18 11:51:27 UTC
PuppyUndead MageDrop: Fancy Dagger2020-07-18 14:58:34 UTC
PuppyUndead MageDrop: Glass Bottle Medium2020-07-18 15:08:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDragon GreenDrop: Scepter2020-07-18 20:34:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichMovement Speed2020-07-19 07:06:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichConstitution2020-07-19 08:34:11 UTC
TessEntDrop: Glass Beaker Medium2020-07-19 17:02:48 UTC
TessEntArmor2020-07-19 20:51:28 UTC
FatAdamYettiDrop: Shard Of Frost2020-07-19 21:21:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonDescription2020-07-19 23:32:01 UTC
TessBarbarian MageDrop: Holy Pants2020-07-20 01:11:27 UTC
TessBarbarian MageHit Max2020-07-20 03:21:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed Guard TraineeAction Distance2020-07-20 04:59:48 UTC
AzazelCockroachesConstitution2020-07-20 16:07:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpiritsBlocked Water2020-07-20 17:26:38 UTC
TomekFlameStrength2020-07-21 03:17:10 UTC
ZiltoidDjinnBlocked Water2020-07-21 04:42:46 UTC
AzazelSnake KingBlocked Water2020-07-21 05:42:37 UTC
PuppyDemonDexterity2020-07-21 08:24:55 UTC
AzazelLizardDrop: Gale Bow2020-07-21 13:54:50 UTC
AzazelSwamp MuckDrop: Huge Mushroom2020-07-21 15:14:40 UTC
TessBarbarian MageDexterity2020-07-21 17:58:29 UTC
AzazelGiant BeeDrop: Gold2020-07-21 23:43:28 UTC
AzazelDjinnMovement Speed2020-07-22 04:30:02 UTC
AzazelWraithWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-22 22:41:41 UTC
PuppyDemonAction Distance2020-07-22 23:31:14 UTC
VoodooKingHadesWyvern WhiteDrop: Wyvern White Belt2020-07-23 04:42:01 UTC
PuppySuccubusDexterity2020-07-23 05:40:47 UTC
AzazelGiantWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-23 06:37:12 UTC
AzazelDragon GreenDrop: Gold2020-07-24 00:56:08 UTC
PuppyDjinnHit Speed2020-07-24 03:52:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTitanBlocked Mountains2020-07-24 04:51:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed Criminal GuardWalk Distance During Attack2020-07-24 08:18:13 UTC
GooseGiantHit Min2020-07-24 19:10:36 UTC
TessWraithDrop: Shard Of Fiends2020-07-24 20:05:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed Criminal GuardBlocked Objects2020-07-24 20:06:11 UTC
TessEntDrop: Glass Vial Large2020-07-24 23:47:48 UTC
PuppyDjinnSpawn Rate2020-07-25 05:46:31 UTC
TessSirenAction Distance2020-07-26 01:50:18 UTC
PuppyHydraStrength2020-07-26 03:40:26 UTC
AzazelDragon GreenDrop: Silk Belt2020-07-26 09:36:31 UTC
TessGoblinDrop: Shard Of Earthen2020-07-26 13:02:44 UTC
FatAdamSnake KingDrop: Serpent Mask2020-07-26 15:07:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichWalk Distance2020-07-26 21:40:39 UTC
PuppyStone GiantIntelligence2020-07-26 23:35:54 UTC
FatAdamFlameDrop: Burnt Dagger2020-07-26 23:45:52 UTC
FatAdamFlameBlocked Objects2020-07-27 00:40:42 UTC
AzazelUndead MageDrop: Silk Pants2020-07-27 01:55:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichBlocked Mountains2020-07-27 04:30:15 UTC
TessSirenDrop: Burnt Ash2020-07-27 16:22:35 UTC
ZiltoidGiantDrop: Iron Spiked Club2020-07-27 19:15:19 UTC
TessSirenBlocked Mountains2020-07-27 21:14:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichDrop: Sand Pear2020-07-28 04:02:40 UTC
TessSirenDescription2020-07-28 20:24:23 UTC
AzazelDjinnDrop: Titanium Ring Amethyst2020-07-29 01:24:10 UTC
TessEttinHit Max2020-07-29 02:30:38 UTC
AzazelDjinnDrop: Studded Leather Bolt2020-07-29 04:53:47 UTC
ZiltoidDeranged MonkDrop: Gold Necklace Topaz2020-07-30 12:14:56 UTC
ZiltoidDeranged MonkHit Speed2020-07-30 13:58:26 UTC
ZiltoidDeranged MonkDrop: Shard Of Cherubs2020-07-30 15:25:34 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichDrop: Burnt Ash2020-07-31 04:13:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed Guard TraineeBlocked Mountains2020-07-31 05:04:25 UTC
PuppyCentaurDrop: Mystic Tiara2020-07-31 06:27:01 UTC
ZiltoidGiantArmor2020-07-31 23:06:58 UTC
ZiltoidEttinAction Distance2020-07-31 23:11:08 UTC
PuppyAngelStrength2020-08-01 05:40:14 UTC
ZiltoidTrollDrop: Bronze Axe2020-08-02 23:05:35 UTC
ZiltoidDeranged MonkBlocked Objects2020-08-03 00:07:05 UTC
ZiltoidDirt BurrowerStrength2020-08-03 01:38:22 UTC
TomekStone GiantDrop: Rock Dust2020-08-03 01:39:06 UTC
TomekStone GiantDrop: Arrows Of Bloodwood2020-08-03 02:19:48 UTC
ZiltoidValkyrieHit Max2020-08-03 16:01:06 UTC
ZiltoidValkyrieStrength2020-08-03 16:13:33 UTC
ZiltoidValkyrieDrop: Chef Hat2020-08-03 16:15:18 UTC
ZiltoidEttinDrop: Shard Of Giants2020-08-04 11:46:27 UTC
ZiltoidEttinElemental Hit Min2020-08-04 13:47:04 UTC
ZiltoidGolemDrop: Iron Ore2020-08-04 13:53:55 UTC
ZiltoidGolemDrop: Health Beaker Large2020-08-04 14:08:04 UTC
ZiltoidStone GiantAction Distance2020-08-04 21:14:36 UTC
ZiltoidEttinDrop: Mystic Skirt2020-08-04 21:18:16 UTC
FatAdamCrabDrop: Gold2020-08-04 22:31:42 UTC
SirDragulaSpore SwarmBlocked Water2020-08-05 01:21:23 UTC
SirZombieSpore SwarmWalk Distance During Attack2020-08-05 01:21:59 UTC
TomekGiantHit Max2020-08-07 21:46:38 UTC
ZiltoidGolemElemental Armor2020-08-08 00:28:02 UTC
ZiltoidGolemWalk Distance During Attack2020-08-08 00:39:12 UTC
SirZombieBlowfishWalk Distance During Attack2020-08-08 18:02:35 UTC
GooseGiantDrop: Doll2020-08-08 22:15:22 UTC
GooseValkyrieDrop: Gold2020-08-09 13:26:00 UTC
ZiltoidGolemDrop: Blood Blade2020-08-09 23:08:52 UTC
ZiltoidGolemDescription2020-08-09 23:35:39 UTC
ZiltoidGolemHit Min2020-08-10 00:47:04 UTC
ZiltoidGolemDrop: Bronze Ore2020-08-10 11:34:40 UTC
AzazelDragon GreenDrop: Iron Bow2020-08-10 16:53:21 UTC
TomekFlameBlocked Mountains2020-08-10 17:04:34 UTC
ZiltoidDjinnHit Max2020-08-11 00:10:46 UTC
GooseCrabSpawn Rate2020-08-11 01:53:14 UTC
ZiltoidEttinConstitution2020-08-11 09:41:05 UTC
ZiltoidGolem GrimDrop: Diamond Chunks2020-08-11 14:09:01 UTC
PuppyCursed Guard TraineeWalk Distance2020-08-11 20:01:20 UTC
ZiltoidEttinHit Min2020-08-11 22:04:03 UTC
AzazelWater BugsElemental Hit Max2020-08-13 19:37:23 UTC
AzazelFlea SwarmElemental Armor2020-08-14 06:19:55 UTC
AzazelPirate WenchBlocked Water2020-08-14 06:40:23 UTC
DerbianBearBlocked Water2020-08-14 14:22:13 UTC
DerbianFlea SwarmDescription2020-08-14 16:07:09 UTC
NoobieSpore SwarmDrop: Robe Cuff2020-08-15 08:01:51 UTC
DerbianVampireElemental Hit Max2020-08-15 15:58:06 UTC
GooseDjinnDrop: Shard Of Birds2020-08-15 19:58:05 UTC
TheOddOneWraithConstitution2020-08-16 10:39:15 UTC
GooseStone GiantSpawn Rate2020-08-17 00:52:43 UTC
AkashaBearDrop: Shard Of Pelt2020-08-17 16:41:18 UTC
PuppyLichDrop: Bent Dagger2020-08-18 05:10:08 UTC
PuppyLichArmor2020-08-18 13:08:37 UTC
PuppyLichAction Distance2020-08-18 15:08:46 UTC
PuppyLichDescription2020-08-18 15:10:15 UTC
TheOddOneFlea SwarmHit Speed2020-08-18 17:23:32 UTC
AkashaDeathArmor2020-08-20 02:03:56 UTC
PuppyLichBlocked Water2020-08-20 05:38:05 UTC
ZiltoidValkyrieBlocked Mountains2020-08-21 03:15:14 UTC
AkashaBearDrop: Steel Wand2020-08-21 13:02:48 UTC
PuppyLichDrop: Chest Of Armor Large2020-08-22 15:22:41 UTC
PuppyLichHit Min2020-08-22 16:54:38 UTC
ZiltoidBarbarian XbowmanSpawn Rate2020-08-22 19:28:22 UTC
ZiltoidBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Burnt Ash2020-08-22 20:06:37 UTC
ZiltoidBarbarian MageDrop: Health Bottle Large2020-08-22 20:10:16 UTC
ZiltoidBarbarian AxemanConstitution2020-08-22 20:39:59 UTC
AkashaTrollArmor2020-08-23 18:42:10 UTC
AkashaDragon GreenDrop: Studded Leather Leggings2020-08-23 20:02:01 UTC
GooseShadeDrop: Linen Hosen2020-08-23 21:16:48 UTC
ZiltoidDullahanArmor2020-08-25 00:22:34 UTC
AkashaDragon GreenSpawn Rate2020-08-25 13:59:02 UTC
ZiltoidFrost KnightSpawn Rate2020-08-25 21:29:58 UTC
TheOddOneBearConstitution2020-08-25 21:49:21 UTC
GooseLizardElemental Armor2020-08-27 17:45:32 UTC
GooseLizardIntelligence2020-08-27 19:33:14 UTC
GooseFrozen HawkHit Max2020-08-27 21:10:30 UTC
ZiltoidSirenElemental Armor2020-08-27 23:50:20 UTC
ZiltoidSirenElemental Hit Min2020-08-27 23:55:48 UTC
AkashaDragon GreenElemental Armor2020-08-29 00:07:42 UTC
TomekDjinnElemental Hit Min2020-08-30 04:30:38 UTC
AkashaSpiritsSpawn Rate2020-08-30 16:41:36 UTC
ZiltoidBarbarian MageElemental Armor2020-08-30 23:36:02 UTC
PuppyLichDrop: Shard Of Mages2020-08-30 23:36:42 UTC
ZiltoidSludgeArmor2020-08-31 00:20:09 UTC
PuppyLichHit Max2020-08-31 01:24:15 UTC
ZiltoidHell SpawnAction Distance2020-08-31 15:23:33 UTC
ZiltoidHell SpawnWalk Distance2020-08-31 21:38:02 UTC
PuppyLichElemental Hit Max2020-09-01 04:34:11 UTC
MeridiousBatDrop: Broken Dagger2020-09-01 07:14:45 UTC
ZiltoidDemonMovement Speed2020-09-01 10:42:19 UTC
ZiltoidSludgeDexterity2020-09-01 13:57:35 UTC
ZiltoidSludgeDrop: Bronze Staff2020-09-01 14:20:31 UTC
TomekStone GiantDrop: Bolts Of Bloodwood2020-09-04 03:26:15 UTC
TomekFlameElemental Armor2020-09-04 04:39:34 UTC
PuppyLich GrimBlocked Objects2020-09-04 17:04:59 UTC
GooseUndead MageBlocked Water2020-09-04 23:12:39 UTC
TomekBarbarian AxemanIntelligence2020-09-05 05:04:42 UTC
GooseUndead MageElemental Hit Max2020-09-07 22:24:14 UTC
GooseUndead MageDrop: Iron Sollerets2020-09-08 00:27:23 UTC
ZiltoidHell SpawnBlocked Mountains2020-09-08 02:36:54 UTC
ZiltoidTitanConstitution2020-09-08 03:26:03 UTC
PuppyLichStrength2020-09-10 01:58:15 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBearDrop: Bear Paw2020-09-11 19:51:28 UTC
AlwaysdrunkWraithDexterity2020-09-11 21:04:56 UTC
RinaStingrayElemental Armor2020-09-14 16:52:56 UTC
ZiltoidSuccubusSpawn Rate2020-09-14 17:50:14 UTC
ZiltoidDemonDrop: Fire Gloves2020-09-14 23:57:31 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSkeleton GrimDrop: Shard Of Undead2020-09-15 05:23:42 UTC
PuppyLichDrop: Pouch Of Luck Medium2020-09-16 05:55:25 UTC
ZiltoidFrost KnightBlocked Mountains2020-09-16 21:26:07 UTC
AlwaysdrunkTrollBlocked Water2020-09-17 06:15:10 UTC
AlwaysdrunkUndead MageDrop: Studded Leather Gloves2020-09-17 11:49:41 UTC
NefertariFire MitesElemental Armor2020-09-20 04:46:41 UTC
ZiltoidFrost KnightIntelligence2020-09-22 17:57:53 UTC
ZiltoidSirenElemental Hit Max2020-09-22 18:10:34 UTC
TomekSpider QueenDexterity2020-09-22 23:07:15 UTC
PuppySpider MageSpawn Rate2020-09-23 05:25:04 UTC
KingKevSnake KingWalk Distance During Attack2020-09-23 10:00:25 UTC
KingKevFire MitesDrop: Gold2020-09-23 13:19:15 UTC
KingKevWater BugsSpawn Rate2020-09-26 23:24:16 UTC
AlwaysdrunkDragon GreenWalk Distance2020-09-28 18:54:59 UTC
PuppyLichHit Speed2020-09-29 03:10:48 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBarbarian MageDrop: Barbarian Shoulder Cuff2020-09-30 12:40:37 UTC
GooseValkyrieConstitution2020-10-01 01:20:44 UTC
AlwaysdrunkToxic DeathDrop: Sunflower2020-10-01 05:09:57 UTC
MalakarSpiderDrop: Tiny Spider Fangs2020-10-05 05:04:28 UTC
AlwaysdrunkToxic DeathHit Min2020-10-06 15:24:24 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBarbarian MageElemental Hit Max2020-10-12 08:19:28 UTC
PuppyLichDexterity2020-10-12 10:36:27 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSpider QueenDescription2020-10-12 12:30:54 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSpider MageHit Speed2020-10-12 14:38:38 UTC
PuppyLichElemental Armor2020-10-13 06:49:59 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSpecterMovement Speed2020-10-18 06:50:36 UTC
AlwaysdrunkGoblinBlocked Objects2020-10-19 05:32:39 UTC
AlwaysdrunkGoblinDrop: Dragon Scale Faulds2020-10-21 04:25:52 UTC
PuppyLichElemental Hit Min2020-10-25 07:59:25 UTC
RaydenkaiFire MitesBlocked Objects2020-11-28 08:11:12 UTC
RaydenkaiFire MitesDrop: Shard Of Bugs2020-11-29 08:16:28 UTC
RaydenkaiSnake KingAction Distance2020-11-29 08:50:03 UTC
RaydenkaiSpore SwarmBlocked Objects2020-11-30 06:10:25 UTC
FlamtarSnake KingElemental Armor2020-12-01 22:00:20 UTC
FlamtarFlea SwarmDrop: Leather Gloves2020-12-02 08:43:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichBlocked Objects2020-12-05 09:41:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider PoisonHit Speed2020-12-05 12:17:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenElemental Hit Min2020-12-05 19:35:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider MageMovement Speed2020-12-06 00:03:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCentaurStrength2020-12-06 07:26:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCentaurSpawn Rate2020-12-06 07:39:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCentaurDrop: Bronze Targe2020-12-07 03:01:30 UTC
FlamtarSnake KingDrop: Serpent Mitts2020-12-07 03:03:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonStrength2020-12-07 05:04:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonBlocked Water2020-12-07 05:40:39 UTC
FlamtarGiant BeeHit Min2020-12-07 06:19:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonHit Max2020-12-08 02:59:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemonDrop: Frozen Dagger2020-12-10 10:11:12 UTC
FlamtarVampireBlocked Objects2020-12-13 07:21:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLichSpawn Rate2020-12-19 07:50:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDjinnBlocked Objects2020-12-20 09:05:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDjinnElemental Hit Max2020-12-20 23:08:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDjinnConstitution2020-12-21 01:33:42 UTC
FlamtarVampire BatSpawn Rate2020-12-23 05:55:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTrifidMovement Speed2020-12-24 06:27:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEttinDrop: Fancy Bow2020-12-26 02:18:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEttinDrop: Bolts Of Bronze2020-12-26 03:11:56 UTC
FlamtarSwamp MuckSpawn Rate2020-12-26 05:15:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTitanWalk Distance During Attack2020-12-26 08:06:36 UTC
FlamtarTormented SoulsDrop: Iron Cuirass2020-12-26 10:22:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesNymphHit Max2020-12-27 23:37:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesNymphDrop: Gold2020-12-28 02:21:02 UTC
FlamtarValkyrieArmor2020-12-28 05:11:14 UTC
FlamtarLizardBlocked Mountains2020-12-28 05:33:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToxic DeathIntelligence2020-12-28 06:31:25 UTC
FlamtarDeathWalk Distance During Attack2020-12-28 07:47:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToxic DeathConstitution2020-12-29 06:28:55 UTC
OlgaWerewolfDrop: Steel Dagger2020-12-31 06:08:52 UTC
OlgaWerewolfDrop: Steel Belt2021-01-01 09:22:30 UTC
GooseFlameSpawn Rate2021-01-01 17:35:03 UTC
OlgaWerewolfDrop: Shard Of Pelt2021-01-02 01:06:32 UTC
TomekFlameElemental Hit Min2021-01-03 19:33:37 UTC
ningimblyBearDrop: Scroll Of Poison2021-01-04 19:19:01 UTC
FlamtarPirate CaptainHit Max2021-01-06 03:17:27 UTC
ningimblyBearDexterity2021-01-06 05:21:12 UTC
steelBearHit Max2021-01-06 05:31:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBarbarian MageBlocked Mountains2021-01-07 05:49:43 UTC
PuppyLichIntelligence2021-01-09 06:08:49 UTC
FlamtarWraithWalk Distance2021-01-11 01:11:50 UTC
ningimblyVampireElemental Armor2021-01-11 17:31:29 UTC
FlamtarTurtleDrop: Shard Of Marine2021-01-12 23:51:48 UTC
FlamtarPirateDrop: Leather Bolt2021-01-13 00:07:33 UTC
VanguardBearDrop: Scroll Of Amplify2021-01-21 02:17:28 UTC
SoLciusGiant BeeMovement Speed2021-01-24 03:29:46 UTC
VanguardDirt BurrowerDrop: Earth Helm2021-01-26 07:03:57 UTC
PuppySpider QueenSpawn Rate2021-01-27 11:34:40 UTC
FlamtarFlameArmor2021-01-28 02:51:24 UTC
FlamtarFlea SwarmStrength2021-01-29 01:15:44 UTC
FlamtarEttinDrop: Bronze Greaves2021-01-31 20:23:15 UTC
FlamtarDragon GreenArmor2021-01-31 21:06:17 UTC
FlamtarDragon GreenHit Speed2021-01-31 21:23:34 UTC
FlamtarSpider MageWalk Distance During Attack2021-02-03 00:01:24 UTC
FlamtarGiantConstitution2021-02-08 20:37:15 UTC
FlamtarFlameHit Max2021-02-21 02:20:11 UTC
EvokerWraithDrop: Chest Of Armor Small2021-02-21 10:21:40 UTC
EvokerBearDrop: Steel Targe2021-02-22 18:08:42 UTC
VanguardSpider PoisonMovement Speed2021-02-24 00:04:11 UTC
AeloVampireStrength2021-02-25 17:25:35 UTC
EvokerCyclops GrimHit Speed2021-02-25 19:23:11 UTC
FlamtarSpider QueenStrength2021-02-25 21:51:45 UTC
FlamtarToxic DeathArmor2021-02-26 22:15:18 UTC
FlamtarMummyDrop: Burnt Ash2021-02-27 22:37:33 UTC
AeloDeathDrop: Shard Of Fiends2021-03-01 17:22:58 UTC
AeloShadeDrop: Scroll Of Disease2021-03-01 20:31:33 UTC
EvokerGiantAction Distance2021-03-02 21:00:17 UTC
VanguardTrollDrop: Shard Of Earthen2021-03-02 21:44:53 UTC
AeloGiant GrimMovement Speed2021-03-04 15:40:15 UTC
AeloFlameDescription2021-03-05 18:08:34 UTC
AeloSalamanderDexterity2021-03-05 20:40:34 UTC
EvokerTrollBlocked Mountains2021-03-06 15:08:06 UTC
FlamtarDemonSpawn Rate2021-03-06 18:51:53 UTC
TomekStone GiantDrop: Iron Ore2021-03-07 04:54:59 UTC
TomekStone GiantBlocked Mountains2021-03-07 05:18:12 UTC
EvokerEttinDrop: Earth Spear2021-03-07 09:47:28 UTC
EvokerDullahanConstitution2021-03-07 14:34:58 UTC
EvokerGiantDrop: Silk Hood2021-03-07 14:46:25 UTC
TomekStone GiantDrop: Copper Dust2021-03-07 15:40:17 UTC
AeloFlameAction Distance2021-03-08 14:22:29 UTC
AeloFlameDrop: Mortar And Pestle2021-03-08 15:01:05 UTC
AeloDullahanDexterity2021-03-08 16:58:03 UTC
AeloGiant GrimWalk Distance2021-03-08 17:10:19 UTC
EvokerStone GiantHit Min2021-03-08 19:50:55 UTC
AeloGiantDrop: Studded Leather Boots2021-03-08 22:23:53 UTC
AeloWater BugsElemental Armor2021-03-08 23:42:33 UTC
VanguardGoblinAction Distance2021-03-09 02:24:53 UTC
FlamtarCentaurElemental Hit Min2021-03-09 06:53:53 UTC
AeloBarbarian SwordsmanDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-03-09 15:23:03 UTC
AeloBarbarian MageDrop: Shard Of Mages2021-03-09 15:24:47 UTC
AeloBarbarian MageIntelligence2021-03-09 17:11:49 UTC
FlamtarSpecterBlocked Water2021-03-09 23:11:41 UTC
FlamtarFlameDrop: Gold2021-03-10 19:24:18 UTC
FlamtarUnicornBlocked Water2021-03-10 19:32:58 UTC
AeloNymphWalk Distance During Attack2021-03-10 19:47:40 UTC
FlamtarDullahanBlocked Mountains2021-03-11 10:12:54 UTC
FlamtarDjinnArmor2021-03-11 10:28:42 UTC
AeloBarbarian MageSpawn Rate2021-03-11 15:05:41 UTC
AeloBarbarian AxemanDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-03-11 16:50:56 UTC
FlamtarValkyrieDescription2021-03-11 18:39:02 UTC
AeloFrozen HawkDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-03-11 19:26:03 UTC
AeloEttinElemental Hit Max2021-03-11 22:54:22 UTC
AeloBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-03-12 15:00:04 UTC
TomekToxic DeathDexterity2021-03-13 01:08:22 UTC
FlamtarGiantDrop: Mana Beaker Medium2021-03-13 03:15:06 UTC
PuppyLichDrop: Chest Of Weapons Large2021-03-13 22:57:11 UTC
FlamtarSalamander PoisonWalk Distance2021-03-14 20:50:58 UTC
FlamtarBog DemonBlocked Mountains2021-03-16 23:30:15 UTC
FlamtarBog DemonDrop: Gold2021-03-16 23:31:59 UTC
EvokerDullahanDrop: Gold2021-03-17 18:58:47 UTC
FlamtarCursed Guard TraineeDexterity2021-03-17 20:02:54 UTC
FlamtarAngelSpawn Rate2021-03-18 03:08:48 UTC
impLSpore SwarmElemental Armor2021-03-18 15:59:45 UTC
VanguardStone GiantDexterity2021-03-19 03:35:58 UTC
FlamtarUndead MageElemental Armor2021-03-22 05:05:36 UTC
FlamtarDullahanStrength2021-03-22 18:54:15 UTC
FlamtarDullahanWalk Distance2021-03-22 19:56:29 UTC
FlamtarDullahanDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-03-22 20:18:38 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinDexterity2021-03-23 20:06:12 UTC
FlamtarCentaurMovement Speed2021-03-24 20:57:32 UTC
VanguardStone GiantHit Speed2021-03-25 06:56:06 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinElemental Hit Max2021-03-25 18:32:20 UTC
FlamtarDullahanBlocked Objects2021-03-25 23:11:18 UTC
VanguardDullahanDrop: Fire Hammer2021-03-25 23:43:29 UTC
VanguardDullahanDrop: Huge Sword2021-03-25 23:45:04 UTC
TomekCursed ScholarElemental Hit Min2021-03-27 01:35:12 UTC
FlamtarDemonDrop: Fire Crossbow2021-03-27 18:17:17 UTC
UrielSpore SwarmDrop: Dirt2021-03-29 09:16:54 UTC
FlamtarTitanIntelligence2021-03-29 19:50:31 UTC
FlamtarFrost KnightBlocked Objects2021-03-31 20:09:12 UTC
FlamtarCursed ScholarElemental Hit Max2021-04-01 18:06:58 UTC
FlamtarCursed Guard TraineeHit Min2021-04-01 18:50:10 UTC
FlamtarStorm LordBlocked Mountains2021-04-03 06:42:26 UTC
FlamtarTrifidDrop: Muddy Blade2021-04-04 05:48:31 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinWalk Distance2021-04-04 07:29:53 UTC
FlamtarDeranged MonkDrop: Holy Gloves2021-04-05 03:22:02 UTC
FlamtarSuccubusIntelligence2021-04-05 05:04:20 UTC
VanguardBog DemonDrop: Fire Pants2021-04-05 19:41:36 UTC
PuppyNymphElemental Hit Min2021-04-06 20:12:43 UTC
FlamtarFrost KnightArmor2021-04-07 05:00:13 UTC
FlamtarCursed Criminal GuardDescription2021-04-08 18:49:37 UTC
ChampsFire MitesAction Distance2021-04-08 23:11:12 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinArmor2021-04-09 04:38:48 UTC
PuppyFlameConstitution2021-04-09 05:41:33 UTC
PuppyFlameDrop: Burnt Ash2021-04-09 05:49:06 UTC
PuppyFlameBlocked Water2021-04-09 05:59:28 UTC
FlamtarFrost KnightDrop: Ethereal Scrap2021-04-09 20:50:11 UTC
FlamtarLichDrop: Torn Lich Robe2021-04-10 19:13:03 UTC
TomekAngelBlocked Mountains2021-04-11 01:39:08 UTC
ZiltoidFrost KnightDescription2021-04-12 16:15:36 UTC
FlamtarStorm LordDrop: Shard Of Giants2021-04-12 22:39:31 UTC
FlamtarTitanDrop: Gold2021-04-13 19:25:41 UTC
FlamtarStorm LordIntelligence2021-04-16 00:19:08 UTC
FlamtarBansheeHit Speed2021-04-20 05:21:32 UTC
FlamtarTitanElemental Hit Min2021-04-20 06:56:36 UTC
ChampsFlea SwarmDrop: Steel Axe2021-04-22 03:19:41 UTC
ChampsVampireWalk Distance During Attack2021-04-23 00:43:15 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelDrop: Shard Of Fiends2021-04-23 02:20:36 UTC
YMortosYSnakeDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-04-25 21:06:44 UTC
FlamtarNymphAction Distance2021-04-26 05:50:56 UTC
OlgaLizardDrop: Scroll Of Soothe2021-04-28 18:46:10 UTC
FlamtarGorgonBlocked Objects2021-04-29 05:13:12 UTC
FatAdamBarbarian MageMovement Speed2021-04-30 00:34:04 UTC
FatAdamSpider QueenIntelligence2021-04-30 19:05:31 UTC
TomekHell SpawnElemental Armor2021-05-02 01:51:29 UTC
PuppyPhoenixBlocked Water2021-05-02 06:21:02 UTC
MarttiSnake KingConstitution2021-05-03 19:44:06 UTC
FlamtarWyvern WhiteElemental Armor2021-05-03 23:17:55 UTC
TaPiMMoltenDrop: Scroll Of Brawn2021-05-06 03:10:36 UTC
MarttiGiant BeeWalk Distance2021-05-08 07:51:38 UTC
FlamtarGorgonDrop: Chest Of Armor Huge2021-05-10 04:37:52 UTC
FlamtarWyvernElemental Hit Min2021-05-12 01:41:15 UTC
TaPiMTormented SoulsElemental Hit Max2021-05-13 00:05:12 UTC
TaPiMHydraDrop: Health Beaker Small2021-05-13 21:16:34 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelDrop: Mana Beaker Large2021-05-23 22:52:36 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelArmor2021-05-23 22:57:26 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelDexterity2021-05-23 23:15:04 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelDrop: Rose Red2021-05-24 00:34:49 UTC
TaPiMSharkDrop: Iron Spiked Club2021-05-26 01:36:52 UTC
ChampsGiantStrength2021-06-03 17:13:50 UTC
TaPiMUndead MageStrength2021-06-09 01:46:40 UTC
TaPiMDragon GreenBlocked Mountains2021-06-11 01:02:07 UTC
TaPiMDragon GreenDrop: Shard Of Inferno2021-06-12 00:48:45 UTC
FlamtarPhoenixHit Speed2021-06-21 02:37:47 UTC
ErmakulBatDrop: Seeds Of Berries2021-07-24 06:04:31 UTC
TabunSkeleton GrimStrength2021-07-24 23:07:17 UTC
TabunSharkDrop: Iron Axe2021-07-24 23:37:45 UTC
TabunStingrayHit Min2021-07-25 14:57:27 UTC
TabunVampireDescription2021-07-28 21:46:06 UTC
AkashaSwamp MuckElemental Hit Min2021-07-29 01:09:58 UTC
SkarSpore SwarmConstitution2021-08-05 20:25:18 UTC
TabunDirt BurrowerMovement Speed2021-08-08 13:24:30 UTC
SkarFlea SwarmDrop: Crucible2021-08-18 03:55:17 UTC
FlamtarDark HarbingerStrength2021-09-09 15:44:21 UTC
VanguardDullahanAction Distance2021-09-19 01:49:12 UTC
TomekFrozen HawkArmor2021-10-16 14:59:01 UTC
AeloDeranged MonkHit Min2021-10-19 16:44:18 UTC
ApheSnake KingBlocked Objects2021-10-30 16:29:22 UTC
FatAdamMummyArmor2021-11-06 17:43:05 UTC
FatAdamToxic DeathHit Speed2021-11-06 19:01:13 UTC
FatAdamToxic DeathDrop: Gold2021-11-06 20:31:37 UTC
zarastrGiantIntelligence2021-11-17 01:59:31 UTC
PuppyTurkeyMovement Speed2021-11-27 09:08:35 UTC
LopkeyFlea SwarmMovement Speed2021-12-02 02:01:16 UTC
Lady ZaydeeMoltenSpawn Rate2021-12-06 20:13:03 UTC
WandrarxDullahanHit Speed2021-12-08 11:15:40 UTC
WandrarxDullahanSpawn Rate2021-12-08 12:48:48 UTC
WandrarxGiantDrop: Shard Of Giants2021-12-11 00:52:02 UTC
MothmanSnake CoralDrop: Seeds Of Berries2021-12-12 15:48:38 UTC
WandrarxTrollWalk Distance During Attack2021-12-12 20:32:19 UTC
WandrarxTrollIntelligence2021-12-12 20:51:19 UTC
WandrarxValkyrieWalk Distance2021-12-15 08:37:32 UTC
WandrarxDeranged MonkDrop: Gold2021-12-16 06:04:58 UTC
WandrarxUndead MageSpawn Rate2021-12-17 11:05:49 UTC
LunatarSpore SwarmHit Max2021-12-17 18:31:32 UTC
WandrarxTrollElemental Armor2021-12-19 14:31:43 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanWalk Distance2021-12-20 07:06:15 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageBlocked Water2021-12-20 21:57:28 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanDrop: Burnt Ash2021-12-20 22:47:17 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanHit Min2021-12-21 03:31:58 UTC
WandrarxSalamanderHit Max2021-12-21 05:57:48 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanBlocked Mountains2021-12-22 21:45:08 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanHit Max2021-12-22 21:46:05 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanElemental Hit Max2021-12-23 03:47:27 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanStrength2021-12-23 09:01:44 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanDrop: Scroll Of Ether2021-12-23 09:16:24 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-12-24 02:35:48 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanIntelligence2021-12-24 05:06:27 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanDrop: Holiday Present Green2021-12-24 13:47:43 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanHit Speed2021-12-24 19:04:04 UTC
FatAdamDullahanElemental Armor2021-12-25 16:39:34 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageArmor2021-12-26 07:04:12 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageConstitution2021-12-26 12:36:04 UTC
FatAdamSnowmanWalk Distance During Attack2021-12-26 14:43:51 UTC
blockSnake KingDrop: Serpent Shield2021-12-26 20:06:17 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanConstitution2021-12-26 21:59:14 UTC
WandrarxSpecterStrength2021-12-27 00:18:09 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanElemental Armor2021-12-27 04:47:53 UTC
WandrarxSnowmanDrop: Shard Of Frost2021-12-27 20:05:06 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSnowmanDrop: Oranges2021-12-28 01:55:04 UTC
WandrarxSpecterBlocked Mountains2021-12-28 11:42:27 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageBlocked Water2021-12-28 16:51:24 UTC
WandrarxSpider PoisonIntelligence2021-12-28 19:20:12 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenMovement Speed2021-12-28 19:27:18 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSpider QueenElemental Armor2021-12-29 03:21:41 UTC
WandrarxEttinDescription2021-12-29 07:43:40 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageElemental Hit Min2021-12-29 20:05:08 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageDrop: Box Of Tomes2021-12-29 20:17:28 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageWalk Distance During Attack2021-12-29 22:27:32 UTC
Lady ZaydeeDjinnBlocked Mountains2021-12-29 23:57:09 UTC
FatAdamSpecterHit Max2021-12-30 20:45:09 UTC
WandrarxBog DemonDrop: Reed2021-12-31 20:03:39 UTC
FatAdamSnowmanArmor2021-12-31 21:53:05 UTC
FatAdamSnowmanDescription2021-12-31 23:31:25 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSpider QueenHit Speed2022-01-01 15:20:01 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSpecterDescription2022-01-01 17:26:30 UTC
LopkeySnowmanMovement Speed2022-01-01 17:55:05 UTC
Lady ZaydeeDemon PutridBlocked Mountains2022-01-02 02:11:38 UTC
FatAdamDire WolfDrop: Water Axe2022-01-02 19:46:52 UTC
FatAdamToxic DeathAction Distance2022-01-02 20:08:58 UTC
Lady ZaydeeFrost KnightDexterity2022-01-02 21:54:24 UTC
FatAdamDeathHit Speed2022-01-03 03:17:06 UTC
FatAdamWerewolfHit Speed2022-01-03 19:48:39 UTC
FatAdamWerewolfElemental Hit Min2022-01-03 19:59:24 UTC
FatAdamBarbarian MageDrop: Mana Bottle Large2022-01-04 00:20:58 UTC
FatAdamBarbarian MageHit Min2022-01-04 00:23:53 UTC
WandrarxCentaurDrop: Elemental Blown Leaf2022-01-04 10:56:09 UTC
MizuVampireArmor2022-01-04 21:07:06 UTC
MizuWraithDrop: Decorative Bow2022-01-05 08:01:35 UTC
WandrarxSalamander PoisonDrop: Gold2022-01-05 16:09:54 UTC
WandrarxSalamanderBlocked Objects2022-01-05 21:50:11 UTC
WandrarxSalamanderElemental Armor2022-01-05 21:59:05 UTC
WandrarxSalamanderElemental Hit Min2022-01-06 09:25:04 UTC
FatAdamValkyrieDrop: Shard Of Cherubs2022-01-07 00:09:55 UTC
FatAdamValkyrieDrop: Dark Axe2022-01-07 00:14:28 UTC
WandrarxSalamander PoisonBlocked Mountains2022-01-07 09:46:38 UTC
WandrarxSalamander PoisonConstitution2022-01-07 16:50:26 UTC
FatAdamStorm LordElemental Hit Min2022-01-07 20:40:20 UTC
MizuDragon GreenIntelligence2022-01-08 11:04:17 UTC
MizuSpider MageDrop: Tiny Spider Fangs2022-01-08 12:49:57 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageElemental Armor2022-01-09 11:52:47 UTC
FatAdamFrost KnightAction Distance2022-01-09 19:27:22 UTC
FatAdamFrost KnightWalk Distance2022-01-09 19:56:29 UTC
MizuDullahanDrop: Shard Of Fiends2022-01-09 20:22:56 UTC
FatAdamHydraDrop: Eyeball2022-01-09 20:45:41 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelStrength2022-01-10 06:45:16 UTC
FatAdamTrifidStrength2022-01-10 22:19:10 UTC
FatAdamSuccubusArmor2022-01-10 22:50:36 UTC
FatAdamBarbarian MageDrop: Bronze Glaive2022-01-10 23:06:15 UTC
FlamtarEttinDexterity2022-01-11 18:18:23 UTC
FlamtarCursed ScholarBlocked Objects2022-01-11 18:35:59 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteHit Min2022-01-11 22:36:45 UTC
MizuFlameIntelligence2022-01-12 14:16:29 UTC
FlamtarWyvernDrop: Wyvern Feather Bow2022-01-14 06:22:01 UTC
WandrarxEntHit Min2022-01-14 06:55:11 UTC
WandrarxEntBlocked Objects2022-01-14 06:59:13 UTC
MizuTrollSpawn Rate2022-01-14 14:53:09 UTC
WandrarxEntDrop: Arrows Of Bronze2022-01-14 20:17:43 UTC
MizuStone GiantConstitution2022-01-14 21:19:29 UTC
VoodooKingHadesWater BugsDrop: Thick Staff2022-01-16 02:31:55 UTC
VanguardTurtleElemental Hit Max2022-01-16 04:49:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpore SwarmDescription2022-01-16 04:52:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesWater BugsStrength2022-01-16 05:00:58 UTC
EvokerGoblinBlocked Water2022-01-16 19:56:08 UTC
WandrarxUnicornHit Max2022-01-16 20:02:06 UTC
WandrarxEntHit Speed2022-01-16 21:55:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider MageConstitution2022-01-17 06:45:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenBlocked Water2022-01-17 07:38:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenDrop: Gold2022-01-17 08:19:30 UTC
MizuValkyrieElemental Hit Min2022-01-17 11:52:25 UTC
MizuGiantDrop: Iron Gauntlets2022-01-17 12:42:54 UTC
WandrarxCursed Guard CaptainWalk Distance2022-01-17 14:43:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHell SpawnDrop: Elemental Burning Soul2022-01-17 23:09:53 UTC
FlamtarCentaurConstitution2022-01-17 23:22:09 UTC
FlamtarCentaurElemental Armor2022-01-17 23:38:47 UTC
FlamtarCentaurDrop: Wind Gloves2022-01-17 23:41:50 UTC
LopkeyFlameDexterity2022-01-18 01:21:37 UTC
LopkeyMoltenDrop: Steel Cuisses2022-01-18 01:22:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBog DemonHit Min2022-01-18 06:07:56 UTC
WandrarxEntConstitution2022-01-18 07:52:07 UTC
WandrarxUnicornElemental Hit Min2022-01-18 09:22:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDragon GreenDrop: Silk Robe2022-01-18 20:47:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFrost KnightElemental Hit Min2022-01-19 02:19:29 UTC
FlamtarCentaurDrop: Wind Boots2022-01-19 02:24:05 UTC
PuppyGorgonDrop: Earth Gloves2022-01-20 06:06:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBarbarian MageAction Distance2022-01-21 05:09:57 UTC
WandraxsFlea SwarmArmor2022-01-21 07:59:17 UTC
EvokerGiantDexterity2022-01-21 20:16:10 UTC
EvokerEttinElemental Armor2022-01-22 09:23:35 UTC
WandrarxUndead MageArmor2022-01-22 10:31:24 UTC
WandrarxEntDrop: Earth Belt2022-01-22 11:34:41 UTC
EvokerEntDrop: Mystic Bolt2022-01-22 20:27:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpecterWalk Distance2022-01-22 21:47:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesValkyrieDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-01-23 08:48:44 UTC
VanguardSpider MageWalk Distance2022-01-23 08:56:47 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageBlocked Objects2022-01-23 11:08:24 UTC
WandrarksBarbarian MageBlocked Objects2022-01-23 19:10:26 UTC
WandrarksCyclopsDrop: Gold2022-01-23 20:45:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLizard ManArmor2022-01-23 22:11:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHell SpawnDrop: Bronze Belt2022-01-23 22:55:44 UTC
WandrarxSalamander PoisonHit Speed2022-01-24 08:34:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBansheeDexterity2022-01-25 04:23:18 UTC
EvokerGolem GrimHit Speed2022-01-25 19:40:35 UTC
WandrarxSpecterDexterity2022-01-29 07:37:45 UTC
EvokerPirate WenchDrop: Seeds Of Rose White2022-01-29 17:39:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDeranged MonkArmor2022-01-30 21:34:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen AngelBlocked Objects2022-01-31 03:25:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen AngelIntelligence2022-01-31 08:47:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen AngelHit Max2022-02-01 09:36:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDeranged MonkDrop: Bananas2022-02-01 18:10:04 UTC
N e rFlea SwarmDrop: Shard Of Bugs2022-02-02 07:14:11 UTC
N e rWater BugsIntelligence2022-02-02 08:24:21 UTC
WolfwoodDjinnDrop: Scroll Of Smite2022-02-02 11:19:42 UTC
WandrarxStorm LordWalk Distance2022-02-02 20:15:46 UTC
WandrarxSpecterDrop: Shard Of Undead2022-02-04 16:32:54 UTC
WolfwoodTrollElemental Hit Max2022-02-04 20:58:42 UTC
WolfwoodTrollDrop: Burnt Ash2022-02-04 21:13:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed ScholarAction Distance2022-02-05 03:31:51 UTC
WolfwoodFlea SwarmBlocked Objects2022-02-05 21:10:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTitanWalk Distance2022-02-06 01:57:20 UTC
WandrarxSludgeElemental Hit Max2022-02-06 20:56:02 UTC
WandrarxDark HarbingerElemental Hit Min2022-02-07 21:23:57 UTC
WandrarxAngelBlocked Water2022-02-08 07:40:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHell SpawnIntelligence2022-02-11 01:28:39 UTC
WandraxsHoly FlameStrength2022-02-11 14:39:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHeartDrop: Gold2022-02-12 04:56:21 UTC
FlamtarHeartElemental Hit Min2022-02-12 07:46:55 UTC
FlamtarHeartDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-02-12 08:03:42 UTC
FlamtarHeartMovement Speed2022-02-12 08:22:08 UTC
WandrarxHeartHit Min2022-02-12 18:49:20 UTC
WandrarxHeartArmor2022-02-12 19:38:14 UTC
PuppyHeartDrop: Titanium Ring Aquamarine2022-02-13 06:48:20 UTC
WandrarxCursed AssassinElemental Armor2022-02-13 12:03:32 UTC
WandrarksHeartWalk Distance During Attack2022-02-13 16:48:16 UTC
WandrarksHeartConstitution2022-02-13 16:55:55 UTC
WandrarksHeartSpawn Rate2022-02-13 16:57:30 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHeartDrop: Holiday Chocolate Hearts2022-02-13 21:55:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHeartElemental Hit Max2022-02-14 03:44:07 UTC
WandrarksHeartWalk Distance2022-02-15 17:07:51 UTC
WandrarksHeartHit Speed2022-02-15 20:24:57 UTC
WandrarxBansheeHit Max2022-02-16 08:27:52 UTC
WandrarxCentaurHit Speed2022-02-16 18:52:42 UTC
WandrarxCentaurDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2022-02-16 19:06:14 UTC
WandraxsHeartDrop: Health Beaker Small2022-02-16 22:14:38 UTC
MizuSludgeStrength2022-02-17 12:08:05 UTC
WandraxsHeartDrop: Potion Love Medium2022-02-17 21:30:11 UTC
WandrarxTrifidWalk Distance2022-02-20 12:38:17 UTC
Rick SanchezSnake KingElemental Hit Min2022-02-20 18:28:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDark HarbingerArmor2022-02-21 10:30:19 UTC
MizuBog DemonElemental Hit Min2022-02-22 16:46:51 UTC
MizuBog DemonStrength2022-02-22 18:58:05 UTC
WandrarxSludgeIntelligence2022-02-23 19:21:06 UTC
TomekIce CritterDrop: Gale Belt2022-02-25 06:11:36 UTC
TabunImpDrop: Wet Buckler2022-02-26 19:11:30 UTC
WandrarxCursed Guard CaptainDescription2022-02-26 20:45:42 UTC
WandrarxSpecterHit Min2022-02-26 21:03:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce DevilElemental Armor2022-02-26 23:55:24 UTC
FlamtarIce DevilDrop: Ruby2022-02-27 05:04:04 UTC
FlamtarIce DevilHit Max2022-02-27 08:18:48 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenConstitution2022-02-27 10:31:17 UTC
MizuTrifidBlocked Objects2022-02-27 15:22:53 UTC
TabunHydraMovement Speed2022-02-27 15:39:44 UTC
WandrarxCursed Guard CaptainBlocked Objects2022-02-27 21:20:58 UTC
FlamtarSpider QueenDrop: Spider Queen Head2022-02-28 22:08:02 UTC
FlamtarSpider MageElemental Hit Min2022-02-28 22:08:40 UTC
FlamtarSpider MageHit Min2022-03-01 00:32:08 UTC
FlamtarSpider QueenHit Min2022-03-01 01:21:09 UTC
TabunUndead MageHit Min2022-03-03 00:09:24 UTC
TabunFlameWalk Distance2022-03-04 17:11:11 UTC
TabunDragon GreenElemental Hit Min2022-03-05 16:09:49 UTC
TabunDragon GreenWalk Distance During Attack2022-03-05 16:18:08 UTC
LabookWolfDrop: Gale Buckler2022-03-06 02:19:52 UTC
TabunDragon GreenConstitution2022-03-06 15:34:18 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilAction Distance2022-03-07 23:49:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce DevilDrop: Wyvern White Gloves2022-03-08 05:26:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce DevilElemental Hit Max2022-03-08 05:32:10 UTC
TabunDeathHit Max2022-03-09 22:42:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenBlocked Objects2022-03-13 03:34:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenAction Distance2022-03-13 03:57:22 UTC
FlamtarIce DevilStrength2022-03-13 04:35:28 UTC
FlamtarIce DevilMovement Speed2022-03-14 04:21:42 UTC
WandrarxBansheeWalk Distance During Attack2022-03-14 17:06:18 UTC
WandrarxBansheeIntelligence2022-03-14 17:09:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider QueenDrop: Holy Belt2022-03-16 00:58:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider PoisonAction Distance2022-03-16 01:28:54 UTC
WandrarxWyvernDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-03-19 11:01:05 UTC
BrazukaSnake GrimElemental Hit Min2022-03-19 14:19:18 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilDrop: Elemental Ice Crystal2022-03-24 11:54:27 UTC
WandrarxSuccubusDrop: Fire Boots2022-03-26 12:47:14 UTC
WandrarxCursed ScholarBlocked Mountains2022-03-27 06:50:17 UTC
WandrarxAngelIntelligence2022-03-27 18:32:07 UTC
WandrarxGorgonBlocked Mountains2022-03-28 06:12:02 UTC
WandrarksValkyrieMovement Speed2022-03-29 06:59:28 UTC
WandrarxHell SpawnBlocked Objects2022-03-29 20:54:34 UTC
WandrarxHell SpawnDexterity2022-03-29 20:58:09 UTC
FlamtarDeranged MonkElemental Armor2022-03-31 01:41:07 UTC
WandrarxYettiDrop: Divine Buckler2022-03-31 07:17:22 UTC
FlamtarFallen AngelDrop: Elemental Dark Essence2022-03-31 20:36:29 UTC
WandrarxCursed Elite GuardDrop: Shard Of Cursed2022-04-04 19:00:19 UTC
WandrarxCursed ScholarStrength2022-04-09 17:49:05 UTC
WandrarxCursed AssassinDrop: Cursed Guard Gloves2022-04-09 17:56:39 UTC
AeloDjinnElemental Armor2022-04-09 20:31:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDemon PutridDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-04-10 02:34:48 UTC
FlamtarDjinnAction Distance2022-04-10 04:36:42 UTC
FlamtarCursed Guard TraineeWalk Distance During Attack2022-04-10 05:01:04 UTC
TomekDjinnDrop: Wind Bow2022-04-10 20:42:04 UTC
WandrarxFallen AngelBlocked Mountains2022-04-11 04:48:20 UTC
TomekHell Spawn GrimDescription2022-04-12 00:33:59 UTC
WandrarxHell SpawnHit Max2022-04-14 15:16:48 UTC
WandrarxUnicornMovement Speed2022-04-14 19:19:31 UTC
PuppyEgg KingDrop: Tiny Cracked Eggshell2022-04-16 04:31:20 UTC
FlamtarEgg PinkMovement Speed2022-04-16 04:31:50 UTC
FlamtarEgg PinkWalk Distance2022-04-16 04:43:59 UTC
FlamtarEgg PinkElemental Hit Max2022-04-16 04:56:22 UTC
FlamtarEgg PinkDescription2022-04-16 05:07:41 UTC
FlamtarEgg BlueDexterity2022-04-16 05:42:34 UTC
WandrarxOrc BruteDrop: Ethereal Wand2022-04-16 07:39:27 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkIntelligence2022-04-16 08:04:44 UTC
WandrarxEgg KingElemental Hit Max2022-04-16 13:23:49 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkElemental Hit Min2022-04-16 13:37:35 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkHit Max2022-04-17 20:49:05 UTC
zarastrEgg BlueHit Min2022-04-17 21:08:43 UTC
WandrarxOrc BruteStrength2022-04-18 16:08:09 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkElemental Armor2022-04-18 19:59:29 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDire WolfAction Distance2022-04-19 05:36:38 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkAction Distance2022-04-19 07:22:52 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkDrop: Holiday Easter Eggs2022-04-19 08:15:39 UTC
WandrarxEgg PinkBlocked Water2022-04-19 08:16:07 UTC
WandrarxDark HarbingerDescription2022-04-19 20:30:09 UTC
FlamtarStorm LordDescription2022-04-20 03:52:50 UTC
WandrarxHell SpawnConstitution2022-04-20 18:27:23 UTC
VanguardSpider MageBlocked Mountains2022-04-21 02:25:47 UTC
VanguardSpider MageElemental Hit Max2022-04-21 02:48:48 UTC
WandrarxEgg BlueBlocked Objects2022-04-21 13:36:44 UTC
zarastrLizardDrop: Wet Boots2022-04-22 23:38:26 UTC
WandrarxGorgonDrop: Gorgon Head2022-04-25 18:00:59 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilHit Speed2022-04-26 04:23:25 UTC
WandrarxSuccubusHit Min2022-04-28 22:50:19 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightHit Speed2022-04-29 13:42:59 UTC
FlamtarWyvernDrop: Petrified Wyvern Feathers2022-05-01 00:10:18 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenHit Max2022-05-01 08:06:41 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageDrop: Water Pants2022-05-01 08:07:49 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenElemental Hit Max2022-05-01 11:25:16 UTC
WandrarxSpecterHit Speed2022-05-01 19:46:04 UTC
WandrarxSpecterIntelligence2022-05-01 20:41:53 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenArmor2022-05-02 17:56:23 UTC
WandrarxGorgonDescription2022-05-04 21:06:45 UTC
WandrarxGorgonDrop: Shard Of Humanoid2022-05-04 21:16:58 UTC
WandrarxSnake KingMovement Speed2022-05-05 15:09:29 UTC
WandrarxEntDrop: Shard Of Earthen2022-05-06 22:24:31 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenWalk Distance During Attack2022-05-10 06:53:14 UTC
WandrarxWyvernArmor2022-05-10 19:08:54 UTC
LabookShadeDrop: Leather Belt2022-05-12 23:07:11 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilBlocked Water2022-05-14 14:31:56 UTC
WandraxsUnicornElemental Hit Max2022-05-15 11:45:11 UTC
VanguardBog DemonDrop: Double Spear2022-05-16 14:11:51 UTC
LabookSharkArmor2022-05-17 04:51:25 UTC
zarastrDjinnDrop: Wet Sprig2022-05-17 20:34:09 UTC
WandrarxCursed Elite GuardHit Min2022-05-22 17:03:11 UTC
WandrarxCursed KingHit Min2022-05-22 19:36:58 UTC
zarastrDragon GreenDescription2022-05-22 20:22:08 UTC
FlamtarWyvernDexterity2022-05-24 05:36:55 UTC
LabookPirateDrop: Divine Boots2022-05-25 02:17:23 UTC
BankkarrdSnake KingBlocked Mountains2022-05-25 07:33:11 UTC
WandrarxFallen AngelAction Distance2022-05-27 19:55:56 UTC
WandrarxFallen AngelSpawn Rate2022-05-27 20:16:17 UTC
LabookPirate CaptainHit Min2022-06-02 04:58:07 UTC
WandrarxSpider QueenWalk Distance2022-06-02 15:13:51 UTC
WandrarxSpider PoisonElemental Hit Min2022-06-03 17:20:57 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageDrop: Burnt Boots2022-06-03 18:19:41 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteDescription2022-06-03 21:53:52 UTC
WandrarxStorm LordConstitution2022-06-04 14:23:22 UTC
WandrarxStorm LordStrength2022-06-04 14:51:59 UTC
LabookPirate CaptainBlocked Water2022-06-05 06:12:22 UTC
zarastrFrozen HawkHit Min2022-06-18 13:53:45 UTC
zarastrNymphConstitution2022-06-18 14:32:22 UTC
zarastrFrozen HawkSpawn Rate2022-07-17 14:32:19 UTC
FlamtarWyvernMovement Speed2022-08-01 01:48:31 UTC
ALoliSnake KingDrop: Serpent Belt2022-08-03 15:35:14 UTC
LabookPirate CaptainDrop: Mud Belt2022-08-04 06:21:26 UTC
ALoliWraithAction Distance2022-08-06 15:14:15 UTC
ALoliWraithDrop: Decorative Mace2022-08-06 17:20:36 UTC
ALoliSpiritsIntelligence2022-08-09 19:53:07 UTC
PooHeadTormented SoulsStrength2022-08-17 13:07:01 UTC
PooHeadShadeWalk Distance During Attack2022-08-17 14:14:59 UTC
FlamtarStorm LordElemental Hit Max2022-08-23 04:55:03 UTC
WandrarxYetti GeneralWalk Distance2022-08-30 10:45:05 UTC
FlamtarSwamp MuckBlocked Objects2022-09-04 22:58:58 UTC
LabookGiantDrop: Mud Buckler2022-09-05 07:33:09 UTC
WandrarxCursed AssassinSpawn Rate2022-09-05 19:36:08 UTC
WandrarxSuccubusConstitution2022-09-06 11:01:41 UTC
WandrarxWyvernBlocked Water2022-09-08 06:15:01 UTC
WandrarxFallen AngelWalk Distance During Attack2022-09-10 19:19:38 UTC
WandrarxCursed AssassinMovement Speed2022-09-11 08:40:52 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightConstitution2022-09-11 14:01:17 UTC
WandrarxUndead MageHit Max2022-09-12 18:45:48 UTC
FlamtarFrozen HawkDrop: Gold2022-09-16 07:21:30 UTC
FlamtarFrozen HawkDexterity2022-09-16 07:22:06 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilBlocked Mountains2022-09-17 14:36:09 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightHit Min2022-09-17 17:38:38 UTC
VanguardSpider MageDrop: Potion Vial Spirit2022-09-18 03:36:10 UTC
WandrarxFallen AngelBlocked Water2022-09-20 21:06:15 UTC
WandrarxLich GrimHit Max2022-09-22 08:46:12 UTC
VanguardUndead MageWalk Distance During Attack2022-09-24 05:17:25 UTC
VanguardUndead MageIntelligence2022-09-24 05:24:57 UTC
VanguardUndead MageDrop: Reinforced Crossbow2022-09-25 00:04:03 UTC
MystikkoFlea SwarmDrop: Arrows Of Birch2022-09-25 12:13:25 UTC
SamoajaFlea SwarmConstitution2022-09-26 11:53:41 UTC
BankkarrdWerewolfDrop: Draw Knife2022-09-26 11:56:31 UTC
SamoajaUndead MageAction Distance2022-09-26 19:22:37 UTC
kiitySnake KingWalk Distance2022-09-26 23:27:14 UTC
DaGreatCornholioPirate CaptainElemental Hit Min2022-09-29 00:20:54 UTC
DaGreatCornholioDragon GreenStrength2022-10-01 00:53:33 UTC
WandrarxDjinnStrength2022-10-03 10:29:38 UTC
kiitySpiritsDexterity2022-10-05 01:33:35 UTC
WandrarxLich GrimStrength2022-10-05 07:52:50 UTC
WandrarxEttinHit Speed2022-10-07 20:39:11 UTC
kiityDirt BurrowerIntelligence2022-10-08 04:28:50 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinHit Max2022-10-09 18:00:39 UTC
FlamtarCursed AssassinDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-10-09 18:18:12 UTC
WandrarxToxic DeathDrop: Dark Gloves2022-10-10 11:12:12 UTC
DaGreatCornholioDjinnDexterity2022-10-11 19:25:53 UTC
kiityHydraBlocked Mountains2022-10-11 20:24:53 UTC
WandrarxEttinDrop: Bronze Sword2022-10-12 20:41:57 UTC
kiityWerewolfDrop: Gold2022-10-15 21:23:57 UTC
kiityWerewolfDescription2022-10-16 00:52:55 UTC
kiityWerewolfDexterity2022-10-16 01:00:14 UTC
zarastrHell SpawnDrop: Glass Beaker Large2022-10-18 16:20:10 UTC
zarastrHoly FlameHit Speed2022-10-18 21:19:10 UTC
WandrarxSpider MageHit Max2022-10-24 12:02:35 UTC
FlamtarWyvern WhiteDrop: Gold2022-10-30 01:37:29 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin HappyArmor2022-10-30 04:05:00 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingArmor2022-10-30 04:19:56 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingDescription2022-10-30 04:33:48 UTC
WandrarxPumpkin AngryDescription2022-10-30 13:36:33 UTC
FlamtarGorgonArmor2022-10-30 21:58:52 UTC
WandrarxPumpkin KingHit Min2022-10-31 21:20:14 UTC
zarastrPumpkin AngryArmor2022-11-01 13:06:19 UTC
WandrarxPumpkin KingWalk Distance2022-11-03 11:12:03 UTC
zarastrPumpkin HappyDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-11-03 13:38:33 UTC
zarastrPumpkin KingDrop: Box Of Tomes2022-11-03 14:12:53 UTC
zarastrPumpkin AngryWalk Distance2022-11-03 15:18:26 UTC
zarastrPumpkin AngryHit Max2022-11-03 18:42:49 UTC
zarastrPumpkin AngryConstitution2022-11-03 19:01:49 UTC
zarastrPumpkin HappyAction Distance2022-11-03 19:42:25 UTC
FlamtarSuccubusBlocked Mountains2022-11-04 09:30:07 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightDrop: Shard Of Frost2022-11-15 08:38:48 UTC
EcomonsDeathWalk Distance2022-11-15 20:05:38 UTC
EcomonsVampire BatArmor2022-11-16 01:28:47 UTC
EcomonsCyclopsHit Speed2022-11-16 13:54:43 UTC
EcomonsVampireBlocked Water2022-11-16 15:27:50 UTC
EcomonsFlea SwarmHit Min2022-11-16 18:26:07 UTC
EcomonsDjinnDrop: Silk Bolt2022-11-18 16:15:44 UTC
BankkarrdPirate WenchDrop: Burnt Belt2022-11-20 02:05:27 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyBlocked Water2022-11-25 12:10:16 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyDrop: Shard Of Birds2022-11-25 18:06:21 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyDrop: Titanium Ring Pearl2022-11-25 18:07:00 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyBlocked Mountains2022-11-27 10:42:41 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyElemental Hit Max2022-11-27 12:02:13 UTC
WandrarxTurkeyDescription2022-11-28 20:30:05 UTC
zarastrSnowmanBlocked Water2022-12-27 12:24:21 UTC
zarastrSnowmanAction Distance2022-12-27 14:09:37 UTC
TomekSnowmanBlocked Objects2022-12-31 23:37:10 UTC
WulffWater BugsBlocked Mountains2023-01-11 00:30:52 UTC
WolfwoodEntDrop: Tree Branch2023-02-18 11:55:16 UTC
zarastrHeartDrop: Potion Love Large2023-02-19 19:28:38 UTC
zarastrHeartDrop: Tiny Broken Heart2023-02-19 19:55:47 UTC
zarastrHeartDrop: Potion Love Small2023-02-19 21:42:58 UTC
WolfwoodValkyrieBlocked Objects2023-02-21 21:20:25 UTC
WolfwoodFlameDrop: Dim Buckler2023-02-22 22:01:10 UTC
WolfwoodSwamp MuckBlocked Mountains2023-02-25 10:22:29 UTC
WolfwoodSwamp MuckHit Max2023-02-25 12:33:52 UTC
WolfwoodEntIntelligence2023-02-25 21:41:40 UTC
WolfwoodEntDrop: Maple Logs2023-02-25 21:48:31 UTC
WolfwoodGoblinHit Speed2023-02-26 10:30:46 UTC
WolfwoodEntBlocked Mountains2023-02-26 10:44:05 UTC
WolfwoodBarbarian MageDescription2023-02-26 15:23:08 UTC
EvokerFrozen HawkDescription2023-03-02 09:53:27 UTC
WolfwoodFrozen HawkDrop: Seeds Of Apple2023-03-05 07:24:17 UTC
WolfwoodSiren GrimAction Distance2023-03-05 12:10:04 UTC
WolfwoodFrozen HawkDrop: Lily Pink2023-03-06 08:03:08 UTC
zarastrSpider QueenDrop: Tiny Spider Fangs2023-03-19 19:38:54 UTC
zarastrCloverDexterity2023-03-19 22:35:05 UTC
zarastrCloverElemental Armor2023-03-25 16:51:00 UTC
zarastrToxic DeathBlocked Objects2023-04-04 14:34:33 UTC
zarastrToxic DeathWalk Distance During Attack2023-04-06 14:58:55 UTC
GooseEgg BlueElemental Armor2023-04-07 00:51:33 UTC
GooseEgg BlueDescription2023-04-09 01:10:05 UTC
NarsaSnake KingDrop: Serpent Pants2023-04-28 02:56:05 UTC
NarsaFlameDrop: Infernoblaze Necklace2023-05-14 16:12:05 UTC
NarsaWater BugsDrop: Thick Sword2023-05-14 16:15:07 UTC
NarsaFrozen HawkDrop: Chef Hat2023-05-27 00:58:19 UTC
NarsaFrozen HawkMovement Speed2023-05-28 13:58:27 UTC
WandrarxHell SpawnDrop: Fire Belt2023-05-30 19:47:19 UTC
NarsaSwamp MuckDrop: Green Slime2023-06-04 16:38:22 UTC
NarsaSwamp MuckDrop: Arrows Of Mahogany2023-06-05 01:16:50 UTC
FlamtarLizardDrop: Tiny Lizard Tail2023-06-05 17:15:08 UTC
zarastrDragon GreenHit Max2023-06-05 20:27:28 UTC
zarastrDragon GreenDrop: Mud Boots2023-06-05 20:39:45 UTC
NarsaFrozen HawkDrop: Burnt Ash2023-06-07 00:56:43 UTC
zarastrDragon GreenDrop: Tiny Dragon Scales Green2023-06-09 13:52:32 UTC
zarastrDragon GreenElemental Hit Max2023-06-09 15:08:06 UTC
WandraxsBald EagleBlocked Water2023-07-05 11:03:57 UTC
FlamtarHell SpawnDrop: Shard Of Inferno2023-07-17 16:37:21 UTC
riunBatDrop: Tiny Bat Wings2023-07-26 10:19:10 UTC
WandrarxDark HarbingerConstitution2023-08-01 20:33:00 UTC
WandrarxDeranged MonkDrop: Burnt Ash2023-08-04 09:57:30 UTC
WandrarxUnicornStrength2023-08-04 09:58:06 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightStrength2023-08-04 13:10:10 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightBlocked Water2023-08-04 13:18:16 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightDrop: Box Of Tomes2023-08-04 13:28:06 UTC
zarastrBansheeMovement Speed2023-09-05 16:56:09 UTC
WandrarxOrc BruteDrop: Gold2023-09-29 21:05:28 UTC
derwinVampire BatConstitution2023-09-30 01:37:36 UTC
derwinPirate CaptainMovement Speed2023-09-30 15:46:08 UTC
derwinPirate WenchDrop: Bottle Empty2023-10-02 02:15:03 UTC
derwinGiant BeeElemental Hit Max2023-10-05 15:21:44 UTC
kiityUndead MageDrop: Shard Of Mages2023-10-06 21:54:30 UTC
FlamtarIce DevilDescription2023-10-12 14:35:16 UTC
FlamtarDeranged MonkConstitution2023-10-19 21:59:57 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryBlocked Mountains2023-10-25 03:50:47 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingHit Max2023-10-25 04:25:04 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryDrop: Potion Vial Rage2023-10-25 13:22:02 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingDrop: Tiny Pumpkin Seeds2023-10-25 13:36:06 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryDrop: Box Of Tomes2023-10-25 13:36:27 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngrySpawn Rate2023-10-25 13:59:26 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingElemental Hit Max2023-10-25 14:19:31 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingHit Speed2023-10-25 14:27:56 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin KingBlocked Water2023-10-25 21:22:47 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryBlocked Objects2023-10-25 23:28:37 UTC
TomekPumpkin KingBlocked Objects2023-10-26 00:02:23 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryHit Min2023-10-26 01:19:13 UTC
FlamtarPumpkin AngryHit Speed2023-10-26 01:46:26 UTC
VanguardPumpkin KingStrength2023-10-26 18:29:34 UTC
VanguardPumpkin KingWalk Distance During Attack2023-10-26 18:34:27 UTC
VanguardPumpkin AngryBlocked Water2023-10-26 23:35:52 UTC
VanguardPumpkin KingMovement Speed2023-10-27 02:57:15 UTC
TomekFlameHit Speed2023-10-27 16:06:13 UTC
TomekPumpkin AngryDrop: Tiny Pumpkin Seeds2023-10-28 15:29:56 UTC
FlamtarHell SpawnWalk Distance During Attack2023-10-30 21:21:49 UTC
zarastrPumpkin KingConstitution2023-10-30 22:42:48 UTC
FlamtarTitanBlocked Objects2023-10-31 20:46:56 UTC
VanguardPumpkin KingDexterity2023-11-01 21:23:17 UTC
zarastrPumpkin KingDrop: Holiday Pumpkin Stem2023-11-02 19:53:47 UTC
zarastrPumpkin KingElemental Hit Min2023-11-07 13:38:12 UTC
zarastrPumpkin AngryStrength2023-11-07 14:12:29 UTC
TomekTurkeyHit Speed2023-11-23 14:34:33 UTC
FlamtarTurkeyHit Min2023-11-24 04:25:41 UTC
zarastrTurkeySpawn Rate2023-11-25 00:01:18 UTC
zarastrTurkeyDrop: Burnt Ash2023-11-25 00:02:13 UTC
SephWraithDrop: Silver Necklace2024-01-13 17:40:18 UTC
SephShadeDrop: Skull2024-01-17 02:06:59 UTC
SephFlea SwarmHit Max2024-01-18 00:45:23 UTC
SephDragon GreenBlocked Objects2024-01-18 03:29:54 UTC
SephSpider MageDexterity2024-02-06 02:03:17 UTC
SephSpider MageDrop: Shard Of Bugs2024-02-07 00:42:50 UTC
SephSpider MageStrength2024-02-07 02:21:36 UTC
SephSpider MageAction Distance2024-02-07 02:31:05 UTC
FlamtarSuccubusElemental Hit Max2024-02-07 15:53:44 UTC
SephSpider QueenDrop: Seeds Of Strawberry2024-02-08 01:07:29 UTC
SephSpider MageDescription2024-02-08 02:50:16 UTC
SephSludgeDrop: Eucalyptus Sprig2024-02-08 05:11:33 UTC
SephSludgeDrop: Shard Of Marine2024-02-09 02:18:56 UTC
SephSludgeDrop: Tiny Slime Drop Blue2024-02-09 08:06:26 UTC
SephSludgeWalk Distance2024-02-10 02:51:45 UTC
SephSpider QueenDrop: Wind Belt2024-02-11 23:36:45 UTC
SephSpider MageDrop: Dark Belt2024-02-13 00:58:36 UTC
SephSpider QueenDrop: Shard Of Bugs2024-02-13 02:03:10 UTC
SephSpider MageDrop: Gold2024-02-13 02:14:07 UTC
SephSludgeMovement Speed2024-02-15 01:17:01 UTC
FlamtarHeartHit Max2024-02-18 00:52:29 UTC
FlamtarHeartDescription2024-02-18 01:00:40 UTC
TomekHeartAction Distance2024-02-26 03:42:52 UTC
TomekPumpkin AngryElemental Hit Min2024-02-26 04:01:48 UTC
zarastrPumpkin Angry GrimDrop: Box Of Tomes2024-03-15 22:23:52 UTC
zarastrPumpkin KingIntelligence2024-03-15 23:17:51 UTC
FlamtarCloverDrop: Gold2024-03-19 04:30:22 UTC
FlamtarCloverDrop: Holiday Clover Patch2024-03-28 14:41:37 UTC
zarastrCloverDrop: Silver Necklace Amethyst2024-03-29 03:24:41 UTC
TalaFlea SwarmWalk Distance During Attack2024-04-22 23:37:52 UTC
MinerFlea SwarmDrop: Linen Beltpack2024-04-26 18:26:06 UTC
PrimeveriaSnake GrimDrop: Shard Of Reptiles2024-04-27 11:44:35 UTC
RayexiaBearDaily Task2024-04-28 11:06:23 UTC
RayexiaSkeletonBlocked Land2024-04-28 11:23:20 UTC
KibethFire MitesDaily Task2024-04-28 12:48:30 UTC
RayexiaShadeDrop: Shard Of Fiends2024-04-28 18:01:50 UTC
zarastrDeathDrop: Box Of Tomes2024-04-28 22:25:09 UTC
FlamtarDeathFaction Id2024-04-28 22:42:44 UTC
RayexiaWolfBlocked Land2024-04-29 00:24:04 UTC
KibethFrogBlocked Land2024-04-29 16:22:09 UTC
RayexiaWolfDaily Task2024-04-29 23:42:27 UTC
RayexiaWraithDrop: Decorative Sword2024-04-30 03:05:52 UTC
RandorMouseDaily Task2024-04-30 13:00:57 UTC
zarastrSnake GrimElemental Armor2024-05-01 22:37:27 UTC
MinerVampire BatDrop: Dim Stave2024-05-02 13:43:26 UTC
MinerHarpyBlocked Land2024-05-02 14:55:55 UTC
RafaelBatBlocked Land2024-05-03 07:07:09 UTC
MinerSkeletonDaily Task2024-05-05 00:19:44 UTC
LegacyBatDaily Task2024-05-05 16:27:32 UTC
LegacySnakeBlocked Land2024-05-05 17:17:44 UTC
MinerGiantDaily Task2024-05-06 04:09:35 UTC
MinerStone GiantFaction Id2024-05-06 15:08:42 UTC
MinerWater BugsElemental Hit Min2024-05-06 21:43:17 UTC
MinerWater BugsWalk Distance2024-05-07 03:40:10 UTC
MinerImpDaily Task2024-05-09 18:44:43 UTC
MinerMoltenBlocked Water2024-05-09 21:16:40 UTC
zarastrFlameDrop: Sturdy Morningstar2024-05-10 15:19:10 UTC
zarastrFlameWalk Distance During Attack2024-05-10 15:23:46 UTC
MinerFrozen HawkWalk Distance During Attack2024-05-11 03:16:14 UTC
MinerFrozen HawkBlocked Land2024-05-11 03:23:03 UTC
MinerHarpyDaily Task2024-05-11 04:05:09 UTC
MinerFrozen HawkConstitution2024-05-14 04:53:32 UTC
MinerLizardBlocked Land2024-05-14 10:37:24 UTC
MinerFlameHit Min2024-05-14 15:18:26 UTC
MinerNymphDrop: Box Of Tomes2024-05-15 14:55:15 UTC
MinerSharkDrop: Chum2024-05-17 15:31:06 UTC
MinerSharkDexterity2024-05-18 06:34:11 UTC
MinerToxic DeathStrength2024-05-18 10:38:01 UTC
MinerToxic DeathDrop: Toxic Blood2024-05-18 11:03:25 UTC
MinerSpider QueenBlocked Mountains2024-05-18 13:11:44 UTC
MinerGiantBlocked Land2024-05-18 15:20:55 UTC
MinerGiantFaction Id2024-05-18 18:18:30 UTC
MinerStone GiantBlocked Land2024-05-19 16:01:00 UTC
MinerHell SpawnFaction Id2024-05-20 10:19:36 UTC
MinerTrifidDrop: Gold2024-05-20 20:36:21 UTC
MinerTrifidArmor2024-05-20 21:14:38 UTC
MinerNymphFaction Id2024-05-21 11:23:10 UTC
MinerSirenDaily Task2024-05-21 16:17:30 UTC
MinerNymphHit Speed2024-05-21 16:24:03 UTC
MinerWraithElemental Hit Max2024-05-22 04:51:23 UTC
MinerStone GiantDaily Task2024-05-22 16:13:41 UTC
MinerGolemBlocked Land2024-05-22 16:26:05 UTC
MinerValkyrieBlocked Land2024-05-22 16:49:04 UTC
MinerSalamanderArmor2024-05-23 09:16:06 UTC
MinerNymphStrength2024-05-23 09:25:54 UTC
MinerCentaurFaction Id2024-05-25 06:03:51 UTC
TomekSwamp MuckHit Min2024-05-25 16:43:30 UTC
MinerWhaleHit Max2024-05-25 19:58:29 UTC
MinerSludgeDrop: Mystic Robe2024-05-26 15:44:32 UTC
MinerSludgeHit Min2024-05-26 22:04:03 UTC
MinerSludgeSpawn Rate2024-05-26 22:31:24 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftSnake CoralDaily Task2024-05-27 17:46:44 UTC
MinerBarbarian SwordsmanFaction Id2024-05-28 17:41:51 UTC
LyrianSnake CoralBlocked Land2024-05-29 02:16:58 UTC
MinerHell SpawnElemental Hit Min2024-05-29 06:40:38 UTC
MinerDemonBlocked Land2024-05-29 12:48:33 UTC
LyrianSnake CornDaily Task2024-05-29 16:33:59 UTC
MinerDemonDaily Task2024-05-29 16:54:56 UTC
LyrianCyclopsMovement Speed2024-05-29 19:45:14 UTC
WandrarxTrollBlocked Land2024-05-31 21:56:17 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteWalk Distance During Attack2024-05-31 22:53:46 UTC
zarastrBansheeDrop: Wind Bow2024-06-01 18:54:15 UTC
zarastrBansheeConstitution2024-06-01 18:57:50 UTC
WandrarxAlbatrossElemental Armor2024-06-01 21:11:34 UTC
Magic HandsWater BugsAction Distance2024-06-02 06:06:29 UTC
MinerFrost KnightElemental Hit Max2024-06-03 08:55:16 UTC
WandrarxStorm LordWalk Distance During Attack2024-06-03 08:55:32 UTC
WandrarxSeagullWalk Distance2024-06-03 10:57:33 UTC
WandrarxMoltenDrop: Shard Of Inferno2024-06-03 12:15:01 UTC
WandrarxFlameDaily Task2024-06-03 12:36:01 UTC
WandrarxSalamander BlueAction Distance2024-06-03 16:53:32 UTC
TomekToxic DeathBlocked Land2024-06-04 01:10:40 UTC
TomekToxic DeathFaction Id2024-06-04 01:25:33 UTC
TomekToxic DeathBlocked Water2024-06-04 01:36:22 UTC
TomekToxic Death GrimMovement Speed2024-06-04 05:08:56 UTC
MinerBarbarian AxemanBlocked Land2024-06-04 17:14:06 UTC
MinerBarbarian XbowmanDaily Task2024-06-04 19:34:57 UTC
TomekDeranged MonkDaily Task2024-06-05 04:38:41 UTC
MinerBarbarian SwordsmanBlocked Land2024-06-05 18:05:56 UTC
MinerDemonFaction Id2024-06-06 15:48:57 UTC
WandrarksHoly Flame GrimArmor2024-06-08 03:09:59 UTC
WandrarxDragon RedDrop: Gold2024-06-08 14:14:34 UTC
TomekFrozen HawkDrop: Shard Of Frost2024-06-09 02:34:51 UTC
MinerBarbarian MageFaction Id2024-06-09 12:12:45 UTC
TomekSirenFaction Id2024-06-09 14:29:19 UTC
WandrarksSirenBlocked Land2024-06-09 19:11:47 UTC
MinerPirate WenchBlocked Land2024-06-09 20:29:41 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteElemental Hit Min2024-06-10 07:54:26 UTC
WandrarksEel StripedBlocked Mountains2024-06-10 08:45:33 UTC
WandrarxCursed Guard CaptainStrength2024-06-10 14:14:56 UTC
MinerCursed ScholarDrop: Cursed Guard Boots2024-06-11 05:04:53 UTC
WandrarxDjinnDescription2024-06-11 19:05:26 UTC
WandrarxGolemDaily Task2024-06-11 21:02:48 UTC
MinerIce CritterFaction Id2024-06-12 18:17:05 UTC
MinerFrost KnightFaction Id2024-06-12 20:32:00 UTC
WandrarxDragon RedBlocked Mountains2024-06-12 20:55:09 UTC
MinerSharkDrop: Dim Belt2024-06-12 21:25:52 UTC
MinerPirate WenchDaily Task2024-06-13 08:10:42 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftLizardDaily Task2024-06-14 16:02:03 UTC
MinerUnicornBlocked Land2024-06-14 23:10:24 UTC
TomekBarbarian MageBlocked Land2024-06-15 02:10:03 UTC
Magic HandsSpiderDaily Task2024-06-15 13:59:30 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteMovement Speed2024-06-16 18:28:00 UTC
WandrarxAlbatrossDaily Task2024-06-16 20:12:54 UTC
TomekStingrayDexterity2024-06-16 21:10:24 UTC
MinerBansheeDrop: Box Of Tomes2024-06-17 20:18:21 UTC
MinerBansheeSpawn Rate2024-06-17 22:05:43 UTC
MinerBansheeHit Min2024-06-17 22:29:17 UTC
MinerBansheeDrop: Shard Of Fiends2024-06-18 08:27:52 UTC
MinerSpecterDaily Task2024-06-18 09:37:14 UTC
MinerYettiDaily Task2024-06-18 20:44:01 UTC
MinerBarbarian XbowmanFaction Id2024-06-19 12:37:42 UTC
MinerFallen AngelDrop: Dark Boots2024-06-21 06:29:07 UTC
MinerSuccubusDrop: Ethereal Helm2024-06-21 22:17:16 UTC
TomekEntDexterity2024-06-22 01:14:59 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteAction Distance2024-06-23 14:11:57 UTC
WandrarxWyvern WhiteStrength2024-06-23 14:54:57 UTC
WandrarxDragon RedDrop: Tiny Dragon Scales Red2024-06-23 14:56:12 UTC
MinerFrozen HawkIntelligence2024-06-23 15:21:02 UTC
WandrarxWyvernHit Min2024-06-23 19:58:58 UTC
WandrarxWhaleDrop: Chum2024-06-23 20:01:51 UTC
WandrarxIce DevilConstitution2024-06-23 20:19:56 UTC
WandrarxSalamander BlueArmor2024-06-24 19:22:07 UTC
WandrarxWhaleDrop: Tuna2024-06-24 19:28:41 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil GrimDexterity2024-06-24 19:36:35 UTC
WandrarxLichBlocked Land2024-06-26 13:56:30 UTC
WandrarxLichFaction Id2024-06-26 14:49:40 UTC
WandrarxLichDaily Task2024-06-26 15:10:13 UTC
Magic HandsSnake CornFaction Id2024-06-26 16:10:15 UTC
WandrarxEntAction Distance2024-07-01 20:37:11 UTC
WandrarxSwamp MuckDrop: Iron Bow2024-07-02 15:32:13 UTC
WandrarxEntDrop: Gold2024-07-03 18:57:35 UTC
PaldisaurLizardFaction Id2024-07-03 22:46:17 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightMovement Speed2024-07-04 19:02:38 UTC
WandrarxFrost KnightElemental Armor2024-07-04 19:06:46 UTC
WandrarxBald EagleWalk Distance During Attack2024-07-05 18:53:10 UTC
WandrarxBald EagleFaction Id2024-07-05 18:56:40 UTC
WandrarxBald EagleMovement Speed2024-07-05 20:18:16 UTC
PaldisaurBald EagleHit Speed2024-07-06 13:58:43 UTC
WandrarxBald EagleBlocked Objects2024-07-06 17:46:09 UTC
zarastrBald EagleArmor2024-07-07 14:45:18 UTC
zarastrBald EagleElemental Armor2024-07-07 18:23:20 UTC
TomekBarbarian AxemanDaily Task2024-07-08 00:22:34 UTC
WandrarxDragon RedWalk Distance During Attack2024-07-09 17:56:55 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn GrimElemental Hit Min2024-07-09 18:26:54 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil GrimIntelligence2024-07-10 20:14:53 UTC
WandrarxAlbatrossIntelligence2024-07-10 20:25:23 UTC
WandrarxPirate CaptainBlocked Land2024-07-14 21:34:36 UTC
WandrarxVampireFaction Id2024-07-15 06:32:23 UTC
WandrarxSalamander PoisonBlocked Water2024-07-15 08:56:28 UTC
WandrarxDragon GreenDrop: Fire Boots2024-07-15 22:10:43 UTC
WandrarxWyvernDrop: Wyvern Claw2024-07-16 18:32:45 UTC
WandrarxSwamp MuckBlocked Water2024-07-17 14:01:34 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian XbowmanDrop: Scroll Of Unleash2024-07-18 06:49:53 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian XbowmanBlocked Land2024-07-18 07:05:11 UTC
WandrarxFlameBlocked Land2024-07-18 07:26:44 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian SwordsmanDaily Task2024-07-18 07:36:01 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian MageDaily Task2024-07-18 08:30:41 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian AxemanFaction Id2024-07-23 19:23:17 UTC
zarastrCursed Elite GuardElemental Armor2024-07-23 23:00:40 UTC
WandrarxDragon RedElemental Hit Min2024-07-24 16:20:33 UTC
WandrarxNymphBlocked Land2024-07-24 20:14:53 UTC
WandrarxSwamp MuckWalk Distance2024-07-24 21:08:48 UTC
WandrarxCentaurBlocked Land2024-07-25 11:10:10 UTC
WandrarxCentaurDaily Task2024-07-25 15:50:46 UTC
WandrarksWhaleDrop: Salmon2024-07-26 20:33:55 UTC

NPC researchers:

NameNPCField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierHermitDrop: Thick Staff2014-12-31 21:01:27 UTC
FlamtarNeveiaElemental Hit Min2021-04-16 18:55:34 UTC
FlamtarNeveiaElemental Armor2021-04-16 19:17:51 UTC
FlamtarCapital Trades DealerElemental Armor2021-09-30 23:57:20 UTC
PuppyElite GuardHit Speed2021-10-01 05:56:27 UTC
PuppyElite GuardBlocked Objects2021-11-15 04:59:14 UTC
FlamtarWandering WizardMovement Speed2022-03-23 05:17:21 UTC
WandrarxWandering WizardHit Max2022-06-02 05:34:32 UTC
FlamtarHoly GuardMovement Speed2023-10-11 23:40:31 UTC
MinerOutlaw RyiaWalk Distance During Attack2024-05-10 21:16:50 UTC
WandrarxDog TerrierDescription2024-06-07 15:55:05 UTC
WandrarxDog TerrierBlocked Mountains2024-06-08 21:58:16 UTC
WandrarksDog HuskyConstitution2024-06-10 12:20:19 UTC
WandrarxDog TerrierAction Distance2024-06-10 15:51:59 UTC
WandrarksDog HuskyArmor2024-06-10 18:46:47 UTC

Resource researchers:

NameResourceField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierPine TreeExp2015-01-02 06:56:24 UTC
fourfivezerooneBerries ShrubExp2015-03-26 21:26:51 UTC
BruthusLeadExp2015-04-07 03:25:37 UTC
HatlerPine TreeAction Length2015-04-20 03:10:29 UTC
XenaxPine TreeSpawn Rate2015-05-31 15:11:32 UTC
ZonkilForgeDescription2015-08-15 16:20:53 UTC
CrixusPine TreeDescription2016-02-02 09:04:07 UTC
MatoLeadDrop: Sand2016-02-14 13:05:16 UTC
MatoLeadDrop: Aquamarine2016-02-14 13:57:21 UTC
MatoLeadDescription2016-02-14 14:08:55 UTC
MatoLeadSkill Requirement2016-02-14 17:52:13 UTC
Crazy ClownPine TreeDrop: Tree Branch2016-02-14 19:24:37 UTC
FrostavengerLeadAction Length2016-02-14 21:02:44 UTC
FrostavengerPine TreeDrop: Pine Logs2016-02-15 00:16:15 UTC
FrostavengerSaw HorseSkill Requirement2016-02-15 00:20:34 UTC
FrostavengerBerries ShrubDrop: Aquamarine2016-02-15 00:56:53 UTC
FrostavengerBerries ShrubDrop: Leaf Pile2016-02-15 01:15:50 UTC
MatoTiny RippleDescription2016-02-15 01:16:49 UTC
FrostavengerBerries ShrubSpawn Rate2016-02-15 18:58:04 UTC
FrostavengerBerries ShrubAction Length2016-02-15 19:47:54 UTC
FrostavengerBerries ShrubDrop: Berries2016-02-15 19:58:52 UTC
pierre CHTLeadDrop: Pebbles2016-02-16 06:34:42 UTC
MatoBerries ShrubDescription2016-02-16 22:23:35 UTC
VenominaBerries ShrubSkill Requirement2016-02-17 06:13:11 UTC
FrostavengerPine TreeSkill Requirement2016-02-20 00:08:07 UTC
DysupLeadDrop: Rock Dust2016-02-21 06:37:18 UTC
DysupForgeSkill Requirement2016-02-21 06:41:41 UTC
DysupForgeAction Length2016-02-21 16:37:45 UTC
DysupForgeSpawn Rate2016-02-21 16:42:33 UTC
FrostavengerSunflower PlantExp2016-02-22 05:14:49 UTC
FrostavengerSteelSpawn Rate2016-02-23 02:39:37 UTC
XalizardLeadDrop: Lead Ore2016-02-23 07:14:04 UTC
FrostavengerSteelDrop: Steel Ore2016-02-23 08:53:21 UTC
FrostavengerMaple TreeDrop: Leaf Pile2016-02-23 09:02:50 UTC
FrostavengerSteelDrop: Rock Dust2016-02-23 09:03:25 UTC
FrostavengerSteelDrop: Sand2016-02-23 18:53:41 UTC
MatoSteelDrop: Pearl2016-02-23 20:42:15 UTC
FrostavengerSteelDrop: Pebbles2016-02-23 21:07:50 UTC
FrostavengerSunflower PlantDrop: Topaz2016-02-24 00:01:33 UTC
FrostavengerSteelSkill Requirement2016-02-24 01:37:55 UTC
IntbAlchemist CauldronSkill Requirement2016-02-24 10:16:30 UTC
IntbForgeExp2016-02-24 10:30:45 UTC
spoonSaw HorseExp2016-02-24 13:48:35 UTC
spoonCarpenters WorkbenchDescription2016-02-24 13:55:44 UTC
IntbAlchemist CauldronExp2016-02-24 23:08:31 UTC
DysupBlacksmiths AnvilSkill Requirement2016-02-26 12:33:07 UTC
VenomosLeadSpawn Rate2016-02-27 03:34:18 UTC
XalizardBlacksmiths AnvilDescription2016-02-27 03:54:00 UTC
DysupSunflower PlantDescription2016-02-27 09:05:29 UTC
DysupSteelDescription2016-02-27 13:28:35 UTC
CrixusCarpenters WorkbenchSkill Requirement2016-02-27 16:12:24 UTC
CrixusCarpenters WorkbenchExp2016-02-27 17:19:00 UTC
CrixusSunflower PlantDrop: Sunflower2016-02-28 05:39:30 UTC
DysupSteelExp2016-02-28 11:19:38 UTC
FrostavengerSunflower PlantSkill Requirement2016-02-28 14:12:26 UTC
MakkaCooking OvenAction Length2016-05-09 16:49:02 UTC
CokoJIRUCooking OvenDescription2016-06-13 16:03:48 UTC
LufixCooking OvenSkill Requirement2016-06-15 03:59:12 UTC
LufixCooking OvenSpawn Rate2016-06-15 18:32:25 UTC
SaigaPine TreeDrop: Aquamarine2016-07-01 15:55:58 UTC
FrostavengerSunflower PlantAction Length2016-07-14 09:02:17 UTC
FrostavengerSunflower PlantSpawn Rate2016-07-14 09:15:48 UTC
MakkaSpinning WheelAction Length2016-07-14 14:22:21 UTC
KevoxAlchemist CauldronSpawn Rate2016-07-14 16:56:55 UTC
pierreCHTaCarpenters WorkbenchSpawn Rate2016-07-17 09:39:59 UTC
pierreCHTaCarpenters WorkbenchAction Length2016-07-17 10:24:21 UTC
MakkaCampfireExp2016-07-21 13:27:59 UTC
DEV ProskierSpinning WheelDescription2017-02-06 18:55:41 UTC
CadexCooking OvenExp2017-02-09 08:44:26 UTC
pierreCHTpAlchemist CauldronDescription2017-02-11 08:28:00 UTC
pierre CHTHolly BushSpawn Rate2017-02-20 12:02:26 UTC
FrostavengerBlacksmiths AnvilAction Length2017-02-26 19:51:10 UTC
FrostavengerBlacksmiths AnvilSpawn Rate2017-02-26 20:21:49 UTC
FrostavengerBlacksmiths AnvilExp2017-02-26 21:35:34 UTC
FrostavengerAlchemist CauldronAction Length2017-02-26 23:44:49 UTC
LegendSpinning WheelExp2017-02-28 14:39:53 UTC
LegendSteelAction Length2017-03-01 03:47:29 UTC
RageHoundSaw HorseSpawn Rate2017-03-22 10:12:06 UTC
pierre CHTSmall RippleSkill Requirement2018-02-12 17:19:26 UTC
FireChickletTiny RippleSkill Requirement2018-04-10 09:51:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIronDrop: Rock Dust2019-01-23 17:00:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIronExp2019-01-23 18:49:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIronAction Length2019-01-23 21:56:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSmall RippleDrop: Leather Boots2019-02-02 20:57:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCampfireSpawn Rate2019-02-02 21:14:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMedium RippleExp2019-02-02 22:55:11 UTC
PuppyMaple TreeDrop: Maple Logs2019-05-09 19:52:00 UTC
PhodinhaSpinning WheelSpawn Rate2019-08-14 14:56:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider WebExp2019-08-20 18:27:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider WebDrop: Robe Scrap2019-08-21 00:37:31 UTC
PuppyTiny RippleExp2019-09-29 13:20:39 UTC
PuppyTiny RippleDrop: Aquamarine2019-09-29 14:14:29 UTC
PuppySpider WebDescription2019-09-29 17:58:34 UTC
PuppySpider WebDrop: Silk Bolt2019-09-29 18:19:42 UTC
PuppySpider WebSpawn Rate2019-09-29 19:09:42 UTC
PLZxHolly BushDescription2019-12-29 10:21:41 UTC
PLZxSpider WebAction Length2019-12-30 04:17:36 UTC
GooseTiny RippleAction Length2020-01-12 02:34:02 UTC
TomekIronDescription2020-03-30 04:08:47 UTC
TomekMaple TreeDrop: Pearl2020-04-02 02:38:23 UTC
TomekBirch TreeSpawn Rate2020-04-04 18:31:59 UTC
TomekBirch TreeDrop: Tree Branch2020-04-04 18:58:51 UTC
TomekMedium RippleSkill Requirement2020-06-01 04:02:03 UTC
TomekMedium RippleDrop: Tambaqui2020-06-01 22:36:54 UTC
TomekCampfireSkill Requirement2020-06-02 17:54:51 UTC
TomekSpider WebDrop: Apples2020-06-05 04:46:57 UTC
TomekIronDrop: Amethyst2020-06-07 01:50:00 UTC
TomekIronSpawn Rate2020-06-09 17:52:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBirch TreeExp2020-07-06 01:24:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand RockDescription2020-07-06 05:05:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronzeDrop: Bronze Ore2020-07-06 06:02:51 UTC
FatAdamTiny RippleDrop: Frog Leg2020-07-06 20:28:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBirch TreeDrop: Birch Logs2020-07-07 04:56:14 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBirch TreeDescription2020-07-07 06:35:33 UTC
PuppyIronSkill Requirement2020-07-07 18:00:44 UTC
PuppyIronDrop: Sand2020-07-08 00:39:45 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeSkill Requirement2020-07-08 06:55:14 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeDrop: Tree Root2020-07-08 21:09:38 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeAction Length2020-07-09 00:03:35 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeDrop: Amethyst2020-07-09 06:30:06 UTC
PuppySand RockDrop: Sand2020-07-10 00:18:33 UTC
PuppySand RockDrop: Strong Handle2020-07-10 00:28:56 UTC
TessCampfireDescription2020-07-10 00:37:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMedium RippleDrop: Crab Meat2020-07-10 02:22:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMedium RippleAction Length2020-07-10 04:21:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMedium RippleSpawn Rate2020-07-10 04:53:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMedium RippleDrop: Silk Bolt2020-07-10 04:54:57 UTC
PuppySand RockExp2020-07-10 06:00:24 UTC
TessSand RockAction Length2020-07-10 09:19:27 UTC
PuppySand RockSkill Requirement2020-07-11 05:24:05 UTC
TessTiny RippleDrop: Cloth Scrap2020-07-11 10:05:20 UTC
TessTiny RippleSpawn Rate2020-07-11 10:05:48 UTC
TessSmall RippleDrop: Leather Bolt2020-07-11 12:24:20 UTC
GooseMaple TreeDrop: Huge Leaf2020-07-11 18:57:20 UTC
PuppyIronDrop: Iron Ore2020-07-12 15:28:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMahogany TreeDescription2020-07-13 02:29:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCampfireAction Length2020-07-13 05:45:46 UTC
GooseRose BushDrop: Apples2020-07-14 01:56:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLarge RippleAction Length2020-07-14 03:44:30 UTC
TessMedium RippleDescription2020-07-14 17:38:33 UTC
TessMedium RippleDrop: Amethyst2020-07-15 18:01:13 UTC
PuppySand RockDrop: Rock Dust2020-07-15 18:27:22 UTC
TessSand RockSpawn Rate2020-07-15 22:43:31 UTC
FatAdamTiny RippleDrop: Fishing Pole2020-07-16 19:01:41 UTC
TessLarge RippleDescription2020-07-17 21:02:46 UTC
PuppyGoldDrop: Rock Dust2020-07-18 14:22:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHuge SwellAction Length2020-07-19 02:22:44 UTC
TessLarge RippleDrop: Topaz2020-07-19 15:21:17 UTC
GooseSmall RippleDrop: Anchovy2020-07-20 23:50:23 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeDrop: Lavender Bunch2020-07-21 03:21:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMahogany TreeSpawn Rate2020-07-21 17:07:40 UTC
AzazelSpider WebSkill Requirement2020-07-21 17:58:03 UTC
AzazelSpider WebDrop: Linen Scrap2020-07-21 19:24:59 UTC
GooseSmall RippleExp2020-07-21 23:37:05 UTC
AzazelHolly BushExp2020-07-22 13:23:06 UTC
AzazelHolly BushDrop: Holly Berries2020-07-22 13:37:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLarge RippleSpawn Rate2020-07-24 03:31:35 UTC
TessLarge RippleExp2020-07-24 12:49:53 UTC
PuppyMedium RippleDrop: Lavender Bunch2020-07-24 13:40:10 UTC
TessLarge RippleDrop: Salmon2020-07-24 15:51:51 UTC
TessLarge RippleSkill Requirement2020-07-24 16:07:51 UTC
TessLarge RippleDrop: Turtle Meat2020-07-25 14:21:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronzeSkill Requirement2020-07-25 22:16:54 UTC
FatAdamBronzeDescription2020-07-28 01:24:43 UTC
FatAdamBronzeAction Length2020-07-28 01:47:33 UTC
GooseRose BushSpawn Rate2020-07-29 22:50:18 UTC
AzazelThick Spider WebSkill Requirement2020-07-30 02:00:04 UTC
PuppyGoldExp2020-07-30 21:28:36 UTC
GooseRose BushAction Length2020-08-02 19:58:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRose BushDrop: Rose Red2020-08-04 00:46:24 UTC
GooseRose BushDrop: Amethyst2020-08-10 22:11:04 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerTiny RippleDrop: Sardine2020-08-10 23:05:37 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerTiny RippleDrop: Cloth Scarf2020-08-10 23:10:26 UTC
PuppyMahogany TreeExp2020-08-12 05:26:31 UTC
DerbianSpinning WheelSkill Requirement2020-08-14 14:15:43 UTC
AzazelThick Spider WebDrop: Silk Bolt2020-08-15 16:29:45 UTC
TheOddOneThick Spider WebDescription2020-08-17 21:01:28 UTC
TheOddOneThick Spider WebAction Length2020-08-18 07:51:51 UTC
TheOddOneThick Spider WebDrop: Eucalyptus Sprig2020-08-18 17:08:07 UTC
AkashaThick Spider WebDrop: Mystic Bolt2020-08-22 07:54:27 UTC
AkashaThick Spider WebDrop: Linen Scrap2020-08-22 08:11:38 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeDescription2020-08-24 05:51:35 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeSkill Requirement2020-08-24 06:42:46 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeAction Length2020-08-24 07:21:54 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeSpawn Rate2020-08-24 08:35:20 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeExp2020-08-24 08:45:08 UTC
AkashaMaple TreeDrop: Tree Branch2020-08-25 21:08:49 UTC
AkashaThick Spider WebExp2020-08-27 00:53:52 UTC
TomekMahogany TreeSkill Requirement2020-08-30 23:59:02 UTC
TomekMahogany TreeDrop: Mahogany Logs2020-08-31 14:49:30 UTC
TomekThick Spider WebSpawn Rate2020-08-31 19:34:22 UTC
PuppyBronzeDrop: Sand2020-09-10 00:52:22 UTC
AlwaysdrunkRose BushDrop: Lavender Bunch2020-09-14 09:32:42 UTC
GooseBronzeDrop: Copper Dust2020-09-24 00:06:49 UTC
FlamtarRose BushSkill Requirement2020-12-07 07:47:11 UTC
FlamtarSmall RippleDescription2020-12-29 08:40:01 UTC
FlamtarMedium RippleDrop: Leather Bolt2021-02-04 05:45:36 UTC
TomekBronzeExp2021-02-24 04:09:36 UTC
TomekBronzeSpawn Rate2021-02-28 05:40:48 UTC
TomekBronzeDrop: Rock Dust2021-03-07 05:55:18 UTC
EvokerBronzeDrop: Topaz2021-03-10 18:40:42 UTC
FlamtarMahogany TreeAction Length2021-03-13 20:01:46 UTC
FlamtarMahogany TreeDrop: Topaz2021-03-13 20:15:16 UTC
TomekMahogany TreeDrop: Tree Branch2021-03-28 16:40:53 UTC
PuppyMaple TreeDrop: Tome Of Carpentry2021-04-06 16:18:17 UTC
PuppyBirch TreeDrop: Tome Of Carpentry2021-04-06 20:58:16 UTC
FlamtarThick Spider WebDrop: Tome Of Foraging2021-04-06 23:28:11 UTC
FlamtarSpider WebDrop: Tome Of Foraging2021-04-07 02:30:31 UTC
BoiibleyMaple TreeDrop: Tome Of Milling2021-04-07 02:49:05 UTC
FlamtarThick Spider WebDrop: Tome Of Tailoring2021-04-07 02:52:28 UTC
FlamtarSpider WebDrop: Tome Of Tailoring2021-04-07 03:06:02 UTC
PuppyBloodwood TreeDrop: Bloodwood Logs2021-04-07 12:34:16 UTC
TomekBronzeDrop: Tome Of Blacksmithing2021-04-07 23:12:47 UTC
VanguardSand RockDrop: Tome Of Smelting2021-04-08 00:12:31 UTC
VanguardHolly BushAction Length2021-04-10 23:49:38 UTC
VanguardSmall RippleDrop: Tome Of Fishing2021-04-12 04:39:06 UTC
VanguardSand RockDrop: Tome Of Blacksmithing2021-04-18 00:33:53 UTC
TomekBronzeDrop: Tome Of Smelting2021-04-20 02:10:14 UTC
TomekIronDrop: Tome Of Smelting2021-04-22 01:20:59 UTC
ChampsSmall RippleAction Length2021-04-25 15:47:47 UTC
ChampsMedium RippleDrop: Tome Of Fishing2021-04-25 20:16:26 UTC
ChampsSteelDrop: Tome Of Blacksmithing2021-04-25 22:47:05 UTC
YMortosYSteelDrop: Tome Of Smelting2021-04-28 01:58:14 UTC
PuppyLarge RippleDrop: Tome Of Cooking2021-05-01 06:12:56 UTC
PuppyLarge RippleDrop: Tome Of Fishing2021-05-01 06:16:05 UTC
YMortosYSaw HorseAction Length2021-05-05 12:52:43 UTC
ChampsMedium RippleDrop: Tome Of Cooking2021-05-06 00:50:12 UTC
MarttiSmall RippleDrop: Stingray Meat2021-05-08 11:53:37 UTC
hunterSaw HorseDescription2021-05-16 20:10:54 UTC
FlamtarGoldSkill Requirement2021-05-17 02:23:07 UTC
FlamtarGoldAction Length2021-05-17 22:56:06 UTC
FlamtarGoldDrop: Peridot2021-05-17 23:53:16 UTC
ChampsBirch TreeDrop: Tome Of Milling2021-06-13 00:11:26 UTC
TabunBerries ShrubDrop: Seeds Of Berries2021-07-22 22:19:11 UTC
TabunHolly BushDrop: Tome Of Tailoring2021-07-24 19:24:16 UTC
FlamtarSoil V.Action Length2021-07-24 20:40:43 UTC
FlamtarSoil V.Description2021-07-24 20:44:06 UTC
TabunHolly BushSkill Requirement2021-07-25 14:56:04 UTC
zarastrIronDrop: Tome Of Blacksmithing2021-08-29 19:07:10 UTC
FlamtarBloodwood TreeExp2021-10-09 22:15:53 UTC
zarastrSmall RippleDrop: Pearl2021-11-06 12:22:22 UTC
ExternalSmall RippleDrop: Tome Of Cooking2021-11-28 01:16:20 UTC
ExternalSmall RippleSpawn Rate2021-11-28 01:48:05 UTC
Lady ZaydeeHuge SwellDrop: Tome Of Cooking2022-01-03 15:34:40 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSunflower PlantDrop: Tome Of Tailoring2022-01-05 06:28:19 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSunflower PlantDrop: Tome Of Foraging2022-01-05 07:43:51 UTC
FatAdamSoil V.Spawn Rate2022-01-09 20:37:05 UTC
FlamtarBloodwood TreeDrop: Blood Root2022-01-09 21:07:38 UTC
WandrarxMahogany TreeDrop: Tome Of Carpentry2022-01-10 20:58:34 UTC
WandrarxMahogany TreeDrop: Tome Of Milling2022-01-10 21:39:12 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellDrop: Tome Of Fishing2022-01-21 23:04:00 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellDescription2022-01-22 19:40:34 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellSkill Requirement2022-01-22 20:44:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSoil H.Skill Requirement2022-01-23 08:02:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSoil H.Spawn Rate2022-01-23 08:05:33 UTC
WandrarxGoldDrop: Gold Ore2022-01-23 09:19:58 UTC
WolfwoodHolly BushDrop: Pearl2022-01-24 13:09:02 UTC
WolfwoodHolly BushDrop: Holly Leaf2022-01-24 13:12:51 UTC
WandrarxGoldDrop: Gold Flakes2022-01-29 08:08:18 UTC
WolfwoodRose BushDescription2022-02-06 12:24:47 UTC
WandrarxAloe Vera PlantDescription2022-02-16 17:41:30 UTC
TabunSpider WebDrop: Seeds Of Rose White2022-03-05 22:47:36 UTC
FlamtarAloe Vera PlantExp2022-03-06 05:56:03 UTC
WandrarxGoldDrop: Tome Of Smelting2022-03-15 08:46:53 UTC
WandrarxGoldSpawn Rate2022-03-15 08:54:10 UTC
PuppyBloodwood TreeDrop: Tome Of Milling2022-04-06 12:33:32 UTC
PuppyBloodwood TreeAction Length2022-04-08 06:55:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBurrow MoundDrop: Dragon Scales2022-04-10 06:38:14 UTC
FlamtarBurrow MoundSpawn Rate2022-04-10 06:53:03 UTC
FlamtarThick Spider WebDrop: Seeds Of Rose Red2022-04-10 07:54:22 UTC
FlamtarBurrow MoundDrop: Studded Leather Bolt2022-04-12 10:19:33 UTC
PuppyBloodwood TreeDrop: Peridot2022-04-13 06:43:48 UTC
alphyHolly BushDrop: Tome Of Foraging2022-04-14 07:24:39 UTC
alphyHolly BushDrop: Seeds Of Lily Pink2022-04-14 07:29:40 UTC
FlamtarBerries ShrubDrop: Seeds Of Lily Yellow2022-04-14 11:41:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGoldDescription2022-04-15 06:37:38 UTC
FlamtarHuge SwellDrop: Peridot2022-04-19 20:58:55 UTC
WandrarxGoldDrop: Sand2022-04-28 20:20:25 UTC
WandrarxGoldDrop: Tome Of Blacksmithing2022-04-28 21:18:30 UTC
zarastrRose BushDrop: Tome Of Tailoring2022-05-01 19:51:26 UTC
WandrarxRose BushExp2022-05-04 23:08:40 UTC
WandrarxRose BushDrop: Seeds Of Apple2022-05-05 18:57:59 UTC
WandrarxSunflower PlantDrop: Seeds Of Orange2022-05-06 23:02:41 UTC
WandraxsSoil H.Description2022-05-09 17:40:50 UTC
WandraxsSoil V.Skill Requirement2022-05-09 17:54:09 UTC
WandraxsSoil V.Exp2022-05-09 19:34:06 UTC
WandraxsSoil H.Exp2022-05-10 21:47:26 UTC
WandrarxAloe Vera PlantSpawn Rate2022-05-12 17:32:09 UTC
WandrarxAloe Vera PlantDrop: Peridot2022-05-13 06:38:03 UTC
FlamtarBurrow MoundDrop: Spore Dust2022-07-30 23:19:06 UTC
MystikkoRose BushDrop: Tome Of Foraging2022-09-26 14:21:26 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood TreeDescription2022-10-19 19:46:24 UTC
NarsaSoil H.Action Length2023-05-15 14:22:09 UTC
NarsaBurrow MoundSkill Requirement2023-05-31 17:13:11 UTC
FlamtarAloe Vera PlantDrop: Aloe Vera2023-09-29 22:44:38 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellExp2024-06-04 09:59:57 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellDrop: Tuna2024-06-04 10:27:55 UTC
WandrarxHuge SwellSpawn Rate2024-06-04 20:19:42 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood TreeSpawn Rate2024-06-11 20:24:29 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood TreeDrop: Tome Of Carpentry2024-06-12 08:02:21 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood TreeSkill Requirement2024-06-12 08:38:02 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood TreeDrop: Tree Branch2024-06-12 10:15:31 UTC
WandrarxBurrow MoundDrop: Huge Mushroom2024-07-24 17:30:35 UTC
WandrarxBurrow MoundExp2024-07-25 07:21:19 UTC

Weapon researchers:

NameWeaponField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierThick StaffDropped By: Hermit2014-12-31 04:01:46 UTC
MatoSerpent Tooth DaggerStrength Requirement2016-02-14 18:33:25 UTC
MatoWooden WandElemental Hit Max2016-02-17 00:06:49 UTC
pierre CHTDecorative SwordDexterity Requirement2016-02-17 06:46:20 UTC
MatoWooden WandDescription2016-02-20 12:05:32 UTC
FrostavengerSteel BardicheSpeed2016-02-23 17:34:11 UTC
MatoBlunt DaggerIntelligence Requirement2016-02-25 20:16:37 UTC
CrixusSerpent Tooth DaggerDexterity Requirement2016-02-26 04:11:25 UTC
CrixusWooden WandSkill Requirement2016-02-27 16:13:53 UTC
FrostavengerKatanaWeight2016-02-29 21:19:03 UTC
DysupWooden WandSell Price2016-03-03 21:56:43 UTC
DysupWooden WandSlot2016-03-04 17:50:09 UTC
DysupWooden WandWeight2016-03-05 01:08:14 UTC
AshienaLead SwordHit Max2016-04-17 16:59:55 UTC
LegyuLead SwordSell Price2016-04-30 20:59:35 UTC
FrostavengerCrystaled WandSkill Requirement2016-07-08 05:15:50 UTC
BloodlustPine StaffDescription2016-07-12 18:12:17 UTC
BloodlustWooden WandElemental Hit Min2016-07-13 12:53:42 UTC
AegisSplintered PoleSlot2017-02-25 18:19:59 UTC
LegendLead AxeIntelligence Requirement2017-02-28 03:58:36 UTC
foxDWood BludgeonElemental Hit Max2017-03-07 01:06:25 UTC
PoofSteel WandSpeed2017-03-07 23:06:45 UTC
foxDWeak BowSpeed2017-04-07 04:29:04 UTC
foxDDecorative MaceConstitution Requirement2017-04-20 02:33:00 UTC
PuppyWooden BowSpeed2018-03-28 06:09:52 UTC
PurityLead DaggerConstitution Requirement2018-03-30 08:14:07 UTC
ToxinDecorative SwordSkill Requirement2018-08-05 00:50:31 UTC
VenomosSerpent Tooth DaggerElemental Hit Min2018-09-29 06:43:50 UTC
VenomosSteel CutlassIntelligence Requirement2018-10-07 23:18:19 UTC
VenomosSteel CutlassHit Min2018-10-10 15:05:00 UTC
VenomosSteel CutlassElemental Hit Min2018-10-10 18:24:20 UTC
PuppyWooden WandHit Min2018-11-03 17:07:09 UTC
PuppyWooden WandDexterity Requirement2018-11-03 17:29:49 UTC
PuppyWooden WandConstitution Requirement2018-11-03 17:43:22 UTC
PollyannaOpingThrowing KnifeElemental Hit Min2019-01-16 04:50:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSteel BardicheConstitution Requirement2019-01-19 09:43:17 UTC
PollyannaOpingLead AxeConstitution Requirement2019-01-23 08:28:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronzed CrossbowStrength Requirement2019-08-25 22:46:16 UTC
foxDFrozen DaggerSell Price2019-09-05 05:17:01 UTC
PuppyThick SwordDescription2019-09-29 22:16:13 UTC
TomekSerpent Tooth DaggerDropped By: Snake King2019-11-04 05:40:46 UTC
TomekWooden CrossbowHit Max2019-12-01 18:52:15 UTC
TomekSteel CutlassDexterity Requirement2019-12-18 03:52:49 UTC
PLZxScepterDropped By: Dragon Green2020-01-01 21:28:00 UTC
TomekSteel CutlassSkill Requirement2020-03-31 04:11:49 UTC
PromageWooden CrossbowWeight2020-06-21 23:31:26 UTC
GooseLead DaggerHit Min2020-06-25 22:04:25 UTC
GooseWooden CrossbowDescription2020-07-05 02:58:43 UTC
pCounterLead SwordStrength Requirement2020-07-05 19:19:20 UTC
PuppyWooden CrossbowConstitution Requirement2020-07-06 03:54:34 UTC
PuppyWooden CrossbowElemental Hit Max2020-07-06 04:05:09 UTC
PuppyWooden CrossbowDexterity Requirement2020-07-06 05:13:44 UTC
PuppyBlunt DaggerHit Min2020-07-06 15:57:15 UTC
LotusWooden WandHit Max2020-07-06 23:52:43 UTC
LotusOld SyctheStrength Requirement2020-07-08 04:47:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDecorative BowSell Price2020-07-08 05:37:31 UTC
TessDecorative SwordElemental Hit Max2020-07-09 20:06:04 UTC
TessWooden WandIntelligence Requirement2020-07-09 23:52:40 UTC
TessLead DaggerSell Price2020-07-10 09:40:51 UTC
TessPolished AxeSell Price2020-07-11 13:39:02 UTC
TessSteel CutlassDropped By: Shade2020-07-11 17:35:30 UTC
ShivenSelvicWooden ClubElemental Hit Max2020-07-11 20:47:24 UTC
LotusWet SprigStrength Requirement2020-07-12 01:05:03 UTC
PuppyLong BowWeight2020-07-13 07:39:52 UTC
TessMud MaceHit Max2020-07-14 23:46:06 UTC
LotusGale BowSkill Requirement2020-07-15 22:55:04 UTC
DarkhrdeWooden ClubDexterity Requirement2020-07-18 03:04:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScepterSkill Requirement2020-07-18 19:51:02 UTC
ShivenSelvicWooden ClubSell Price2020-07-19 06:01:22 UTC
ShivenSelvicWooden ClubHit Max2020-07-19 22:30:37 UTC
AzazelDecorative MaceSell Price2020-07-21 18:33:17 UTC
AzazelScimitarDexterity Requirement2020-07-21 21:54:59 UTC
ZiltoidGale BowElemental Hit Max2020-07-22 12:18:56 UTC
GolgothaWood BludgeonStrength Requirement2020-07-22 19:13:58 UTC
AzazelDecorative AxeElemental Hit Min2020-07-22 23:21:06 UTC
AzazelGale BowDescription2020-07-23 04:34:39 UTC
PuppyGale BowConstitution Requirement2020-07-26 02:06:27 UTC
FatAdamSerpent Tooth DaggerConstitution Requirement2020-07-26 15:10:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBent DaggerElemental Hit Max2020-07-27 04:07:00 UTC
PuppyBallistaHit Max2020-07-28 21:55:48 UTC
PuppyBallistaSkill Requirement2020-07-28 23:42:41 UTC
ZiltoidGale BowHit Min2020-07-29 21:08:52 UTC
GooseBlood BladeHit Max2020-08-04 02:26:38 UTC
Ash DawnroarWooden ClubIntelligence Requirement2020-08-06 02:00:54 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerLead DaggerDexterity Requirement2020-08-10 09:55:18 UTC
ZiltoidBlood BladeDescription2020-08-11 16:28:02 UTC
DerbianWooden ClubWeight2020-08-13 08:27:03 UTC
DerbianWooden ClubConstitution Requirement2020-08-13 08:38:40 UTC
TheOddOneThrowing KnifeDexterity Requirement2020-08-15 15:57:55 UTC
TheOddOneDecorative SpearSlot2020-08-17 08:21:12 UTC
TheOddOneDecorative MaceSpeed2020-08-18 16:44:04 UTC
AkashaDecorative AxeDexterity Requirement2020-08-22 20:45:39 UTC
PuppyBlood CrossbowDexterity Requirement2020-08-25 13:58:58 UTC
PuppyBlood CrossbowSpeed2020-08-25 14:03:49 UTC
PuppyLong BowSlot2020-08-25 14:11:14 UTC
PuppyBallistaDropped By: Giant2020-08-25 15:27:09 UTC
PuppyBallistaElemental Hit Min2020-08-25 15:29:34 UTC
PuppyBallistaStrength Requirement2020-08-25 15:43:24 UTC
AkashaBlunt DaggerSpeed2020-08-28 15:14:02 UTC
ZiltoidFrozen DaggerWeight2020-08-31 12:09:15 UTC
GooseIron Spiked ClubSkill Requirement2020-08-31 19:49:50 UTC
ZiltoidFire SwordSkill Requirement2020-09-01 10:52:51 UTC
HadesBroken DaggerHit Min2020-09-10 12:31:08 UTC
AlwaysdrunkDim StaveSpeed2020-09-12 12:16:35 UTC
ornocBroken DaggerElemental Hit Min2020-09-19 05:54:39 UTC
ornocThrowing KnifeSkill Requirement2020-09-22 23:35:41 UTC
KingKevPine StaffHit Min2020-09-23 06:27:53 UTC
AbboThrowing KnifeHit Min2020-09-27 05:40:33 UTC
AlwaysdrunkWooden WandSpeed2020-09-28 16:49:39 UTC
MalakarLead DaggerDropped By: Fire Mites2020-10-02 20:02:03 UTC
MalakarLead DaggerSlot2020-10-04 06:33:25 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSteel ClubElemental Hit Max2020-10-09 09:26:15 UTC
MalakarLead DaggerSpeed2020-10-10 06:44:56 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBallistaDexterity Requirement2020-10-10 17:18:52 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBallistaWeight2020-10-10 17:54:29 UTC
RaynoxBroken DaggerConstitution Requirement2020-10-11 04:42:08 UTC
billySerpent Tooth DaggerSlot2020-10-14 06:15:00 UTC
MalakarIron SwordSlot2020-10-15 17:55:01 UTC
FlamtarLead DaggerElemental Hit Max2020-12-02 01:39:38 UTC
FlamtarSerpent Tooth DaggerDescription2020-12-02 02:21:38 UTC
FlamtarWooden ClubStrength Requirement2020-12-07 02:09:58 UTC
FlamtarSerpent Tooth DaggerWeight2020-12-07 04:03:43 UTC
FlamtarCutlass BallistaStrength Requirement2020-12-23 10:47:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEarth AxeElemental Hit Max2020-12-24 06:11:03 UTC
FlamtarDecorative SpearElemental Hit Min2020-12-26 05:59:09 UTC
FlamtarPractice SwordSell Price2020-12-26 06:17:01 UTC
OlgaSerpent Tooth DaggerSkill Requirement2020-12-27 10:41:12 UTC
ningimblyBroken DaggerIntelligence Requirement2021-01-01 17:11:45 UTC
TinymaWooden ClubSpeed2021-01-04 05:34:32 UTC
FlamtarWooden WandDropped By: Spider2021-01-08 21:42:21 UTC
zarastrSteel ClubDescription2021-01-15 09:29:45 UTC
RuffRayThrowing KnifeElemental Hit Max2021-01-25 10:03:14 UTC
KhalionixThrowing KnifeSell Price2021-02-02 01:47:13 UTC
BoiibleyWood BludgeonDexterity Requirement2021-02-04 21:39:03 UTC
EvokerSerpent Tooth DaggerElemental Hit Max2021-02-18 22:19:36 UTC
AeloSteel WandSell Price2021-02-22 19:38:58 UTC
EvokerDim StaveConstitution Requirement2021-02-24 20:20:17 UTC
EvokerSteel CutlassDescription2021-02-26 19:24:24 UTC
EvokerDecorative SwordDropped By: Wraith2021-02-27 20:41:11 UTC
AeloBarbarian SwordIntelligence Requirement2021-03-01 20:29:46 UTC
VanguardBronze DaggerSell Price2021-03-03 13:19:47 UTC
FlamtarBronze MaceSlot2021-03-04 09:02:10 UTC
EvokerIron Spiked ClubDescription2021-03-07 14:24:19 UTC
AeloThick SwordHit Max2021-03-08 23:25:54 UTC
FlamtarSteel SpearDropped By: Raven2021-03-14 01:46:10 UTC
TomekFancy BowConstitution Requirement2021-03-14 18:03:24 UTC
AeloBronzed CrossbowDropped By: Deranged Monk2021-03-16 15:10:25 UTC
VanguardBronze DaggerHit Min2021-03-19 04:53:08 UTC
VanguardBronze DaggerElemental Hit Max2021-03-21 19:16:18 UTC
VanguardBronze DaggerConstitution Requirement2021-03-21 19:51:21 UTC
VanguardBronze DaggerDescription2021-03-21 20:26:08 UTC
pierreCHTaPine StaffDropped By: Frog2021-04-05 09:58:02 UTC
PuppyWooden WandStrength Requirement2021-04-08 07:38:43 UTC
ChampsBroken DaggerDescription2021-04-08 18:49:40 UTC
xiixLead DaggerWeight2021-04-18 14:08:01 UTC
IIIIBroken DaggerSkill Requirement2021-04-19 11:32:05 UTC
IIIIThrowing KnifeWeight2021-04-21 03:02:26 UTC
TomekWind DaggerWeight2021-04-22 01:33:29 UTC
IIIIPine StaffConstitution Requirement2021-04-22 06:28:52 UTC
IIIIWooden BowSell Price2021-04-23 02:37:39 UTC
IIIIBroken DaggerWeight2021-04-23 18:37:50 UTC
ChampsWooden CrossbowSkill Requirement2021-04-25 15:23:26 UTC
IIIIThrowing KnifeDropped By: Cockroaches2021-04-28 12:42:31 UTC
VanguardSteel WandSkill Requirement2021-04-30 01:21:47 UTC
FlamtarDark SwordStrength Increase2021-04-30 04:51:07 UTC
IIIIThrowing KnifeSpeed2021-04-30 10:03:58 UTC
IIIIThrowing KnifeIntelligence Requirement2021-04-30 13:39:31 UTC
TaPiMBurnt DaggerSkill Requirement2021-05-01 02:49:32 UTC
TomekGold Battle AxeSell Price2021-05-04 03:42:32 UTC
KilopSteel WandHit Max2021-05-05 14:22:09 UTC
OlgaCrystaled WandSell Price2021-05-06 17:11:57 UTC
marbaSerpent Tooth DaggerIntelligence Requirement2021-05-09 17:39:15 UTC
xTootoughxWooden ClubHit Min2021-05-22 00:09:19 UTC
SirDragulaIron SwordDropped By: Yetti2021-06-11 01:50:50 UTC
SirDragulaIron SwordWeight2021-06-11 03:50:34 UTC
xBENxSerpent Tooth DaggerSpeed2021-06-20 16:14:26 UTC
KomnLead AxeHit Min2021-06-28 00:24:55 UTC
MuthWooden ClubDescription2021-07-05 14:13:30 UTC
TabunPine StaffSlot2021-07-17 21:09:39 UTC
TabunBlunt DaggerSlot2021-07-25 20:11:07 UTC
TabunSpeckled RodIntelligence Requirement2021-07-28 21:47:23 UTC
SkarLead Round MaceHit Max2021-08-06 03:34:07 UTC
mommyWooden BowIntelligence Requirement2021-08-23 13:09:51 UTC
MizuThrowing KnifeStrength Requirement2021-10-07 19:42:46 UTC
YambulSteel DaggerHit Min2021-11-05 08:23:22 UTC
RoxxyDecorative AxeStrength Requirement2021-11-07 14:48:53 UTC
ExternalLead Round MaceStrength Requirement2021-11-23 02:33:11 UTC
ExternalSteel ClubIntelligence Requirement2021-11-23 03:22:10 UTC
ExternalIron Spiked ClubSpeed2021-11-23 07:26:57 UTC
LopkeySerpent Tooth DaggerSell Price2021-11-27 21:24:04 UTC
ExternalSteel DaggerSlot2021-11-30 20:38:47 UTC
WandrarxSteel SpearDescription2021-12-05 17:06:57 UTC
WandrarksSteel WandWeight2021-12-06 12:53:06 UTC
WandrarxGale BowStrength Requirement2021-12-30 10:34:25 UTC
FatAdamSimple WandSlot2022-01-02 17:15:23 UTC
WandrarksBallistaSlot2022-01-02 22:21:30 UTC
WandrarksBallistaSpeed2022-01-03 09:04:26 UTC
WandrarksBallistaIntelligence Requirement2022-01-03 09:42:23 UTC
Lady ZaydeeWater TridentHit Max2022-01-03 17:13:45 UTC
FatAdamSteel DaggerHit Max2022-01-03 19:45:41 UTC
FatAdamSteel DaggerIntelligence Requirement2022-01-03 21:52:05 UTC
WandrarxCleaving AxeDescription2022-01-05 21:32:31 UTC
MizuBurnt DaggerHit Max2022-01-06 21:05:44 UTC
WandrarksLong BowSkill Requirement2022-01-06 22:22:51 UTC
WandrarksSteel BardicheStrength Requirement2022-01-07 14:49:00 UTC
FatAdamWind BowWeight2022-01-07 15:50:06 UTC
FlamtarSteel WandElemental Hit Max2022-01-09 18:09:08 UTC
MizuWet SprigHit Min2022-01-09 18:26:06 UTC
MerlinPine StaffSpeed2022-01-09 18:43:29 UTC
FlamtarBirch WandHit Min2022-01-09 18:57:37 UTC
MizuIron Spiked ClubIntelligence Requirement2022-01-09 19:10:11 UTC
MizuGale BowWeight2022-01-12 08:17:58 UTC
ThomptyBoyPractice SwordConstitution Requirement2022-01-14 05:47:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesThick SwordSkill Requirement2022-01-16 01:41:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesThick StaffIntelligence Requirement2022-01-16 01:55:55 UTC
FlamtarBent DaggerElemental Hit Min2022-01-16 06:29:06 UTC
tlanfanyBroken DaggerStrength Requirement2022-01-17 14:11:29 UTC
alphyPractice SwordSkill Requirement2022-01-19 16:42:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDecorative MaceDexterity Requirement2022-01-20 05:49:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDecorative SpearSell Price2022-01-20 08:41:03 UTC
WandrarxWater TridentDropped By: Ice Devil2022-01-20 20:31:19 UTC
WandraxsSteel CutlassConstitution Requirement2022-01-20 23:13:07 UTC
WandraxsDecorative AxeSpeed2022-01-21 09:14:54 UTC
EvokerBronze GlaiveDexterity Requirement2022-01-21 16:35:11 UTC
EvokerBronze GlaiveElemental Hit Min2022-01-21 20:36:16 UTC
EvokerLong BowElemental Hit Min2022-01-21 20:44:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSplintered PoleHit Max2022-01-23 02:59:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPractice SwordDexterity Requirement2022-01-23 07:00:28 UTC
VanguardBronze MaceDropped By: Mummy2022-01-23 07:13:03 UTC
TrigunBroken DaggerElemental Hit Max2022-01-23 16:05:40 UTC
WandrarksDark BowElemental Hit Min2022-01-23 20:03:04 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerWeight2022-01-24 15:56:32 UTC
WolfwoodSteel CutlassHit Max2022-01-24 20:59:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoly DaggerConstitution Requirement2022-01-25 01:55:46 UTC
TiberBroken DaggerSell Price2022-01-25 03:39:32 UTC
TiberThrowing KnifeDescription2022-01-26 04:26:32 UTC
AurielWooden ClubSlot2022-01-28 07:06:45 UTC
TrigunSteel WandIntelligence Requirement2022-01-29 16:49:00 UTC
N e rBroken DaggerDexterity Requirement2022-01-30 09:29:45 UTC
LopkeySteel BardicheElemental Hit Min2022-01-30 22:38:12 UTC
WolfwoodSteel CutlassDropped By: Pirate2022-02-01 13:00:48 UTC
N e rPine StaffSell Price2022-02-01 23:47:28 UTC
N e rSteel WandDexterity Requirement2022-02-02 03:44:40 UTC
N e rDecorative SpearHit Min2022-02-02 07:47:57 UTC
WolfwoodGale BowIntelligence Requirement2022-02-02 11:22:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronze GlaiveWeight2022-02-03 06:01:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMahogany WandSpeed2022-02-03 09:18:40 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerHit Max2022-02-06 09:41:00 UTC
WandrarxSpiked BowElemental Hit Min2022-02-08 21:39:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLong BowDropped By: Stone Giant2022-02-11 03:59:56 UTC
WandrarksWooden BowElemental Hit Min2022-02-12 20:46:41 UTC
WandrarksWooden BowHit Max2022-02-12 20:47:54 UTC
WandrarxWind SpearIntelligence Requirement2022-02-17 21:02:57 UTC
Rick SanchezSerpent Tooth DaggerHit Min2022-02-20 18:32:53 UTC
Rick SanchezPine StaffDexterity Requirement2022-02-21 03:38:35 UTC
Rick SanchezPine StaffWeight2022-02-21 13:36:07 UTC
Rick SanchezDecorative SwordHit Max2022-02-21 15:31:19 UTC
TshenThick StaffSell Price2022-02-22 18:42:46 UTC
WandrarxHoly SwordSkill Requirement2022-02-22 20:14:23 UTC
TshenLead DaggerDescription2022-02-24 12:06:12 UTC
TshenWooden ClubElemental Hit Min2022-02-26 13:55:11 UTC
TabunStocky XbowConstitution Requirement2022-03-01 03:07:25 UTC
TabunGale BowDropped By: Lizard2022-03-03 01:51:52 UTC
TabunCrystaled WandSlot2022-03-04 16:40:03 UTC
TabunScepterStrength Requirement2022-03-05 16:22:24 UTC
RiquinhoWooden ClubDropped By: Snake2022-03-19 01:16:06 UTC
VanguardFire CrossbowConstitution Requirement2022-03-20 06:14:21 UTC
VanguardFrozen DaggerElemental Hit Max2022-03-20 07:06:02 UTC
SantinoBroken DaggerDropped By: Bat2022-03-20 20:24:34 UTC
SuzzyWooden ClubSkill Requirement2022-03-20 21:31:56 UTC
SantinoBroken DaggerSlot2022-03-20 22:43:20 UTC
SantinoBroken DaggerSpeed2022-03-21 15:41:36 UTC
WandrarxBronze GlaiveElemental Hit Max2022-03-31 14:15:20 UTC
PuppyBent DaggerDropped By: Lich2022-04-05 06:53:25 UTC
YodzodBroken DaggerHit Max2022-04-08 07:37:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent Tooth DaggerRarity2022-04-09 20:59:16 UTC
VanguardDecorative SpearSpeed2022-04-09 21:35:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBarbarian SwordDescription2022-04-10 21:05:29 UTC
BankkarrdBroken DaggerRarity2022-04-11 06:19:37 UTC
PuppyBronze GlaiveIntelligence Requirement2022-04-13 06:45:07 UTC
WandrarxEthereal WandConstitution Requirement2022-04-13 20:20:45 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerIntelligence Requirement2022-04-14 08:20:32 UTC
BoomboxUIMLead DaggerElemental Hit Min2022-04-23 13:04:50 UTC
WandrarxIron SwordHit Max2022-04-29 13:22:34 UTC
zarastrSteel CutlassElemental Hit Max2022-05-04 21:39:10 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerHit Min2022-05-09 13:46:35 UTC
zarastrWooden WandRarity2022-05-13 19:30:12 UTC
WandrarxBronze DaggerWeight2022-05-18 09:50:13 UTC
WandrarxBronze DaggerSlot2022-05-18 10:31:14 UTC
zarastrBronzed CrossbowElemental Hit Max2022-06-08 14:55:16 UTC
DarkAnjeLWooden ClubRarity2022-06-14 06:15:00 UTC
bigguyThrowing KnifeSlot2022-06-14 22:14:54 UTC
zarastrSteel CutlassSell Price2022-06-19 15:11:12 UTC
zarastrDecorative SwordHit Min2022-07-22 17:55:06 UTC
ALoliLead PikeDescription2022-08-03 21:06:08 UTC
ALoliLead PikeElemental Hit Max2022-08-03 21:22:54 UTC
ALoliPine StaffElemental Hit Min2022-08-04 00:10:54 UTC
ALoliDecorative BowDropped By: Wraith2022-08-04 20:28:13 UTC
GarzugSerpent Tooth DaggerHit Max2022-08-06 05:04:17 UTC
ALoliDecorative SwordWeight2022-08-06 17:10:32 UTC
ALoliThick StaffElemental Hit Min2022-08-06 17:11:57 UTC
ALoliDecorative AxeElemental Hit Max2022-08-06 17:12:54 UTC
LabookSteel CutlassStrength Requirement2022-08-07 04:12:49 UTC
RogueThrowing KnifeConstitution Requirement2022-08-08 13:54:15 UTC
GTwoTheRoverLead Round MaceConstitution Requirement2022-08-08 15:15:17 UTC
PooHeadThick StaffHit Max2022-08-11 05:21:45 UTC
TabunIron SwordSpeed2022-08-13 20:59:35 UTC
FlamtarWyvern DaggerConstitution Requirement2022-08-16 13:33:43 UTC
TabunMud MaceWeight2022-09-03 22:58:21 UTC
WandrarxLong BowRarity2022-09-15 13:39:11 UTC
Musta SeppaThick SwordIntelligence Requirement2022-09-22 07:49:57 UTC
Musta SeppaLead DaggerSkill Requirement2022-09-23 07:25:52 UTC
DaGreatCornholioLead DaggerHit Max2022-09-25 03:00:38 UTC
SamoajaSteel WandSlot2022-09-25 07:14:14 UTC
Musta SeppaSteel CutlassSlot2022-09-25 08:52:46 UTC
Musta SeppaDecorative MaceDropped By: Wraith2022-09-25 09:48:37 UTC
MystikkoDecorative BowIntelligence Requirement2022-09-25 12:13:49 UTC
kiityDecorative AxeSlot2022-09-27 19:09:13 UTC
kiityLead SwordIntelligence Requirement2022-09-27 19:28:56 UTC
FlamtarFire SwordSell Price2022-09-30 08:04:04 UTC
VanguardDecorative BowElemental Hit Min2022-10-01 07:23:59 UTC
VanguardDecorative SpearDropped By: Wraith2022-10-01 07:25:50 UTC
VanguardWooden WandIn Dailies2022-10-01 07:29:27 UTC
WandrarxLong BowDescription2022-10-06 19:21:01 UTC
BankkarrdSteel BowSell Price2022-10-07 04:18:11 UTC
WandrarxDecorative MaceDescription2022-10-09 09:32:03 UTC
WandrarxWind DaggerIn Dailies2022-10-09 10:05:18 UTC
WandrarxBronze SwordSlot2022-10-10 10:26:21 UTC
BankkarrdIron Morning StarDescription2022-10-11 19:12:56 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerSkill Requirement2022-10-13 13:31:11 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerSpeed2022-10-14 06:15:10 UTC
WandrarxSteel CutlassSpeed2022-10-15 19:49:12 UTC
WandrarxBronze GlaiveSpeed2022-10-16 19:20:52 UTC
WandrarxLong BowHit Min2022-10-17 19:18:06 UTC
WandrarxBlood CrossbowDropped By: Egg King2022-10-19 20:03:01 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerConstitution Requirement2022-10-24 19:02:18 UTC
aislingBroken DaggerIn Dailies2022-10-26 00:10:16 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerSell Price2022-10-27 21:25:21 UTC
FlamtarBent DaggerStrength Requirement2022-10-28 23:14:07 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerSlot2022-11-06 18:52:13 UTC
BankkarrdBlunt DaggerSkill Requirement2022-11-06 21:04:32 UTC
EcomonsWood BludgeonWeight2022-11-12 20:37:43 UTC
EcomonsSteel CutlassWeight2022-11-17 15:27:26 UTC
EcomonsDecorative SpearIn Dailies2022-11-17 21:26:47 UTC
EcomonsDecorative AxeIntelligence Requirement2022-11-17 21:27:22 UTC
BankkarrdSteel CutlassIn Dailies2022-11-20 01:41:26 UTC
ZeffritThrowing KnifeIn Dailies2022-12-06 01:36:54 UTC
CelesteWooden ClubIn Dailies2022-12-21 20:12:07 UTC
dingleThrowing KnifeHit Max2022-12-21 20:27:37 UTC
WulffWooden CrossbowIn Dailies2023-01-11 00:49:05 UTC
EulaLead DaggerIntelligence Requirement2023-02-03 11:57:55 UTC
WandrarxLead Round MaceSlot2023-02-04 08:22:17 UTC
VenomLead DaggerIn Dailies2023-02-11 02:42:17 UTC
WolfwoodBallistaIn Dailies2023-02-14 20:27:37 UTC
robinhoodspimpLead AxeElemental Hit Min2023-02-16 03:09:21 UTC
robinhoodspimpPine StaffElemental Hit Max2023-02-17 05:59:15 UTC
WolfwoodIron AxeDropped By: Undead Mage2023-02-18 01:07:59 UTC
robinhoodspimpSteel WandStrength Requirement2023-02-20 05:40:45 UTC
WolfwoodSpiked BowWeight2023-03-06 06:44:10 UTC
GoosePolished SwordSlot2023-04-07 20:53:04 UTC
GooseCracked AxeElemental Hit Min2023-04-08 23:38:22 UTC
NarsaThick StaffDescription2023-04-15 22:10:22 UTC
NarsaPine StaffHit Max2023-04-16 02:13:25 UTC
NarsaPine StaffIn Dailies2023-04-22 23:22:51 UTC
NarsaLead Round MaceElemental Hit Max2023-04-23 00:01:11 UTC
NarsaBarbarian SwordSlot2023-04-25 20:59:20 UTC
CrastLead PikeIntelligence Requirement2023-04-27 22:09:35 UTC
CrastLead Round MaceHit Min2023-04-28 00:32:08 UTC
NarsaDecorative SwordStrength Requirement2023-04-28 03:26:53 UTC
VictusSerpent Tooth DaggerIn Dailies2023-04-28 17:44:52 UTC
NarsaDecorative AxeDescription2023-04-28 21:27:07 UTC
NarsaDecorative MaceIn Dailies2023-04-28 23:05:35 UTC
VictusLead AxeDexterity Requirement2023-04-30 12:56:25 UTC
PierrowwLead DaggerStrength Requirement2023-05-11 09:00:53 UTC
PierrowwWooden BowDropped By: Fire Mites2023-05-11 09:04:51 UTC
NarsaDecorative AxeWeight2023-05-14 14:25:27 UTC
NarsaThick SwordSlot2023-05-14 16:14:56 UTC
NarsaThick SwordDexterity Requirement2023-05-14 17:58:54 UTC
NarsaDecorative MaceSlot2023-05-14 18:20:45 UTC
NarsaBarbarian SwordDropped By: Skeleton2023-05-18 01:21:21 UTC
FlamtarGale BowIn Dailies2023-06-09 23:04:44 UTC
BankkarrdBurnt DaggerElemental Hit Min2023-07-07 18:31:42 UTC
WandrarxSteel BardicheIntelligence Requirement2023-07-31 13:12:14 UTC
EzWarriorLead AxeSell Price2023-08-01 08:23:55 UTC
GooseWood BludgeonSkill Requirement2023-09-26 00:30:54 UTC
KillmongerPine StaffIntelligence Requirement2023-09-26 02:28:23 UTC
KillmongerWooden BowSlot2023-09-26 03:40:02 UTC
TomekLong BowDexterity Requirement2023-09-26 21:49:11 UTC
derwinDecorative SpearDexterity Requirement2023-09-27 09:13:15 UTC
YukiryuuWood BludgeonConstitution Requirement2023-09-30 02:26:37 UTC
LorionLead Round MaceSkill Requirement2023-10-01 01:52:24 UTC
GumboWood BludgeonHit Max2023-10-06 09:36:08 UTC
GumboPine StaffStrength Requirement2023-10-06 22:19:21 UTC
derwinIron AxeDropped By: Shark2023-10-07 06:43:45 UTC
FlamtarWater TridentIn Dailies2023-10-12 14:20:04 UTC
kiityThick SwordElemental Hit Max2023-10-23 09:04:55 UTC
TomekPush DaggerSpeed2023-10-26 18:45:12 UTC
SephSteel AxeDescription2024-01-13 01:12:57 UTC
SephSturdy MorningstarIn Dailies2024-01-31 00:55:10 UTC
SephGnarled StaffSlot2024-02-04 19:57:01 UTC
SephCracked AxeDropped By: Yetti2024-02-13 03:12:41 UTC
MorticianBlunt DaggerElemental Hit Min2024-03-10 21:07:30 UTC
PrimeveriaLead PikeHit Min2024-04-26 11:34:33 UTC
RayexiaIron SwordElemental Hit Max2024-04-28 06:43:51 UTC
RayexiaDecorative AxeDropped By: Wraith2024-04-28 13:17:19 UTC
RayexiaWooden CrossbowStrength Requirement2024-04-28 17:42:52 UTC
MinerIron SwordSkill Requirement2024-04-29 02:33:42 UTC
EnixWooden CrossbowDaily Task2024-04-30 08:40:34 UTC
yuriSerpent Tooth DaggerDaily Gift2024-04-30 11:49:21 UTC
RandorBroken DaggerDaily Gift2024-04-30 13:43:42 UTC
RandorBroken DaggerDaily Task2024-04-30 14:31:40 UTC
TomekPolished AxeSpeed2024-04-30 23:22:30 UTC
RayexiaSteel CutlassDaily Gift2024-05-01 05:41:15 UTC
MinerWooden CrossbowIntelligence Requirement2024-05-04 04:24:29 UTC
VanguardCracked AxeHit Min2024-05-04 05:30:20 UTC
MinerSteel CrossbowDaily Gift2024-05-04 13:47:11 UTC
MinerLead AxeElemental Hit Max2024-05-04 23:45:03 UTC
MinerDecorative MaceHit Min2024-05-06 23:39:51 UTC
MinerDecorative SwordSpeed2024-05-06 23:41:16 UTC
MinerDecorative BowSkill Requirement2024-05-07 03:32:30 UTC
MinerDecorative BowStrength Requirement2024-05-07 03:32:59 UTC
MinerGale BowHit Max2024-05-07 21:46:52 UTC
MinerDecorative AxeSell Price2024-05-08 17:30:29 UTC
MinerWooden BowDexterity Requirement2024-05-14 11:40:58 UTC
MinerDecorative AxeConstitution Requirement2024-05-16 05:10:13 UTC
MinerDecorative AxeHit Min2024-05-16 05:19:27 UTC
MinerWooden CrossbowDropped By: Water Bugs2024-05-16 05:57:02 UTC
MinerIron Morning StarHit Max2024-05-21 19:41:25 UTC
MinerDecorative SwordSell Price2024-05-22 05:08:25 UTC
MinerDecorative SwordSlot2024-05-22 10:32:49 UTC
MinerScepterDaily Task2024-05-25 16:27:42 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftThrowing KnifeDaily Gift2024-05-26 11:09:46 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftWood BludgeonDaily Task2024-05-26 13:22:55 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftThrowing KnifeDaily Task2024-05-27 01:32:49 UTC
MinerBronze StaffSkill Requirement2024-05-27 08:43:58 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftLead DaggerDaily Task2024-05-27 16:36:39 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftDecorative SwordDaily Gift2024-05-27 18:31:42 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftDecorative SwordConstitution Requirement2024-05-28 15:36:25 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftWooden WandDaily Gift2024-05-28 15:41:45 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftWooden WandDaily Task2024-05-28 15:55:26 UTC
LyrianPine StaffDaily Gift2024-05-29 02:53:51 UTC
LyrianBarbarian SwordDaily Gift2024-05-29 17:46:59 UTC
MinerDecorative AxeSkill Requirement2024-05-30 12:53:51 UTC
MinerDecorative BowSlot2024-05-31 14:24:22 UTC
Magic HandsDecorative BowElemental Hit Max2024-06-02 06:02:34 UTC
MinerBronze AxeDaily Task2024-06-04 15:06:52 UTC
WandrarxTyphoon ScepterConstitution Requirement2024-06-07 17:01:00 UTC
WandrarksSteel SpearDaily Gift2024-06-09 01:34:39 UTC
MinerDecorative MaceIntelligence Requirement2024-06-11 06:44:02 UTC
WandrarxGale BowSpeed2024-06-11 18:46:40 UTC
MinerDecorative SwordIntelligence Requirement2024-06-11 19:35:42 UTC
MinerWooden CrossbowSpeed2024-06-11 20:30:49 UTC
MinerDecorative BowWeight2024-06-11 20:36:09 UTC
MinerDecorative SpearDescription2024-06-12 13:08:37 UTC
MinerDecorative BowHit Min2024-06-12 14:20:30 UTC
MinerScepterDaily Gift2024-06-12 18:54:40 UTC
MinerDecorative AxeDaily Gift2024-06-13 08:09:12 UTC
MinerDecorative MaceElemental Hit Min2024-06-13 08:09:20 UTC
MinerDecorative MaceElemental Hit Max2024-06-13 08:28:29 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftIron DirkElemental Hit Max2024-06-14 16:10:39 UTC
MinerScepterHit Max2024-06-14 18:33:19 UTC
WandrarxTyphoon ScepterDaily Gift2024-06-16 20:30:06 UTC
MinerWind BowElemental Hit Min2024-06-18 08:31:24 UTC
MinerSimple BladeHit Min2024-06-21 22:12:57 UTC
WandrarxRock WandDexterity Requirement2024-06-26 11:01:29 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerDaily Gift2024-06-28 08:10:23 UTC
PaldisaurGale BowSell Price2024-07-02 20:34:44 UTC
WandrarxCracked AxeSpeed2024-07-04 20:15:54 UTC
WandrarxIron BowDexterity Requirement2024-07-16 11:35:17 UTC
WandrarxBronze GlaiveHit Max2024-07-18 06:54:22 UTC
WandrarxBent DaggerDescription2024-07-22 08:36:52 UTC

Armor researchers:

NameArmorField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierTunicDescription2015-01-01 23:29:55 UTC
FrostavengerChainmail ShieldSlot2016-02-15 03:08:29 UTC
FrostavengerChainmail HauberkConstitution Requirement2016-02-15 06:39:00 UTC
MatoCloth Covered ShieldStrength Requirement2016-02-15 16:44:20 UTC
pierre CHTCloth BeltConstitution Requirement2016-02-16 08:24:24 UTC
VenominaSerpent MaskSell Price2016-02-16 19:51:18 UTC
XalizardCloth PantsSlot2016-02-17 11:21:59 UTC
pierre CHTCloth BeltSkill Requirement Type2016-02-17 11:37:49 UTC
Crazy ClownChainmail ShieldDescription2016-02-17 20:22:26 UTC
FrostavengerCloth Covered ShieldSell Price2016-02-18 03:50:29 UTC
FrostavengerChainmail ShieldStrength Requirement2016-02-18 06:39:45 UTC
XalizardChainmail ShieldConstitution Requirement2016-02-18 07:04:06 UTC
MatoChainmail ShieldSkill Requirement Type2016-02-18 21:26:55 UTC
MatoCloth BeltDropped By: Mouse2016-02-19 22:17:05 UTC
pierre CHTChainmail ShieldIntelligence Requirement2016-02-20 12:06:42 UTC
MatoChainmail ShieldArmor2016-02-20 15:06:59 UTC
MatoChainmail ShieldElemental Armor2016-02-21 16:12:22 UTC
CrixusSilver NecklaceWeight2016-02-27 19:54:36 UTC
DysupRobe SandlesDexterity Requirement2016-02-28 13:32:03 UTC
DysupChainmail ShieldDexterity Requirement2016-02-29 12:46:10 UTC
DysupChainmail ShieldDropped By: Spider2016-02-29 13:36:25 UTC
DysupChainmail ShieldWeight2016-02-29 15:23:41 UTC
DysupChainmail ShieldSkill Requirement2016-03-03 15:58:00 UTC
DysupRobe SandlesStrength Requirement2016-03-04 23:31:04 UTC
DysupChainmail ShieldSell Price2016-03-05 20:17:30 UTC
MatoStudded Leather BrigandineArmor2016-03-07 16:58:52 UTC
FrostavengerSilk BootsConstitution Requirement2016-07-08 07:44:47 UTC
FrostavengerMystic BeltArmor2016-07-09 20:46:58 UTC
BloodlustSilver RingDexterity Requirement2016-07-13 10:04:43 UTC
MakkaChainmail HauberkElemental Armor2016-07-14 17:35:59 UTC
BloodlustIron BeltWeight2016-07-15 07:04:52 UTC
MakkaLeather ShieldSkill Requirement Type2016-07-15 17:47:58 UTC
FrostavengerGold Ring RubyDexterity Requirement2017-02-27 03:46:19 UTC
LegendCloth FootwrapsSkill Requirement Type2017-02-28 14:58:23 UTC
VoinRobe SandlesIntelligence Requirement2017-03-25 18:43:32 UTC
VoinSteel CuirassIntelligence Requirement2017-03-29 07:00:31 UTC
foxDIron BeltDexterity Requirement2017-04-11 23:31:38 UTC
FrostavengerPlatinum Ring AmethystArmor2017-05-09 06:27:03 UTC
CHT PierreSerpent BeltDropped By: Snake Corn2018-03-28 17:05:18 UTC
pierreCHTpSerpent PantsDexterity Requirement2018-04-01 10:37:20 UTC
PuppySerpent ShieldSkill Requirement2018-09-27 22:30:46 UTC
VenomosLeather ShieldSkill Requirement2018-10-05 00:15:40 UTC
VenomosCloth CoatDropped By: Water Bugs2018-10-05 20:14:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCloth PantsSkill Requirement Type2019-01-14 04:35:34 UTC
PollyannaOpingCloth BeltArmor2019-01-17 02:10:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilver RingSell Price2019-01-19 07:24:41 UTC
VoodooKingHadesViking HelmetSlot2019-01-20 03:35:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilver Necklace AquamarineHealth Increase2019-01-21 05:52:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilver RingSkill Requirement2019-01-28 02:04:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRobe GlovesIntelligence Requirement2019-01-30 07:17:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilk BeltSlot2019-02-04 06:26:35 UTC
PhodinhaTunicConstitution Requirement2019-08-14 18:50:26 UTC
foxDMystic CuffSell Price2019-09-01 16:51:50 UTC
foxDTitanium NecklaceArmor2019-09-15 15:51:40 UTC
PuppyCloth CoatArmor2019-10-02 19:28:28 UTC
PuppySilver RingSlot2019-10-02 19:53:20 UTC
PuppySilver Ring AquamarineSlot2019-10-02 20:07:56 UTC
PuppyCooking MittsStrength Increase2019-10-02 20:13:51 UTC
TomekSerpent MaskDescription2019-11-04 23:59:24 UTC
TomekSerpent BootsWeight2019-11-05 01:16:14 UTC
TomekPirate BeltDescription2019-11-25 16:45:18 UTC
PLZxRobe SandlesElemental Armor2019-12-24 22:30:32 UTC
PLZxSilver NecklaceSkill Requirement Type2019-12-25 09:35:05 UTC
GooseChainmail BeltStrength Requirement2020-01-12 03:12:40 UTC
PuppySilver Necklace AquamarineElemental Armor Increase2020-01-18 11:48:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilver RingArmor2020-01-25 09:13:46 UTC
TomekSilver RingIntelligence Requirement2020-04-04 20:58:15 UTC
GooseSerpent BeltSkill Requirement Type2020-06-07 02:06:15 UTC
xxelterRobe HeadbandDexterity Requirement2020-06-17 02:03:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRobe CuffSlot2020-07-05 06:16:24 UTC
PuppySilver RingSkill Requirement Type2020-07-06 15:42:10 UTC
PuppySilver Ring AquamarineSkill Requirement2020-07-06 15:50:26 UTC
PuppyRobe SandlesSkill Requirement Type2020-07-07 03:45:42 UTC
TessCloth ScarfSkill Requirement2020-07-08 20:12:04 UTC
MysticBone NecklaceWeight2020-07-09 05:29:34 UTC
TessSilver RingDescription2020-07-11 02:03:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEarth PantsDexterity Requirement2020-07-11 05:54:49 UTC
PuppySilver NecklaceDexterity Requirement2020-07-11 07:21:12 UTC
TessChainmail HauberkStrength Requirement2020-07-11 09:08:03 UTC
TessRobe CloakDropped By: Water Bugs2020-07-11 09:48:12 UTC
TessLeather BootsSell Price2020-07-11 14:40:58 UTC
FatAdamSilver NecklaceIntelligence Requirement2020-07-13 23:43:49 UTC
PuppyIron GauntletsConstitution Requirement2020-07-14 06:25:30 UTC
ZiltoidRobe HeadbandSkill Requirement2020-07-14 12:08:30 UTC
FatAdamSilver RingElemental Armor2020-07-14 14:31:10 UTC
FatAdamRobe CloakDescription2020-07-14 20:15:16 UTC
FatAdamPirate BeltElemental Armor2020-07-14 23:03:20 UTC
PuppySilk PantsElemental Armor2020-07-18 16:15:15 UTC
AzazelSerpent MittsDescription2020-07-19 10:26:40 UTC
ShivenSelvicCloth ScarfDropped By: Tiny Ripple2020-07-19 22:20:48 UTC
AzazelSilk GlovesConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 06:55:48 UTC
AzazelSilver RingConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 17:53:40 UTC
AzazelRobe SatchelSell Price2020-07-21 19:49:25 UTC
AzazelLinen SlippersElemental Armor2020-07-22 22:53:14 UTC
ProarcherRobe SandlesSkill Requirement2020-07-24 19:56:49 UTC
ProarcherSerpent BeltDescription2020-07-25 02:19:34 UTC
AzazelLinen BeltpackArmor2020-07-27 16:28:27 UTC
AzazelRobe CloakSlot2020-07-27 16:30:17 UTC
PuppyRobe SandlesDescription2020-07-27 16:57:03 UTC
PuppyRobe SatchelArmor2020-07-27 18:59:11 UTC
PuppyRobe SatchelWeight2020-07-27 19:02:14 UTC
PuppyIron BeltIntelligence Requirement2020-07-28 15:57:59 UTC
PuppyIron BeltSkill Requirement Type2020-07-28 16:02:15 UTC
TheOddOneChainmail HauberkSkill Requirement Type2020-07-29 19:45:22 UTC
AzazelSilver RingDropped By: Wraith2020-07-30 01:38:20 UTC
Raisha MuDecorative ShieldDexterity Requirement2020-08-02 03:13:15 UTC
SirDragulaSerpent TorsoStrength Requirement2020-08-02 14:45:50 UTC
Raisha MuSteel SabatonsWeight2020-08-03 07:23:05 UTC
PuppyIron BeltDropped By: Lizard2020-08-03 14:54:08 UTC
PuppyIron BeltConstitution Requirement2020-08-03 15:08:44 UTC
PuppyIron BeltSkill Requirement2020-08-03 15:17:52 UTC
Ash DawnroarChainmail HauberkDropped By: Water Bugs2020-08-06 22:54:13 UTC
Ash DawnroarChainmail CoifElemental Armor2020-08-08 22:01:52 UTC
ZiltoidBronze GreavesWeight2020-08-08 23:53:31 UTC
AzazelRobe CloakSell Price2020-08-09 05:11:22 UTC
DEV ProskierCloth HandwrapsDexterity Requirement2020-08-10 05:12:54 UTC
AkashaRobe BreechesArmor2020-08-12 17:00:06 UTC
AkashaChainmail CoifSlot2020-08-12 17:03:05 UTC
AzazelRobe CloakElemental Armor2020-08-13 02:33:40 UTC
DerbianSilver Necklace PearlSkill Type2020-08-14 12:45:57 UTC
DerbianRobe SandlesSlot2020-08-14 15:07:33 UTC
DerbianRobe CuffStrength Requirement2020-08-14 23:57:44 UTC
AzazelViking HelmetDescription2020-08-15 04:46:44 UTC
NoobieChainmail GreavesArmor2020-08-15 07:06:42 UTC
TheOddOneSilver Necklace AquamarineIntelligence Increase2020-08-15 16:44:09 UTC
DawnedxChainmail HauberkSell Price2020-08-15 20:41:47 UTC
DawnedxChainmail HauberkWeight2020-08-15 22:07:51 UTC
AzazelSteel BeltWeight2020-08-17 03:44:16 UTC
PuppyStudded Leather BeltSkill Requirement2020-08-17 03:58:53 UTC
TheOddOneLinen SlippersSlot2020-08-17 21:49:32 UTC
AkashaLinen CuffWeight2020-08-19 16:59:36 UTC
AlkmaarChainmail CoifConstitution Requirement2020-08-21 22:57:32 UTC
GoosePirate CuffSkill Requirement2020-08-29 00:48:08 UTC
TomekLinen BeltpackConstitution Requirement2020-08-31 15:51:32 UTC
TomekSilk BeltIntelligence Requirement2020-09-01 23:26:58 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSerpent MaskDexterity Requirement2020-09-11 11:26:03 UTC
AlwaysdrunkIron SolleretsSell Price2020-09-14 18:45:37 UTC
AlwaysdrunkIron GauntletsDexterity Requirement2020-09-15 06:41:22 UTC
saitoCloth Covered ShieldDropped By: Spider2020-09-26 05:20:11 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSilver NecklaceArmor2020-09-29 06:56:55 UTC
AlwaysdrunkIron GauntletsDescription2020-10-09 10:07:05 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSpider Queen HeadIntelligence Requirement2020-10-09 11:23:43 UTC
VolkChainmail BeltSell Price2020-10-11 09:04:14 UTC
AlwaysdrunkTitanium NecklaceWeight2020-10-13 07:23:57 UTC
ConkyCloth HandwrapsSkill Requirement Type2020-11-01 22:55:48 UTC
JhorrCloth ScarfDropped By: Snake2020-11-13 02:58:58 UTC
RaydenkaiSerpent BootsElemental Armor2020-11-29 09:00:00 UTC
FlamtarSilver RingWeight2020-12-02 05:58:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTitanium Ring AmethystStrength Requirement2020-12-20 09:20:07 UTC
BettyRaySerpent BootsSlot2020-12-23 07:12:25 UTC
FlamtarSilver NecklaceElemental Armor2020-12-23 08:09:04 UTC
zarastrSerpent TorsoWeight2020-12-23 17:34:46 UTC
BettyRaySteel SabatonsSlot2020-12-24 05:28:03 UTC
FlamtarChainmail HauberkSlot2020-12-27 09:14:06 UTC
OlgaSerpent MaskArmor2020-12-27 11:08:56 UTC
FlamtarPlatinum RingStrength Requirement2020-12-29 09:23:34 UTC
CanyoudigitChainmail GreavesElemental Armor2020-12-30 22:03:43 UTC
TomekIron Kite ShieldDescription2021-01-02 21:08:02 UTC
ningimblyCloth PantsDropped By: Cockroaches2021-01-04 02:05:47 UTC
FlamtarSilver RingStrength Requirement2021-01-13 00:08:25 UTC
TomekCloth FootwrapsSkill Requirement2021-01-17 05:32:01 UTC
SoLciusTunicArmor2021-01-20 23:20:55 UTC
JumentinhoChainmail GauntletsDuration2021-01-24 04:47:35 UTC
SoLciusRobe CloakSkill Requirement2021-01-25 20:00:20 UTC
FlamtarLinen SlippersDropped By: Vampire2021-01-31 04:52:41 UTC
FlamtarSilver NecklaceDescription2021-02-04 01:33:33 UTC
EvokerSerpent PantsDropped By: Snake King2021-02-19 20:13:35 UTC
EvokerSerpent MaskElemental Armor2021-02-20 21:16:07 UTC
EvokerSerpent PantsSell Price2021-02-21 10:53:29 UTC
TomekIron GauntletsSell Price2021-02-22 05:27:43 UTC
TomekIron GauntletsSlot2021-02-22 05:28:15 UTC
AeloRobe SandlesDropped By: Spore Swarm2021-02-23 00:17:11 UTC
FlamtarCloth CoatWeight2021-02-24 04:02:24 UTC
FlamtarBronze BarbuteIntelligence Requirement2021-02-28 21:26:34 UTC
EvokerIron BeltSlot2021-03-01 19:18:06 UTC
FlamtarBarbarian LegplatesArmor2021-03-07 22:44:52 UTC
FlamtarChainmail GauntletsSkill Type2021-03-10 05:24:07 UTC
EvokerGold RingSell Price2021-03-10 20:21:18 UTC
FlamtarStudded Leather LeggingsElemental Armor2021-03-12 20:12:18 UTC
FlamtarIron BeltArmor2021-03-24 00:49:20 UTC
FlamtarIron BeltElemental Armor2021-03-24 01:10:29 UTC
VanguardIron CuirassWeight2021-03-25 19:54:32 UTC
TomekGold RingDropped By: Ice Critter2021-04-05 04:05:04 UTC
pierreCHTaSerpent TorsoDropped By: Snake King2021-04-05 10:08:14 UTC
FlamtarLinen SlippersWeight2021-04-06 20:43:33 UTC
FlamtarLinen HoodDescription2021-04-06 23:18:48 UTC
TomekBronze BootsSell Price2021-04-10 00:14:08 UTC
BookeredChainmail SolleretsWeight2021-04-21 00:56:00 UTC
PuppyPlatinum RingSlot2021-04-21 12:11:03 UTC
IIIICloth HandwrapsIntelligence Requirement2021-04-22 01:49:55 UTC
IIIICloth HandwrapsSlot2021-04-22 01:51:07 UTC
IIIIChainmail GauntletsHealth Increase2021-04-23 00:19:06 UTC
IIIICloth HandwrapsStrength Requirement2021-04-23 10:38:34 UTC
BookeredCloth FootwrapsSlot2021-04-27 06:58:41 UTC
IIIIChainmail SolleretsConstitution Requirement2021-04-29 10:25:02 UTC
YMortosYRobe CuffSkill Requirement Type2021-05-05 10:13:41 UTC
MarttiSerpent MaskIntelligence Requirement2021-05-05 14:51:29 UTC
MarttiChainmail HauberkDescription2021-05-05 15:33:08 UTC
marbaChainmail BeltArmor2021-05-08 20:33:01 UTC
PuppyLeather ShieldStrength Requirement2021-05-18 00:32:49 UTC
VanguardBronze BeltSkill Requirement2021-05-18 00:51:44 UTC
PuppyMystic CuffWeight2021-05-18 00:52:49 UTC
xTootoughxCloth HandwrapsSell Price2021-05-22 02:16:46 UTC
xTootoughxSerpent BootsDexterity Requirement2021-05-22 02:42:29 UTC
xTootoughxSerpent ShieldWeight2021-05-22 03:31:47 UTC
xTootoughxSerpent MaskConstitution Requirement2021-05-22 03:35:51 UTC
FreoNDecorative ShieldWeight2021-05-31 18:55:01 UTC
ApheRobe HeadbandDropped By: Frog2021-07-07 00:51:49 UTC
TabunCloth HandwrapsDropped By: Frog2021-07-18 13:42:48 UTC
TabunRobe HeadbandSlot2021-07-20 14:00:16 UTC
TabunSerpent PantsSlot2021-07-22 01:07:02 UTC
ErmakulCloth HandwrapsArmor2021-07-22 08:10:02 UTC
lordzinhoSerpent ShieldIntelligence Requirement2021-07-25 17:33:50 UTC
ErmakulSteel TargeArmor2021-07-26 05:22:11 UTC
SkarBone NecklaceSkill Requirement2021-08-10 07:15:44 UTC
FlamtarGold RingArmor2021-08-11 04:34:37 UTC
MerkshowCloth PantsSell Price2021-09-21 05:03:11 UTC
MerkshowCloth BeltDexterity Requirement2021-09-22 05:00:06 UTC
MizuSerpent TorsoSell Price2021-10-08 20:02:25 UTC
LabookCloth PantsDexterity Requirement2021-10-11 20:27:52 UTC
ApheSerpent MittsDexterity Requirement2021-10-30 15:47:13 UTC
RoxxyRobe SatchelElemental Armor2021-10-30 15:51:18 UTC
RoxxySerpent ShieldSell Price2021-10-31 06:10:55 UTC
RoxxySerpent MittsElemental Armor2021-10-31 15:59:50 UTC
YambulSteel HelmSkill Requirement2021-11-05 08:40:05 UTC
MuthDecorative ShieldSell Price2021-11-05 14:08:45 UTC
PlutoChainmail GauntletsLuck Increase Percent2021-11-06 22:57:19 UTC
ExternalIron ChaussesSlot2021-11-23 01:14:36 UTC
ExternalIron GauntletsSkill Requirement Type2021-11-23 08:46:14 UTC
LopkeyChainmail SolleretsIntelligence Requirement2021-11-27 07:35:01 UTC
XianaCloth CoatDexterity Requirement2021-11-30 05:43:28 UTC
MoeMoneySerpent ShieldArmor2021-12-02 02:39:06 UTC
NarcissaCloth BeltSlot2021-12-02 20:41:18 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLinen BeltpackSell Price2021-12-03 20:40:12 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLinen HosenDescription2021-12-03 21:00:44 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLeather BootsIntelligence Requirement2021-12-04 18:32:55 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSilk HoodStrength Requirement2021-12-06 15:30:33 UTC
WandrarxIron Kite ShieldDropped By: Imp2021-12-07 10:41:34 UTC
WandrarxIron SolleretsConstitution Requirement2021-12-07 18:43:53 UTC
MothmanSerpent ShieldConstitution Requirement2021-12-12 13:18:06 UTC
WandrarksLinen ShirtElemental Armor2021-12-16 18:39:54 UTC
WandrarksLinen ShirtDescription2021-12-16 18:48:35 UTC
WandrarksSilk BootsDescription2021-12-16 19:06:06 UTC
SoseCloth FootwrapsDescription2021-12-17 13:49:54 UTC
SoseSerpent MittsDropped By: Snake King2021-12-18 04:27:43 UTC
SedaSerpent PantsArmor2021-12-18 05:40:47 UTC
SedaSerpent ShieldDexterity Requirement2021-12-18 05:46:13 UTC
WandrarxIron BeltStrength Requirement2021-12-20 22:21:46 UTC
WandrarxIron BeltDescription2021-12-20 22:32:30 UTC
FatAdamBronze TargeSell Price2021-12-24 15:08:12 UTC
WandrarxIron BeltSell Price2021-12-24 21:17:04 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltStrength Requirement2021-12-26 14:25:13 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltElemental Armor2021-12-26 14:29:55 UTC
blockSerpent BeltStrength Requirement2021-12-26 18:59:53 UTC
WandrarxIron SolleretsDropped By: Undead Mage2022-01-02 08:15:46 UTC
FatAdamBone NecklaceElemental Armor2022-01-03 04:32:05 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLeather BootsConstitution Requirement2022-01-03 20:49:10 UTC
billdCloth HandwrapsWeight2022-01-04 02:32:50 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLeather BootsDexterity Requirement2022-01-04 09:55:28 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTitanium NecklaceDropped By: Unicorn2022-01-05 13:13:59 UTC
MizuIron SolleretsSlot2022-01-05 14:24:32 UTC
MizuStudded Leather ShieldArmor2022-01-06 18:13:04 UTC
MizuSteel CuissesSell Price2022-01-06 20:12:50 UTC
MerlinDecorative ShieldConstitution Requirement2022-01-07 04:23:25 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum NecklaceConstitution Requirement2022-01-07 10:49:59 UTC
ThomptyBoyChainmail CoifSkill Requirement Type2022-01-07 12:25:58 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltSell Price2022-01-08 12:07:50 UTC
DoYouEvenBuffBroCloth ScarfConstitution Requirement2022-01-08 16:02:06 UTC
WandraxsRobe CloakStrength Requirement2022-01-08 19:18:27 UTC
WandraxsRobe CloakWeight2022-01-08 19:31:48 UTC
WandraxsRobe CloakIntelligence Requirement2022-01-08 19:37:05 UTC
WandraxsLinen SlippersSkill Requirement2022-01-08 20:52:23 UTC
WandraxsLinen SlippersStrength Requirement2022-01-08 21:11:44 UTC
WandraxsLinen SlippersDescription2022-01-08 23:05:26 UTC
LabookSerpent ShieldDropped By: Snake King2022-01-09 02:26:59 UTC
WandraxsSilk CuffSlot2022-01-09 07:20:20 UTC
VanguardGold RingStrength Requirement2022-01-09 20:33:22 UTC
FlamtarTitanium NecklaceSell Price2022-01-09 21:27:28 UTC
WandrarxSilk PantsDexterity Requirement2022-01-10 21:08:09 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingStrength Requirement2022-01-10 21:23:58 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingArmor2022-01-10 22:10:23 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingIntelligence Requirement2022-01-11 08:12:10 UTC
ThomptyBoyChainmail HauberkArmor2022-01-11 10:43:50 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingSkill Requirement Type2022-01-11 13:08:26 UTC
ThomptyBoySteel HelmSkill Requirement Type2022-01-12 10:40:26 UTC
ThomptyBoySteel GauntletsSkill Requirement2022-01-13 06:42:28 UTC
MizuTitanium RingElemental Armor2022-01-13 19:31:48 UTC
WandrarxIron CuirassSlot2022-01-13 19:51:24 UTC
MizuTitanium Ring PeridotWeight2022-01-14 11:48:02 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRobe SandlesDropped By: Spider2022-01-16 02:27:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent ShieldDescription2022-01-16 05:50:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRobe BreechesStrength Requirement2022-01-16 07:51:08 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingDropped By: Unicorn2022-01-16 20:07:38 UTC
FlamtarLinen SlippersIntelligence Requirement2022-01-17 20:57:39 UTC
MizuPirate BootsDexterity Requirement2022-01-18 20:54:55 UTC
MizuPirate HookDescription2022-01-18 20:55:04 UTC
MizuSilk RobeSkill Requirement2022-01-19 18:12:16 UTC
VanguardGold Ring PearlArmor2022-01-21 00:55:48 UTC
EvokerSilk HoodDescription2022-01-21 14:41:26 UTC
TrigunCloth HandwrapsSkill Requirement2022-01-23 15:28:28 UTC
TrigunSerpent BeltSell Price2022-01-23 16:41:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFire BootsSlot2022-01-23 23:52:15 UTC
LabookViking HelmetElemental Armor2022-01-25 01:58:04 UTC
TiberRobe GlovesElemental Armor2022-01-25 04:47:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCursed Guard PantsArmor2022-01-25 18:17:24 UTC
TiberSerpent BootsStrength Requirement2022-01-26 07:09:11 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum RingArmor2022-01-26 07:33:23 UTC
WolfwoodRobe CloakConstitution Requirement2022-01-27 12:51:33 UTC
LORDPANTRobe SandlesSell Price2022-01-31 23:39:08 UTC
WolfwoodLeather LeggingsSkill Requirement2022-02-02 12:57:44 UTC
WolfwoodLinen SlippersConstitution Requirement2022-02-02 19:49:47 UTC
WolfwoodLinen SlippersSkill Requirement Type2022-02-03 13:13:27 UTC
WolfwoodSilk RobeConstitution Requirement2022-02-04 14:03:30 UTC
WolfwoodMystic BeltSlot2022-02-05 18:30:41 UTC
MizuTitanium RingWeight2022-02-06 06:52:14 UTC
WolfwoodLinen SlippersSell Price2022-02-06 16:39:24 UTC
WolfwoodSilk CuffDropped By: Stone Giant2022-02-06 16:58:45 UTC
WolfwoodSilk CuffElemental Armor2022-02-06 17:08:35 UTC
WandrarxGold Necklace PeridotSkill Increase2022-02-07 20:23:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTitanium NecklaceElemental Armor2022-02-09 01:32:30 UTC
LabookCloth HandwrapsConstitution Requirement2022-02-11 05:54:09 UTC
WandrarxBronze TargeSlot2022-02-16 18:57:07 UTC
Rick SanchezCloth BeltSell Price2022-02-19 16:31:27 UTC
Rick SanchezSerpent PantsElemental Armor2022-02-19 17:09:08 UTC
Rick SanchezSerpent MittsStrength Requirement2022-02-20 16:24:48 UTC
Rick SanchezSerpent PantsConstitution Requirement2022-02-20 18:51:03 UTC
Rick SanchezSerpent ShieldSlot2022-02-21 01:00:23 UTC
Rick SanchezCloth HandwrapsDescription2022-02-21 03:12:58 UTC
Rick SanchezRobe SandlesArmor2022-02-21 03:28:29 UTC
Rick SanchezCloth HandwrapsElemental Armor2022-02-21 13:12:31 UTC
TshenDecorative ShieldDropped By: Frog2022-02-22 12:40:28 UTC
TabunSerpent PantsWeight2022-02-26 02:36:02 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingSell Price2022-02-26 14:22:42 UTC
WandrarxSpider Queen HeadConstitution Requirement2022-02-27 09:39:32 UTC
WandrarxLeather BrigandineDexterity Requirement2022-02-27 10:08:11 UTC
TabunStudded Leather GlovesConstitution Requirement2022-03-01 21:00:03 UTC
TabunSilk BeltStrength Requirement2022-03-06 15:31:31 UTC
LabookPirate CuffWeight2022-03-08 07:01:00 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum NecklaceStrength Requirement2022-03-08 11:12:48 UTC
LabookPirate SlopsIntelligence Requirement2022-03-09 06:06:26 UTC
TabunStudded Leather LeggingsSkill Requirement Type2022-03-10 22:48:08 UTC
WandrarxTitanium NecklaceDescription2022-03-11 15:21:55 UTC
RiquinhoChainmail CoifIntelligence Requirement2022-03-18 03:33:04 UTC
Tio SanChainmail HauberkSkill Requirement2022-03-19 15:40:26 UTC
WandrarxDragon Scale GlovesRarity2022-04-09 20:33:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent PantsSkill Requirement2022-04-09 20:50:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent ShieldStrength Requirement2022-04-09 21:15:14 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent PantsStrength Requirement2022-04-09 21:20:58 UTC
VanguardSilver NecklaceStrength Requirement2022-04-09 21:23:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSerpent MittsSlot2022-04-09 21:55:31 UTC
FlamtarJourneyman BracersStrength Requirement2022-04-10 06:25:42 UTC
FlamtarSilk CuffSkill Requirement2022-04-10 08:48:21 UTC
FlamtarLeather BeltSlot2022-04-10 09:10:08 UTC
FlamtarLeather BeltConstitution Requirement2022-04-10 09:11:28 UTC
BankkarrdCloth HandwrapsRarity2022-04-11 06:24:39 UTC
VanguardBronze GreavesArmor2022-04-13 23:49:34 UTC
WandrarxLinen HosenSlot2022-04-14 22:10:04 UTC
FlamtarSilver Ring TopazWeight2022-04-16 05:14:07 UTC
WandrarxKite ShieldDropped By: Nymph2022-04-16 21:44:30 UTC
VanguardChainmail BeltSkill Requirement Type2022-04-17 07:52:11 UTC
VanguardChainmail CoifSkill Requirement2022-04-17 08:33:34 UTC
zarastrSilver Ring TopazArmor2022-04-18 20:30:22 UTC
FlamtarSilk CuffIntelligence Requirement2022-04-19 20:25:28 UTC
WandrarxGold Ring RubySkill Requirement2022-04-20 19:56:25 UTC
WandrarxSilver Ring TopazDropped By: Egg Blue2022-04-21 14:03:00 UTC
PuppySerpent TorsoIntelligence Requirement2022-04-22 02:01:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGold Ring RubySkill Requirement Type2022-04-25 05:20:38 UTC
WandrarxSerpent MaskSlot2022-04-26 22:01:05 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingSkill Requirement2022-04-28 20:03:42 UTC
AlkmaarCloth FootwrapsWeight2022-05-02 06:43:53 UTC
WandrarxSpider Queen HeadSkill Requirement Type2022-05-02 21:07:04 UTC
zarastrSteel TargeDexterity Requirement2022-05-03 13:53:32 UTC
WandrarxMystic TiaraSell Price2022-05-10 06:53:50 UTC
zarastrChainmail HauberkRarity2022-05-11 14:45:30 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsWeight2022-05-18 18:22:34 UTC
FlamtarSmelting ApronExp Increase Percent2022-05-20 07:42:23 UTC
LabookPirate ShirtSell Price2022-05-24 05:49:57 UTC
WandrarxWater GlovesRarity2022-05-31 18:40:33 UTC
MerkshowSilver RingRarity2022-07-07 20:02:16 UTC
MerkshowChainmail ShieldRarity2022-07-07 20:04:09 UTC
MerkshowSilver NecklaceConstitution Requirement2022-07-09 09:25:57 UTC
TshenCloth ScarfStrength Requirement2022-07-09 11:38:50 UTC
Tsuki HellwenchRobe HeadbandElemental Armor2022-07-10 21:20:58 UTC
LabookPirate BeltStrength Requirement2022-07-19 19:52:51 UTC
TeddybearCloth BeltIntelligence Requirement2022-07-20 07:06:05 UTC
MerkshowSilver NecklaceSlot2022-07-27 04:22:20 UTC
LabookPirate ShirtWeight2022-07-29 02:45:05 UTC
ALoliSerpent MaskRarity2022-08-03 18:44:08 UTC
ALoliChainmail CoifDropped By: Snake Coral2022-08-04 12:22:41 UTC
GarzugSerpent PantsIntelligence Requirement2022-08-06 05:10:01 UTC
KnifeyChainmail CoifSell Price2022-08-07 18:52:47 UTC
ALoliRobe CloakArmor2022-08-09 11:52:32 UTC
ALoliLeather BootsElemental Armor2022-08-09 15:05:02 UTC
PooHeadCloth BeltElemental Armor2022-08-11 04:18:57 UTC
PooHeadRobe HeadbandRarity2022-08-11 14:32:03 UTC
PooHeadRobe SatchelIntelligence Requirement2022-08-11 15:06:57 UTC
PooHeadSerpent PantsDescription2022-08-11 16:30:18 UTC
PooHeadRobe SandlesConstitution Requirement2022-08-12 18:40:59 UTC
TabunIron CuirassSell Price2022-09-03 16:38:04 UTC
WandrarxBronze GauntletsSell Price2022-09-03 19:16:13 UTC
WandrarxBronze GreavesRarity2022-09-03 20:16:58 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassSkill Requirement Type2022-09-03 20:49:03 UTC
WandrarxBronze TargeSkill Requirement Type2022-09-06 12:58:13 UTC
WandrarxBronze TargeDescription2022-09-06 14:48:31 UTC
WandrarxDark BootsIntelligence Requirement2022-09-11 05:52:09 UTC
WandrarxLinen HoodSlot2022-09-11 19:30:32 UTC
FlamtarStudded Leather BrigandineIntelligence Requirement2022-09-12 04:53:31 UTC
WandrarxBronze BarbuteElemental Armor2022-09-14 08:46:49 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsSlot2022-09-14 09:31:26 UTC
WandrarxBronze GreavesDescription2022-09-15 12:27:08 UTC
WandrarxWyvern White GlovesDexterity Requirement2022-09-16 09:25:47 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsDropped By: Golem2022-09-16 13:00:44 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsArmor2022-09-16 14:45:54 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsDexterity Requirement2022-09-16 18:42:13 UTC
WandrarxWater BeltArmor2022-09-18 05:54:32 UTC
Musta SeppaSerpent TorsoSkill Requirement Type2022-09-22 06:18:45 UTC
MystikkoLinen HoodConstitution Requirement2022-09-23 10:16:11 UTC
SpakeshaCloth ScarfArmor2022-09-23 20:36:56 UTC
SpakeshaChainmail CoifArmor2022-09-23 23:24:23 UTC
Musta SeppaSteel TargeDropped By: Bear2022-09-25 09:36:25 UTC
BankkarrdSerpent ShieldElemental Armor2022-09-25 11:43:51 UTC
VanguardSteel BeltDropped By: Werewolf2022-09-26 00:59:01 UTC
VanguardSteel SabatonsElemental Armor2022-09-26 01:53:50 UTC
DaGreatCornholioRobe BreechesIntelligence Requirement2022-09-26 04:16:20 UTC
DaGreatCornholioRobe CuffConstitution Requirement2022-09-26 04:17:20 UTC
DreamCloth ScarfDexterity Requirement2022-09-26 06:25:57 UTC
Musta SeppaSilver NecklaceDropped By: Wraith2022-09-27 11:11:20 UTC
Musta SeppaSilver NecklaceSell Price2022-09-27 11:13:17 UTC
SamoajaPirate BeltSlot2022-09-27 15:20:15 UTC
kiitySteel HelmSell Price2022-09-28 16:19:16 UTC
BankkarrdSilk BootsIntelligence Requirement2022-09-29 06:14:18 UTC
DaGreatCornholioSilk BeltArmor2022-10-01 00:43:16 UTC
PaldisaurRobe HeadbandConstitution Requirement2022-10-01 04:25:49 UTC
WandrarxBronze BarbuteStrength Requirement2022-10-02 22:27:13 UTC
WandrarxBronze GauntletsIntelligence Requirement2022-10-02 22:45:12 UTC
WandrarxBronze GauntletsSkill Requirement Type2022-10-02 22:45:43 UTC
WandrarxBronze GauntletsWeight2022-10-03 10:44:06 UTC
WandrarxBronze GauntletsElemental Armor2022-10-03 18:32:17 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassStrength Requirement2022-10-03 20:42:56 UTC
kiitySteel CuirassConstitution Requirement2022-10-05 02:27:40 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassSlot2022-10-06 19:30:45 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassIntelligence Requirement2022-10-14 11:58:44 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassDexterity Requirement2022-10-14 12:03:43 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassWeight2022-10-14 12:06:55 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassSell Price2022-10-14 12:55:37 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassConstitution Requirement2022-10-14 13:31:21 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassSkill Requirement2022-10-14 14:22:15 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassDescription2022-10-14 14:34:41 UTC
WandrarxBronze CuriassDropped By: Mummy2022-10-14 14:55:37 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsSkill Requirement2022-10-14 18:45:32 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsConstitution Requirement2022-10-14 19:29:31 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsElemental Armor2022-10-15 06:13:26 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsIntelligence Requirement2022-10-15 06:47:55 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsSkill Requirement Type2022-10-15 07:58:10 UTC
WandrarxBronze BootsDescription2022-10-15 08:32:21 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingDescription2022-10-15 10:40:42 UTC
FlamtarMystic BootsSkill Requirement Type2022-10-15 21:02:35 UTC
kiityIron GauntletsSkill Requirement2022-10-17 01:23:09 UTC
kiitySilk BootsElemental Armor2022-10-18 03:26:21 UTC
WandrarxBronze TargeDropped By: Centaur2022-10-18 12:39:14 UTC
WandrarxBronze TargeConstitution Requirement2022-10-18 12:53:30 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltDexterity Requirement2022-10-22 10:30:52 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltIntelligence Requirement2022-10-22 10:41:46 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltSlot2022-10-22 10:57:10 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltConstitution Requirement2022-10-23 10:32:39 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltDescription2022-10-23 13:12:34 UTC
WandrarxBronze BeltWeight2022-10-24 06:48:34 UTC
WandrarxGold RingWeight2022-10-25 19:26:13 UTC
VanguardTitanium NecklaceConstitution Requirement2022-10-27 00:48:55 UTC
VanguardTitanium RingDexterity Requirement2022-10-30 03:23:16 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum RingSkill Requirement Type2022-11-13 15:45:48 UTC
EcomonsLeather BootsDropped By: Small Ripple2022-11-15 17:10:07 UTC
EcomonsLinen SlippersArmor2022-11-16 01:49:47 UTC
EcomonsWet BootsSkill Requirement Type2022-11-18 13:09:40 UTC
BankkarrdSilk BootsStrength Requirement2022-11-19 02:03:03 UTC
BankkarrdPirate CuffStrength Requirement2022-11-22 01:39:20 UTC
WandrarxTitanium Ring PearlDropped By: Turkey2022-11-28 18:47:37 UTC
dingleCloth FootwrapsStrength Requirement2022-12-21 07:46:22 UTC
scratchCloth FootwrapsElemental Armor2022-12-26 17:21:59 UTC
scratchSteel GauntletsSlot2022-12-28 03:38:21 UTC
scratchViking HelmetConstitution Requirement2023-01-02 02:28:40 UTC
scratchCloth CoatConstitution Requirement2023-01-03 04:52:49 UTC
scratchSilver NecklaceSkill Requirement2023-01-03 04:52:54 UTC
WulffCloth BeltStrength Requirement2023-01-04 12:48:33 UTC
WulffDecorative ShieldIntelligence Requirement2023-01-09 03:04:18 UTC
WulffCloth CoatStrength Requirement2023-01-10 00:26:39 UTC
WulffCloth FootwrapsConstitution Requirement2023-01-15 20:14:33 UTC
TerraTunicSell Price2023-01-30 18:20:04 UTC
LalissaCloth BeltWeight2023-01-31 23:39:41 UTC
EulaCloth Covered ShieldSlot2023-02-03 21:00:24 UTC
TerraRobe HeadbandIntelligence Requirement2023-02-05 15:19:41 UTC
WolfwoodStudded Leather BootsElemental Armor2023-02-15 17:12:16 UTC
WolfwoodIron CuirassDexterity Requirement2023-02-18 15:16:46 UTC
robinhoodspimpCloth PantsConstitution Requirement2023-02-20 07:32:24 UTC
WolfwoodDivine BucklerSlot2023-03-06 08:03:49 UTC
zarastrBronze BootsStrength Requirement2023-03-13 16:04:21 UTC
zarastrCloth Covered ShieldIntelligence Requirement2023-03-29 16:04:41 UTC
zarastrEarth HelmArmor2023-03-29 16:54:48 UTC
NarsaRobe CloakSkill Requirement Type2023-04-15 23:06:15 UTC
NarsaRobe SandlesWeight2023-04-16 01:23:52 UTC
CrastCloth BeltSkill Requirement2023-04-27 22:15:49 UTC
NarsaCloth CoatSlot2023-04-28 02:24:45 UTC
NarsaRobe SatchelDescription2023-04-28 05:20:42 UTC
VictusLinen BeltpackElemental Armor2023-04-28 20:04:16 UTC
VictusCloth Covered ShieldConstitution Requirement2023-04-30 12:41:27 UTC
PierrowwCloth FootwrapsArmor2023-05-11 08:57:25 UTC
NarsaLinen GlovesConstitution Requirement2023-05-14 16:30:13 UTC
EvilswingRobe HeadbandDescription2023-05-15 06:26:00 UTC
NarsaLinen CuffSell Price2023-05-28 21:36:55 UTC
WandrarxDragon Scale ChestplateStrength Requirement2023-05-30 19:24:27 UTC
NarsaLeather LeggingsIntelligence Requirement2023-06-01 23:55:14 UTC
VanguardBronze BeltSkill Requirement Type2023-06-12 14:54:43 UTC
TomekPlatinum RingElemental Armor2023-06-16 16:31:32 UTC
kiityStudded Leather ShieldWeight2023-06-26 22:50:26 UTC
BankkarrdSteel GauntletsStrength Requirement2023-07-07 19:53:13 UTC
WandrarxCloth ScarfSkill Requirement Type2023-07-11 18:31:48 UTC
FlamtarFire GlovesSkill Requirement2023-07-17 16:59:50 UTC
BabarSerpent MaskSkill Requirement2023-07-23 12:05:53 UTC
BabarSerpent BootsArmor2023-07-23 13:00:50 UTC
BabarCloth BeltDescription2023-07-23 13:29:58 UTC
DuckkyStoneCloth ScarfWeight2023-07-31 08:14:02 UTC
ElfeCloth FootwrapsDropped By: Snake Coral2023-08-16 22:03:30 UTC
bigguyRobe SatchelSlot2023-09-18 22:23:39 UTC
Mal DiraCloth PantsIntelligence Requirement2023-09-21 23:36:09 UTC
lookCloth ScarfIntelligence Requirement2023-09-26 23:59:51 UTC
derwinSerpent PantsSkill Requirement Type2023-09-27 05:36:51 UTC
derwinSerpent BeltDropped By: Snake King2023-09-27 05:37:26 UTC
lookChainmail SolleretsDescription2023-09-27 14:13:01 UTC
FlamtarLinen SlippersDexterity Requirement2023-09-29 23:29:32 UTC
VermileighChainmail CoifStrength Requirement2023-09-30 19:44:24 UTC
VermileighCloth FootwrapsDexterity Requirement2023-09-30 20:48:26 UTC
VermileighSerpent MaskSkill Requirement Type2023-09-30 21:28:46 UTC
TomekBronze BeltArmor2023-09-30 23:15:45 UTC
LorionCloth PantsStrength Requirement2023-10-03 00:15:11 UTC
olddudeChainmail SolleretsSkill Requirement Type2023-10-04 13:03:49 UTC
TomekBronze BeltDropped By: Hell Spawn2023-10-04 23:25:32 UTC
GumboRobe HeadbandArmor2023-10-06 20:41:23 UTC
kiityRobe GlovesWeight2023-10-12 20:12:01 UTC
kiityRobe CloakDexterity Requirement2023-10-15 08:09:38 UTC
kiitySerpent MaskWeight2023-10-15 08:42:03 UTC
TomekBronze GreavesSkill Requirement2023-10-19 03:48:39 UTC
TomekBronze GreavesSkill Requirement Type2023-10-20 22:03:32 UTC
TomekIron CuirassIntelligence Requirement2023-10-21 12:53:49 UTC
FlamtarCostume WerewolfDropped By: Pumpkin King Boss2023-10-25 14:18:30 UTC
FlamtarCostume WerewolfConstitution Requirement2023-10-25 21:34:18 UTC
VanguardCostume WerewolfDexterity Requirement2023-10-26 18:42:35 UTC
TomekBronze CuriassElemental Armor2023-10-31 02:25:53 UTC
zarastrCostume WerewolfStrength Requirement2023-11-02 19:30:15 UTC
TomekBronze CuriassArmor2024-01-12 02:05:13 UTC
SephTunicElemental Armor2024-01-13 18:36:02 UTC
SephCloth CoatSkill Requirement2024-01-15 05:13:09 UTC
SephRobe CuffDropped By: Spore Swarm2024-01-16 02:31:39 UTC
SephPirate SlopsConstitution Requirement2024-01-16 05:56:29 UTC
SephPirate BeltArmor2024-01-18 02:12:12 UTC
LegolasLeather BootsDescription2024-01-21 13:25:13 UTC
SephBone NecklaceSell Price2024-01-23 11:29:21 UTC
SephIron Kite ShieldSkill Requirement2024-01-27 15:40:02 UTC
BadMageMikiyCloth FootwrapsSell Price2024-01-28 09:27:15 UTC
SephMystic BeltSkill Requirement Type2024-01-30 02:19:25 UTC
TomekTitanium RingConstitution Requirement2024-02-10 18:23:53 UTC
SephBronze GauntletsConstitution Requirement2024-02-10 19:28:33 UTC
MorticianRobe CuffDexterity Requirement2024-03-10 03:03:44 UTC
MorticianSerpent MaskStrength Requirement2024-03-10 03:47:20 UTC
MorticianViking HelmetSkill Requirement Type2024-03-15 17:40:07 UTC
FlamtarSilver Necklace AmethystMana Increase2024-03-19 04:21:48 UTC
MinerSerpent BeltArmor2024-04-25 16:11:06 UTC
RayexiaChainmail GreavesSkill Requirement2024-04-26 13:48:15 UTC
RayexiaSerpent ShieldSkill Requirement Type2024-04-27 09:16:15 UTC
RayexiaChainmail SolleretsSlot2024-04-27 12:42:22 UTC
RayexiaSilver NecklaceDaily Task2024-04-28 13:18:00 UTC
FlamtarLeather GlovesDexterity Requirement2024-04-28 22:39:54 UTC
FlamtarHoly PantsSell Price2024-04-28 23:23:47 UTC
KibethCloth BeltDaily Task2024-04-29 22:11:15 UTC
RayexiaCloth CoatDescription2024-04-30 03:12:23 UTC
yuriChainmail ShieldDaily Task2024-04-30 12:03:34 UTC
MinerCloth CoatDaily Task2024-05-01 07:02:46 UTC
MinerIron ChaussesDaily Gift2024-05-05 13:33:20 UTC
MinerSteel CuirassSkill Requirement Type2024-05-05 14:37:06 UTC
MinerPirate BeltDropped By: Pirate2024-05-05 14:50:00 UTC
MinerLinen BeltpackWeight2024-05-06 17:40:30 UTC
FlamtarEthereal BootsDexterity Requirement2024-05-06 18:16:42 UTC
MinerSilver RingDaily Task2024-05-06 21:07:43 UTC
MinerSilver NecklaceDaily Gift2024-05-06 21:45:35 UTC
MinerChainmail HauberkDexterity Requirement2024-05-06 23:31:21 UTC
MinerChainmail HauberkDaily Gift2024-05-06 23:32:47 UTC
MinerChainmail HauberkIntelligence Requirement2024-05-07 03:44:57 UTC
MinerChainmail ShieldDaily Gift2024-05-07 03:53:22 UTC
MinerRootwart NecklaceArmor2024-05-09 14:11:05 UTC
FlamtarTitanium RingSlot2024-05-13 21:05:06 UTC
MinerIron Kite ShieldSell Price2024-05-14 10:10:49 UTC
MinerTitanium NecklaceDaily Gift2024-05-14 14:00:23 UTC
MinerIron BeltDaily Task2024-05-15 14:16:22 UTC
MinerSilver RingDaily Gift2024-05-16 04:55:01 UTC
MinerIron SolleretsArmor2024-05-16 17:14:55 UTC
MinerIron BeltDaily Gift2024-05-16 17:34:27 UTC
MinerStudded Leather LeggingsDropped By: Dragon Green2024-05-17 15:00:10 UTC
MinerWet BootsDropped By: Lizard2024-05-18 13:48:17 UTC
MinerStudded Leather BootsSell Price2024-05-18 18:22:57 UTC
MinerIron HelmIntelligence Requirement2024-05-21 21:24:49 UTC
MinerEarth PantsDescription2024-05-23 07:20:16 UTC
MinerIron SolleretsStrength Requirement2024-05-24 08:15:57 UTC
MinerEarth PantsSell Price2024-05-25 16:53:39 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftCloth BeltDaily Gift2024-05-27 11:05:22 UTC
MinerMystic RobeDaily Task2024-05-27 11:16:12 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftRobe HeadbandSkill Requirement Type2024-05-27 17:16:49 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftViking HelmetIntelligence Requirement2024-05-28 09:30:40 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftViking HelmetSkill Requirement2024-05-28 17:20:11 UTC
LyrianCloth HandwrapsDaily Gift2024-05-29 02:27:48 UTC
TomekBarbarian BootsArmor2024-05-29 03:55:22 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftChainmail BeltDaily Gift2024-05-29 10:36:17 UTC
LyrianRobe SandlesDaily Gift2024-05-29 16:08:48 UTC
MinerDark PantsWeight2024-05-30 05:16:35 UTC
MinerPlatinum RingSkill Requirement2024-05-30 19:12:29 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftIron ChaussesElemental Armor2024-05-30 23:14:37 UTC
MinerGold Ring TopazDropped By: Eel Striped2024-05-31 04:08:47 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftIron ChaussesWeight2024-05-31 12:03:38 UTC
MinerChainmail HauberkDaily Task2024-05-31 13:28:49 UTC
WandrarxDivine BeltElemental Armor2024-05-31 22:15:16 UTC
WandrarxTitanium NecklaceIntelligence Requirement2024-06-03 11:11:32 UTC
MinerBronze BootsDaily Gift2024-06-04 13:39:10 UTC
WandrarxHoly PantsDaily Task2024-06-05 07:02:35 UTC
TomekPlatinum RingDescription2024-06-07 02:00:38 UTC
MinerGold Necklace PeridotElemental Armor2024-06-07 17:16:36 UTC
MinerBronze BeltDaily Gift2024-06-08 15:37:41 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftPirate HookDaily Gift2024-06-09 05:28:01 UTC
MinerBarbarian HelmDaily Task2024-06-09 06:38:09 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftSilk BootsWeight2024-06-09 07:36:10 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftGale BucklerSell Price2024-06-09 08:07:32 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftWet BootsDescription2024-06-09 08:25:01 UTC
MinerBronze BeltDaily Task2024-06-09 12:27:38 UTC
MinerBronze GreavesIntelligence Requirement2024-06-10 17:12:53 UTC
WandrarksTitanium NecklaceSkill Requirement2024-06-11 17:06:14 UTC
WandrarksGold Ring RubyStrength Requirement2024-06-11 18:03:00 UTC
WandrarxTitanium RingDaily Task2024-06-12 13:24:33 UTC
MinerTitanium NecklaceSlot2024-06-12 16:49:13 UTC
WandrarxWyvern White BeltElemental Armor2024-06-12 18:47:37 UTC
MinerTitanium RingDaily Gift2024-06-13 17:02:05 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftStudded Leather ShieldDaily Task2024-06-14 16:03:12 UTC
MinerGold Necklace TopazSkill Increase2024-06-14 16:42:54 UTC
MinerPlatinum RingIntelligence Requirement2024-06-15 09:56:30 UTC
WandrarxEarth BeltDaily Gift2024-06-15 23:22:58 UTC
MinerBronze BootsDaily Task2024-06-16 21:29:49 UTC
WandrarxTitanium NecklaceSkill Requirement Type2024-06-17 07:47:29 UTC
MinerTitanium NecklaceStrength Requirement2024-06-21 07:03:01 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum RingDaily Gift2024-06-22 07:43:23 UTC
WandrarxStudded Leather LeggingsStrength Requirement2024-06-22 22:30:53 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum NecklaceIntelligence Requirement2024-06-25 17:57:42 UTC
WandrarxEarth BootsArmor2024-06-25 19:16:20 UTC
MinerChef HatDexterity Requirement2024-06-26 15:57:15 UTC
PaldisaurSteel BeltDaily Task2024-07-02 06:51:20 UTC
TomekBronze CuriassDaily Gift2024-07-02 18:37:19 UTC
WandrarxWater BeltSkill Requirement2024-07-02 21:18:25 UTC
WandrarxStudded Leather LeggingsDaily Task2024-07-04 11:27:56 UTC
WandrarxBurnt BootsSkill Requirement Type2024-07-05 15:31:58 UTC
TomekBronze CuriassDaily Task2024-07-07 23:48:57 UTC
WandrarxLeather BootsArmor2024-07-09 17:20:19 UTC
WandrarksSteel BeltDescription2024-07-09 20:47:47 UTC
WandrarxMud BootsElemental Armor2024-07-15 10:59:03 UTC
WandrarxSilk RobeDaily Task2024-07-16 10:48:46 UTC
WandrarxGold BeltDaily Task2024-07-16 16:38:33 UTC
WandrarxGold BeltSkill Requirement Type2024-07-16 17:04:06 UTC
WandrarxMystic CuffStrength Requirement2024-07-17 15:48:18 UTC
WandrarxLinen SlippersDaily Task2024-07-17 16:07:28 UTC
WandrarxLinen SlippersDaily Gift2024-07-17 16:08:18 UTC
WandrarxDragon Scale CuissesDropped By: Goblin2024-07-17 17:47:23 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum NecklaceDaily Gift2024-07-18 15:56:23 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian Shoulder CuffSlot2024-07-18 22:54:22 UTC
WandrarxStudded Leather LeggingsConstitution Requirement2024-07-19 07:56:55 UTC
zarastrSerpent TorsoSkill Requirement2024-07-21 17:06:11 UTC
zarastrSerpent TorsoDescription2024-07-21 17:10:18 UTC
WandrarxBarbarian LegplatesDexterity Requirement2024-07-22 18:08:48 UTC
WandrarxTitanium NecklaceDaily Task2024-07-23 07:29:35 UTC
WandrarxTitanium NecklaceDexterity Requirement2024-07-23 19:13:54 UTC
JhorrSteel CuirassArmor2024-07-24 16:44:15 UTC
WandrarxMystic TiaraIntelligence Requirement2024-07-25 11:14:04 UTC

Item researchers:

NameItemField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierPeridotDescription2015-01-01 23:28:18 UTC
DEV ProskierPine LogsDropped By: Pine Tree2015-01-02 02:08:41 UTC
DEV ProskierLead OreDropped By: Lead2015-01-02 05:23:12 UTC
BruthusPine LogsIntelligence Requirement2015-04-07 03:45:37 UTC
ZonkilPine PlanksSkill Requirement2015-08-15 15:47:32 UTC
ZonkilPine LogsStrength Requirement2015-08-16 10:40:15 UTC
FuhrerPine LogsWeight2016-01-31 23:16:56 UTC
spoonPine LogsConstitution Requirement2016-02-02 00:02:31 UTC
MatoLead OreConstitution Requirement2016-02-14 14:29:53 UTC
FrostavengerLead OreDescription2016-02-14 17:37:15 UTC
MatoLead OreWeight2016-02-14 17:44:47 UTC
MatoRock DustDescription2016-02-14 17:50:59 UTC
FrostavengerBerriesMana Increase2016-02-14 18:42:40 UTC
Crazy ClownPine PlanksIntelligence Requirement2016-02-14 19:27:17 UTC
Crazy ClownSnake SkinDexterity Requirement2016-02-14 20:14:31 UTC
FrostavengerPebblesStrength Requirement2016-02-14 20:40:52 UTC
FrostavengerPebblesDropped By: Lead2016-02-14 21:03:25 UTC
FrostavengerPine LogsDexterity Requirement2016-02-15 00:12:15 UTC
FrostavengerPine LogsSlot2016-02-15 00:13:18 UTC
MatoSardineRarity2016-02-15 00:43:19 UTC
MatoBerriesLuck Increase Percent2016-02-15 00:58:15 UTC
FrostavengerBerriesExp Increase Percent2016-02-15 01:17:20 UTC
FrostavengerBerriesSlot2016-02-15 01:37:25 UTC
MatoLeaf PileDropped By: Maple Tree2016-02-15 03:07:14 UTC
FrostavengerFrog LegDescription2016-02-15 05:27:24 UTC
EyalonPine LogsSkill Requirement2016-02-15 10:22:52 UTC
pierre CHTLead OreSkill Requirement2016-02-15 10:42:28 UTC
EyalonCharred Bat WingMana Increase2016-02-15 10:45:45 UTC
pierre CHTLead OreStrength Requirement2016-02-15 10:46:44 UTC
pierre CHTBerriesStrength Increase2016-02-15 17:11:29 UTC
pierre CHTPine LogsDescription2016-02-15 18:23:03 UTC
MatoBerriesDropped By: Snake Corn2016-02-15 19:10:38 UTC
FrostavengerLeaf PileRarity2016-02-15 19:47:54 UTC
pierre CHTBat WingIntelligence Requirement2016-02-16 02:47:28 UTC
pierre CHTBat WingSlot2016-02-16 03:01:19 UTC
pierre CHTSnake FangRarity2016-02-16 05:41:38 UTC
pierre CHTMouse TailRarity2016-02-16 07:21:14 UTC
pierre CHTBerriesSkill Increase2016-02-16 08:08:24 UTC
VenominaBread LoavesSkill Increase2016-02-16 08:38:27 UTC
VenominaLead IngotSell Price2016-02-16 10:13:28 UTC
pierre CHTBurnt AshSlot2016-02-16 11:42:35 UTC
pierreCHTaCooked SardineSkill Requirement Type2016-02-16 13:07:30 UTC
pierre CHTBurnt AshDexterity Requirement2016-02-16 14:29:21 UTC
pierre CHTBurnt AshDescription2016-02-16 15:18:09 UTC
pierre CHTBurnt AshStrength Requirement2016-02-16 16:35:39 UTC
pierreCHTpSnake FangDropped By: Snake Coral2016-02-16 17:36:51 UTC
MatoBerriesStrength Requirement2016-02-17 00:16:52 UTC
VenominaScroll Of DrownWeight2016-02-17 02:33:30 UTC
IcelordFrog LegWeight2016-02-17 07:02:16 UTC
pierre CHTFrog SkinSkill Requirement2016-02-17 07:34:20 UTC
XalizardPine LogsSell Price2016-02-17 08:50:09 UTC
pierre CHTBerriesIntelligence Requirement2016-02-17 09:44:56 UTC
XalizardLead IngotConstitution Requirement2016-02-17 09:59:10 UTC
pierre CHTBerriesDexterity Requirement2016-02-17 10:35:09 UTC
XalizardFrog LegSlot2016-02-17 10:46:30 UTC
pierre CHTGoldDropped By: Wraith2016-02-17 11:15:41 UTC
pierre CHTMouse TailStrength Requirement2016-02-17 12:10:26 UTC
pierreCHTpMouse TailIntelligence Requirement2016-02-17 16:23:12 UTC
FrostavengerBerriesGold Increase Percent2016-02-18 07:07:27 UTC
FrostavengerBerriesDropped By: Berries Shrub2016-02-18 07:13:41 UTC
FrostavengerLead OreDropped By: Bat2016-02-18 08:03:12 UTC
pierre CHTCockroach LegDropped By: Cockroaches2016-02-18 09:19:50 UTC
pierre CHTBerriesElemental Armor Increase2016-02-18 10:06:48 UTC
FrostavengerLead OreDexterity Requirement2016-02-18 16:27:52 UTC
FrostavengerAquamarineStrength Requirement2016-02-18 16:46:43 UTC
FrostavengerPine LogsRarity2016-02-18 20:44:30 UTC
FrostavengerSpore DustDescription2016-02-19 01:37:07 UTC
XalizardLeaf PileConstitution Requirement2016-02-19 11:53:33 UTC
VenomosLead OreSell Price2016-02-19 20:03:58 UTC
MatoBread LoavesLuck Increase Percent2016-02-19 22:55:37 UTC
XalizardBerriesDamage Increase Percent2016-02-20 04:02:04 UTC
FrostavengerLead OreRarity2016-02-20 04:06:43 UTC
DysupBurnt AshConstitution Requirement2016-02-20 14:21:26 UTC
MatoBread LoavesMana Increase2016-02-20 14:45:31 UTC
DysupPine PlanksWeight2016-02-20 15:55:29 UTC
DysupPine LogsSkill Requirement Type2016-02-20 16:25:54 UTC
MatoSnake FangDropped By: Snake2016-02-20 16:54:50 UTC
MatoMouse TailSkill Requirement Type2016-02-20 23:25:43 UTC
pierre CHTMouse TailSlot2016-02-21 10:08:14 UTC
DysupBurnt AshDropped By: Fire Mites2016-02-21 10:52:18 UTC
DysupLead OreSkill Requirement Type2016-02-21 16:34:24 UTC
MatoMana Vial SmallIntelligence Increase2016-02-21 22:50:14 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelMana Increase2016-02-21 22:57:56 UTC
MatoCockroach LegSkill Requirement2016-02-21 23:40:28 UTC
MatoHoneycombDescription2016-02-21 23:59:00 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of LeadGold Increase Percent2016-02-22 05:35:17 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of LeadStrength Requirement2016-02-22 05:49:21 UTC
XalizardGoldDropped By: Sludge2016-02-22 09:14:22 UTC
DysupSnake FangDescription2016-02-22 12:06:10 UTC
MatoGoldSell Price2016-02-22 12:08:59 UTC
DysupBurnt AshRarity2016-02-22 12:26:49 UTC
DysupBurnt AshSkill Requirement Type2016-02-22 12:43:15 UTC
MatoArm BoneSkill Requirement Type2016-02-22 12:50:46 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Cyclops2016-02-22 12:51:08 UTC
CrixusMouse TailDexterity Requirement2016-02-22 13:02:53 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDescription2016-02-22 22:06:32 UTC
MatoArrows Of PineConstitution Requirement2016-02-22 22:07:38 UTC
FrostavengerArm BoneDescription2016-02-23 01:04:21 UTC
FrostavengerSteel BarDexterity Requirement2016-02-23 01:05:05 UTC
FrostavengerSteel OreConstitution Requirement2016-02-23 01:14:55 UTC
FrostavengerSteel OreDescription2016-02-23 03:18:44 UTC
XalizardLead OreIntelligence Requirement2016-02-23 05:42:55 UTC
spoonSpore DustConstitution Requirement2016-02-23 09:56:51 UTC
FrostavengerMana Beaker SmallIntelligence Increase2016-02-23 17:28:30 UTC
FrostavengerMaple PlanksSkill Requirement2016-02-23 17:29:50 UTC
FrostavengerPearlDropped By: Holly Bush2016-02-23 18:19:52 UTC
MatoArrows Of SteelSell Price2016-02-23 18:40:50 UTC
MatoSteel OreSkill Requirement Type2016-02-23 18:45:17 UTC
FrostavengerSteel OreStrength Requirement2016-02-23 19:51:57 UTC
MatoSteel OreSell Price2016-02-23 20:10:22 UTC
FrostavengerSteel OreDropped By: Steel2016-02-23 20:18:07 UTC
MatoRock DustStrength Requirement2016-02-23 21:05:21 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Blowfish2016-02-23 23:21:13 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallDropped By: Shade2016-02-23 23:31:38 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Pirate Wench2016-02-24 02:12:21 UTC
IcelordFrog LegRarity2016-02-24 05:13:11 UTC
spoonMouse TailDropped By: Mouse2016-02-24 09:00:48 UTC
spoonSandDropped By: Bronze2016-02-24 10:28:52 UTC
CrixusSteel OreDexterity Requirement2016-02-24 11:04:17 UTC
spoonPebblesSkill Requirement2016-02-24 11:11:56 UTC
spoonGoldDropped By: Vampire2016-02-24 12:08:35 UTC
spoonGoldDropped By: Yetti2016-02-24 12:18:11 UTC
CrixusHealth Bottle SmallRarity2016-02-24 12:43:12 UTC
DysupGoldSkill Requirement2016-02-24 13:47:19 UTC
DysupFrog SkinDexterity Requirement2016-02-24 14:16:50 UTC
DysupBat WingSell Price2016-02-24 14:32:37 UTC
DysupSnake FangSkill Requirement Type2016-02-24 14:58:54 UTC
spoonSteel BarDescription2016-02-24 17:45:07 UTC
spoonGoldDropped By: Snake Corn2016-02-24 18:54:55 UTC
spoonBolts Of SteelStrength Requirement2016-02-24 19:10:55 UTC
spoonBolts Of SteelSlot2016-02-24 19:17:50 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Undead Mage2016-02-24 19:56:56 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Molten2016-02-24 21:10:08 UTC
spoonCockroach LegElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-02-24 21:59:24 UTC
spoonHuge MushroomConstitution Requirement2016-02-24 22:04:28 UTC
MatoGoldSlot2016-02-24 22:05:54 UTC
CrixusHealth Bottle SmallDamage Increase Percent2016-02-24 22:13:58 UTC
IntbHuge LeafDropped By: Maple Tree2016-02-24 23:25:06 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of SteelDropped By: Skeleton2016-02-25 03:53:35 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Ettin2016-02-25 04:54:43 UTC
XalizardLead IngotWeight2016-02-25 12:07:23 UTC
XalizardLead IngotIntelligence Requirement2016-02-25 12:08:37 UTC
XalizardLead IngotRarity2016-02-25 12:10:49 UTC
DysupHealth Vial SmallIntelligence Increase2016-02-25 15:24:37 UTC
MatoGoldConstitution Requirement2016-02-25 17:21:02 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Centaur2016-02-25 20:08:16 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Lizard2016-02-25 20:45:02 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelDescription2016-02-25 21:27:22 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Fire Mites2016-02-25 21:43:48 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Tormented Souls2016-02-25 22:12:43 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallDropped By: Skeleton2016-02-25 22:20:34 UTC
MatoGoldDexterity Requirement2016-02-25 22:38:55 UTC
CrixusGoldDropped By: Pirate2016-02-25 23:13:33 UTC
FrostavengerMana Vial SmallDexterity Increase2016-02-26 04:18:04 UTC
FrostavengerArm BoneIntelligence Requirement2016-02-26 04:18:37 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Giant Bee2016-02-26 04:44:16 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of SteelHealth Increase2016-02-26 04:58:04 UTC
FrostavengerGoldSkill Requirement Type2016-02-26 05:11:03 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Skeleton2016-02-26 05:28:08 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of SteelRarity2016-02-26 06:00:49 UTC
FrostavengerMana Vial SmallExp Increase Percent2016-02-26 06:08:06 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Dragon Green2016-02-26 06:47:59 UTC
FrostavengerArm BoneSlot2016-02-26 06:58:48 UTC
MatoGoldWeight2016-02-26 09:04:46 UTC
DysupLead OreSlot2016-02-26 12:01:13 UTC
XalizardSteel BarStrength Requirement2016-02-26 13:19:40 UTC
XalizardGoldDropped By: Werewolf2016-02-26 13:52:33 UTC
MatoGoldStrength Requirement2016-02-26 14:16:10 UTC
XalizardPebblesDescription2016-02-26 14:21:03 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Ent2016-02-26 14:22:05 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelDropped By: Cyclops2016-02-26 15:13:24 UTC
MatoGoldRarity2016-02-26 17:06:17 UTC
MatoArm BoneRarity2016-02-26 17:14:34 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallRarity2016-02-26 17:19:56 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Vampire Bat2016-02-26 17:48:49 UTC
MatoGoldIntelligence Requirement2016-02-26 18:23:23 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Pirate Captain2016-02-26 19:25:11 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Wolf2016-02-26 21:13:06 UTC
CrixusBolts Of LeadDexterity Increase2016-02-26 22:41:51 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of SteelStrength Increase2016-02-27 00:08:25 UTC
FrostavengerGlass Bottle SmallStrength Requirement2016-02-27 00:13:04 UTC
VenomosLead IngotDescription2016-02-27 03:22:51 UTC
XalizardLead IngotSlot2016-02-27 03:33:51 UTC
XalizardBolts Of LeadConstitution Increase2016-02-27 03:53:51 UTC
XalizardSnake SkinDescription2016-02-27 04:04:33 UTC
DysupPebblesWeight2016-02-27 04:11:27 UTC
DysupSandSlot2016-02-27 04:36:14 UTC
XalizardLead IngotSkill Requirement Type2016-02-27 04:38:39 UTC
FrostavengerMana Vial SmallGold Increase Percent2016-02-27 06:15:43 UTC
FrostavengerGlass Bottle SmallWeight2016-02-27 06:50:39 UTC
DysupSteel OreSlot2016-02-27 12:52:33 UTC
MatoArm BoneDropped By: Skeleton2016-02-27 13:22:54 UTC
MatoArm BoneConstitution Requirement2016-02-27 13:29:46 UTC
DysupSteel BarSell Price2016-02-27 13:38:07 UTC
DysupSteel BarIntelligence Requirement2016-02-27 13:38:13 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelConstitution Requirement2016-02-27 15:48:38 UTC
CrixusBow SawSkill Requirement Type2016-02-27 16:58:34 UTC
CrixusBow SawLuck Increase Percent2016-02-27 17:13:20 UTC
CrixusBow SawElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-02-27 17:20:10 UTC
DeadshotBat WingSkill Requirement2016-02-27 19:18:15 UTC
CrixusBear PawSkill Requirement2016-02-27 19:40:06 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelSkill Requirement Type2016-02-27 19:59:48 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelDamage Increase Percent2016-02-27 22:54:03 UTC
CrixusMana Vial SmallMana Increase2016-02-28 03:45:54 UTC
CrixusBolts Of SteelWeight2016-02-28 03:52:09 UTC
DysupSteel BarSkill Requirement2016-02-28 03:52:40 UTC
DysupSteel BarSlot2016-02-28 03:52:48 UTC
DysupBurnt AshWeight2016-02-28 04:32:45 UTC
DysupArrows Of PineSell Price2016-02-28 06:01:59 UTC
DysupMouse TailWeight2016-02-28 09:31:36 UTC
DysupBat WingStrength Requirement2016-02-28 12:01:08 UTC
AddidasSnake SkinSlot2016-02-28 12:12:20 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of SteelSkill Type2016-02-28 14:06:24 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallSkill Requirement2016-02-28 14:27:47 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelGold Increase Percent2016-02-28 16:23:28 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelArmor Increase2016-02-28 17:12:59 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelDexterity Requirement2016-02-28 19:19:03 UTC
FrostavengerIron OreDexterity Requirement2016-02-29 00:05:32 UTC
FrostavengerHealth Vial MediumGold Increase Percent2016-02-29 00:10:27 UTC
DysupGlass Vial SmallWeight2016-02-29 13:12:58 UTC
FrostavengerSkullSlot2016-02-29 14:42:23 UTC
MatoSkullSell Price2016-02-29 15:13:17 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelLuck Increase Percent2016-02-29 15:14:17 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallSell Price2016-02-29 15:19:55 UTC
MatoHealth Beaker SmallIntelligence Requirement2016-02-29 20:43:29 UTC
MatoSkullSkill Requirement Type2016-03-01 16:43:03 UTC
MatoSkullDropped By: Shade2016-03-01 16:44:58 UTC
MatoMana Vial LargeSlot2016-03-01 17:13:29 UTC
MatoSkullIntelligence Requirement2016-03-01 18:03:08 UTC
MatoGlass Bottle SmallIntelligence Requirement2016-03-01 18:03:08 UTC
MatoSkullDexterity Requirement2016-03-01 18:06:15 UTC
MatoMana Vial LargeSkill Requirement2016-03-01 19:21:02 UTC
MatoHealth Beaker MediumElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-03-01 21:49:05 UTC
MatoMana Bottle LargeIntelligence Requirement2016-03-01 22:06:44 UTC
MatoHealth Vial LargeDuration2016-03-02 11:33:14 UTC
CrixusHealth Vial LargeIntelligence Increase2016-03-02 11:38:57 UTC
pierre CHTGlass Bottle SmallSkill Requirement Type2016-03-02 11:59:21 UTC
XalizardLead IngotStrength Requirement2016-03-03 11:59:36 UTC
XalizardLead IngotDexterity Requirement2016-03-03 12:14:25 UTC
XalizardLead IngotSkill Requirement2016-03-03 12:14:35 UTC
XalizardSteel OreIntelligence Requirement2016-03-03 12:28:02 UTC
MatoHolly BerriesIntelligence Requirement2016-03-03 22:03:59 UTC
MatoHolly BerriesSkill Requirement2016-03-03 22:44:38 UTC
MatoArrows Of IronMana Increase2016-03-03 22:51:13 UTC
MatoApplesGold Increase Percent2016-03-03 23:00:21 UTC
MatoHealth Vial MediumIntelligence Requirement2016-03-03 23:09:57 UTC
AddidasSnake SkinSkill Requirement2016-03-04 05:36:01 UTC
DysupGlass Vial SmallDexterity Requirement2016-03-04 06:23:40 UTC
MatoHealth Vial LargeMana Increase2016-03-05 12:45:40 UTC
DysupGlass Vial SmallSell Price2016-03-05 20:52:17 UTC
MatoArrows Of IronStrength Requirement2016-03-05 22:47:42 UTC
MatoHolly BerriesDropped By: Holly Bush2016-03-06 16:05:59 UTC
MatoArrows Of IronDescription2016-03-06 16:28:38 UTC
MatoHealth Vial MediumExp Increase Percent2016-03-06 16:38:25 UTC
MatoHolly BerriesDexterity Requirement2016-03-06 16:54:24 UTC
CrusherBurnt AshIntelligence Requirement2016-03-21 22:30:12 UTC
CrusherCockroach LegGold Increase Percent2016-03-30 20:05:26 UTC
WangDanglesSnake SkinWeight2016-03-30 21:49:02 UTC
xHELLRAZZERxBat WingConstitution Requirement2016-04-24 23:16:01 UTC
xHELLRAZZERxCharred Bat WingDescription2016-04-25 00:04:24 UTC
HELLRAZZERSnake FangDexterity Requirement2016-04-27 17:57:14 UTC
HELLRAZZERBolts Of PineSlot2016-04-28 18:21:36 UTC
HELLRAZZERCockroach LegRarity2016-04-28 19:05:50 UTC
HELLRAZZERFrog SkinIntelligence Requirement2016-04-28 23:26:57 UTC
HELLRAZZERFrog LegDropped By: Frog2016-04-29 00:23:35 UTC
HELLRAZZERFrog LegSkill Requirement Type2016-04-29 00:53:35 UTC
LegyuSnake SkinDropped By: Snake Corn2016-04-30 22:51:12 UTC
MakkaBolts Of PineConstitution Requirement2016-05-08 11:13:20 UTC
MakkaSnake FangConstitution Requirement2016-05-08 14:19:22 UTC
MakkaSnake SkinStrength Requirement2016-05-09 13:50:02 UTC
MakkaFrog SkinRarity2016-05-09 14:52:23 UTC
MakkaCooked SardineArmor Increase2016-05-09 16:49:34 UTC
ZeredSnake FangSell Price2016-05-22 01:09:25 UTC
AdmoSnake FangSkill Requirement2016-05-27 15:57:35 UTC
CokoJIRUCooked SardineMana Increase2016-06-13 16:03:58 UTC
LufixSnake SkinConstitution Requirement2016-06-15 00:59:21 UTC
LufixAquamarineWeight2016-06-15 02:44:38 UTC
LufixCharred Bat WingArmor Increase2016-06-15 18:26:55 UTC
LufixSnake FangIntelligence Requirement2016-06-15 20:46:49 UTC
LufixSnake FangStrength Requirement2016-06-16 00:54:18 UTC
LufixSnake SkinSkill Requirement Type2016-06-16 03:45:35 UTC
LufixSnake FangWeight2016-06-17 18:51:47 UTC
LufixSnake SkinRarity2016-06-17 21:24:09 UTC
LufixSnake SkinSell Price2016-06-18 00:46:04 UTC
LufixPebblesRarity2016-06-18 02:05:28 UTC
SaigaBat WingWeight2016-06-30 22:38:46 UTC
SaigaSnake SkinDropped By: Snake2016-07-01 15:33:50 UTC
SaigaPine PlanksSlot2016-07-01 17:22:50 UTC
CrusherGlass Vial SmallRarity2016-07-05 20:58:29 UTC
XalizardArm BoneSkill Requirement2016-07-07 04:32:30 UTC
XalizardBolts Of SteelExp Increase Percent2016-07-07 19:27:57 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Siren2016-07-08 03:24:42 UTC
FrostavengerHoneycombStrength Requirement2016-07-08 03:35:17 UTC
FrostavengerHolly BerriesDescription2016-07-08 04:22:01 UTC
FrostavengerAleExp Increase Percent2016-07-08 06:13:36 UTC
FrostavengerCeramic MugRarity2016-07-08 07:33:58 UTC
FrostavengerCeramic MugIntelligence Requirement2016-07-08 08:04:48 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of BronzeDescription2016-07-09 17:38:41 UTC
FrostavengerGlass Bottle LargeSkill Requirement2016-07-09 21:40:07 UTC
FrostavengerGlass Bottle LargeSlot2016-07-09 21:59:48 UTC
FrostavengerGlass Bottle LargeWeight2016-07-09 22:00:39 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of BronzeSkill Requirement2016-07-10 15:10:02 UTC
FrostavengerHealth Bottle LargeMana Increase2016-07-10 17:42:39 UTC
FrostavengerHealth Vial MediumSkill Type2016-07-11 02:30:12 UTC
FrostavengerApplesDropped By: Wolf2016-07-11 02:42:27 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of IronDexterity Increase2016-07-11 02:59:14 UTC
FrostavengerHolly BerriesSlot2016-07-11 03:30:18 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of IronConstitution Requirement2016-07-11 03:39:38 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of IronElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-07-11 04:06:05 UTC
FrostavengerHolly BerriesStrength Requirement2016-07-11 04:15:32 UTC
FrostavengerIron OreStrength Requirement2016-07-11 04:47:43 UTC
FrostavengerIron OreSlot2016-07-11 05:20:21 UTC
BloodlustCockroach LegDamage Increase Percent2016-07-11 12:36:59 UTC
BloodlustFrog SkinWeight2016-07-11 13:05:12 UTC
BloodlustFrog SkinConstitution Requirement2016-07-11 13:09:33 UTC
FrostavengerSalmonSkill Requirement Type2016-07-12 12:50:01 UTC
BloodlustSandDropped By: Lead2016-07-12 17:28:15 UTC
FrostavengerMana Bottle MediumGold Increase Percent2016-07-12 18:36:18 UTC
FrostavengerAleDexterity Requirement2016-07-12 18:47:44 UTC
MatoArm BoneDexterity Requirement2016-07-12 20:41:17 UTC
MatoBolts Of SteelSell Price2016-07-12 20:43:16 UTC
BloodlustFrog LegSkill Requirement2016-07-13 06:39:01 UTC
BloodlustBat WingDexterity Requirement2016-07-13 07:50:21 UTC
FrostavengerAleConstitution Increase2016-07-13 08:56:32 UTC
BloodlustFrog SkinSell Price2016-07-13 09:00:08 UTC
BloodlustFrog SkinDescription2016-07-13 09:01:06 UTC
FrostavengerAleDropped By: Pirate2016-07-13 09:02:18 UTC
FrostavengerCeramic MugSlot2016-07-13 09:15:13 UTC
FrostavengerAleElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-07-13 09:47:58 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronIntelligence Increase2016-07-13 11:09:46 UTC
FrostavengerCeramic MugWeight2016-07-13 12:03:43 UTC
FrostavengerAleSlot2016-07-13 12:58:24 UTC
BloodlustArrows Of PineMana Increase2016-07-13 13:05:53 UTC
BloodlustGlass Bottle SmallConstitution Requirement2016-07-13 13:56:22 UTC
BloodlustBolts Of SteelElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-07-13 14:23:14 UTC
BloodlustArm BoneSell Price2016-07-13 15:03:24 UTC
MatoHealth Vial MediumSkill Requirement Type2016-07-13 21:08:09 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of IronDropped By: Wolf2016-07-14 08:58:09 UTC
BloodlustMana Bottle SmallConstitution Requirement2016-07-14 10:28:37 UTC
BloodlustBolts Of SteelIntelligence Increase2016-07-14 10:41:47 UTC
FrostavengerHealth Bottle MediumElemental Armor Increase2016-07-14 11:50:59 UTC
BloodlustCeramic MugDropped By: Pirate2016-07-14 13:23:06 UTC
pierreCHTtPine PlanksSkill Requirement Type2016-07-14 14:12:11 UTC
LafeelationSnake FangSlot2016-07-14 18:12:19 UTC
BloodlustCeramic MugConstitution Requirement2016-07-15 05:09:56 UTC
pierre CHTBear PawDescription2016-07-15 05:25:29 UTC
pierreCHTtSnake JuiceStrength Requirement2016-07-15 06:29:52 UTC
LafeelationFrog SkinSkill Requirement Type2016-07-15 06:32:54 UTC
BloodlustSnowballDexterity Requirement2016-07-15 07:49:50 UTC
pierreCHTtSnake SkinIntelligence Requirement2016-07-15 09:06:53 UTC
LafeelationSnake SkinDropped By: Snake Coral2016-07-15 10:29:01 UTC
LafeelationMouse TailSell Price2016-07-15 14:16:18 UTC
BloodlustHealth Bottle MediumHealth Increase2016-07-15 17:22:14 UTC
BloodlustChumConstitution Increase2016-07-15 18:40:02 UTC
CrixusHealth Vial LargeSkill Increase2016-07-16 04:01:58 UTC
BloodlustGlass Bottle LargeRarity2016-07-16 12:11:32 UTC
BloodlustBolts Of BronzeExp Increase Percent2016-07-16 16:32:21 UTC
MakkaBat WingDropped By: Bat2016-07-16 19:13:03 UTC
MakkaBat WingDescription2016-07-16 20:03:19 UTC
pierreCHTaCrispy Frog LegArmor Increase2016-07-17 08:53:58 UTC
pierreCHTaCooked SardineSkill Increase2016-07-17 09:11:43 UTC
MakkaArrows Of IronSell Price2016-07-17 11:14:48 UTC
BloodlustBolts Of BronzeIntelligence Requirement2016-07-17 11:43:56 UTC
DEV ProskierHealth Vial LargeElemental Armor Increase2016-07-17 23:27:49 UTC
LegyuCharred Bat WingLuck Increase Percent2016-07-18 15:41:58 UTC
BloodlustBolts Of BronzeDropped By: Ettin2016-07-19 14:15:03 UTC
MakkaArrows Of IronSkill Requirement Type2016-07-21 08:34:44 UTC
MakkaFrog SkinStrength Requirement2016-09-14 19:27:40 UTC
LucyArrows Of LeadSell Price2016-09-25 05:04:47 UTC
LucyMouse TailSkill Requirement2016-09-25 05:20:47 UTC
LucyRobe ScrapSlot2016-09-25 05:32:43 UTC
LucyFrog SkinDropped By: Frog2016-09-25 15:27:18 UTC
KlintBat WingRarity2016-10-22 15:36:32 UTC
KlintArrows Of LeadElemental Damage Increase Percent2016-10-22 18:15:56 UTC
OminusPine PlanksSell Price2016-11-25 01:06:56 UTC
MokouBerriesConstitution Increase2017-01-07 15:15:43 UTC
akarinCooked SardineConstitution Increase2017-01-07 16:02:11 UTC
MokouCrispy Frog LegStrength Requirement2017-01-08 06:45:04 UTC
MokouCrispy Frog LegExp Increase Percent2017-01-08 06:45:32 UTC
MokouBolts Of SteelSkill Increase2017-01-14 04:08:14 UTC
DEV ProskierBird ClawSkill Requirement Type2017-01-19 23:03:03 UTC
DEV ProskierBat WingSkill Requirement Type2017-02-06 18:01:37 UTC
CadexCockroach LegStrength Increase2017-02-06 22:12:19 UTC
CadexBat WingDropped By: Vampire Bat2017-02-09 08:14:09 UTC
pierreCHTpPine PlanksConstitution Requirement2017-02-11 05:53:11 UTC
pierreCHTpSnake JuiceGold Increase Percent2017-02-11 08:27:03 UTC
pierre CHTHoneycombSell Price2017-02-12 05:18:18 UTC
pierreCHTpGlass Bottle SmallSlot2017-02-12 05:51:52 UTC
pierre CHTMana Bottle MediumHealth Increase2017-02-19 09:15:19 UTC
pierre CHTBolts Of SteelSkill Requirement2017-02-19 11:22:21 UTC
DEV ProskierFrog SkinSlot2017-02-20 00:30:54 UTC
FrostavengerSilk BoltDropped By: Vampire2017-02-20 14:53:38 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Dirt Burrower2017-02-20 21:16:04 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Deranged Monk2017-02-21 17:40:02 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Salamander Poison2017-02-21 18:44:22 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Wyvern White2017-02-21 21:40:19 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman2017-02-22 00:25:57 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Lizard Man2017-02-23 01:20:49 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Holy Flame2017-02-23 01:22:49 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Frost Knight2017-02-23 06:20:50 UTC
MatoGoldDropped By: Specter2017-02-23 07:10:07 UTC
pierre CHTGoldDropped By: Whale2017-02-23 11:00:36 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Demon2017-02-25 04:31:01 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Barbarian Axeman2017-02-25 14:25:41 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Succubus2017-02-25 15:27:29 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Trifid2017-02-25 16:15:19 UTC
AegisFrog LegDexterity Requirement2017-02-25 20:40:56 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronConstitution Requirement2017-02-26 21:50:11 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Phoenix2017-02-26 22:59:29 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Ice Critter2017-02-26 23:21:07 UTC
FrostavengerHuge LeafSlot2017-02-26 23:33:42 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Titan2017-02-27 04:43:40 UTC
AegisGoldDropped By: Unicorn2017-02-27 10:46:38 UTC
AegisGoldDropped By: Salamander2017-02-27 11:31:48 UTC
AegisSkullDropped By: Vampire2017-02-27 12:22:47 UTC
AegisArm BoneStrength Requirement2017-02-27 16:06:02 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Angel2017-02-27 20:03:36 UTC
AegisCharred Bat WingDamage Increase Percent2017-02-27 20:15:15 UTC
AegisCrispy Frog LegHealth Increase2017-02-27 20:35:58 UTC
LegendAquamarineIntelligence Requirement2017-02-28 00:00:49 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Bog Demon2017-02-28 01:14:43 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Barbarian Xbowman2017-02-28 03:11:31 UTC
FrostavengerGoldDropped By: Toxic Death2017-02-28 05:04:09 UTC
LegendBerriesElemental Damage Increase Percent2017-02-28 16:36:16 UTC
LegendSteel OreWeight2017-03-01 05:23:07 UTC
AegisAleDropped By: Pirate Captain2017-03-01 08:33:45 UTC
LegendSteel OreRarity2017-03-01 19:22:02 UTC
LegendSteel OreSkill Requirement2017-03-01 22:10:17 UTC
LegendArrows Of LeadElemental Armor Increase2017-03-02 13:33:02 UTC
LegendSteel BarConstitution Requirement2017-03-03 02:56:01 UTC
LegendSteel BarSkill Requirement Type2017-03-03 03:07:34 UTC
PoofBolts Of PineStrength Requirement2017-03-03 03:15:12 UTC
LegendArrows Of SteelElemental Armor Increase2017-03-03 04:21:00 UTC
PuffChest Of Weapons TinyRarity2017-03-03 04:52:34 UTC
PuffFrog LegConstitution Requirement2017-03-03 17:22:16 UTC
PuffFrog LegStrength Requirement2017-03-03 17:23:45 UTC
PuffFrog LegIntelligence Requirement2017-03-03 21:34:41 UTC
PuffSpore DustWeight2017-03-04 00:11:44 UTC
PuffGlass Vial SmallSkill Requirement2017-03-04 09:01:34 UTC
DEV ProskierGlass Vial SmallSkill Requirement Type2017-03-04 19:48:00 UTC
PuffGlass Bottle SmallDescription2017-03-05 03:56:22 UTC
PoofMouse TailDescription2017-03-06 21:46:17 UTC
PoofMouse TailConstitution Requirement2017-03-06 22:15:37 UTC
PoofBolts Of LeadDexterity Requirement2017-03-07 04:30:32 UTC
DEV ProskierAquamarineDropped By: Pine Tree2017-03-07 18:24:59 UTC
foxDBear PawSkill Requirement Type2017-03-08 00:19:28 UTC
PoofHoneycombDexterity Requirement2017-03-08 02:14:35 UTC
PoofArm BoneWeight2017-03-08 02:35:24 UTC
foxDStudded Leather BoltSell Price2017-03-09 02:21:32 UTC
foxDMana Bottle MediumExp Increase Percent2017-03-09 03:13:47 UTC
foxDFeatherRarity2017-03-09 03:50:24 UTC
foxDArrows Of SteelStrength Increase2017-03-10 01:24:20 UTC
PoofBolts Of SteelDuration2017-03-10 04:32:32 UTC
PoofBolts Of SteelDexterity Increase2017-03-10 19:27:29 UTC
PoofBird ClawConstitution Requirement2017-03-10 21:56:45 UTC
foxDBird ClawDescription2017-03-11 01:08:27 UTC
foxDLetter PieceSkill Requirement Type2017-03-11 03:20:09 UTC
foxDBolts Of SteelElemental Armor Increase2017-03-11 04:54:23 UTC
foxDScroll Of DrownSkill Requirement2017-03-11 22:58:35 UTC
foxDBolts Of IronMana Increase2017-03-12 00:10:55 UTC
foxDFeatherDexterity Requirement2017-03-12 02:39:11 UTC
PoofFeatherWeight2017-03-12 07:15:51 UTC
PoofFeatherConstitution Requirement2017-03-12 07:31:49 UTC
foxDImp BloodRarity2017-03-12 07:54:25 UTC
foxDFeatherDropped By: Raven2017-03-12 18:13:07 UTC
foxDScroll Of HealSkill Requirement2017-03-12 21:29:33 UTC
foxDBolts Of IronIntelligence Requirement2017-03-12 21:29:33 UTC
foxDChest Of Armor MediumSkill Requirement2017-03-12 22:39:16 UTC
foxDHealth Vial LargeDexterity Requirement2017-03-13 01:02:53 UTC
PoofBird ClawSell Price2017-03-13 01:08:06 UTC
PoofFeatherSkill Requirement2017-03-13 01:38:55 UTC
PoofBird ClawDexterity Requirement2017-03-13 01:48:18 UTC
foxDHolly BerriesSkill Requirement Type2017-03-13 02:44:34 UTC
foxDApplesHealth Increase2017-03-13 02:48:26 UTC
foxDBolts Of PineSkill Type2017-03-16 01:20:48 UTC
foxDBolts Of IronDexterity Increase2017-03-16 02:51:03 UTC
XylenCharred Bat WingGold Increase Percent2017-03-17 01:39:49 UTC
BrbaddCockroach LegDexterity Increase2017-03-22 08:15:03 UTC
RageHoundAxe HeadSkill Requirement Type2017-03-22 10:03:27 UTC
KostiaNAquamarineConstitution Requirement2017-03-22 20:12:32 UTC
VoinHuge MushroomDescription2017-03-25 18:07:56 UTC
VoinBear PawIntelligence Requirement2017-03-26 16:38:43 UTC
VoinHoneycombIntelligence Requirement2017-03-26 17:59:45 UTC
VoinLeather BoltSlot2017-03-26 18:07:12 UTC
KostiaNRock DustDropped By: Lead2017-03-27 06:55:01 UTC
KostiaNArrows Of SteelLuck Increase Percent2017-03-28 07:06:15 UTC
KostiaNPearlDexterity Requirement2017-03-28 07:15:50 UTC
KostiaNSteel OreDropped By: Stone Giant2017-03-28 18:39:33 UTC
foxDCeramic MugDescription2017-04-04 01:15:35 UTC
foxDBolts Of IronExp Increase Percent2017-04-04 01:16:28 UTC
PuffBolts Of SteelIntelligence Requirement2017-04-06 03:56:01 UTC
foxDHealth Beaker MediumSlot2017-04-06 22:13:16 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumSkill Requirement Type2017-04-06 23:18:56 UTC
foxDSilk BoltRarity2017-04-07 21:32:44 UTC
foxDDirtIntelligence Requirement2017-04-08 03:45:16 UTC
foxDDirtSkill Requirement2017-04-08 03:50:12 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumGold Increase Percent2017-04-08 04:54:57 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumConstitution Requirement2017-04-08 05:25:18 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumDescription2017-04-08 05:53:16 UTC
KostiaNPebblesSlot2017-04-08 10:25:15 UTC
foxDSalmonDescription2017-04-08 18:02:06 UTC
foxDAleGold Increase Percent2017-04-08 18:58:17 UTC
KostiaNPebblesSkill Requirement Type2017-04-08 19:51:17 UTC
KostiaNBolts Of SteelConstitution Increase2017-04-08 20:13:01 UTC
foxDCeramic MugDropped By: Pirate Wench2017-04-09 02:17:16 UTC
foxDCeramic MugSell Price2017-04-09 03:07:26 UTC
FrostavengerArrows Of BronzeElemental Damage Increase Percent2017-04-09 06:24:07 UTC
FrostavengerIron IngotSkill Requirement Type2017-04-09 07:02:47 UTC
FrostavengerIron IngotWeight2017-04-09 07:03:15 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronElemental Armor Increase2017-04-09 09:19:12 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronDescription2017-04-09 09:57:00 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronStrength Requirement2017-04-09 10:03:01 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronDuration2017-04-09 10:47:13 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronSlot2017-04-09 11:12:08 UTC
FrostavengerRock DustConstitution Requirement2017-04-10 04:06:44 UTC
FrostavengerBronze OreSkill Requirement Type2017-04-10 04:12:46 UTC
foxDAleSkill Type2017-04-10 23:59:58 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronElemental Damage Increase Percent2017-04-11 06:46:03 UTC
PoofBird ClawRarity2017-04-11 22:24:14 UTC
FrostavengerBolts Of IronArmor Increase2017-04-11 22:59:59 UTC
PoofFeatherSkill Requirement Type2017-04-11 23:20:03 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumDropped By: Shark2017-04-13 01:09:26 UTC
foxDImp BloodDexterity Requirement2017-04-13 01:13:20 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle MediumSell Price2017-04-13 01:21:29 UTC
PoofFeatherStrength Requirement2017-04-13 23:25:36 UTC
PoofFeatherDropped By: Harpy2017-04-15 00:03:58 UTC
foxDHolly BerriesSell Price2017-04-20 02:45:09 UTC
foxDGlass Bottle LargeDropped By: Troll2017-04-20 04:17:49 UTC
FrostavengerDirtDexterity Requirement2017-05-10 11:21:19 UTC
pierre CHTBolts Of IronDamage Increase Percent2017-05-14 10:43:21 UTC
pierre CHTCeramic MugStrength Requirement2017-05-14 11:18:37 UTC
pierre CHTCeramic MugSkill Requirement2017-05-14 11:43:27 UTC
FuhrerRobe ScrapConstitution Requirement2017-05-22 06:37:45 UTC
ClosterAquamarineSkill Requirement2017-05-28 22:48:01 UTC
GloomerCockroach LegDuration2017-05-31 19:46:33 UTC
GloomerRobe ScrapDropped By: Snake2017-05-31 23:57:18 UTC
xRaistliNxCockroach LegIntelligence Requirement2017-06-10 04:42:55 UTC
pierreCHTaBerriesSkill Requirement2018-02-05 18:26:10 UTC
pierre CHTCeramic MugSkill Requirement Type2018-02-06 17:28:36 UTC
pierre CHTCeramic MugDexterity Requirement2018-02-10 19:41:09 UTC
pierreCHTaCooked SardineLuck Increase Percent2018-02-11 14:19:52 UTC
pierreCHTaCooked SardineWeight2018-02-11 14:38:19 UTC
pierre CHTHealth Vial SmallGold Increase Percent2018-02-11 14:48:43 UTC
pierreCHTaRoasted AnchovyDexterity Increase2018-02-11 17:13:58 UTC
pierreCHTaRoasted AnchovySlot2018-02-11 17:56:20 UTC
pierreCHTaRoasted AnchovyLuck Increase Percent2018-02-12 18:29:47 UTC
pierre CHTAnchovyDropped By: Bear2018-02-12 18:44:30 UTC
pierre CHTRock DustSell Price2018-02-14 20:20:42 UTC
pierre CHTBolts Of LeadDropped By: Spore Swarm2018-02-15 16:11:44 UTC
PuritySandStrength Requirement2018-03-27 09:27:14 UTC
pierre CHTHealth Bottle MediumSkill Increase2018-03-27 17:05:49 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineDexterity Increase2018-03-28 18:11:07 UTC
RoclotCharred Bat WingDuration2018-04-04 21:06:46 UTC
ToxinPebblesDropped By: Steel2018-08-03 03:34:06 UTC
ToxinCooked SardineDexterity Increase2018-08-03 06:59:47 UTC
ToxinCooked SardineSlot2018-08-03 07:08:17 UTC
ToxinBolts Of LeadSell Price2018-08-03 08:12:16 UTC
ToxinArrows Of LeadIntelligence Increase2018-08-04 06:02:41 UTC
ToxinArrows Of PineIntelligence Increase2018-08-05 00:18:44 UTC
ToxinGoldDropped By: Death2018-08-05 02:47:06 UTC
ToxinHealth Bottle SmallStrength Requirement2018-08-05 08:03:12 UTC
pierre CHTBear PawRarity2018-08-10 11:09:14 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Nymph2018-09-29 05:44:48 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Dark Harbinger2018-09-29 18:06:42 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed Scholar2018-10-04 23:05:16 UTC
VenomosBird ClawWeight2018-10-05 00:15:29 UTC
VenomosBolts Of PineRarity2018-10-05 01:10:56 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Dullahan2018-10-07 01:24:31 UTC
VenomosSkullWeight2018-10-07 02:02:01 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed Guard Trainee2018-10-07 03:23:17 UTC
VenomosHolly BerriesConstitution Requirement2018-10-07 04:22:33 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Dire Wolf2018-10-07 05:25:13 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Flame2018-10-07 05:29:53 UTC
VenomosSkullDescription2018-10-07 16:43:48 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed Elite Guard2018-10-07 21:32:24 UTC
VenomosSkullConstitution Requirement2018-10-07 21:41:04 UTC
VenomosAleDexterity Increase2018-10-08 01:35:17 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed Criminal Guard2018-10-08 06:51:25 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Storm Lord2018-10-10 04:58:53 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Turtle2018-10-10 06:17:31 UTC
VenomosAleElemental Armor Increase2018-10-10 15:26:17 UTC
VenomosAleSkill Increase2018-10-10 17:14:25 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Valkyrie2018-10-10 17:25:17 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Crab2018-10-10 18:55:24 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain2018-10-10 19:14:14 UTC
VenomosGoldDropped By: Cursed King2018-10-10 19:23:53 UTC
PuppyCharred Bat WingRarity2018-11-03 16:01:35 UTC
PuppyGoldDropped By: Stingray2018-11-03 20:11:37 UTC
ChastityCloth ScrapStrength Requirement2018-11-04 15:18:45 UTC
ChastityBolts Of PineSkill Requirement2018-11-04 15:49:40 UTC
ChastityBurnt AshSell Price2018-11-04 16:09:18 UTC
NepravilanRobe ScrapSkill Requirement Type2018-11-21 14:18:31 UTC
NepravilanSpore DustSkill Requirement Type2018-11-23 17:54:47 UTC
pierre CHTHoneycombConstitution Requirement2018-11-28 19:14:32 UTC
pierre CHTHealth Vial MediumElemental Armor Increase2018-11-29 12:26:41 UTC
pierre CHTHolly BerriesWeight2018-11-29 12:38:06 UTC
pierre CHTGoldDropped By: Camel2018-11-29 15:05:32 UTC
pierre CHTGoldDropped By: Frozen Hawk2018-11-29 15:17:32 UTC
pierre CHTArrows Of IronConstitution Increase2018-11-29 15:52:04 UTC
pierre CHTArrows Of IronHealth Increase2018-11-29 16:53:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked SardineDescription2019-01-14 07:26:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFrog LegSell Price2019-01-15 07:22:42 UTC
PollyannaOpingCockroach LegHealth Increase2019-01-16 09:14:34 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCrispy Frog LegSkill Requirement2019-01-16 23:06:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCharred Bat WingExp Increase Percent2019-01-17 00:45:04 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCloth ScrapSlot2019-01-17 05:09:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCloth ScrapRarity2019-01-17 05:21:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of SteelWeight2019-01-17 07:59:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked SardineConstitution Requirement2019-01-18 08:09:03 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked SardineSkill Requirement2019-01-19 06:11:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of NimbleWeight2019-01-19 09:07:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesChest Of Weapons SmallDexterity Requirement2019-01-20 03:24:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of PineHealth Increase2019-01-20 08:46:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of IronDropped By: Spirits2019-01-21 04:22:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial MediumDescription2019-01-22 02:49:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of BurnSlot2019-01-23 07:03:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIron OreSkill Requirement Type2019-01-23 21:48:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHolly BerriesDropped By: Wolf2019-01-26 23:40:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial MediumMana Increase2019-01-27 00:06:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial MediumStrength Requirement2019-01-27 00:56:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHolly BerriesRarity2019-01-27 01:01:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesApplesSlot2019-01-27 01:18:13 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker MediumElemental Armor Increase2019-01-28 00:54:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMaple LogsConstitution Requirement2019-01-28 02:21:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesChest Of Weapons SmallStrength Requirement2019-01-30 05:10:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHolly LeafStrength Requirement2019-02-01 04:22:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of HealDescription2019-02-01 06:12:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSardineDropped By: Tiny Ripple2019-02-01 07:57:19 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovyElemental Armor Increase2019-02-02 08:51:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovyIntelligence Requirement2019-02-02 09:15:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovySkill Requirement2019-02-02 09:17:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovyConstitution Increase2019-02-02 09:19:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovyDescription2019-02-02 09:39:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovySell Price2019-02-02 10:11:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesAnchovySkill Requirement2019-02-02 20:09:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRoasted AnchovyDexterity Requirement2019-02-02 22:08:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TambaquiStrength Requirement2019-02-02 22:41:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TambaquiRarity2019-02-02 22:41:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TambaquiSkill Requirement Type2019-02-02 23:00:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTambaquiWeight2019-02-02 23:48:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Bottle MediumSkill Requirement2019-02-04 03:32:42 UTC
TulimimmiCockroach LegDescription2019-04-20 19:40:07 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineStrength Requirement2019-05-10 02:11:12 UTC
PuppyArrows Of SteelExp Increase Percent2019-05-10 03:15:34 UTC
PuppyHealth Bottle SmallSlot2019-05-10 03:57:46 UTC
PuppyFeatherDescription2019-05-10 04:02:51 UTC
PuppyArrows Of SteelSkill Increase2019-05-10 08:51:08 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineWeight2019-05-10 09:03:28 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineSkill Requirement Type2019-05-10 10:37:01 UTC
PuppyHealth Bottle SmallIntelligence Increase2019-05-10 11:04:53 UTC
PuppyFeatherSlot2019-05-10 11:25:11 UTC
PuppyHealth Bottle SmallDescription2019-05-10 16:05:33 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineDamage Increase Percent2019-05-10 17:20:31 UTC
BrasilisCharred Bat WingConstitution Increase2019-08-13 10:46:47 UTC
BrasilisCharred Bat WingElemental Damage Increase Percent2019-08-13 10:54:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BronzeSlot2019-08-16 07:24:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMaple LogsSkill Requirement2019-08-18 00:59:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBirch LogsStrength Requirement2019-08-18 01:33:35 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of UndeadDropped By: Skeletal Man2019-08-20 05:16:42 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial MediumDexterity Requirement2019-08-20 05:35:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSilk BoltDropped By: Lizard2019-08-20 18:52:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHuge LeafSkill Requirement Type2019-08-22 06:26:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLeaf PileSlot2019-08-22 06:59:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIron OreDropped By: Golem2019-08-23 06:21:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtStrength Requirement2019-08-24 06:46:25 UTC
foxDSilk BoltDropped By: Thick Spider Web2019-08-24 07:20:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtDescription2019-08-24 20:54:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of BirdsDropped By: Cupid2019-08-25 19:25:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of DiseaseSkill Requirement2019-08-26 01:27:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesAleRarity2019-08-26 03:07:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtDropped By: Spore Swarm2019-08-26 06:35:12 UTC
foxDMana Bottle LargeDexterity Increase2019-08-27 03:19:13 UTC
foxDSkullStrength Requirement2019-08-27 04:59:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSkullDropped By: Ettin2019-08-27 06:33:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of LeadMana Increase2019-08-27 07:57:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPine PlanksDexterity Requirement2019-08-27 08:31:45 UTC
foxDMana Bottle LargeSkill Increase2019-08-28 02:32:18 UTC
foxDMana Bottle LargeLuck Increase Percent2019-08-28 03:06:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Bottle SmallDexterity Requirement2019-08-28 05:00:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of BronzeDexterity Increase2019-08-28 06:26:24 UTC
foxDHealth Bottle LargeLuck Increase Percent2019-08-29 01:53:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Beaker SmallSkill Requirement2019-08-29 06:28:13 UTC
VoodooKingHadesApplesRarity2019-08-30 05:06:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of IronIntelligence Requirement2019-08-30 05:10:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of BronzeLuck Increase Percent2019-09-01 02:44:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTree BranchConstitution Requirement2019-09-01 03:17:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Beaker MediumDexterity Requirement2019-09-01 04:49:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMaple LogsDescription2019-09-01 05:45:36 UTC
AngelaArrows Of PineDuration2019-09-03 22:49:13 UTC
AngelaHealth Bottle SmallSkill Requirement Type2019-09-03 22:54:28 UTC
foxDScroll Of GreedDescription2019-09-04 02:35:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCopper DustConstitution Requirement2019-09-04 07:13:16 UTC
AngelaHealth Bottle SmallLuck Increase Percent2019-09-04 21:55:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtConstitution Requirement2019-09-05 02:49:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtRarity2019-09-05 03:01:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtDropped By: Dirt Burrower2019-09-05 03:58:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtSell Price2019-09-05 04:45:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDirtWeight2019-09-05 05:54:02 UTC
foxDBolts Of BronzeStrength Increase2019-09-07 00:35:56 UTC
foxDGlass Bottle MediumDescription2019-09-08 03:38:52 UTC
foxDGlass Bottle MediumSkill Requirement Type2019-09-08 04:35:50 UTC
FaerielCloth ScrapConstitution Requirement2019-09-09 14:49:36 UTC
AngelaHealth Bottle SmallSkill Increase2019-09-11 04:27:06 UTC
foxDBurnt AshSkill Requirement2019-09-15 05:23:18 UTC
AngelaHealth Bottle SmallSkill Type2019-09-18 08:53:25 UTC
AngelaArrows Of PineRarity2019-09-19 07:05:12 UTC
AngelaSkullRarity2019-09-19 08:02:24 UTC
AngelaSilk BoltWeight2019-09-19 10:20:46 UTC
AngelaSkullSkill Requirement2019-09-19 17:32:17 UTC
foxDBurnt AshDropped By: Mummy2019-09-21 06:35:27 UTC
FrostavengerBurnt AshDropped By: Deranged Monk2019-09-21 23:59:07 UTC
FrostavengerBurnt AshDropped By: Dire Wolf2019-09-22 02:10:29 UTC
PuppyCloth ScrapDexterity Requirement2019-09-29 14:20:52 UTC
PuppySilk BoltDropped By: Spider Web2019-09-29 16:48:59 UTC
PuppyAleHealth Increase2019-09-29 21:14:59 UTC
PuppyTree BranchDropped By: Birch Tree2019-09-30 14:08:09 UTC
PuppyArrows Of BirchIntelligence Increase2019-10-02 20:25:20 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Troll2019-10-05 09:31:20 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Lich2019-10-07 08:09:44 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Stingray2019-10-09 00:19:32 UTC
PuppyMage BloodDescription2019-10-18 16:20:10 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Frozen Hawk2019-10-29 00:42:13 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Raven Grim2019-11-04 15:15:52 UTC
TomekBear PawSell Price2019-11-06 04:55:56 UTC
TomekHoneycombSkill Requirement2019-11-07 17:15:48 UTC
TomekArrows Of SteelDexterity Increase2019-11-16 14:33:18 UTC
TomekAleConstitution Requirement2019-11-18 04:31:42 UTC
VenomosBolts Of IronHealth Increase2019-11-19 18:50:58 UTC
PuppyBurnt AshDropped By: Siren2019-11-20 09:29:09 UTC
TomekArrows Of MahoganyElemental Damage Increase Percent2019-11-27 01:01:29 UTC
TomekFeatherSell Price2019-11-30 20:48:09 UTC
TomekFeatherIntelligence Requirement2019-12-01 18:38:43 UTC
TomekAleDescription2019-12-07 03:47:52 UTC
TomekGlass Vial MediumDescription2019-12-09 23:42:32 UTC
TomekHealth Vial MediumConstitution Increase2019-12-15 17:57:22 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Giant Grim2019-12-15 22:29:22 UTC
TomekHealth Bottle MediumArmor Increase2019-12-15 22:37:46 UTC
TomekAleMana Increase2019-12-18 03:56:41 UTC
PLZxBurnt AshDropped By: Cursed Elite Guard2019-12-24 18:11:33 UTC
PLZxCockroach LegMana Increase2019-12-24 23:02:42 UTC
PLZxScroll Of DrownDexterity Requirement2019-12-25 04:16:07 UTC
PLZxBolts Of MapleSell Price2019-12-25 06:55:04 UTC
PLZxDirtSkill Requirement Type2019-12-25 09:14:42 UTC
PLZxSnake JuiceSell Price2019-12-27 07:22:09 UTC
PLZxBurnt AshDropped By: Turtle2019-12-28 19:46:53 UTC
PLZxHealth Bottle MediumLuck Increase Percent2019-12-30 05:29:25 UTC
PLZxHealth Bottle MediumDropped By: Imp2019-12-31 04:26:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesAnchovyStrength Requirement2019-12-31 23:42:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoneycombSlot2019-12-31 23:49:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBurnt AshDropped By: Barbarian Axeman2020-01-01 09:28:41 UTC
PLZxScroll Of SwellSell Price2020-01-01 21:47:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganySkill Increase2020-01-02 06:49:30 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of MahoganyDescription2020-01-02 08:06:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLeather BoltSkill Requirement Type2020-01-04 05:14:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesStudded Leather BoltRarity2020-01-04 05:42:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBurnt AshDropped By: Barbarian Xbowman2020-01-06 05:30:57 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of BurnWeight2020-01-06 06:23:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Bottle MediumWeight2020-01-06 07:45:48 UTC
GooseRobe ScrapRarity2020-01-13 21:08:05 UTC
PuppyHealth Bottle MediumStrength Requirement2020-01-19 08:45:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBurnt AshDropped By: Lich Grim2020-01-24 07:21:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Bottle LargeConstitution Requirement2020-01-27 04:40:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSextantStrength Requirement2020-01-31 06:19:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBurnt AshDropped By: Snowman2020-02-01 10:37:05 UTC
TomekAleSkill Requirement2020-02-16 23:56:01 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Crab2020-02-17 00:09:58 UTC
TomekSardineDescription2020-03-17 22:12:38 UTC
TomekCrispy Frog LegSell Price2020-03-22 14:28:28 UTC
TomekAnchovyDescription2020-03-22 23:04:40 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyHealth Increase2020-03-25 02:09:49 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovySkill Requirement Type2020-03-25 02:51:29 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyGold Increase Percent2020-03-25 04:43:24 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Turkey2020-03-28 04:56:36 UTC
TomekScroll Of AmplifyDescription2020-03-28 13:19:17 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyWeight2020-03-28 13:23:31 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyMana Increase2020-03-28 13:26:02 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyExp Increase Percent2020-03-28 13:27:19 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovySkill Increase2020-03-29 05:27:16 UTC
TomekHealth Bottle SmallDexterity Requirement2020-03-29 15:31:16 UTC
TomekMaple LogsWeight2020-03-29 15:37:08 UTC
TomekArrows Of IronElemental Armor Increase2020-03-29 20:01:31 UTC
TomekArrows Of IronRarity2020-03-29 20:12:23 UTC
TomekPebblesConstitution Requirement2020-03-30 03:58:09 UTC
TomekBolts Of IronDropped By: Pirate2020-03-30 14:59:43 UTC
TomekTurtle MeatDexterity Requirement2020-03-30 18:23:40 UTC
TomekChumMana Increase2020-03-31 01:24:47 UTC
TomekBolts Of LeadDuration2020-04-01 18:31:42 UTC
TomekMana Vial SmallSell Price2020-04-02 02:40:52 UTC
TomekHealth Vial MediumDropped By: Wolf2020-04-02 03:51:59 UTC
TomekApplesConstitution Requirement2020-04-02 23:58:01 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchSkill Increase2020-04-03 00:38:34 UTC
TomekMana Vial LargeSkill Type2020-04-03 00:51:33 UTC
TomekBolts Of IronConstitution Increase2020-04-03 04:28:02 UTC
TomekMagic BagSkill Type2020-04-04 01:00:56 UTC
TomekStingray MeatSkill Requirement2020-04-04 21:02:13 UTC
TomekStudded Leather BoltSlot2020-04-05 03:17:03 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchWeight2020-04-05 03:22:46 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchStrength Increase2020-04-05 04:10:44 UTC
TomekBirch PlanksSlot2020-04-05 04:20:46 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchDuration2020-04-05 04:22:04 UTC
TomekArrows Of IronArmor Increase2020-04-05 04:55:44 UTC
DEV ProskierPine PlanksDescription2020-04-17 05:11:38 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain2020-05-25 23:34:50 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Flame2020-05-29 19:55:07 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchStrength Requirement2020-05-31 20:25:32 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchHealth Increase2020-05-31 20:27:23 UTC
TomekAnchovyDexterity Requirement2020-05-31 22:34:39 UTC
TomekArrows Of IronSkill Requirement2020-05-31 22:50:15 UTC
TomekTree BranchDropped By: Pine Tree2020-05-31 22:54:43 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchLuck Increase Percent2020-05-31 23:14:39 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovySkill Type2020-06-01 01:54:36 UTC
TomekRoasted AnchovyRarity2020-06-01 03:08:02 UTC
TomekTambaquiDropped By: Medium Ripple2020-06-02 15:56:08 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiIntelligence Requirement2020-06-02 17:52:42 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiSlot2020-06-02 17:56:29 UTC
TomekToasted CrabMana Increase2020-06-02 23:28:03 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiDexterity Requirement2020-06-02 23:37:31 UTC
GooseFrog LegDropped By: Tiny Ripple2020-06-03 01:57:19 UTC
GooseBolts Of LeadRarity2020-06-03 02:01:32 UTC
TomekToasted CrabDamage Increase Percent2020-06-03 02:49:19 UTC
TomekToasted CrabWeight2020-06-03 18:26:09 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiGold Increase Percent2020-06-03 18:36:56 UTC
TomekToasted CrabLuck Increase Percent2020-06-03 18:44:33 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiElemental Armor Increase2020-06-04 19:16:00 UTC
TomekGrilled SalmonGold Increase Percent2020-06-04 19:40:58 UTC
TomekBird ClawSlot2020-06-05 20:24:42 UTC
TomekBolts Of IronSell Price2020-06-07 01:33:35 UTC
TomekBolts Of BirchSell Price2020-06-07 03:10:50 UTC
xxelterScroll Of BlessRarity2020-06-10 01:48:13 UTC
xxelterBolts Of PineDexterity Requirement2020-06-10 04:56:30 UTC
TomekBronze IngotSkill Requirement Type2020-06-13 04:16:05 UTC
MrDefectBerriesDescription2020-06-21 12:09:43 UTC
PromageScroll Of NimbleDropped By: Giant Bee2020-06-23 04:00:32 UTC
PromageScroll Of PoisonDropped By: Toxic Death2020-06-24 03:14:05 UTC
PhodinhaPine PlanksRarity2020-06-25 23:12:07 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-06-25 23:31:46 UTC
TomekBananasWeight2020-06-25 23:36:20 UTC
TomekArrows Of BronzeWeight2020-06-29 00:05:38 UTC
TomekHealth Bottle LargeDescription2020-06-29 00:06:09 UTC
GooseSpider LegsStrength Requirement2020-07-01 02:05:45 UTC
GooseGlass Vial SmallConstitution Requirement2020-07-03 19:57:38 UTC
GooseArrows Of PineSkill Requirement2020-07-04 03:50:22 UTC
GooseRobe ScrapDescription2020-07-04 20:25:43 UTC
GooseCooked SardineDamage Increase Percent2020-07-04 21:23:37 UTC
GooseRobe ScrapIntelligence Requirement2020-07-04 21:32:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of IronSkill Increase2020-07-04 21:48:43 UTC
GooseRobe ScrapDropped By: Molten2020-07-04 22:05:24 UTC
pierre CHTCockroach LegConstitution Increase2020-07-04 22:06:42 UTC
pierre CHTSpider LegsIntelligence Requirement2020-07-04 22:09:41 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider LegsConstitution Requirement2020-07-05 07:33:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesReedIntelligence Requirement2020-07-05 09:03:29 UTC
pCounterRobe ScrapDexterity Requirement2020-07-05 11:25:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGreen SlimeArmor Increase2020-07-05 21:27:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchConstitution Increase2020-07-06 00:11:55 UTC
ZiltoidRobe ScrapStrength Requirement2020-07-06 00:28:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchGold Increase Percent2020-07-06 01:37:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchSlot2020-07-06 02:01:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchDamage Increase Percent2020-07-06 02:04:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHuge LeafSell Price2020-07-06 02:28:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Vial SmallDexterity Requirement2020-07-06 02:46:51 UTC
PuppyMana Bottle LargeHealth Increase2020-07-06 06:23:50 UTC
PuppyRoasted AnchovyElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-06 12:19:44 UTC
PuppyRoasted AnchovyArmor Increase2020-07-06 12:23:56 UTC
ZiltoidRobe ScrapDropped By: Spider Web2020-07-06 12:37:18 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadLuck Increase Percent2020-07-06 14:18:41 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadIntelligence Increase2020-07-06 14:41:35 UTC
PuppyRoasted AnchovyStrength Increase2020-07-06 15:26:53 UTC
FatAdamArrows Of LeadArmor Increase2020-07-06 18:20:59 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchExp Increase Percent2020-07-06 19:46:19 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadElemental Armor Increase2020-07-06 20:34:20 UTC
FatAdamHuge MushroomDexterity Requirement2020-07-06 20:49:04 UTC
LotusSpider LegsSlot2020-07-07 00:01:54 UTC
LotusSpider LegsDescription2020-07-07 00:08:37 UTC
PuppySpider LegsRarity2020-07-07 00:14:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBirch LogsDropped By: Ent2020-07-07 06:39:51 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadSkill Requirement2020-07-07 13:37:00 UTC
ZiltoidHuge MushroomWeight2020-07-07 13:48:51 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadSkill Increase2020-07-07 14:04:14 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadArmor Increase2020-07-07 14:11:49 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadSlot2020-07-07 14:27:23 UTC
PuppyBolts Of LeadHealth Increase2020-07-07 15:09:45 UTC
LotusArrows Of BirchWeight2020-07-07 15:09:53 UTC
LotusSpider LegsDropped By: Spider2020-07-07 15:26:08 UTC
LotusSpider LegsWeight2020-07-07 15:44:07 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchDexterity Increase2020-07-07 16:46:56 UTC
LotusSpider LegsSell Price2020-07-07 21:01:02 UTC
LotusCockroach LegWeight2020-07-07 23:52:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchElemental Armor Increase2020-07-08 03:08:13 UTC
GooseMana Vial SmallLuck Increase Percent2020-07-08 03:10:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchConstitution Requirement2020-07-08 03:11:30 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of BirchDescription2020-07-08 03:17:48 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchSkill Type2020-07-08 03:36:08 UTC
LotusShard Of FiendsDropped By: Death2020-07-08 04:05:16 UTC
LotusMana Vial SmallElemental Armor Increase2020-07-08 04:18:07 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchDexterity Requirement2020-07-08 04:32:51 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchIntelligence Requirement2020-07-08 04:34:15 UTC
LotusPouch Of Mist SmallSlot2020-07-08 04:51:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of LeadSkill Type2020-07-08 05:37:34 UTC
PuppyDirtSlot2020-07-08 05:52:20 UTC
LotusSpider LegsDexterity Requirement2020-07-08 06:33:18 UTC
PuppyBirch LogsDescription2020-07-08 06:56:26 UTC
PuppyChest Of Weapons LargeDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2020-07-08 07:13:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTurtle MeatSkill Requirement2020-07-08 07:46:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of PineMana Increase2020-07-08 07:59:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of PineStrength Increase2020-07-08 08:00:03 UTC
PuppyTopazWeight2020-07-08 12:28:12 UTC
PuppyBird ClawIntelligence Requirement2020-07-08 12:40:36 UTC
PuppyTambaquiIntelligence Requirement2020-07-08 15:22:53 UTC
MysticBolts Of PineSkill Increase2020-07-08 18:07:13 UTC
LotusMana Vial SmallConstitution Requirement2020-07-08 18:34:01 UTC
TessArrows Of LeadStrength Requirement2020-07-08 18:53:40 UTC
TessSandIntelligence Requirement2020-07-08 19:31:06 UTC
TessCrispy Frog LegIntelligence Increase2020-07-08 19:59:00 UTC
ZiltoidHuge MushroomSell Price2020-07-08 20:16:32 UTC
PuppyBirch LogsWeight2020-07-08 20:33:39 UTC
PuppyBirch LogsSkill Requirement2020-07-08 22:49:22 UTC
MysticPouch Of Mist SmallSkill Requirement2020-07-08 23:37:48 UTC
TessRobe ScrapSell Price2020-07-09 00:48:37 UTC
PuppyBirch LogsDexterity Requirement2020-07-09 06:37:07 UTC
PuppyIron OreDropped By: Stone Giant2020-07-09 13:12:11 UTC
TessPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Frog Grim2020-07-09 16:01:24 UTC
GooseCooked StingrayLuck Increase Percent2020-07-09 21:11:17 UTC
GooseRoasted AnchovyStrength Requirement2020-07-09 21:14:28 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronSkill Type2020-07-09 22:18:47 UTC
TessReedSell Price2020-07-09 22:21:53 UTC
TessSpider LegsSkill Requirement Type2020-07-09 23:53:05 UTC
PuppyRock DustWeight2020-07-09 23:58:52 UTC
TessToasted Spider LegsLuck Increase Percent2020-07-10 00:28:26 UTC
TessToasted Spider LegsElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-10 00:32:16 UTC
TessToasted Spider LegsStrength Increase2020-07-10 00:36:19 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronDexterity Requirement2020-07-10 01:00:32 UTC
PuppyAleSell Price2020-07-10 02:41:10 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumRarity2020-07-10 03:01:44 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumWeight2020-07-10 03:12:59 UTC
PuppyAleStrength Requirement2020-07-10 03:22:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TambaquiDescription2020-07-10 03:34:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToasted CrabDescription2020-07-10 03:44:40 UTC
PuppySilver SlabSell Price2020-07-10 03:58:29 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial MediumSkill Requirement Type2020-07-10 04:03:44 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronGold Increase Percent2020-07-10 04:14:09 UTC
PuppyBolts Of MahoganyIntelligence Increase2020-07-10 04:25:57 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumArmor Increase2020-07-10 04:30:53 UTC
PuppyBolts Of MahoganyDexterity Requirement2020-07-10 04:32:22 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronStrength Increase2020-07-10 06:13:55 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumStrength Increase2020-07-10 06:14:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Beaker MediumRarity2020-07-10 06:46:28 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronWeight2020-07-10 07:02:55 UTC
PuppyBolts Of IronDropped By: Centaur2020-07-10 07:11:22 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronDamage Increase Percent2020-07-10 07:12:02 UTC
PuppyBolts Of IronLuck Increase Percent2020-07-10 07:19:30 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltIntelligence Requirement2020-07-10 07:27:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganyLuck Increase Percent2020-07-10 07:44:12 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchDropped By: Flea Swarm2020-07-10 07:49:21 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchRarity2020-07-10 07:50:12 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-10 07:56:34 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchArmor Increase2020-07-10 08:00:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesReedConstitution Requirement2020-07-10 08:03:39 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpider LegsSkill Requirement2020-07-10 08:03:50 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronSlot2020-07-10 08:07:25 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltStrength Requirement2020-07-10 08:11:47 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronIntelligence Increase2020-07-10 08:17:14 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumSlot2020-07-10 08:33:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Bottle MediumDuration2020-07-10 10:43:45 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchMana Increase2020-07-10 12:03:07 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchSkill Requirement2020-07-10 12:14:13 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchIntelligence Increase2020-07-10 12:16:30 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BirchSkill Requirement Type2020-07-10 12:22:40 UTC
GooseApplesDamage Increase Percent2020-07-10 12:39:00 UTC
PuppyArrows Of PineExp Increase Percent2020-07-10 13:09:08 UTC
PuppyBolts Of MapleWeight2020-07-10 13:36:37 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronDuration2020-07-10 14:46:00 UTC
PuppyMahogany LogsWeight2020-07-10 17:28:51 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumLuck Increase Percent2020-07-10 17:29:00 UTC
TessArrows Of IronExp Increase Percent2020-07-10 17:32:59 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumSkill Increase2020-07-10 17:48:18 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumConstitution Requirement2020-07-10 18:02:48 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumDuration2020-07-10 18:13:17 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumSell Price2020-07-10 18:21:34 UTC
LotusApplesIntelligence Increase2020-07-10 19:09:54 UTC
GooseHealth Vial MediumElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-10 19:47:45 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronLuck Increase Percent2020-07-10 20:00:49 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumHealth Increase2020-07-10 20:01:56 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumIntelligence Increase2020-07-10 20:07:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesRock DustDropped By: Steel2020-07-10 20:07:35 UTC
TessBear PawDexterity Requirement2020-07-10 20:09:27 UTC
LotusArrows Of IronSkill Increase2020-07-10 20:36:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPouch Of Luck SmallStrength Requirement2020-07-10 21:02:45 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeSlot2020-07-10 21:42:46 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeStrength Requirement2020-07-10 21:45:56 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeDexterity Requirement2020-07-10 21:49:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIron OreRarity2020-07-10 22:14:37 UTC
PuppySandDropped By: Gold2020-07-10 22:29:15 UTC
PuppyRock DustIntelligence Requirement2020-07-10 22:46:56 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumSkill Requirement2020-07-10 22:49:48 UTC
TessAleIntelligence Requirement2020-07-10 23:03:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronze OreDescription2020-07-10 23:10:54 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumDamage Increase Percent2020-07-10 23:18:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonElemental Armor Increase2020-07-11 01:01:13 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleHealth Increase2020-07-11 01:17:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleSkill Type2020-07-11 01:19:08 UTC
TessSardineSlot2020-07-11 02:07:26 UTC
LotusHealth Vial MediumDexterity Increase2020-07-11 03:52:12 UTC
LotusApplesSkill Requirement2020-07-11 04:02:50 UTC
LotusApplesWeight2020-07-11 04:25:35 UTC
LotusApplesSkill Requirement Type2020-07-11 04:46:58 UTC
LotusApplesIntelligence Requirement2020-07-11 05:09:15 UTC
PuppySandDexterity Requirement2020-07-11 05:50:28 UTC
PuppyAleWeight2020-07-11 05:50:58 UTC
TessBolts Of LeadConstitution Requirement2020-07-11 09:06:07 UTC
TessScroll Of FreezeRarity2020-07-11 09:09:04 UTC
TessGlass Vial SmallDropped By: Spider2020-07-11 09:18:02 UTC
TessCrispy Frog LegSkill Type2020-07-11 10:14:31 UTC
TessHoneycombRarity2020-07-11 12:26:19 UTC
TessStingray MeatConstitution Requirement2020-07-11 12:34:20 UTC
TessHoneycombDropped By: Bear2020-07-11 13:24:48 UTC
TessAnchovyWeight2020-07-11 13:29:10 UTC
TessCooked StingrayMana Increase2020-07-11 13:33:05 UTC
TessAnchovyConstitution Requirement2020-07-11 14:48:03 UTC
GooseShard Of BirdsIntelligence Requirement2020-07-11 16:14:30 UTC
GooseApplesStrength Requirement2020-07-11 16:16:25 UTC
GooseReedRarity2020-07-11 17:48:25 UTC
TomekBolts Of MapleElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-11 18:48:05 UTC
TomekReedSlot2020-07-11 19:09:18 UTC
GooseHuge LeafDexterity Requirement2020-07-11 20:56:47 UTC
Burolia EnrisCrispy Frog LegWeight2020-07-11 21:01:48 UTC
GooseRoasted AnchovyIntelligence Increase2020-07-11 21:21:40 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceWeight2020-07-11 21:40:52 UTC
ShivenSelvicPouch Of Mist SmallRarity2020-07-11 23:01:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTopazDexterity Requirement2020-07-11 23:58:38 UTC
TomekGreen SlimeIntelligence Increase2020-07-12 00:13:50 UTC
TomekReedSkill Requirement Type2020-07-12 00:17:17 UTC
GooseStingray MeatDropped By: Stingray2020-07-12 00:30:03 UTC
GooseRoasted AnchovyDuration2020-07-12 00:36:35 UTC
GooseCooked StingrayStrength Requirement2020-07-12 00:38:11 UTC
GooseBear PawSlot2020-07-12 00:44:33 UTC
GooseHoneycombSkill Requirement Type2020-07-12 01:42:45 UTC
ShivenSelvicRobe ScrapSkill Requirement2020-07-12 02:38:18 UTC
PuppyIron OreSell Price2020-07-12 03:19:06 UTC
LotusBird ClawDropped By: Harpy2020-07-12 06:58:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of SteelIntelligence Increase2020-07-12 07:57:53 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceLuck Increase Percent2020-07-12 15:34:57 UTC
BloodfistPouch Of Mist SmallDescription2020-07-13 04:36:10 UTC
PuppyIron OreConstitution Requirement2020-07-13 06:22:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonSkill Requirement2020-07-13 07:15:35 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonLuck Increase Percent2020-07-13 07:19:07 UTC
PuppyBirch PlanksWeight2020-07-13 07:37:47 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeConstitution Requirement2020-07-13 08:07:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleStrength Increase2020-07-13 08:12:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonDescription2020-07-13 08:33:11 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonMana Increase2020-07-13 08:35:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonSkill Increase2020-07-13 08:41:41 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeDescription2020-07-13 11:58:32 UTC
PuppyGlass Vial LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-07-13 12:00:04 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of LeadDropped By: Water Bugs2020-07-13 14:09:03 UTC
PuppyBolts Of IronGold Increase Percent2020-07-13 14:59:25 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltConstitution Requirement2020-07-13 15:56:21 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltSkill Requirement2020-07-13 17:39:19 UTC
PuppySandSell Price2020-07-13 20:13:42 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltDescription2020-07-13 21:14:04 UTC
TessCrab MeatSell Price2020-07-13 21:22:29 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonConstitution Increase2020-07-13 21:24:00 UTC
TessCooked TambaquiElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-13 21:37:24 UTC
FatAdamArrows Of PineDropped By: Harpy2020-07-13 22:10:01 UTC
TessGlass Bottle MediumStrength Requirement2020-07-13 23:45:58 UTC
GooseBird ClawDropped By: Raven2020-07-14 01:56:44 UTC
GooseCooked StingrayDamage Increase Percent2020-07-14 02:06:35 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonWeight2020-07-14 02:48:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonHealth Increase2020-07-14 03:00:44 UTC
TomekMana Bottle LargeDropped By: Ettin2020-07-14 03:30:54 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeStrength Requirement2020-07-14 06:38:59 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeDexterity Requirement2020-07-14 06:43:55 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeDescription2020-07-14 06:50:30 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeSell Price2020-07-14 06:52:58 UTC
ShivenSelvicRobe ScrapWeight2020-07-14 08:16:34 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceRarity2020-07-14 08:28:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleSkill Requirement2020-07-14 08:46:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonStrength Increase2020-07-14 09:05:30 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-07-14 12:54:52 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-07-14 13:05:05 UTC
PuppyBolts Of IronStrength Increase2020-07-14 14:20:00 UTC
PuppyBolts Of IronWeight2020-07-14 14:23:58 UTC
GooseHealth Bottle SmallSkill Requirement2020-07-14 17:21:20 UTC
GooseArrows Of BirchElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-14 17:38:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonRarity2020-07-14 17:53:36 UTC
GooseArrows Of BirchExp Increase Percent2020-07-14 17:54:59 UTC
GooseRoasted AnchovyConstitution Requirement2020-07-14 18:07:10 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of IronRarity2020-07-14 19:36:03 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonIntelligence Increase2020-07-14 20:50:05 UTC
TessToasted CrabIntelligence Requirement2020-07-14 20:55:35 UTC
TessToasted CrabRarity2020-07-14 20:56:11 UTC
FatAdamScroll Of DrownDropped By: Frog2020-07-14 21:37:52 UTC
FatAdamCooked SardineDuration2020-07-14 21:49:37 UTC
TessGlass Bottle MediumSlot2020-07-14 21:50:59 UTC
FatAdamAleDropped By: Pirate Wench2020-07-14 22:15:58 UTC
TessToasted CrabConstitution Requirement2020-07-14 22:59:52 UTC
FatAdamAleArmor Increase2020-07-14 23:08:31 UTC
TessTambaquiRarity2020-07-15 00:09:50 UTC
FatAdamBird ClawStrength Requirement2020-07-15 00:51:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonExp Increase Percent2020-07-15 03:11:33 UTC
FatAdamLily PinkDescription2020-07-15 04:22:51 UTC
FatAdamIron OreWeight2020-07-15 05:11:32 UTC
LotusApplesDexterity Increase2020-07-15 06:31:16 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltDexterity Requirement2020-07-15 07:43:26 UTC
LotusApplesDropped By: Harpy2020-07-15 08:11:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of SmiteDropped By: Djinn2020-07-15 08:14:08 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonDuration2020-07-15 08:32:15 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonDexterity Increase2020-07-15 08:32:44 UTC
LotusApplesElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-15 08:53:46 UTC
LotusApplesConstitution Increase2020-07-15 09:19:17 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltWeight2020-07-15 09:41:51 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltDropped By: Wolf2020-07-15 11:14:25 UTC
LotusStudded Leather BoltDropped By: Swamp Muck2020-07-15 11:40:50 UTC
LotusApplesDuration2020-07-15 12:09:34 UTC
TessCrab MeatDropped By: Crab2020-07-15 16:36:23 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceSkill Requirement2020-07-15 19:00:13 UTC
TessToasted CrabIntelligence Increase2020-07-15 19:05:27 UTC
TessToasted CrabSell Price2020-07-15 19:07:16 UTC
TessSilk BoltSkill Requirement2020-07-15 19:35:41 UTC
TessGlass Vial SmallDescription2020-07-15 21:33:57 UTC
TessRock DustSkill Requirement Type2020-07-15 21:39:28 UTC
TomekHealth Beaker MediumHealth Increase2020-07-15 22:27:25 UTC
TomekRock DustDropped By: Iron2020-07-15 22:28:38 UTC
TomekRock DustDropped By: Stone Giant2020-07-15 22:40:30 UTC
TessRock DustRarity2020-07-15 23:09:45 UTC
FatAdamIron OreSkill Requirement2020-07-15 23:33:11 UTC
TessGlass Vial MediumSell Price2020-07-15 23:38:03 UTC
FatAdamIron OreDescription2020-07-15 23:44:40 UTC
TessSandWeight2020-07-15 23:54:29 UTC
TessGlass Vial MediumConstitution Requirement2020-07-15 23:56:06 UTC
TessGlass Vial MediumIntelligence Requirement2020-07-16 00:00:29 UTC
TessSandRarity2020-07-16 00:51:49 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of IronSkill Type2020-07-16 01:54:35 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled TunaSkill Type2020-07-16 02:33:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled TunaIntelligence Requirement2020-07-16 02:34:54 UTC
TessBananasDescription2020-07-16 09:30:08 UTC
TessAleLuck Increase Percent2020-07-16 14:16:31 UTC
TessBolts Of IronDexterity Requirement2020-07-16 14:50:00 UTC
FatAdamCooked SardineStrength Increase2020-07-16 19:17:05 UTC
TessSilk BoltSell Price2020-07-16 19:38:23 UTC
FatAdamCrispy Frog LegDexterity Requirement2020-07-16 19:38:47 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonIntelligence Requirement2020-07-16 20:26:50 UTC
FatAdamAleSkill Requirement Type2020-07-16 20:39:57 UTC
FatAdamRoasted AnchovyDamage Increase Percent2020-07-16 21:43:08 UTC
TessGlass Bottle MediumDexterity Requirement2020-07-16 21:49:00 UTC
FatAdamCooked TambaquiSkill Increase2020-07-16 22:41:46 UTC
FatAdamCrab MeatSkill Requirement2020-07-16 22:47:11 UTC
FatAdamCooked TambaquiSkill Requirement2020-07-17 00:00:15 UTC
FatAdamTambaquiSell Price2020-07-17 00:56:21 UTC
FatAdamTambaquiSlot2020-07-17 00:59:49 UTC
FatAdamCooked TambaquiExp Increase Percent2020-07-17 01:08:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Siren Grim2020-07-17 06:26:19 UTC
TessSalmonDexterity Requirement2020-07-17 11:40:47 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-17 13:52:04 UTC
TessGlass Bottle MediumRarity2020-07-17 14:44:57 UTC
TessImp BloodSkill Requirement Type2020-07-17 19:26:48 UTC
TessImp BloodConstitution Requirement2020-07-17 19:32:53 UTC
GooseAleIntelligence Increase2020-07-17 19:40:38 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonSkill Requirement Type2020-07-17 20:38:32 UTC
DarkhrdeCharred Bat WingSkill Requirement2020-07-17 22:09:28 UTC
DarkhrdeScroll Of CrushRarity2020-07-18 03:30:45 UTC
DarkhrdeCockroach LegSlot2020-07-18 11:32:08 UTC
AzazelCharred Bat WingDexterity Increase2020-07-18 11:55:47 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonStrength Requirement2020-07-18 11:59:03 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonDexterity Requirement2020-07-18 12:13:10 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonArmor Increase2020-07-18 12:33:59 UTC
TessEucalyptus SprigSell Price2020-07-18 13:35:28 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonSlot2020-07-18 13:46:56 UTC
PuppyGlass Bottle MediumSell Price2020-07-18 15:00:44 UTC
PuppyMage BloodSkill Requirement Type2020-07-18 15:03:19 UTC
TessSalmonDropped By: Large Ripple2020-07-18 16:03:14 UTC
TomekGold SlabDexterity Requirement2020-07-18 17:20:34 UTC
TomekGold SlabDescription2020-07-18 17:21:43 UTC
TomekSandSkill Requirement2020-07-18 17:40:22 UTC
TessTree BranchSkill Requirement2020-07-18 20:30:41 UTC
TessTree BranchDropped By: Mahogany Tree2020-07-18 21:17:32 UTC
TessTurtle MeatIntelligence Requirement2020-07-18 21:24:08 UTC
TessMystic BoltSkill Requirement Type2020-07-18 23:43:18 UTC
TessGrilled SalmonDamage Increase Percent2020-07-19 00:58:20 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of MapleSkill Type2020-07-19 01:29:08 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceHealth Increase2020-07-19 01:53:55 UTC
FatAdamBirch LogsSkill Requirement Type2020-07-19 02:25:52 UTC
FatAdamReedDropped By: Water Bugs2020-07-19 03:04:30 UTC
AzazelBolts Of PineElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-19 03:22:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganyDexterity Increase2020-07-19 05:17:11 UTC
AzazelHealth Vial SmallStrength Requirement2020-07-19 05:44:27 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonSell Price2020-07-19 06:15:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonSkill Type2020-07-19 06:15:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled SalmonConstitution Requirement2020-07-19 06:17:20 UTC
AzazelScroll Of CrushWeight2020-07-19 06:21:51 UTC
AzazelReedDropped By: Swamp Muck2020-07-19 06:24:04 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearStrength Increase2020-07-19 07:02:21 UTC
TessMaple LogsDexterity Requirement2020-07-19 09:33:41 UTC
TessGlass Vial LargeDropped By: Toxic Death2020-07-19 09:54:04 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGlass Beaker SmallWeight2020-07-19 10:09:42 UTC
PuppyApplesLuck Increase Percent2020-07-19 16:11:19 UTC
FatAdamMaple PlanksStrength Requirement2020-07-19 16:29:00 UTC
PuppyApplesSkill Type2020-07-19 17:13:29 UTC
FatAdamIron OreIntelligence Requirement2020-07-19 18:25:18 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle SmallStrength Increase2020-07-19 18:44:38 UTC
FatAdamGlass Bottle MediumConstitution Requirement2020-07-19 19:24:57 UTC
FatAdamGlass Bottle MediumDropped By: Undead Mage2020-07-19 19:25:55 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of IronSkill Requirement Type2020-07-19 19:32:48 UTC
FatAdamRock DustDropped By: Sand Rock2020-07-19 19:41:56 UTC
TessCooked TurtleExp Increase Percent2020-07-19 20:54:43 UTC
PuppyApplesDescription2020-07-19 21:08:31 UTC
FatAdamSnowballConstitution Requirement2020-07-19 21:27:30 UTC
FatAdamReedDescription2020-07-19 22:22:13 UTC
FatAdamReedStrength Requirement2020-07-19 22:24:48 UTC
FatAdamCrab MeatConstitution Requirement2020-07-19 23:07:36 UTC
FatAdamTambaquiDropped By: Whale2020-07-19 23:09:04 UTC
TessGlass Vial LargeDropped By: Ent2020-07-19 23:37:19 UTC
FatAdamTambaquiStrength Requirement2020-07-19 23:39:36 UTC
FatAdamToasted CrabDuration2020-07-20 00:12:38 UTC
FatAdamCooked TambaquiConstitution Requirement2020-07-20 01:03:25 UTC
FatAdamCooked TambaquiDexterity Increase2020-07-20 01:18:42 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist SmallIntelligence Requirement2020-07-20 01:23:37 UTC
FatAdamToasted CrabSkill Requirement2020-07-20 01:38:51 UTC
FatAdamSnowballSkill Requirement2020-07-20 01:49:36 UTC
FatAdamScroll Of GreedSlot2020-07-20 01:53:26 UTC
FatAdamMana Vial LargeDexterity Requirement2020-07-20 02:33:20 UTC
TessPouch Of Mist MediumSkill Requirement2020-07-20 02:48:21 UTC
TessHealth Bottle LargeSkill Increase2020-07-20 03:11:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganyElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-20 03:14:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganyConstitution Requirement2020-07-20 03:15:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBolts Of MahoganyStrength Requirement2020-07-20 03:15:58 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeRarity2020-07-20 03:19:56 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeDexterity Requirement2020-07-20 03:30:14 UTC
PuppyApplesDropped By: Rose Bush2020-07-20 09:00:13 UTC
PuppyRock DustSlot2020-07-20 13:26:27 UTC
PuppyGold SlabSkill Requirement Type2020-07-20 14:52:49 UTC
AzazelCooked SardineElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-20 14:57:36 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeSlot2020-07-20 15:05:20 UTC
ZiltoidArrows Of BirchConstitution Requirement2020-07-20 15:47:47 UTC
PuppyTambaquiDexterity Requirement2020-07-20 16:15:14 UTC
AzazelCockroach LegLuck Increase Percent2020-07-20 16:16:43 UTC
GooseBird ClawSkill Requirement2020-07-20 16:30:20 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle SmallDuration2020-07-20 18:41:59 UTC
AzazelBear PawDropped By: Bear2020-07-20 22:16:17 UTC
AzazelBear PawWeight2020-07-20 22:29:31 UTC
AzazelBear PawConstitution Requirement2020-07-20 22:31:45 UTC
AzazelHoneycombWeight2020-07-20 22:31:55 UTC
GooseCrab MeatStrength Requirement2020-07-21 00:18:44 UTC
GooseToasted CrabDexterity Increase2020-07-21 03:06:48 UTC
GooseToasted CrabConstitution Increase2020-07-21 03:06:56 UTC
ZiltoidSilk BoltDropped By: Medium Ripple2020-07-21 03:07:07 UTC
TomekGlass Bottle MediumIntelligence Requirement2020-07-21 03:08:08 UTC
AzazelApplesArmor Increase2020-07-21 03:09:48 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiStrength Increase2020-07-21 03:15:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDragon ScalesStrength Requirement2020-07-21 03:23:48 UTC
ZiltoidStudded Leather BoltDropped By: Djinn2020-07-21 03:29:21 UTC
AzazelScroll Of CurseIntelligence Requirement2020-07-21 05:48:31 UTC
AzazelBerriesConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 05:50:04 UTC
AzazelScroll Of DrownConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 06:03:42 UTC
AzazelScroll Of DiseaseDescription2020-07-21 07:28:29 UTC
ZiltoidStudded Leather BoltSkill Requirement Type2020-07-21 10:45:54 UTC
ZiltoidApplesElemental Armor Increase2020-07-21 11:10:17 UTC
ZiltoidApplesSkill Increase2020-07-21 12:11:50 UTC
AzazelSilk BoltIntelligence Requirement2020-07-21 12:49:28 UTC
ZiltoidApplesSell Price2020-07-21 15:34:44 UTC
ZiltoidApplesExp Increase Percent2020-07-21 15:57:35 UTC
AzazelReedDropped By: Wraith2020-07-21 17:51:21 UTC
AzazelScroll Of FreezeConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 19:29:43 UTC
TessSandSkill Requirement Type2020-07-21 20:05:22 UTC
TessGlass Bottle MediumWeight2020-07-21 20:12:46 UTC
AzazelLinen ScrapSkill Requirement Type2020-07-21 21:34:02 UTC
ZiltoidApplesDropped By: Spider Web2020-07-21 21:39:16 UTC
AzazelMana Bottle SmallHealth Increase2020-07-21 21:39:23 UTC
AzazelScroll Of DiseaseSlot2020-07-21 22:13:53 UTC
AzazelGlass Beaker SmallConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 23:51:42 UTC
GooseCooked StingrayHealth Increase2020-07-22 00:04:31 UTC
FatAdamCooked TurtleIntelligence Requirement2020-07-22 00:47:00 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of BronzeSkill Requirement Type2020-07-22 00:57:59 UTC
AzazelMana Bottle SmallConstitution Increase2020-07-22 01:25:44 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceDexterity Requirement2020-07-22 01:52:56 UTC
AzazelArrows Of PineGold Increase Percent2020-07-22 04:40:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled TunaConstitution Increase2020-07-22 05:40:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGrilled TunaRarity2020-07-22 05:42:47 UTC
PuppySandDropped By: Sand Rock2020-07-22 06:45:20 UTC
PuppySandDropped By: Steel2020-07-22 07:29:56 UTC
PuppySandDescription2020-07-22 08:01:05 UTC
PuppySandConstitution Requirement2020-07-22 08:09:20 UTC
ZiltoidApplesMana Increase2020-07-22 09:32:42 UTC
TomekBirch LogsIntelligence Requirement2020-07-22 12:46:29 UTC
ZiltoidApplesDexterity Requirement2020-07-22 12:46:34 UTC
TomekGlass Vial LargeSell Price2020-07-22 12:53:30 UTC
PuppyGold SlabConstitution Requirement2020-07-22 13:43:56 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-07-22 14:00:22 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-07-22 14:10:51 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeSell Price2020-07-22 16:25:54 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeDescription2020-07-22 16:26:39 UTC
ZiltoidApplesStrength Increase2020-07-22 18:34:14 UTC
TessGlass Vial LargeWeight2020-07-22 19:20:41 UTC
TessBolts Of IronSkill Requirement2020-07-22 19:43:06 UTC
GolgothaCockroach LegIntelligence Increase2020-07-22 20:14:05 UTC
GooseChest Of Weapons MediumStrength Requirement2020-07-23 01:07:47 UTC
GooseDollWeight2020-07-23 01:15:04 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSalmonRarity2020-07-23 01:50:58 UTC
PromageChest Of Armor TinySkill Requirement Type2020-07-23 02:40:33 UTC
AzazelBolts Of BloodwoodSlot2020-07-23 05:15:57 UTC
TessEucalyptus SprigDropped By: Harpy2020-07-23 16:29:58 UTC
TessTree BranchSlot2020-07-23 19:28:15 UTC
PuppyRock DustDropped By: Gold2020-07-23 20:07:44 UTC
FatAdamRock DustSkill Requirement2020-07-24 00:17:32 UTC
FatAdamRock DustDexterity Requirement2020-07-24 00:27:11 UTC
FatAdamRock DustDropped By: Bronze2020-07-24 00:30:22 UTC
FatAdamGlass Beaker MediumConstitution Requirement2020-07-24 01:20:33 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeConstitution Requirement2020-07-24 01:22:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSalmonSkill Requirement2020-07-24 03:11:47 UTC
PuppySandDropped By: Iron2020-07-24 05:48:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleSlot2020-07-24 06:25:59 UTC
PuppyIron OreDropped By: Iron2020-07-24 06:41:44 UTC
TessSalmonSell Price2020-07-24 10:51:19 UTC
TessTree BranchSell Price2020-07-24 11:10:05 UTC
TessMaple LogsSkill Requirement Type2020-07-24 11:39:38 UTC
TessCooked TurtleDexterity Increase2020-07-24 12:07:46 UTC
PuppySilk BoltDropped By: Salamander2020-07-24 13:35:35 UTC
AzazelAleDuration2020-07-24 14:29:14 UTC
AzazelAleDamage Increase Percent2020-07-24 14:31:40 UTC
TessGlass Vial LargeRarity2020-07-24 15:20:31 UTC
TessTree BranchRarity2020-07-24 15:23:03 UTC
PuppyTambaquiConstitution Requirement2020-07-24 15:39:43 UTC
TessSalmonWeight2020-07-24 17:20:57 UTC
AzazelArrows Of PineConstitution Increase2020-07-24 17:25:47 UTC
TessGlass Beaker MediumSkill Requirement Type2020-07-24 17:47:29 UTC
TessSalmonIntelligence Requirement2020-07-24 17:49:24 UTC
TessCooked TurtleConstitution Requirement2020-07-24 18:24:17 UTC
TessBerriesRarity2020-07-24 20:29:35 UTC
TessTree BranchDropped By: Bloodwood Tree2020-07-24 20:55:24 UTC
PuppyTambaquiSkill Requirement2020-07-24 21:02:26 UTC
GooseTambaquiDropped By: Bear2020-07-24 21:05:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleSell Price2020-07-24 21:07:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCooked TurtleConstitution Increase2020-07-24 21:07:30 UTC
GooseToasted CrabSkill Requirement Type2020-07-24 21:47:47 UTC
GooseToasted CrabArmor Increase2020-07-24 22:18:55 UTC
PuppyTree BranchDescription2020-07-24 23:11:06 UTC
AzazelScroll Of LeechWeight2020-07-24 23:49:33 UTC
TessCooked TurtleDamage Increase Percent2020-07-25 00:13:45 UTC
AzazelCloth ScrapDropped By: Tiny Ripple2020-07-25 00:56:07 UTC
GooseToasted CrabExp Increase Percent2020-07-25 02:24:47 UTC
TomekChest Of Weapons MediumDropped By: Giant Grim2020-07-25 05:16:40 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIron IngotRarity2020-07-25 06:58:29 UTC
TessMaple LogsRarity2020-07-25 09:38:21 UTC
TessCooked TurtleGold Increase Percent2020-07-25 09:40:42 UTC
TessCooked TurtleArmor Increase2020-07-25 11:51:56 UTC
TessCooked TurtleDescription2020-07-25 14:27:45 UTC
GooseTitanium BlockStrength Requirement2020-07-25 14:45:56 UTC
TessMaple LogsSlot2020-07-25 15:43:29 UTC
GolgothaCooked SardineDexterity Requirement2020-07-25 16:26:58 UTC
GolgothaBolts Of PineGold Increase Percent2020-07-25 17:23:52 UTC
TessSalmonDropped By: Shark2020-07-25 19:08:10 UTC
TessCooked TurtleLuck Increase Percent2020-07-25 19:11:32 UTC
DarkhrdeArrows Of PineArmor Increase2020-07-25 19:31:17 UTC
TessCooked TurtleWeight2020-07-25 20:00:48 UTC
PuppyBananasIntelligence Increase2020-07-25 20:47:34 UTC
TessArrows Of PineIntelligence Requirement2020-07-25 21:43:34 UTC
TessArrows Of BronzeDamage Increase Percent2020-07-26 01:27:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBronze OreConstitution Requirement2020-07-26 02:38:35 UTC
TomekGlass Vial MediumWeight2020-07-26 03:35:31 UTC
TomekGlass Vial MediumSkill Requirement2020-07-26 04:20:35 UTC
DarkhrdeBolts Of PineIntelligence Requirement2020-07-26 11:59:40 UTC
SvtcobraAxe HeadSell Price2020-07-26 14:06:51 UTC
FatAdamCockroach LegSkill Requirement Type2020-07-26 14:52:21 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeDropped By: Hell Spawn2020-07-26 15:32:16 UTC
FatMageCrispy Frog LegGold Increase Percent2020-07-26 15:52:26 UTC
FatMageCrispy Frog LegDamage Increase Percent2020-07-26 15:52:35 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeStrength Requirement2020-07-26 16:12:22 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeWeight2020-07-26 16:36:48 UTC
AzazelArrows Of BirchRarity2020-07-26 19:03:57 UTC
TomekToasted CrabStrength Increase2020-07-26 20:01:05 UTC
FatAdamPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Snake Grim2020-07-26 21:41:03 UTC
AzazelHuge MushroomDropped By: Spore Swarm2020-07-26 21:56:44 UTC
PuppyMahogany PlanksSlot2020-07-26 22:49:37 UTC
PuppyMystic BoltDropped By: Salamander Poison2020-07-27 00:34:36 UTC
PuppyCopper DustDescription2020-07-27 01:31:30 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeDexterity Increase2020-07-27 03:06:50 UTC
AzazelMana Vial SmallArmor Increase2020-07-27 04:37:59 UTC
AzazelArrows Of SteelDuration2020-07-27 06:37:20 UTC
TheOddOnePine PlanksStrength Requirement2020-07-27 14:07:47 UTC
PuppyBolts Of BronzeStrength Requirement2020-07-27 16:02:51 UTC
TheOddOneBerriesHealth Increase2020-07-27 21:03:23 UTC
TessLily PinkIntelligence Requirement2020-07-27 21:18:49 UTC
GooseArrows Of BirchSkill Increase2020-07-27 23:30:19 UTC
PuppyToasted CrabStrength Requirement2020-07-27 23:39:43 UTC
PuppyToasted CrabSkill Increase2020-07-27 23:40:16 UTC
PuppyToasted CrabHealth Increase2020-07-27 23:52:33 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiIntelligence Increase2020-07-28 00:01:14 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiLuck Increase Percent2020-07-28 00:10:01 UTC
FatAdamGlass Beaker MediumSkill Requirement2020-07-28 00:32:03 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiDamage Increase Percent2020-07-28 00:45:14 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiHealth Increase2020-07-28 01:50:39 UTC
AzazelHealth Vial LargeConstitution Requirement2020-07-28 01:53:22 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Luck SmallWeight2020-07-28 06:04:55 UTC
PuppyToasted CrabElemental Armor Increase2020-07-28 15:35:20 UTC
OnaqueueCloth ScrapSell Price2020-07-28 19:57:20 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiArmor Increase2020-07-28 20:00:12 UTC
OnaqueueCloth ScrapSkill Requirement Type2020-07-28 20:56:41 UTC
PuppyBolts Of MahoganyArmor Increase2020-07-28 22:27:53 UTC
GooseGlass Vial MediumStrength Requirement2020-07-28 23:34:59 UTC
GooseGlass Vial MediumDexterity Requirement2020-07-28 23:40:00 UTC
TessArrows Of BronzeConstitution Increase2020-07-28 23:52:03 UTC
AzazelBasket LargeDropped By: Djinn2020-07-29 00:59:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDiamond ChunksDescription2020-07-29 05:51:26 UTC
TessMana Bottle LargeDamage Increase Percent2020-07-29 11:59:16 UTC
TessMana Bottle LargeSkill Requirement2020-07-29 12:09:06 UTC
OnaqueueCharred Bat WingIntelligence Increase2020-07-29 16:45:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearConstitution Requirement2020-07-30 00:45:06 UTC
AzazelSilk BoltConstitution Requirement2020-07-30 02:15:55 UTC
ZiltoidReedWeight2020-07-30 12:11:04 UTC
ShivenSelvicSnake JuiceExp Increase Percent2020-07-30 12:38:11 UTC
ZiltoidGreen SlimeElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-07-30 12:56:08 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of MahoganySkill Type2020-07-30 13:25:10 UTC
ZiltoidArrows Of MahoganyDamage Increase Percent2020-07-30 19:11:54 UTC
OnaqueueCockroach LegStrength Requirement2020-07-30 20:46:30 UTC
PuppyBronze OreDropped By: Dirt Burrower2020-07-30 22:49:59 UTC
GooseArrows Of BirchHealth Increase2020-07-30 23:01:43 UTC
SirDragulaShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Snake2020-07-31 00:44:56 UTC
PuppyTambaquiSkill Requirement Type2020-07-31 00:58:07 UTC
GooseBirch LogsRarity2020-07-31 21:29:46 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiDuration2020-08-01 03:31:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSalmonSlot2020-08-01 09:00:17 UTC
SirDragulaCockroach LegArmor Increase2020-08-01 15:06:01 UTC
SirDragulaCockroach LegSell Price2020-08-01 15:24:11 UTC
TomekGold SlabSlot2020-08-01 16:03:03 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiSkill Type2020-08-01 18:58:41 UTC
TomekCooked TambaquiConstitution Increase2020-08-01 20:46:32 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeHealth Increase2020-08-01 23:58:40 UTC
TomekMana Bottle LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-08-02 00:03:55 UTC
Raisha MuCharred Bat WingStrength Increase2020-08-02 01:53:24 UTC
Raisha MuBerriesIntelligence Increase2020-08-02 06:07:44 UTC
TomekGlass Vial LargeSkill Requirement2020-08-02 15:11:50 UTC
PuppyGlass Beaker LargeSkill Requirement2020-08-02 20:32:00 UTC
TomekGlass Vial LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-08-03 00:23:25 UTC
TomekHealth Vial LargeExp Increase Percent2020-08-03 00:25:14 UTC
GooseToasted CrabDexterity Requirement2020-08-03 00:45:41 UTC
ZiltoidSilk BoltDropped By: Djinn2020-08-03 01:15:47 UTC
Raisha MuPouch Of Mist SmallDexterity Requirement2020-08-03 01:22:36 UTC
TomekArrows Of BronzeStrength Requirement2020-08-03 02:11:50 UTC
ZiltoidSilk BoltDescription2020-08-03 02:26:28 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of BronzeDuration2020-08-03 12:06:52 UTC
Raisha MuScroll Of AmplifySkill Requirement Type2020-08-03 13:42:34 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiWeight2020-08-03 16:56:13 UTC
SirZombieCharred Bat WingIntelligence Requirement2020-08-03 22:37:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLavender BunchWeight2020-08-04 00:46:52 UTC
SirZombieBolts Of PineDropped By: Cockroaches2020-08-04 01:29:22 UTC
SirZombieScroll Of DrownSlot2020-08-04 02:03:22 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeSell Price2020-08-04 11:37:53 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeStrength Requirement2020-08-04 14:14:47 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-08-04 18:56:54 UTC
SirDragulaArrows Of SteelRarity2020-08-04 22:33:05 UTC
SirZombieCooked SardineRarity2020-08-05 00:16:11 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiSell Price2020-08-05 01:12:35 UTC
PuppyCooked TambaquiMana Increase2020-08-05 01:15:05 UTC
thomothyArrows Of PineSlot2020-08-05 01:59:17 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of BronzeSell Price2020-08-05 04:46:33 UTC
GooseHealth Vial LargeSlot2020-08-05 20:11:10 UTC
Ash DawnroarCharred Bat WingHealth Increase2020-08-06 03:21:21 UTC
Ash DawnroarCooked SardineIntelligence Increase2020-08-06 18:43:37 UTC
Ash DawnroarCooked SardineSkill Type2020-08-06 23:06:24 UTC
Ash DawnroarCooked SardineElemental Armor Increase2020-08-06 23:08:58 UTC
Ash DawnroarCrispy Frog LegSkill Requirement Type2020-08-06 23:11:38 UTC
GooseShard Of FrostDropped By: Ice Devil2020-08-07 01:14:45 UTC
Ash DawnroarCooked SardineStrength Requirement2020-08-07 05:51:50 UTC
Ash DawnroarCooked SardineSell Price2020-08-07 06:31:06 UTC
Ash DawnroarCrispy Frog LegConstitution Requirement2020-08-07 06:58:53 UTC
Ash DawnroarSnake JuiceSkill Type2020-08-07 07:10:22 UTC
PuppyHealth Bottle MediumDamage Increase Percent2020-08-07 23:28:06 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of BronzeElemental Armor Increase2020-08-08 01:06:17 UTC
SvtcobraBolts Of PineDuration2020-08-08 11:31:46 UTC
SirZombieCrispy Frog LegLuck Increase Percent2020-08-08 15:28:38 UTC
SirZombieCrispy Frog LegDescription2020-08-08 15:28:43 UTC
SirZombieShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Hydra2020-08-08 18:13:41 UTC
SirZombieSardineIntelligence Requirement2020-08-08 18:54:58 UTC
SirZombieCrispy Frog LegRarity2020-08-08 21:35:00 UTC
GooseRose RedSkill Requirement2020-08-08 21:50:33 UTC
Ash DawnroarCockroach LegConstitution Requirement2020-08-08 21:55:01 UTC
ZiltoidChest Of Armor LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-08-08 22:42:11 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker MediumSkill Increase2020-08-08 23:10:25 UTC
Ash DawnroarBolts Of PineElemental Armor Increase2020-08-08 23:58:41 UTC
AzazelScroll Of NimbleDexterity Requirement2020-08-09 00:07:09 UTC
AzazelGlass Vial SmallIntelligence Requirement2020-08-09 01:16:12 UTC
AzazelMana Bottle SmallLuck Increase Percent2020-08-09 01:24:38 UTC
Ash DawnroarToasted Spider LegsSkill Type2020-08-09 03:44:08 UTC
Ash DawnroarBerriesDexterity Increase2020-08-09 05:55:14 UTC
Ash DawnroarBerriesDuration2020-08-09 06:07:00 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerCloth ScrapDropped By: Bat2020-08-09 07:57:19 UTC
GooseRose RedDropped By: Rose Bush2020-08-09 15:43:14 UTC
AzazelGlass Beaker SmallSlot2020-08-09 17:50:29 UTC
AzazelGlass Beaker SmallStrength Requirement2020-08-09 17:53:43 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeDropped By: Barbarian Mage2020-08-09 23:20:28 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeConstitution Increase2020-08-10 00:41:16 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeDexterity Requirement2020-08-10 01:16:59 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeWeight2020-08-10 10:51:46 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of BronzeConstitution Increase2020-08-10 11:22:59 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeSkill Increase2020-08-10 11:39:46 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeArmor Increase2020-08-10 13:41:13 UTC
ZiltoidSteel PickaxeElemental Armor Increase2020-08-10 14:53:29 UTC
AzazelSpore DustRarity2020-08-10 14:59:44 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeSell Price2020-08-10 16:15:05 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeElemental Armor Increase2020-08-10 17:01:45 UTC
GooseMana Beaker MediumIntelligence Requirement2020-08-10 20:44:47 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerBolts Of LeadIntelligence Requirement2020-08-10 21:17:54 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerCooked SardineIntelligence Requirement2020-08-11 00:16:48 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerCharred Bat WingStrength Requirement2020-08-11 06:28:50 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerCharred Bat WingDexterity Requirement2020-08-11 06:29:19 UTC
ZiltoidShard Of GiantsDescription2020-08-11 10:22:11 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeDescription2020-08-11 13:28:36 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeDexterity Requirement2020-08-11 13:51:50 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeWeight2020-08-11 13:56:25 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerCrispy Frog LegMana Increase2020-08-11 18:06:44 UTC
ZiltoidMana Bottle LargeIntelligence Increase2020-08-11 21:39:40 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Mist SmallSell Price2020-08-11 22:30:03 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Centaur Grim2020-08-11 22:36:26 UTC
Ash DawnbreakerBear PawStrength Requirement2020-08-12 04:29:08 UTC
PuppyMahogany LogsStrength Requirement2020-08-12 05:25:06 UTC
AzazelLily PinkDropped By: Frozen Hawk2020-08-13 02:43:29 UTC
AzazelMana Bottle SmallSlot2020-08-13 05:21:11 UTC
DerbianBerriesWeight2020-08-13 08:24:44 UTC
DerbianArrows Of PineSkill Type2020-08-13 10:09:29 UTC
DerbianArrows Of LeadLuck Increase Percent2020-08-13 10:48:16 UTC
AzazelHealth Bottle MediumStrength Increase2020-08-13 14:32:24 UTC
AzazelCooked StingrayDexterity Increase2020-08-13 15:22:37 UTC
AzazelArrows Of PineDexterity Requirement2020-08-13 17:07:54 UTC
AzazelStingray MeatWeight2020-08-13 17:17:12 UTC
AzazelCooked SardineHealth Increase2020-08-13 19:43:43 UTC
DerbianCharred Bat WingElemental Armor Increase2020-08-13 20:23:35 UTC
DerbianCrispy Frog LegDuration2020-08-13 20:26:02 UTC
DerbianToasted Spider LegsExp Increase Percent2020-08-13 20:28:45 UTC
AzazelCooked SardineGold Increase Percent2020-08-13 22:43:47 UTC
AkashaCockroach LegElemental Armor Increase2020-08-14 00:09:25 UTC
AzazelCooked StingrayDescription2020-08-14 05:25:55 UTC
AzazelSardineSkill Requirement Type2020-08-14 06:34:32 UTC
DerbianSnake JuiceConstitution Requirement2020-08-14 08:54:28 UTC
DerbianMana Bottle SmallDropped By: Flea Swarm2020-08-14 16:27:52 UTC
AzazelLeather BoltDexterity Requirement2020-08-14 17:28:20 UTC
AzazelAnchovyDropped By: Small Ripple2020-08-14 17:47:32 UTC
AzazelAnchovySell Price2020-08-14 17:49:59 UTC
GooseCooked TurtleElemental Armor Increase2020-08-14 20:57:33 UTC
AzazelTambaquiDescription2020-08-14 23:47:17 UTC
AzazelBolts Of PineDescription2020-08-15 03:29:21 UTC
AzazelToasted CrabSkill Type2020-08-15 06:12:49 UTC
AzazelToasted CrabElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-08-15 06:14:17 UTC
TheOddOneSnake JuiceSlot2020-08-15 13:56:21 UTC
TheOddOneToasted Spider LegsWeight2020-08-15 16:29:30 UTC
AzazelReedDropped By: Bog Demon2020-08-15 18:50:38 UTC
AlkmaarBread LoavesDuration2020-08-15 20:00:24 UTC
DawnedxChest Of Armor TinyWeight2020-08-16 07:20:39 UTC
AlkmaarSnake JuiceStrength Increase2020-08-16 08:03:18 UTC
DawnedxArrows Of PineElemental Armor Increase2020-08-16 11:41:24 UTC
TheOddOneMana Bottle SmallRarity2020-08-16 22:52:18 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Mist LargeSell Price2020-08-17 04:50:20 UTC
DawnedxBerriesSell Price2020-08-17 10:07:54 UTC
ZiltoidBolts Of BronzeDropped By: Troll2020-08-17 10:55:54 UTC
GooseCopper DustIntelligence Requirement2020-08-17 14:11:07 UTC
NoobieCooked SardineExp Increase Percent2020-08-17 19:01:37 UTC
TheOddOneMystic BoltSlot2020-08-17 21:34:43 UTC
ZiltoidBronze OreDexterity Requirement2020-08-17 22:51:02 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeElemental Armor Increase2020-08-18 02:42:36 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeRarity2020-08-18 04:25:45 UTC
PuppySand PearSkill Requirement2020-08-18 05:16:21 UTC
AlkmaarBolts Of PineConstitution Increase2020-08-18 07:35:19 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeDropped By: Golem2020-08-18 13:31:11 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Beaker LargeStrength Increase2020-08-18 13:31:41 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Mist LargeSkill Requirement2020-08-18 15:47:41 UTC
ZiltoidChest Of Weapons LargeWeight2020-08-18 16:47:45 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeDescription2020-08-18 16:55:01 UTC
AkashaCloth ScrapSkill Requirement2020-08-18 17:37:56 UTC
ZiltoidBronze OreStrength Requirement2020-08-18 21:12:39 UTC
TheOddOneArrows Of SteelDescription2020-08-18 22:08:32 UTC
AkashaCharred Bat WingWeight2020-08-19 00:11:00 UTC
AkashaCharred Bat WingSkill Type2020-08-19 00:26:18 UTC
AkashaCharred Bat WingSkill Increase2020-08-19 00:48:27 UTC
TheOddOneAleStrength Increase2020-08-19 10:18:44 UTC
AkashaBolts Of LeadDropped By: Shade2020-08-19 13:05:27 UTC
TheOddOneLily PinkSkill Requirement Type2020-08-19 23:42:34 UTC
PuppyChest Of Weapons HugeStrength Requirement2020-08-20 06:20:48 UTC
TheOddOneHealth Bottle SmallElemental Armor Increase2020-08-20 19:00:07 UTC
AkashaArrows Of LeadSkill Type2020-08-20 20:09:26 UTC
AkashaGreen SlimeConstitution Increase2020-08-20 22:18:21 UTC
AkashaCooked StingrayElemental Armor Increase2020-08-20 23:14:58 UTC
PuppySand PearExp Increase Percent2020-08-21 05:43:08 UTC
AkashaLinen ScrapDescription2020-08-21 15:29:39 UTC
PuppySand PearStrength Requirement2020-08-22 14:34:25 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Luck MediumSkill Requirement Type2020-08-22 15:38:18 UTC
PuppySand PearDexterity Increase2020-08-22 15:47:28 UTC
ZiltoidHealth Bottle LargeDropped By: Goblin2020-08-22 20:26:40 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist MediumDescription2020-08-22 21:53:10 UTC
AkashaGlass Vial MediumRarity2020-08-23 00:34:03 UTC
AkashaLinen ScrapDropped By: Thick Spider Web2020-08-23 14:16:33 UTC
AkashaArrows Of PineLuck Increase Percent2020-08-23 14:16:44 UTC
GooseScroll Of BlessSlot2020-08-23 15:45:41 UTC
bigguyBolts Of PineDamage Increase Percent2020-08-23 18:48:56 UTC
GooseMana Beaker SmallRarity2020-08-23 19:51:40 UTC
TomekSilk BoltSlot2020-08-23 20:00:18 UTC
CaramujoBolts Of LeadDescription2020-08-23 22:26:44 UTC
AkashaMaple LogsDropped By: Maple Tree2020-08-24 01:42:39 UTC
AkashaTree BranchDexterity Requirement2020-08-24 02:22:40 UTC
AkashaMaple LogsDropped By: Ent2020-08-24 02:24:40 UTC
CaramujoCockroach LegDexterity Requirement2020-08-24 03:13:59 UTC
AkashaMaple LogsStrength Requirement2020-08-24 04:10:55 UTC
TrapperCloth ScrapIntelligence Requirement2020-08-24 05:08:44 UTC
AkashaPearlDropped By: Steel2020-08-24 09:44:15 UTC
TrapperBolts Of PineIntelligence Increase2020-08-24 18:08:45 UTC
CaramujoPouch Of Mist SmallStrength Requirement2020-08-25 02:24:08 UTC
AkashaPearlIntelligence Requirement2020-08-25 03:23:26 UTC
ZiltoidSilk BoltSkill Requirement Type2020-08-25 12:14:29 UTC
DawnedxHuge LeafIntelligence Requirement2020-08-25 12:23:10 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-08-25 16:30:52 UTC
TheOddOneLeather BoltDescription2020-08-25 21:43:26 UTC
AkashaSilk BoltDexterity Requirement2020-08-27 00:41:22 UTC
GooseHealth Vial LargeDescription2020-08-27 17:17:28 UTC
AkashaSilk BoltStrength Requirement2020-08-28 11:33:30 UTC
AkashaChest Of Weapons SmallSkill Requirement Type2020-08-28 16:23:51 UTC
GooseSnowballDropped By: Yetti2020-08-28 19:55:16 UTC
GooseHealth Vial LargeSkill Requirement2020-08-28 19:55:23 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganySkill Requirement2020-08-30 14:34:52 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyConstitution Increase2020-08-30 15:10:51 UTC
AkashaMana Vial MediumIntelligence Requirement2020-08-30 16:47:10 UTC
AkashaMana Vial MediumSlot2020-08-30 16:47:50 UTC
PuppyShard Of MagesDropped By: Hermit2020-08-30 16:53:08 UTC
PuppySand PearElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-08-30 17:07:10 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyGold Increase Percent2020-08-30 19:26:56 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigIntelligence Requirement2020-08-31 00:23:57 UTC
PuppyShard Of MagesIntelligence Requirement2020-08-31 01:50:21 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigDropped By: Thick Spider Web2020-08-31 12:35:48 UTC
TomekMahogany LogsSell Price2020-08-31 14:49:51 UTC
TomekLinen ScrapIntelligence Requirement2020-08-31 16:49:23 UTC
ZiltoidEthereal ScrapSkill Requirement Type2020-09-01 01:07:52 UTC
TomekPouch Of Luck LargeIntelligence Requirement2020-09-01 04:13:52 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Lich Grim2020-09-01 10:35:23 UTC
ZiltoidElemental Burning SoulDropped By: Flame Grim2020-09-01 10:53:34 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigDropped By: Dire Wolf2020-09-01 12:45:49 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigRarity2020-09-01 13:48:52 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigSkill Requirement Type2020-09-01 13:51:50 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigDescription2020-09-01 14:29:37 UTC
ZiltoidEucalyptus SprigSlot2020-09-01 16:02:36 UTC
bigguyAxe HeadDescription2020-09-04 00:10:28 UTC
FuthgarShard Of BirdsSkill Requirement Type2020-09-04 07:24:24 UTC
PuppySand PearSell Price2020-09-05 04:10:13 UTC
TomekMana Bottle LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-09-05 05:00:16 UTC
AmethystCloth ScrapDropped By: Cyclops2020-09-10 01:06:38 UTC
IsenhartCockroach LegSkill Increase2020-09-10 07:15:12 UTC
RinaZBolts Of PineArmor Increase2020-09-10 13:22:29 UTC
HadesChest Of Weapons TinySell Price2020-09-10 15:05:11 UTC
IsenhartBolts Of LeadSkill Requirement Type2020-09-10 17:50:52 UTC
bigguyCockroach LegSkill Type2020-09-10 18:00:32 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBolts Of PineDropped By: Mouse2020-09-11 08:30:34 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBerriesArmor Increase2020-09-12 15:08:55 UTC
AlwaysdrunkLily PinkConstitution Requirement2020-09-13 17:08:37 UTC
AlwaysdrunkEyeballDexterity Requirement2020-09-13 17:44:25 UTC
RinaScroll Of DrownSkill Requirement Type2020-09-13 18:47:12 UTC
bigguyArrows Of PineSkill Increase2020-09-13 22:52:43 UTC
AlwaysdrunkLeaf PileDropped By: Berries Shrub2020-09-14 08:35:25 UTC
AlwaysdrunkMana Bottle SmallDexterity Requirement2020-09-14 11:43:03 UTC
RinaStingray MeatSell Price2020-09-14 16:56:46 UTC
bigguyBolts Of PineSkill Requirement Type2020-09-14 19:57:51 UTC
RinaMana Bottle SmallMana Increase2020-09-14 22:44:29 UTC
ZiltoidPouch Of Mist LargeSkill Requirement Type2020-09-15 19:39:28 UTC
AshfordCockroach LegExp Increase Percent2020-09-15 21:04:18 UTC
AshfordArrows Of PineStrength Increase2020-09-15 23:22:00 UTC
BonkBerriesSkill Requirement Type2020-09-16 16:07:35 UTC
ViNiToOPouch Of Mist SmallWeight2020-09-16 18:12:45 UTC
AlwaysdrunkGlass Vial SmallSlot2020-09-16 19:27:37 UTC
AlwaysdrunkHealth Vial SmallIntelligence Requirement2020-09-16 19:30:02 UTC
JuniorqgBolts Of PineWeight2020-09-16 20:14:29 UTC
ornocAquamarineSkill Requirement Type2020-09-17 02:44:12 UTC
ornocArrows Of PineElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-09-17 03:18:33 UTC
AlwaysdrunkGlass Vial MediumSlot2020-09-17 05:40:55 UTC
AlwaysdrunkMage BloodDropped By: Undead Mage2020-09-17 20:12:23 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSnowballIntelligence Requirement2020-09-18 05:49:39 UTC
AlwaysdrunkHealth Vial LargeStrength Requirement2020-09-18 05:52:19 UTC
AlwaysdrunkToasted CrabSlot2020-09-18 07:24:58 UTC
AlwaysdrunkMaple LogsIntelligence Requirement2020-09-18 10:49:28 UTC
AshfordPouch Of Mist SmallSkill Requirement Type2020-09-19 04:53:39 UTC
AshfordBerriesSkill Type2020-09-19 13:47:26 UTC
NefertariScroll Of BurnConstitution Requirement2020-09-20 18:29:51 UTC
NefertariBolts Of PineSell Price2020-09-20 19:16:15 UTC
ZiltoidGoldDropped By: Spider Mage2020-09-22 18:03:34 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Spider Queen2020-09-22 21:48:12 UTC
TomekToasted Spider LegsConstitution Requirement2020-09-23 00:07:57 UTC
HarkinsArrows Of PineDescription2020-09-23 00:10:40 UTC
TomekSpider LegsDropped By: Spider Poison2020-09-23 03:51:43 UTC
PuppyGoldDropped By: Unicorn Putrid2020-09-23 05:20:39 UTC
PuppyBirch LogsDropped By: Birch Tree2020-09-23 06:09:13 UTC
KingKevBolts Of LeadDamage Increase Percent2020-09-23 06:33:13 UTC
KingKevArrows Of LeadDropped By: Shade2020-09-23 06:45:21 UTC
KingKevScroll Of CrushDescription2020-09-23 07:47:31 UTC
KingKevBolts Of PineExp Increase Percent2020-09-23 08:41:56 UTC
KingKevScroll Of DrownDropped By: Water Bugs2020-09-23 09:49:36 UTC
AlwaysdrunkCooked TurtleSkill Increase2020-09-23 09:56:19 UTC
AlwaysdrunkToasted CrabGold Increase Percent2020-09-23 10:08:35 UTC
KingKevToasted Spider LegsSkill Requirement Type2020-09-23 12:12:27 UTC
KingKevToasted Spider LegsHealth Increase2020-09-23 13:51:37 UTC
KingKevSteel BarWeight2020-09-23 14:51:13 UTC
AlwaysdrunkArrows Of BronzeRarity2020-09-24 05:18:51 UTC
AlwaysdrunkMaple LogsSell Price2020-09-24 05:40:56 UTC
saitoBread LoavesElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-09-24 06:11:11 UTC
saitoArrows Of LeadExp Increase Percent2020-09-24 11:29:52 UTC
KingKevArrows Of SteelSkill Type2020-09-25 02:21:15 UTC
saitoArrows Of PineHealth Increase2020-09-25 14:53:13 UTC
KingKevScroll Of FreezeSkill Requirement2020-09-25 18:09:56 UTC
PuppyLinen ScrapDexterity Requirement2020-09-26 04:55:52 UTC
saitoChest Of Armor TinyDropped By: Snake Grim2020-09-26 05:08:43 UTC
saitoCloth ScrapWeight2020-09-26 06:12:39 UTC
AlwaysdrunkGreen SlimeSell Price2020-09-27 17:55:19 UTC
GooseSalmonDropped By: Whale2020-09-27 21:01:38 UTC
AlwaysdrunkHealth Bottle MediumRarity2020-09-28 12:25:49 UTC
AlwaysdrunkLinen ScrapDropped By: Spirits2020-09-29 08:33:04 UTC
AlwaysdrunkScroll Of SwellStrength Requirement2020-09-29 08:42:07 UTC
AlwaysdrunkScroll Of HealSell Price2020-09-29 11:12:27 UTC
AlwaysdrunkMana Vial MediumStrength Requirement2020-09-30 04:36:17 UTC
AlwaysdrunkHealth Vial LargeDexterity Increase2020-09-30 10:08:05 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSand PearSkill Increase2020-09-30 13:22:29 UTC
AlwaysdrunkAloe VeraWeight2020-10-01 04:57:09 UTC
MalakarBolts Of PineDexterity Increase2020-10-02 16:51:11 UTC
GooseCooked TurtleMana Increase2020-10-02 23:09:33 UTC
GooseCooked TurtleElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-10-02 23:11:18 UTC
KingKevArrows Of PineDropped By: Mouse2020-10-07 04:02:16 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSalmonConstitution Requirement2020-10-07 11:28:20 UTC
NapajaskaChest Of Armor TinyIntelligence Requirement2020-10-09 09:34:44 UTC
AlwaysdrunkCooked TurtleDuration2020-10-09 10:22:31 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBirch LogsConstitution Requirement2020-10-09 20:15:58 UTC
AlwaysdrunkScroll Of DiseaseConstitution Requirement2020-10-10 11:15:25 UTC
AlwaysdrunkChest Of Weapons SmallWeight2020-10-10 11:55:16 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBirch LogsSell Price2020-10-10 14:35:42 UTC
AlwaysdrunkLavender BunchConstitution Requirement2020-10-10 15:32:28 UTC
AlwaysdrunkPouch Of Nothing MediumConstitution Requirement2020-10-10 18:01:24 UTC
DEV ProskierShard Of BugsDropped By: Fire Mites2020-10-12 03:21:26 UTC
AlwaysdrunkSand PearLuck Increase Percent2020-10-13 06:12:43 UTC
JhorrBolts Of LeadStrength Increase2020-10-14 22:55:29 UTC
AlwaysdrunkPouch Of Luck MediumSlot2020-10-15 12:08:36 UTC
MalakarIron IngotSell Price2020-10-15 17:03:55 UTC
PuppySand PearMana Increase2020-10-16 11:54:25 UTC
bigguyChest Of Weapons TinySlot2020-10-17 23:52:45 UTC
AlwaysdrunkBronze OreSkill Requirement2020-10-18 05:12:08 UTC
MerlinCharred Bat WingSlot2020-10-18 21:00:03 UTC
LunatarCharred Bat WingSkill Requirement Type2020-10-24 17:41:39 UTC
ZalvozeCloth ScrapDescription2020-10-24 20:20:35 UTC
PuppyChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Lich Grim2020-10-25 06:39:06 UTC
asmodeusShard Of ReptilesDescription2020-10-25 10:28:49 UTC
KarvaperseScroll Of GustRarity2020-11-01 11:29:08 UTC
ConkyArrows Of LeadSlot2020-11-01 21:10:29 UTC
ConkyCharred Bat WingConstitution Requirement2020-11-01 21:27:02 UTC
ConkyCrispy Frog LegDexterity Increase2020-11-01 23:22:01 UTC
ConkyCrispy Frog LegStrength Increase2020-11-02 02:29:16 UTC
AkashaMana Bottle SmallIntelligence Requirement2020-11-06 16:53:10 UTC
AkashaLinen ScrapDropped By: Harpy2020-11-06 17:18:43 UTC
RaydenkaiCrispy Frog LegConstitution Increase2020-11-28 07:10:15 UTC
RaydenkaiHealth Vial SmallWeight2020-11-28 08:33:10 UTC
RaydenkaiCharred Bat WingSell Price2020-11-28 09:01:48 UTC
RaydenkaiSardineWeight2020-11-29 08:05:35 UTC
FlamtarCrispy Frog LegElemental Armor Increase2020-12-02 01:34:09 UTC
FlamtarBolts Of LeadMana Increase2020-12-02 01:57:03 UTC
FlamtarSpore DustSlot2020-12-02 01:58:28 UTC
FlamtarArrows Of SteelSkill Requirement Type2020-12-02 05:01:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2020-12-05 07:20:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearSlot2020-12-05 07:46:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearArmor Increase2020-12-05 08:21:11 UTC
FlamtarGlass Vial SmallStrength Requirement2020-12-05 09:56:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearHealth Increase2020-12-05 10:57:28 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToasted Spider LegsDamage Increase Percent2020-12-06 04:46:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToasted Spider LegsDexterity Requirement2020-12-06 04:54:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToasted Spider LegsGold Increase Percent2020-12-06 04:57:53 UTC
VoodooKingHadesToasted Spider LegsDexterity Increase2020-12-06 05:06:29 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Barbarian Axeman2020-12-07 00:43:27 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapWeight2020-12-07 08:59:12 UTC
zarastrScroll Of DrownIntelligence Requirement2020-12-13 22:15:28 UTC
FlamtarBolts Of MapleElemental Armor Increase2020-12-19 02:25:31 UTC
zarastrCrispy Frog LegElemental Damage Increase Percent2020-12-19 03:01:43 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of SwellSlot2020-12-19 05:49:12 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapRarity2020-12-19 07:08:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of MagesDropped By: Human Mage Dealer2020-12-20 07:21:31 UTC
FlamtarHealth Bottle SmallStrength Increase2020-12-20 09:17:18 UTC
FlamtarHealth Bottle SmallMana Increase2020-12-20 09:18:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBasket LargeHealth Increase2020-12-21 04:01:43 UTC
FlamtarChumGold Increase Percent2020-12-23 08:50:06 UTC
FlamtarChumStrength Requirement2020-12-23 08:51:26 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of LeechSell Price2020-12-23 09:45:00 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of BrawnSlot2020-12-23 09:45:47 UTC
FlamtarImp BloodSlot2020-12-24 03:47:49 UTC
FlamtarImp BloodDescription2020-12-24 05:09:31 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Luck LargeSell Price2020-12-24 06:26:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Bottle LargeStrength Requirement2020-12-25 22:10:37 UTC
FlamtarDragon ScalesIntelligence Requirement2020-12-25 22:10:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Bottle LargeStrength Increase2020-12-26 03:37:20 UTC
FlamtarReedDropped By: Blowfish2020-12-26 04:53:35 UTC
FlamtarHuge MushroomDropped By: Lizard Man2020-12-26 05:05:31 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of DiseaseWeight2020-12-26 10:19:18 UTC
FlamtarImp BloodSell Price2020-12-27 04:16:47 UTC
OlgaScroll Of CurseSkill Requirement2020-12-27 10:47:26 UTC
zarastrEucalyptus SprigSkill Requirement2020-12-27 17:41:23 UTC
FlamtarMana Bottle MediumSkill Type2020-12-28 03:34:09 UTC
FlamtarMana Bottle MediumDescription2020-12-28 03:43:55 UTC
FlamtarGlass Beaker SmallIntelligence Requirement2020-12-28 04:24:36 UTC
OlgaArrows Of SteelDexterity Requirement2020-12-28 04:26:29 UTC
FlamtarImp BloodStrength Requirement2020-12-28 08:22:59 UTC
FlamtarCooked StingrayGold Increase Percent2020-12-29 08:53:55 UTC
OlgaLinen ScrapConstitution Requirement2020-12-29 09:26:55 UTC
FlamtarHealth Bottle LargeStrength Increase2020-12-29 09:54:12 UTC
OlgaArrows Of LeadConstitution Increase2021-01-01 07:23:39 UTC
OlgaGlass Vial MediumDropped By: Werewolf2021-01-01 09:26:00 UTC
OlgaGoldDropped By: Clover2021-01-02 02:06:52 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Heart2021-01-02 02:55:28 UTC
OlgaGoldDropped By: Frozen Hawk Putrid2021-01-02 04:15:12 UTC
FlamtarImp BloodWeight2021-01-02 06:12:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of GreedConstitution Requirement2021-01-03 04:21:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLily PinkSlot2021-01-03 05:39:42 UTC
steelBolts Of PineLuck Increase Percent2021-01-03 17:08:28 UTC
FlamtarArrows Of BirchDexterity Increase2021-01-04 06:15:43 UTC
steelBolts Of LeadExp Increase Percent2021-01-04 09:41:23 UTC
FlamtarTitanium BlockRarity2021-01-06 08:19:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Bottle LargeDuration2021-01-07 04:47:27 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearDamage Increase Percent2021-01-07 08:55:12 UTC
FlamtarLily PinkDropped By: Salamander Poison2021-01-08 06:28:57 UTC
ningimblyAnchovyIntelligence Requirement2021-01-10 02:28:15 UTC
zarastrLily PinkDexterity Requirement2021-01-10 14:34:15 UTC
zarastrReedDexterity Requirement2021-01-10 17:45:47 UTC
zarastrReedSkill Requirement2021-01-10 17:47:10 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of DiseaseDropped By: Tormented Souls2021-01-11 01:01:42 UTC
VanguardHuge MushroomIntelligence Requirement2021-01-11 23:42:20 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of FreezeSkill Requirement Type2021-01-12 00:51:08 UTC
FlamtarTurtle MeatDropped By: Turtle2021-01-12 23:53:02 UTC
zarastrArrows Of SteelConstitution Increase2021-01-14 22:16:05 UTC
zarastrHuge MushroomDropped By: Swamp Muck2021-01-16 12:24:39 UTC
TomekChest Of Armor TinyDropped By: Frog Grim2021-01-17 05:08:12 UTC
OlgaDragon ScalesSell Price2021-01-18 22:40:58 UTC
OlgaChumIntelligence Increase2021-01-19 23:57:43 UTC
FlamtarTitanium BlockDescription2021-01-20 01:58:03 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Mist SmallConstitution Requirement2021-01-20 02:15:02 UTC
SoLciusHuge MushroomSlot2021-01-21 01:07:08 UTC
SoLciusHuge MushroomStrength Requirement2021-01-21 02:18:29 UTC
SoLciusSnake JuiceDamage Increase Percent2021-01-21 21:24:31 UTC
VanguardIron IngotDescription2021-01-22 02:12:35 UTC
TomekShard Of InfernoSkill Requirement2021-01-22 05:25:10 UTC
VanguardHealth Bottle MediumDexterity Requirement2021-01-22 06:50:22 UTC
SoLciusScroll Of FreezeIntelligence Requirement2021-01-22 19:58:01 UTC
SoLciusHealth Vial SmallDropped By: Spore Swarm2021-01-22 20:00:10 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapDropped By: Spider Web2021-01-22 22:00:26 UTC
SoLciusGross GoopIntelligence Requirement2021-01-22 22:55:04 UTC
SoLciusScroll Of AmplifyDexterity Requirement2021-01-23 00:19:38 UTC
SoLciusPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Skeleton Grim2021-01-23 04:45:54 UTC
LatenciaScroll Of BurnDexterity Requirement2021-01-23 22:16:23 UTC
SoLciusMana Vial SmallDescription2021-01-24 02:14:53 UTC
TomekLily PinkWeight2021-01-24 05:32:04 UTC
SoLciusLavender BunchDropped By: Birch Tree2021-01-24 11:48:58 UTC
VanguardHealth Bottle MediumElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-01-25 07:08:48 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker MediumLuck Increase Percent2021-01-26 01:13:26 UTC
VanguardImp BloodDropped By: Imp2021-01-26 04:07:24 UTC
VanguardImp BloodSkill Requirement2021-01-26 04:58:13 UTC
VanguardImp BloodIntelligence Requirement2021-01-26 05:05:05 UTC
VanguardShard Of InfernoDropped By: Guttlekraw2021-01-26 05:33:15 UTC
VanguardDollDropped By: Giant2021-01-27 03:35:19 UTC
FlamtarMana Bottle SmallIntelligence Increase2021-01-29 01:10:31 UTC
FlamtarEthereal ScrapIntelligence Requirement2021-01-29 22:39:59 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapSlot2021-01-31 05:22:55 UTC
VanguardMana Vial LargeDropped By: Yetti2021-02-02 23:24:51 UTC
FlamtarMana Vial SmallElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-02-03 21:17:57 UTC
FlamtarTree BranchSkill Requirement Type2021-02-04 20:50:54 UTC
FlamtarBolts Of BronzeSkill Requirement2021-02-07 21:06:06 UTC
FlamtarTurtle MeatSell Price2021-02-08 20:26:49 UTC
FlamtarGlass Beaker MediumSell Price2021-02-13 21:48:13 UTC
FlamtarBolts Of MapleSlot2021-02-13 22:32:55 UTC
EvokerScroll Of CrushDexterity Requirement2021-02-17 08:28:31 UTC
FlamtarIron ChiselIntelligence Requirement2021-02-18 04:03:41 UTC
FlamtarGold SlabWeight2021-02-18 04:18:15 UTC
FlamtarCopper DustWeight2021-02-18 04:57:13 UTC
EvokerScroll Of CurseDescription2021-02-20 21:17:25 UTC
EvokerCarpentry ToolsElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-02-20 22:08:27 UTC
VanguardHuge MushroomSkill Requirement Type2021-02-20 22:11:10 UTC
FlamtarToasted Spider LegsDuration2021-02-21 01:30:04 UTC
FlamtarToasted Spider LegsSell Price2021-02-21 01:31:57 UTC
FlamtarToasted Spider LegsRarity2021-02-21 01:32:26 UTC
EvokerToasted Spider LegsIntelligence Increase2021-02-21 10:41:06 UTC
TomekMahogany LogsSkill Requirement Type2021-02-21 14:43:30 UTC
AeloCrispy Frog LegIntelligence Requirement2021-02-22 16:18:42 UTC
EvokerHealth Bottle SmallDuration2021-02-22 17:17:49 UTC
EvokerBolts Of MapleExp Increase Percent2021-02-22 17:28:13 UTC
AeloToasted Spider LegsArmor Increase2021-02-22 18:41:30 UTC
EvokerArrows Of SteelConstitution Requirement2021-02-22 21:28:30 UTC
AeloPebblesSell Price2021-02-23 20:10:34 UTC
AeloShard Of UndeadRarity2021-02-23 21:22:50 UTC
FlamtarBirch LogsSlot2021-02-24 02:55:10 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of FreezeSlot2021-02-24 03:55:34 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeDamage Increase Percent2021-02-24 04:27:48 UTC
AeloSteel BarRarity2021-02-24 14:57:32 UTC
EvokerHealth Bottle SmallArmor Increase2021-02-24 18:33:46 UTC
FlamtarMahogany PlanksWeight2021-02-24 23:19:04 UTC
FlamtarTree BranchIntelligence Requirement2021-02-24 23:33:56 UTC
AeloPebblesDexterity Requirement2021-02-25 15:31:40 UTC
EvokerEyeballSkill Requirement Type2021-02-25 19:44:33 UTC
AeloScroll Of BrawnConstitution Requirement2021-02-25 21:48:39 UTC
FlamtarMystic BoltDropped By: Ent Putrid2021-02-25 23:07:09 UTC
VanguardBolts Of BronzeRarity2021-02-26 03:53:01 UTC
EvokerGlass Beaker SmallDropped By: Giant Bee2021-02-26 13:41:15 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Luck SmallIntelligence Requirement2021-02-26 22:07:13 UTC
BankkarrdSnake JuiceIntelligence Increase2021-02-27 23:12:53 UTC
PaxxArrows Of LeadSkill Increase2021-02-27 23:15:07 UTC
TomekBronze OreSlot2021-02-28 04:23:22 UTC
VanguardHealth Vial LargeArmor Increase2021-02-28 05:36:23 UTC
EvokerDragon ScalesDescription2021-02-28 07:28:24 UTC
FlamtarChest Of Weapons LargeDescription2021-02-28 07:46:47 UTC
EvokerHealth Bottle MediumSlot2021-02-28 10:18:21 UTC
AeloMana Bottle SmallElemental Armor Increase2021-03-01 17:20:45 UTC
AeloDiamond ChunksSell Price2021-03-01 17:33:24 UTC
AeloPebblesIntelligence Requirement2021-03-01 20:19:50 UTC
TomekBronze IngotIntelligence Requirement2021-03-03 05:27:40 UTC
AeloChest Of Weapons MediumSell Price2021-03-03 21:13:21 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigDropped By: Sludge2021-03-04 07:57:39 UTC
FlamtarMana Bottle LargeConstitution Increase2021-03-04 22:41:17 UTC
FlamtarCrab MeatDropped By: Medium Ripple2021-03-04 23:52:14 UTC
AeloIron IngotConstitution Requirement2021-03-05 15:25:51 UTC
AeloHealth Bottle MediumConstitution Increase2021-03-05 18:04:19 UTC
AeloScroll Of BrawnStrength Requirement2021-03-05 18:17:34 UTC
EvokerArrows Of BronzeSkill Increase2021-03-05 20:10:47 UTC
EvokerArrows Of SteelHealth Increase2021-03-06 16:13:13 UTC
EvokerLetter PieceSell Price2021-03-06 19:05:12 UTC
TomekMystic BoltDexterity Requirement2021-03-07 04:39:22 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeGold Increase Percent2021-03-07 05:39:21 UTC
TomekHealth Beaker MediumMana Increase2021-03-07 05:56:14 UTC
TomekMystic BoltSkill Requirement2021-03-07 22:03:38 UTC
AeloPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Raven Grim2021-03-08 16:14:19 UTC
AeloChest Of Armor MediumWeight2021-03-08 16:42:20 UTC
AeloShard Of GiantsStrength Requirement2021-03-08 17:24:51 UTC
AeloIron IngotSkill Requirement2021-03-08 17:53:00 UTC
AeloShard Of HumanoidSell Price2021-03-08 19:20:40 UTC
AeloSand PearDexterity Requirement2021-03-08 20:31:50 UTC
VanguardArrows Of BronzeSkill Type2021-03-09 01:26:48 UTC
VanguardHealth Bottle LargeIntelligence Requirement2021-03-09 01:52:05 UTC
AeloGlass Beaker SmallDescription2021-03-09 14:41:35 UTC
AeloPouch Of Luck LargeDropped By: Ice Devil2021-03-09 15:45:49 UTC
AeloScroll Of DarkenConstitution Requirement2021-03-09 18:20:16 UTC
EvokerBronze OreSell Price2021-03-09 19:58:35 UTC
EvokerBolts Of BronzeDexterity Requirement2021-03-09 21:06:30 UTC
EvokerToasted Spider LegsDescription2021-03-10 18:11:33 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker MediumDropped By: Stone Giant2021-03-10 18:56:27 UTC
EvokerBronze OreDropped By: Bronze2021-03-10 19:15:44 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigWeight2021-03-10 19:17:14 UTC
EvokerArrows Of BloodwoodSell Price2021-03-10 21:04:02 UTC
FlamtarShard Of HumanoidDescription2021-03-10 21:29:29 UTC
EvokerBright LightDropped By: Frozen Hawk Putrid2021-03-11 14:13:46 UTC
FlamtarHuge MushroomRarity2021-03-11 20:04:22 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigConstitution Requirement2021-03-11 20:59:28 UTC
EvokerGold SlabStrength Requirement2021-03-11 21:14:27 UTC
AeloBright LightDropped By: Demon Putrid2021-03-12 15:22:27 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker MediumDescription2021-03-13 17:51:09 UTC
FlamtarTurtle MeatConstitution Requirement2021-03-13 19:17:55 UTC
FlamtarTree BranchStrength Requirement2021-03-13 20:09:07 UTC
TomekBronze OreIntelligence Requirement2021-03-13 20:09:11 UTC
FlamtarTree BranchDropped By: Ent2021-03-13 21:00:54 UTC
MonkiusShovelSlot2021-03-14 04:18:03 UTC
FlamtarMahogany LogsDexterity Requirement2021-03-14 04:56:31 UTC
AeloBananasDexterity Requirement2021-03-14 21:14:06 UTC
AeloArrows Of BronzeConstitution Requirement2021-03-14 21:46:11 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Luck MediumDropped By: Unicorn2021-03-14 21:52:30 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigStrength Requirement2021-03-15 04:52:15 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigDexterity Requirement2021-03-15 05:42:24 UTC
FlamtarEucalyptus SprigDropped By: Ent2021-03-15 05:44:09 UTC
AeloMana Bottle LargeRarity2021-03-15 14:23:02 UTC
AeloPouch Of Luck SmallRarity2021-03-15 14:24:01 UTC
AeloSand PearRarity2021-03-16 13:34:56 UTC
AeloBright LightWeight2021-03-16 14:11:42 UTC
AeloPouch Of Luck LargeSlot2021-03-16 14:55:25 UTC
AeloPouch Of Luck SmallSell Price2021-03-16 15:24:18 UTC
AeloShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Santa Claus2021-03-16 15:37:53 UTC
FlamtarBlueberriesExp Increase Percent2021-03-16 23:53:05 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeSlot2021-03-17 02:37:07 UTC
VanguardMystic BoltStrength Requirement2021-03-19 03:52:56 UTC
VanguardBronze OreRarity2021-03-19 05:00:34 UTC
VanguardBronze OreWeight2021-03-21 20:58:23 UTC
VanguardScroll Of PoisonSkill Requirement Type2021-03-21 23:52:54 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2021-03-23 02:58:27 UTC
PuppyShard Of MagesSkill Requirement2021-03-23 02:58:27 UTC
FlamtarSand PearDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman2021-03-23 18:37:32 UTC
UrielScroll Of DrownStrength Requirement2021-03-24 19:11:01 UTC
FlamtarHuge MushroomSkill Requirement2021-03-24 19:23:25 UTC
FlamtarSand PearSkill Type2021-03-25 22:59:31 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Cyclops Grim2021-03-26 22:19:44 UTC
TomekShard Of MarineDropped By: Sludge2021-03-27 19:47:32 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyWeight2021-03-27 19:55:15 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyDescription2021-03-27 20:34:57 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganySell Price2021-03-27 20:56:07 UTC
TomekLily PinkSell Price2021-03-28 14:14:22 UTC
FlamtarEthereal ScrapDescription2021-03-29 21:05:12 UTC
VanguardSand PearDuration2021-03-31 21:40:44 UTC
VanguardHealth Beaker LargeExp Increase Percent2021-04-03 19:18:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTorn Lich RobeDropped By: Lich Grim2021-04-04 06:21:11 UTC
VanguardShard Of GiantsDropped By: Golem2021-04-04 19:45:17 UTC
FlamtarBananasStrength Increase2021-04-05 04:29:27 UTC
FlamtarHell Spawn TailConstitution Requirement2021-04-05 16:02:15 UTC
VanguardChest Of Weapons MediumWeight2021-04-05 19:22:32 UTC
PuppyLinen ScrapStrength Requirement2021-04-06 16:15:22 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Nothing MediumSlot2021-04-06 19:53:18 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapSell Price2021-04-06 23:31:07 UTC
FlamtarMystic BoltDropped By: Stone Giant2021-04-06 23:38:49 UTC
FlamtarLinen ScrapSkill Requirement2021-04-07 01:56:47 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Nothing MediumSkill Requirement Type2021-04-07 02:55:05 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Nothing MediumDexterity Requirement2021-04-07 03:18:57 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Spider Mage2021-04-07 05:16:24 UTC
VanguardStrong HandleStrength Requirement2021-04-07 23:16:04 UTC
VanguardHolly LeafDescription2021-04-10 23:54:31 UTC
VanguardRose RedRarity2021-04-11 00:53:16 UTC
TomekLily PinkStrength Requirement2021-04-11 01:34:16 UTC
ChampsToasted Spider LegsIntelligence Requirement2021-04-12 00:31:53 UTC
VanguardCooked StingrayExp Increase Percent2021-04-12 04:29:53 UTC
ChampsToasted Spider LegsConstitution Increase2021-04-13 03:43:30 UTC
BookeredSardineConstitution Requirement2021-04-19 22:31:33 UTC
TomekBronze OreDropped By: Golem2021-04-20 02:19:17 UTC
TomekHealth Beaker MediumStrength Requirement2021-04-20 02:31:17 UTC
PuppyScroll Of IlluminateSell Price2021-04-21 06:25:55 UTC
IIIIScroll Of DrownRarity2021-04-22 02:30:58 UTC
IIIIArrows Of LeadDexterity Requirement2021-04-23 00:28:04 UTC
FlamtarFallen Angel WingsSkill Requirement2021-04-23 02:07:23 UTC
FlamtarBanshee HairDropped By: Banshee2021-04-23 22:45:46 UTC
IIIIScroll Of GustConstitution Requirement2021-04-24 00:05:42 UTC
TomekMahogany PlanksDescription2021-04-24 18:33:25 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyDropped By: Swamp Muck2021-04-24 18:34:58 UTC
ChampsCooked StingraySkill Requirement Type2021-04-24 21:29:53 UTC
VanguardHealth Beaker LargeRarity2021-04-24 23:34:49 UTC
VanguardStingray MeatDescription2021-04-25 02:15:09 UTC
VanguardCooked StingrayStrength Increase2021-04-25 02:31:45 UTC
ChampsCooked StingrayIntelligence Requirement2021-04-25 15:32:16 UTC
ChampsAnchovySkill Requirement Type2021-04-25 18:33:05 UTC
ChampsCooked StingrayDexterity Requirement2021-04-25 19:20:04 UTC
VanguardBolts Of MapleIntelligence Increase2021-04-26 02:01:23 UTC
FlamtarRose RedSell Price2021-04-26 04:39:21 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain Putrid2021-04-26 05:28:27 UTC
IIIIDiamond ChunksDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2021-04-26 15:04:13 UTC
TomekShard Of InfernoDropped By: Dragon Green2021-04-27 04:15:03 UTC
IIIIArrows Of LeadDexterity Increase2021-04-27 10:04:22 UTC
IIIIArrows Of LeadWeight2021-04-27 13:10:18 UTC
TaPiMScroll Of DrownSell Price2021-04-28 03:06:28 UTC
PuppyTorn Lich RobeRarity2021-04-28 13:58:54 UTC
PuppySand PearDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman Putrid2021-04-28 15:05:57 UTC
FlamtarShard Of CursedDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain2021-04-28 19:50:42 UTC
BookeredHealth Vial SmallDamage Increase Percent2021-04-29 01:12:44 UTC
FatAdamEthereal ScrapWeight2021-04-29 01:13:47 UTC
VanguardBronze IngotSell Price2021-04-29 02:25:24 UTC
FlamtarEyeballDropped By: Hydra2021-04-29 05:18:18 UTC
FlamtarElemental Dark EssenceDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2021-04-30 05:13:14 UTC
BookeredHolly LeafSkill Requirement2021-04-30 06:52:05 UTC
FatAdamHealth Bottle LargeSkill Requirement2021-04-30 18:05:00 UTC
IIIIChest Of Armor TinyStrength Requirement2021-05-01 02:42:44 UTC
IIIISpore DustSell Price2021-05-01 13:26:40 UTC
TaPiMLeather BoltDropped By: Small Ripple2021-05-01 13:44:20 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of BronzeArmor Increase2021-05-01 16:04:41 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of BronzeSkill Type2021-05-01 16:21:04 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Nothing SmallRarity2021-05-01 17:16:18 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Nothing SmallWeight2021-05-01 17:17:17 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Nothing MediumRarity2021-05-01 17:36:24 UTC
TAVOChest Of Weapons TinyConstitution Requirement2021-05-01 17:38:40 UTC
FatAdamCooked TurtleSkill Requirement Type2021-05-01 17:51:18 UTC
FatAdamCooked TurtleDexterity Requirement2021-05-01 17:53:04 UTC
PuppyHand SawDamage Increase Percent2021-05-01 19:02:34 UTC
PuppyTorn Lich RobeSell Price2021-05-01 20:52:12 UTC
VanguardLily PinkDropped By: Giant Bee2021-05-01 21:01:14 UTC
FatAdamHealth Beaker LargeHealth Increase2021-05-02 14:49:00 UTC
FatAdamMana Bottle LargeExp Increase Percent2021-05-02 17:04:27 UTC
TaPiMArrows Of SteelStrength Requirement2021-05-02 23:16:18 UTC
VanguardMana Bottle LargeConstitution Requirement2021-05-03 05:30:08 UTC
MarttiCrispy Frog LegSkill Increase2021-05-03 20:34:05 UTC
TaPiMShard Of PeltWeight2021-05-04 01:31:55 UTC
PuppyCooked TurtleRarity2021-05-04 07:40:06 UTC
PuppyCooked TurtleStrength Requirement2021-05-04 07:41:46 UTC
VanguardGreen SlimeConstitution Requirement2021-05-05 18:22:48 UTC
FlamtarRose RedIntelligence Requirement2021-05-05 19:33:12 UTC
TaPiMGreen SlimeSkill Type2021-05-08 01:15:34 UTC
TomekShard Of MagesDropped By: Lich2021-05-08 04:22:31 UTC
TomekSand PearGold Increase Percent2021-05-09 20:36:51 UTC
marbaSnake JuiceSkill Requirement Type2021-05-10 16:57:26 UTC
TomekAmethystDropped By: Medium Ripple2021-05-11 01:48:40 UTC
FlamtarRose RedDescription2021-05-12 00:34:02 UTC
TomekTorn Lich RobeSlot2021-05-12 00:42:24 UTC
FlamtarRose RedConstitution Requirement2021-05-12 00:52:14 UTC
TomekChumSkill Requirement Type2021-05-12 20:59:51 UTC
duckypapaPickaxe HeadConstitution Requirement2021-05-16 02:48:20 UTC
FlamtarSand PearDescription2021-05-20 01:45:55 UTC
FlamtarShard Of MagesDropped By: Barbarian Mage2021-05-20 01:50:16 UTC
ChampsMana Vial LargeGold Increase Percent2021-05-20 02:13:51 UTC
xTootoughxScroll Of BlessWeight2021-05-21 00:52:06 UTC
FlamtarHell Spawn TailIntelligence Requirement2021-05-22 01:07:51 UTC
ChampsMana Beaker MediumDropped By: Giant2021-05-22 01:59:14 UTC
FlamtarRose RedStrength Requirement2021-05-23 21:41:38 UTC
FlamtarRose RedSlot2021-05-23 22:58:42 UTC
ChampsLily PinkRarity2021-05-25 00:50:44 UTC
ChampsLily PinkSkill Requirement2021-05-25 01:04:07 UTC
TaPiMHealth Bottle MediumIntelligence Increase2021-05-27 11:32:38 UTC
FlamtarEyeballSell Price2021-06-02 02:15:28 UTC
FlamtarEyeballRarity2021-06-02 03:16:59 UTC
TaPiMHealth Bottle MediumExp Increase Percent2021-06-06 22:03:38 UTC
TaPiMGreen SlimeWeight2021-06-11 00:12:50 UTC
TaPiMGlass Beaker SmallRarity2021-06-24 01:09:40 UTC
TaPiMGlass Beaker SmallSkill Requirement Type2021-06-24 01:09:45 UTC
ChampsMahogany LogsDescription2021-06-26 03:20:56 UTC
TabunScroll Of DrownDescription2021-07-18 01:12:53 UTC
TabunSpore DustIntelligence Requirement2021-07-18 20:19:28 UTC
TabunAquamarineDexterity Requirement2021-07-23 01:00:15 UTC
ErmakulToasted Spider LegsStrength Requirement2021-07-23 04:21:59 UTC
ErmakulToasted Spider LegsSlot2021-07-23 04:24:15 UTC
ErmakulToasted Spider LegsMana Increase2021-07-23 04:56:52 UTC
ErmakulToasted Spider LegsSkill Increase2021-07-23 05:16:16 UTC
TabunChest Of Weapons SmallSell Price2021-07-24 18:03:33 UTC
AkashaHealth Bottle SmallElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-07-29 01:28:12 UTC
SanshinSardineSkill Requirement2021-07-29 03:16:42 UTC
TabunLavender BunchStrength Requirement2021-07-30 20:19:06 UTC
SkarChest Of Weapons TinySkill Requirement2021-08-05 04:38:04 UTC
TabunScroll Of BurnSell Price2021-08-06 12:01:41 UTC
VanguardHealth Bottle LargeRarity2021-08-06 19:07:58 UTC
TabunScroll Of SootheDropped By: Dirt Burrower2021-08-08 13:44:26 UTC
SkarAnchovyDropped By: Whale2021-08-09 20:56:03 UTC
CaramujoAnchovySlot2021-08-21 18:40:18 UTC
zarastrIron IngotSlot2021-08-27 20:42:32 UTC
zarastrPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Flame Grim2021-09-15 00:46:24 UTC
GooseHealth Bottle MediumSkill Type2021-09-15 20:38:28 UTC
MerkshowScroll Of BlessDexterity Requirement2021-09-22 01:13:57 UTC
zarastrLavender BunchDropped By: Rose Bush2021-09-25 20:53:06 UTC
FlamtarBloodwood LogsDexterity Requirement2021-10-07 07:08:04 UTC
FlamtarBloodwood LogsDropped By: Bloodwood Tree2021-10-09 22:26:46 UTC
MizuScroll Of PoisonIntelligence Requirement2021-10-10 18:02:14 UTC
MizuChest Of Armor SmallSkill Requirement2021-10-10 19:03:20 UTC
AeloBananasDropped By: Chef2021-10-19 14:18:15 UTC
RapunzelShard Of BirdsDropped By: Phoenix2021-10-30 21:23:05 UTC
MuthBox Of TomesDropped By: Egg Pink2021-10-31 01:10:45 UTC
RoxxySeeds Of BerriesSkill Requirement2021-10-31 05:57:23 UTC
zarastrTome Of MillingWeight2021-10-31 13:11:23 UTC
RoxxyCrispy Frog LegSlot2021-10-31 15:35:27 UTC
RoxxyScroll Of CurseStrength Requirement2021-10-31 16:33:08 UTC
MuthScroll Of CurseSell Price2021-10-31 16:51:01 UTC
TomekGold OreConstitution Requirement2021-10-31 17:28:09 UTC
FatAdamCopper DustDropped By: Dirt Burrower2021-11-01 21:32:08 UTC
FatAdamCopper DustDropped By: Stone Giant2021-11-01 22:15:22 UTC
FatAdamEthereal ScrapRarity2021-11-02 01:14:35 UTC
MuthHolly LeafSkill Requirement Type2021-11-04 03:05:01 UTC
YambulScroll Of AmplifyWeight2021-11-05 09:23:13 UTC
FatAdamGreen SlimeIntelligence Requirement2021-11-06 18:28:41 UTC
GwasSardineStrength Requirement2021-11-06 19:40:01 UTC
RoxxyGlass Beaker SmallDexterity Requirement2021-11-07 14:56:55 UTC
MuthArrows Of MapleSkill Requirement2021-11-08 01:54:45 UTC
PewPewHand SawDuration2021-11-09 06:43:54 UTC
ExternalArrows Of SteelGold Increase Percent2021-11-13 02:25:05 UTC
zarastrMana Vial LargeLuck Increase Percent2021-11-18 00:03:01 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileSell Price2021-11-20 05:22:32 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafRarity2021-11-20 11:07:18 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileStrength Requirement2021-11-20 11:25:34 UTC
ExternalTome Of CarpentryStrength Requirement2021-11-21 11:58:52 UTC
ExternalTree BranchWeight2021-11-23 00:28:57 UTC
ExternalPearlDescription2021-11-24 11:51:17 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafConstitution Requirement2021-11-24 17:20:36 UTC
ExternalTome Of SmeltingSkill Requirement2021-11-25 08:05:41 UTC
ExternalTome Of SmeltingDropped By: Steel2021-11-25 14:41:04 UTC
ExternalAquamarineRarity2021-11-27 16:24:27 UTC
ExternalAnchovyRarity2021-11-28 02:08:36 UTC
ExternalStingray MeatIntelligence Requirement2021-11-28 02:18:28 UTC
ExternalStingray MeatSlot2021-11-28 02:53:26 UTC
XianaSardineDexterity Requirement2021-11-28 23:42:51 UTC
XianaSardineSell Price2021-11-28 23:53:02 UTC
XianaSardineDropped By: Whale2021-11-29 00:23:38 UTC
XianaStingray MeatSkill Requirement Type2021-11-29 03:23:14 UTC
XianaStingray MeatStrength Requirement2021-11-29 14:57:29 UTC
XianaStingray MeatDexterity Requirement2021-11-29 15:45:57 UTC
ExternalPearlSkill Requirement2021-12-01 05:21:30 UTC
ExternalPearlConstitution Requirement2021-12-01 06:38:17 UTC
ExternalTome Of BlacksmithingConstitution Requirement2021-12-01 11:41:26 UTC
ExternalPearlRarity2021-12-01 12:13:03 UTC
ExternalPearlSkill Requirement Type2021-12-01 14:30:02 UTC
ExternalTree BranchDropped By: Maple Tree2021-12-01 15:55:21 UTC
ExternalPearlSlot2021-12-02 00:48:14 UTC
ExternalPearlStrength Requirement2021-12-02 01:08:14 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileWeight2021-12-02 01:16:59 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafStrength Requirement2021-12-02 06:48:47 UTC
ExternalPearlDropped By: Maple Tree2021-12-02 15:11:47 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafSkill Requirement2021-12-02 16:50:43 UTC
Lady ZaydeeBolts Of LeadElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-12-03 03:36:04 UTC
ExternalPearlWeight2021-12-03 09:13:26 UTC
Lady ZaydeeLeather BoltStrength Requirement2021-12-03 14:02:12 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileIntelligence Requirement2021-12-03 17:26:59 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileDexterity Requirement2021-12-03 17:45:42 UTC
ExternalLeaf PileDescription2021-12-03 20:11:45 UTC
ExternalTome Of CarpentryDropped By: Bloodwood Tree2021-12-03 20:21:33 UTC
ExternalPearlDropped By: Small Ripple2021-12-03 22:52:46 UTC
ExternalTome Of CarpentryWeight2021-12-03 23:00:48 UTC
ExternalPearlSell Price2021-12-04 00:26:10 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafWeight2021-12-04 01:58:41 UTC
ExternalHuge LeafDescription2021-12-04 12:55:45 UTC
LopkeyMana Bottle SmallGold Increase Percent2021-12-04 17:17:50 UTC
Lady ZaydeeMystic BoltDropped By: Thick Spider Web2021-12-05 03:28:14 UTC
WandrarksAquamarineSlot2021-12-06 06:57:02 UTC
Lady ZaydeeGlass Beaker SmallSell Price2021-12-06 18:24:02 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of SteelArmor Increase2021-12-06 20:41:41 UTC
PangWangArrows Of MapleConstitution Requirement2021-12-07 02:38:30 UTC
Lady ZaydeeMystic BoltWeight2021-12-07 16:49:38 UTC
MothmanAxe HeadRarity2021-12-08 15:58:19 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker MediumSell Price2021-12-10 21:05:59 UTC
WandrarksCrab MeatRarity2021-12-11 18:42:02 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of AmplifyDropped By: Bear2021-12-12 22:23:32 UTC
WandrarxStrong HandleConstitution Requirement2021-12-13 07:23:21 UTC
WandraxsGlass Beaker MediumStrength Requirement2021-12-13 13:30:12 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle MediumSkill Requirement2021-12-13 21:22:03 UTC
WandrarxTopazDropped By: Siren2021-12-13 22:32:39 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BronzeIntelligence Increase2021-12-14 07:42:11 UTC
MothmanScroll Of CrushSlot2021-12-14 14:56:26 UTC
SedaScroll Of GustDexterity Requirement2021-12-16 01:43:01 UTC
WandrarxCopper DustDropped By: Bronze2021-12-16 07:38:49 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of MahoganyArmor Increase2021-12-16 10:52:57 UTC
SedaBolts Of LeadWeight2021-12-16 19:41:05 UTC
LopkeyHolly LeafDropped By: Holly Bush2021-12-16 22:49:16 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeIntelligence Requirement2021-12-17 09:40:27 UTC
SoseSeeds Of BerriesConstitution Requirement2021-12-17 13:44:41 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltConstitution Requirement2021-12-18 21:00:37 UTC
WandrarxGlass Beaker MediumWeight2021-12-18 21:05:04 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BronzeLuck Increase Percent2021-12-19 08:29:39 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeMana Increase2021-12-19 09:04:28 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeSlot2021-12-19 09:59:56 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of EtherSkill Requirement Type2021-12-20 07:20:23 UTC
Lady ZaydeeScroll Of EtherDropped By: Hydra2021-12-21 01:50:53 UTC
Lady ZaydeeBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Assassin2021-12-21 03:47:57 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltDropped By: Ent2021-12-21 09:43:57 UTC
WandrarxShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Barbarian Xbowman2021-12-21 13:34:05 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of EtherDexterity Requirement2021-12-22 19:59:07 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlockingStrength Requirement2021-12-22 20:23:36 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDescription2021-12-22 20:44:20 UTC
Lady ZaydeeOrangesWeight2021-12-23 03:31:51 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesStrength Requirement2021-12-23 13:55:11 UTC
WandraxsGold SlabSell Price2021-12-23 22:18:59 UTC
WandraxsGold SlabRarity2021-12-23 22:19:10 UTC
WandraxsGold SlabIntelligence Requirement2021-12-23 22:21:01 UTC
WandrarxDragon ScalesDropped By: Dragon Green2021-12-24 00:54:56 UTC
Lady ZaydeeScroll Of EtherWeight2021-12-24 05:00:18 UTC
Lady ZaydeeScroll Of EtherSkill Requirement2021-12-24 05:00:41 UTC
Lady ZaydeeScroll Of EtherRarity2021-12-24 06:21:08 UTC
Lady ZaydeeHoliday Present GreenSkill Requirement Type2021-12-24 07:40:52 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker LargeIntelligence Increase2021-12-24 15:46:09 UTC
Lady ZaydeeScroll Of EtherDescription2021-12-24 18:08:43 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MarineDropped By: Crab2021-12-24 20:40:51 UTC
WandrarxLavender BunchSlot2021-12-25 10:33:49 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsSkill Requirement2021-12-25 17:10:25 UTC
WandrarxSand PearConstitution Increase2021-12-26 11:46:46 UTC
FatAdamScroll Of EtherSell Price2021-12-26 14:54:59 UTC
Lady ZaydeeShard Of FrostDropped By: Ice Critter2021-12-26 18:03:31 UTC
Lady ZaydeeOrangesSell Price2021-12-26 18:03:31 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTome Of BlockingSkill Requirement Type2021-12-26 18:39:08 UTC
WandraxsGold SlabSkill Requirement2021-12-26 23:45:54 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of EtherStrength Requirement2021-12-27 07:44:03 UTC
WandraxsSeeds Of Huge MushroomStrength Requirement2021-12-27 17:11:27 UTC
Lady ZaydeeShard Of FrostWeight2021-12-28 02:28:54 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Golem Grim2021-12-28 09:44:43 UTC
Lady ZaydeePouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2021-12-29 01:43:53 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck SmallConstitution Requirement2021-12-29 13:34:04 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumSell Price2021-12-29 19:35:47 UTC
WandrarxSand PearIntelligence Requirement2021-12-29 20:11:04 UTC
WandrarxBronze IngotSlot2021-12-29 22:30:10 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTome Of ForagingDropped By: Spider Web2021-12-30 05:26:07 UTC
FatAdamChest Of Weapons HugeRarity2021-12-30 22:15:50 UTC
WandrarxBlueberriesArmor Increase2021-12-31 07:50:08 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTome Of ForagingDropped By: Rose Bush2021-12-31 08:58:56 UTC
Lady ZaydeeCooked StingraySkill Increase2021-12-31 15:56:47 UTC
FatAdamShard Of FrostSkill Requirement Type2021-12-31 23:21:46 UTC
Lady ZaydeeMana Beaker MediumDuration2022-01-01 17:26:02 UTC
LopkeyShard Of FrostSlot2022-01-01 17:30:50 UTC
LopkeyOrangesConstitution Requirement2022-01-01 18:12:57 UTC
LopkeyScroll Of EtherConstitution Requirement2022-01-01 18:17:49 UTC
LopkeyScroll Of EtherDropped By: Snowman2022-01-01 18:25:18 UTC
LopkeyScroll Of EtherSlot2022-01-01 18:32:01 UTC
LopkeyScroll Of EtherIntelligence Requirement2022-01-01 18:34:06 UTC
LopkeyScroll Of BurnDescription2022-01-01 20:36:51 UTC
Lady ZaydeeGlass Beaker MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-01-01 21:59:18 UTC
Lady ZaydeeGlass Beaker MediumDropped By: Ent2022-01-01 22:00:25 UTC
FatAdamTurtle MeatDropped By: Large Ripple2022-01-01 23:07:20 UTC
FatAdamTurtle MeatSlot2022-01-01 23:09:35 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTome Of CookingDropped By: Small Ripple2022-01-02 03:48:46 UTC
billdSeeds Of BerriesDescription2022-01-02 05:22:40 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BronzeMana Increase2022-01-02 11:09:50 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck SmallDropped By: Holy Flame2022-01-02 12:30:57 UTC
FatAdamPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2022-01-02 20:03:53 UTC
Lady ZaydeeShard Of FrostDexterity Requirement2022-01-03 01:57:58 UTC
Lady ZaydeeStingray MeatRarity2022-01-03 03:07:11 UTC
FatAdamScroll Of FortifyStrength Requirement2022-01-03 04:02:20 UTC
FatAdamScroll Of FortifyIntelligence Requirement2022-01-03 04:14:53 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTome Of FishingSkill Requirement Type2022-01-03 07:21:02 UTC
WandrarksGlass Beaker MediumDescription2022-01-03 13:55:16 UTC
Lady ZaydeeHealth Bottle SmallHealth Increase2022-01-03 15:00:33 UTC
Lady ZaydeePouch Of Luck SmallSlot2022-01-03 15:05:45 UTC
FatAdamGrilled TunaDuration2022-01-03 18:01:22 UTC
FatAdamCooked TurtleIntelligence Increase2022-01-03 18:29:04 UTC
FatAdamSeeds Of Sand PearSkill Requirement2022-01-03 20:12:37 UTC
FatAdamTorn Lich RobeDropped By: Lich2022-01-03 23:49:52 UTC
billdSeeds Of Lily YellowSkill Requirement Type2022-01-04 02:13:38 UTC
FatAdamBanshee HairSell Price2022-01-04 02:43:28 UTC
Lady ZaydeeRose RedDexterity Requirement2022-01-04 02:44:49 UTC
billdScroll Of CrushConstitution Requirement2022-01-04 03:09:57 UTC
Lady ZaydeeStingray MeatDropped By: Small Ripple2022-01-04 14:38:48 UTC
MizuHealth Bottle SmallSell Price2022-01-04 17:23:40 UTC
FatAdamBright LightDropped By: Ent Putrid2022-01-05 00:15:14 UTC
Lady ZaydeeEthereal ScrapDropped By: Frost Knight2022-01-05 03:27:13 UTC
MerlinScroll Of CrushStrength Requirement2022-01-05 04:45:39 UTC
MerlinScroll Of CrushSkill Requirement2022-01-05 05:41:19 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltRarity2022-01-05 08:24:43 UTC
MizuMana Beaker MediumDamage Increase Percent2022-01-05 08:44:09 UTC
MizuDiamond ChunksDropped By: Snake Grim2022-01-05 09:18:47 UTC
Lady ZaydeeShard Of UndeadDropped By: Duke Bauld2022-01-05 10:17:46 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksSlot2022-01-05 11:55:32 UTC
Lady ZaydeeTurtle MeatStrength Requirement2022-01-05 14:06:22 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltIntelligence Requirement2022-01-05 14:40:00 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-01-05 16:25:06 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeConstitution Increase2022-01-05 16:48:26 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSalmonStrength Requirement2022-01-05 17:05:35 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist LargeSlot2022-01-05 19:29:37 UTC
MizuDollRarity2022-01-05 21:08:47 UTC
MizuMana Beaker MediumConstitution Increase2022-01-05 21:14:45 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerDropped By: Sunflower Plant2022-01-05 21:29:01 UTC
MizuScroll Of GreedSkill Requirement2022-01-05 21:54:11 UTC
FatAdamBolts Of BronzeWeight2022-01-05 22:02:17 UTC
MizuTurtle MeatWeight2022-01-05 22:41:30 UTC
FatAdamBanshee HairStrength Requirement2022-01-05 23:25:26 UTC
MerlinScroll Of CrushIntelligence Requirement2022-01-06 04:12:22 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerSkill Requirement Type2022-01-06 09:30:10 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerIntelligence Requirement2022-01-06 09:30:26 UTC
MizuLetter PieceIntelligence Requirement2022-01-06 17:35:04 UTC
FatAdamArrows Of BronzeDescription2022-01-06 23:37:06 UTC
FatAdamBanshee HairSkill Requirement2022-01-07 00:36:04 UTC
VanguardChest Of Armor MediumDropped By: Hydra Grim2022-01-07 01:07:52 UTC
FlamtarTorn Lich RobeSkill Requirement Type2022-01-07 01:43:50 UTC
MerlinScroll Of CrushSkill Requirement Type2022-01-07 04:17:35 UTC
MerlinScroll Of CrushSell Price2022-01-07 04:28:37 UTC
PuppyTorn Lich RobeSkill Requirement2022-01-07 08:42:59 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerDropped By: Toxic Death2022-01-07 09:41:21 UTC
WandrarxShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Frog2022-01-07 11:50:22 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltSell Price2022-01-07 12:26:31 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerWeight2022-01-07 12:39:24 UTC
ThomptyBoySeeds Of BerriesRarity2022-01-07 12:49:09 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerConstitution Requirement2022-01-07 14:22:27 UTC
FatAdamArrows Of BronzeStrength Increase2022-01-07 19:38:36 UTC
FatAdamHealth Bottle LargeDexterity Requirement2022-01-07 19:41:37 UTC
FatAdamArrows Of BronzeDropped By: Ent2022-01-07 19:44:10 UTC
MizuSnowballStrength Requirement2022-01-07 20:11:36 UTC
WandraxsHealth Beaker MediumSell Price2022-01-07 21:24:24 UTC
LabookScroll Of BlessDropped By: Bat2022-01-07 23:32:45 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker LargeLuck Increase Percent2022-01-08 04:41:06 UTC
FlamtarSteel PickaxeStrength Increase2022-01-08 04:48:38 UTC
FlamtarPeridotSlot2022-01-08 04:53:11 UTC
WandrarxBlueberriesMana Increase2022-01-08 06:34:10 UTC
WandrarxGold OreSkill Requirement Type2022-01-08 07:29:15 UTC
WandrarxBlueberriesRarity2022-01-08 07:41:12 UTC
MizuPouch Of Mist LargeWeight2022-01-08 08:43:49 UTC
MizuSnowballWeight2022-01-08 19:17:17 UTC
MizuHealth Vial LargeSkill Requirement Type2022-01-08 20:14:46 UTC
MizuSnowballSell Price2022-01-09 09:29:57 UTC
MizuBright LightDropped By: Specter Putrid2022-01-09 09:31:25 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltDescription2022-01-09 09:42:25 UTC
WandrarxShard Of InfernoDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2022-01-09 09:58:41 UTC
MizuMana Bottle MediumConstitution Requirement2022-01-09 11:50:04 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BugsConstitution Requirement2022-01-09 12:06:46 UTC
WandrarxTiny Spider FangsDropped By: Spider Poison2022-01-09 12:06:46 UTC
WandrarksCooked StingraySell Price2022-01-09 19:30:42 UTC
WandrarksCooked StingrayDuration2022-01-09 19:31:57 UTC
WandraxsGlass Beaker MediumSlot2022-01-09 19:56:33 UTC
FatAdamEthereal ScrapSkill Requirement2022-01-09 20:04:20 UTC
WandraxsRose RedSkill Requirement Type2022-01-09 20:12:04 UTC
FatAdamHealth Beaker SmallStrength Increase2022-01-09 20:49:36 UTC
FatAdamHealth Beaker SmallSell Price2022-01-09 21:00:46 UTC
FlamtarBloodwood LogsConstitution Requirement2022-01-09 21:04:01 UTC
DoYouEvenBuffBroChest Of Weapons TinyStrength Requirement2022-01-09 22:16:16 UTC
DoYouEvenBuffBroScroll Of CrushDropped By: Frog2022-01-09 22:24:25 UTC
MerlinSeeds Of BerriesDropped By: Bat2022-01-10 01:16:11 UTC
MerlinChest Of Armor TinySell Price2022-01-10 02:12:54 UTC
VanguardHealth Beaker LargeDescription2022-01-10 03:38:05 UTC
VanguardHealth Beaker LargeDamage Increase Percent2022-01-10 04:17:07 UTC
FlamtarRose RedWeight2022-01-10 05:59:10 UTC
FlamtarRose RedDropped By: Fallen Angel2022-01-10 06:07:52 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeSell Price2022-01-10 06:42:56 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeArmor Increase2022-01-10 06:43:56 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeDamage Increase Percent2022-01-10 07:01:18 UTC
FlamtarArrows Of LeadHealth Increase2022-01-10 07:53:00 UTC
FlamtarSeeds Of BananaSell Price2022-01-10 08:00:03 UTC
WandrarxBright LightSell Price2022-01-10 17:12:24 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Trifid2022-01-10 20:26:13 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck SmallDescription2022-01-10 21:16:51 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck SmallSkill Requirement Type2022-01-10 22:10:23 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeExp Increase Percent2022-01-11 06:39:39 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeHealth Increase2022-01-11 08:35:39 UTC
MizuGreen SlimeSkill Requirement2022-01-11 10:37:44 UTC
MizuBolts Of MahoganySkill Requirement Type2022-01-11 10:43:33 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeDropped By: Goblin2022-01-11 12:36:26 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsConstitution Requirement2022-01-11 13:22:12 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsIntelligence Requirement2022-01-11 14:11:17 UTC
VanguardPouch Of Luck MediumDexterity Requirement2022-01-12 10:59:59 UTC
MizuShard Of GiantsDropped By: Ettin2022-01-12 16:41:08 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist LargeConstitution Requirement2022-01-12 17:06:09 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-01-13 10:11:10 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeSell Price2022-01-13 19:37:34 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeSkill Requirement2022-01-14 20:48:49 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Elite Guard2022-01-14 21:42:19 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeDexterity Requirement2022-01-14 21:44:12 UTC
FlamtarSeeds Of AppleWeight2022-01-15 06:00:09 UTC
FlamtarTorn Lich RobeDescription2022-01-15 07:03:21 UTC
FlamtarSand PearDropped By: Lich2022-01-15 07:47:42 UTC
MizuHealth Bottle LargeIntelligence Increase2022-01-15 08:09:29 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of GreedStrength Requirement2022-01-15 11:32:32 UTC
MizuHealth Beaker MediumSkill Requirement Type2022-01-15 12:58:54 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of GreedWeight2022-01-15 13:33:38 UTC
MizuCopper DustSell Price2022-01-15 14:01:21 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeWeight2022-01-15 14:11:19 UTC
MizuHealth Beaker MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-01-15 14:15:49 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MapleSkill Requirement2022-01-15 16:42:44 UTC
WandrarksCooked StingraySlot2022-01-15 19:53:02 UTC
WandrarksCooked StingraySkill Requirement2022-01-15 19:54:50 UTC
WandrarksMahogany PlanksStrength Requirement2022-01-15 20:25:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSeeds Of Huge MushroomSell Price2022-01-16 01:40:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpore DustDexterity Requirement2022-01-16 01:54:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpore DustDropped By: Spore Swarm2022-01-16 02:06:24 UTC
VanguardTurtle MeatSkill Requirement Type2022-01-16 04:49:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpore DustSkill Requirement2022-01-16 04:57:22 UTC
VanguardSand PearDropped By: Farmer2022-01-16 05:42:18 UTC
FlamtarTorn Lich RobeConstitution Requirement2022-01-16 06:26:09 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyElemental Armor Increase2022-01-16 07:12:09 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyDamage Increase Percent2022-01-16 08:13:20 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyDuration2022-01-16 08:23:08 UTC
EvokerLetter PieceStrength Requirement2022-01-16 09:52:18 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyStrength Increase2022-01-16 10:13:46 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyIntelligence Requirement2022-01-16 10:20:11 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganySlot2022-01-16 10:41:51 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyExp Increase Percent2022-01-16 11:31:50 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyHealth Increase2022-01-16 11:33:20 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyRarity2022-01-16 11:33:58 UTC
WandrarksBolts Of MahoganyMana Increase2022-01-16 11:41:15 UTC
EvokerDiamond ChunksRarity2022-01-16 19:25:02 UTC
MizuBolts Of BronzeConstitution Requirement2022-01-16 19:29:10 UTC
EvokerArrows Of BronzeArmor Increase2022-01-16 19:43:33 UTC
EvokerBolts Of BronzeSkill Increase2022-01-16 19:51:09 UTC
EvokerHealth Bottle LargeDexterity Increase2022-01-16 19:57:43 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck SmallDropped By: Unicorn2022-01-16 21:05:21 UTC
WandrarxTurtle MeatRarity2022-01-16 21:25:45 UTC
EvokerArrows Of BloodwoodWeight2022-01-16 22:18:58 UTC
MizuBright LightDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2022-01-17 12:56:31 UTC
tlanfanyBread LoavesDescription2022-01-17 15:07:51 UTC
tlanfanyBread LoavesSkill Requirement Type2022-01-17 15:10:04 UTC
WandrarxTopazSlot2022-01-17 17:07:30 UTC
WandrarxTurtle MeatDescription2022-01-17 19:01:29 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeSkill Requirement Type2022-01-17 19:05:19 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeSkill Requirement2022-01-17 19:46:09 UTC
FlamtarSand PearElemental Armor Increase2022-01-17 22:23:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEthereal ScrapDropped By: Succubus2022-01-17 22:48:56 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Giant Grim2022-01-17 23:48:14 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Holy Flame Grim2022-01-17 23:53:54 UTC
LopkeyMage BloodDexterity Requirement2022-01-18 00:53:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesChest Of Weapons HugeSlot2022-01-18 02:09:26 UTC
LabookCooked StingrayConstitution Increase2022-01-18 04:44:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBlueberriesDexterity Increase2022-01-18 05:36:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesGreen SlimeHealth Increase2022-01-18 05:39:11 UTC
LabookArrows Of SteelElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-01-18 05:45:36 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeDuration2022-01-18 10:01:06 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumSkill Requirement2022-01-18 11:27:33 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker MediumArmor Increase2022-01-18 14:45:07 UTC
FlamtarChest Of Weapons HugeDescription2022-01-18 16:07:33 UTC
MizuPouch Of Luck SmallDexterity Requirement2022-01-18 19:36:02 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeDexterity Increase2022-01-18 19:42:02 UTC
EvokerMana Bottle LargeDexterity Requirement2022-01-18 19:42:42 UTC
MizuChumIntelligence Requirement2022-01-18 20:44:33 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTunaSkill Requirement2022-01-18 20:57:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTunaSell Price2022-01-19 02:25:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEthereal ScrapSlot2022-01-19 02:35:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTunaDropped By: Huge Swell2022-01-19 03:00:59 UTC
FlamtarElemental Burning SoulSkill Requirement Type2022-01-19 05:51:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSpore DustStrength Requirement2022-01-19 06:03:40 UTC
PuppyMana Beaker LargeSlot2022-01-19 06:50:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSeeds Of BananaDexterity Requirement2022-01-19 10:25:43 UTC
alphyLeaf PileSkill Requirement Type2022-01-19 10:59:34 UTC
MizuDragon ScalesWeight2022-01-19 18:06:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker SmallSkill Type2022-01-19 18:06:26 UTC
MizuDragon ScalesRarity2022-01-19 18:34:07 UTC
WandraxsHealth Vial LargeSell Price2022-01-19 18:56:50 UTC
WandraxsHealth Vial LargeWeight2022-01-19 19:48:03 UTC
WandrarxBananasSkill Type2022-01-19 23:31:34 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker SmallHealth Increase2022-01-20 03:48:31 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of AmplifyConstitution Requirement2022-01-20 07:01:23 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker MediumDamage Increase Percent2022-01-20 11:47:06 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker MediumIntelligence Increase2022-01-20 13:45:31 UTC
alphyHolly LeafWeight2022-01-20 15:41:25 UTC
MizuScroll Of IlluminateStrength Requirement2022-01-20 16:33:42 UTC
MizuSeeds Of Sand PearRarity2022-01-20 19:26:07 UTC
MizuSeeds Of Sand PearConstitution Requirement2022-01-20 19:41:41 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeConstitution Requirement2022-01-20 19:57:32 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeSlot2022-01-20 20:25:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTome Of BlacksmithingSkill Requirement2022-01-21 07:58:20 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaConstitution Requirement2022-01-21 14:24:49 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-01-21 16:23:37 UTC
WandrarxTome Of CookingSkill Requirement2022-01-21 19:34:59 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeSkill Requirement Type2022-01-21 19:50:02 UTC
EvokerMana Bottle LargeArmor Increase2022-01-21 19:57:59 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaMana Increase2022-01-21 21:39:34 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaHealth Increase2022-01-21 21:51:06 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaSkill Increase2022-01-21 21:58:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearIntelligence Increase2022-01-22 06:23:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTorn Lich RobeDexterity Requirement2022-01-22 06:31:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTorn Lich RobeStrength Requirement2022-01-22 07:02:25 UTC
EvokerShard Of GiantsSlot2022-01-22 08:43:46 UTC
EvokerBolts Of BloodwoodHealth Increase2022-01-22 09:26:30 UTC
EvokerPouch Of Luck SmallSkill Requirement2022-01-22 10:14:15 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenSlot2022-01-22 10:23:11 UTC
WandrarxMage BloodConstitution Requirement2022-01-22 11:10:16 UTC
WandrarxTunaRarity2022-01-22 18:42:53 UTC
EvokerSeeds Of AppleRarity2022-01-22 20:37:31 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaSell Price2022-01-22 22:08:37 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaSkill Requirement2022-01-22 22:20:45 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaArmor Increase2022-01-22 22:57:42 UTC
EvokerDiamond ChunksDropped By: Giant Grim2022-01-22 23:19:10 UTC
WandraxsHealth Bottle SmallWeight2022-01-22 23:56:08 UTC
WandraxsLeather BoltDropped By: Medium Ripple2022-01-23 01:05:06 UTC
VanguardPouch Of Mist MediumSkill Requirement Type2022-01-23 06:05:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBow SawDescription2022-01-23 07:11:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesAxe HeadWeight2022-01-23 07:34:18 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPickaxe HeadDexterity Requirement2022-01-23 07:35:54 UTC
WandrarxGold FlakesSkill Requirement2022-01-23 07:39:33 UTC
VanguardPouch Of Mist MediumRarity2022-01-23 07:45:12 UTC
VanguardShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Gorgon2022-01-23 08:10:53 UTC
WandrarksHealth Bottle SmallConstitution Requirement2022-01-23 20:38:05 UTC
WolfwoodScroll Of CurseWeight2022-01-23 21:27:21 UTC
VanguardTiny Spider FangsDescription2022-01-23 23:59:15 UTC
LabookCooked StingrayRarity2022-01-24 07:17:48 UTC
A u r i e lScroll Of BlessSkill Requirement2022-01-24 09:09:21 UTC
TiberSeeds Of BerriesSkill Requirement Type2022-01-24 11:31:52 UTC
WandrarxSand PearWeight2022-01-24 13:44:43 UTC
WandrarxTorn Lich RobeWeight2022-01-24 14:24:02 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDescription2022-01-24 15:55:21 UTC
MizuMana Vial LargeStrength Increase2022-01-24 18:41:38 UTC
WolfwoodArrows Of SteelSkill Requirement2022-01-24 21:15:31 UTC
FatAdamEthereal ScrapConstitution Requirement2022-01-24 21:24:51 UTC
LabookScroll Of PoisonWeight2022-01-25 02:40:52 UTC
WandrarxTorn Lich RobeIntelligence Requirement2022-01-25 09:48:30 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Storm Lord2022-01-25 09:53:27 UTC
EvokerHealth Beaker LargeSkill Type2022-01-25 19:28:18 UTC
MizuHealth Beaker LargeDuration2022-01-26 19:28:04 UTC
MizuHealth Beaker LargeMana Increase2022-01-26 19:33:46 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksStrength Requirement2022-01-26 21:17:40 UTC
AurielSeeds Of BerriesSlot2022-01-27 06:18:51 UTC
AurielScroll Of GustDescription2022-01-27 06:38:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSand PearSkill Requirement Type2022-01-28 04:54:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Bottle LargeDamage Increase Percent2022-01-28 06:11:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBox Of TomesConstitution Requirement2022-01-28 16:12:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesEthereal ScrapSell Price2022-01-28 18:33:41 UTC
TrigunBolts Of MapleConstitution Increase2022-01-28 19:19:07 UTC
WandrarxGold OreDexterity Requirement2022-01-29 08:29:40 UTC
TrigunMana Vial SmallIntelligence Requirement2022-01-29 10:23:50 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingSkill Requirement Type2022-01-29 10:24:10 UTC
WandrarksArrows Of SteelDropped By: Harpy2022-01-29 13:47:25 UTC
EvokerChest Of Armor SmallDropped By: Wraith2022-01-29 17:45:49 UTC
EvokerLeather BoltIntelligence Requirement2022-01-29 17:58:43 UTC
VanguardCopper DustSkill Requirement2022-01-30 05:58:09 UTC
VanguardBananasExp Increase Percent2022-01-30 06:24:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBananasSkill Increase2022-01-30 11:31:36 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial SmallWeight2022-01-30 17:18:50 UTC
zarastrBronze IngotDexterity Requirement2022-01-30 17:28:36 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial SmallSkill Requirement Type2022-01-30 19:08:26 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial SmallDropped By: Shade2022-01-30 21:54:42 UTC
LopkeyCrucibleIntelligence Increase2022-01-30 22:35:43 UTC
LopkeyMana Bottle SmallSkill Requirement Type2022-01-30 22:43:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker LargeWeight2022-01-30 23:52:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsDescription2022-01-31 00:16:55 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker LargeExp Increase Percent2022-01-31 00:23:50 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker LargeDexterity Requirement2022-01-31 04:04:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsDropped By: Fallen Angel2022-01-31 04:13:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsSkill Requirement Type2022-01-31 04:25:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2022-01-31 04:29:31 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Beaker LargeConstitution Increase2022-01-31 08:37:11 UTC
WandrarksHealth Bottle LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-01-31 19:35:44 UTC
WandrarksArrows Of BronzeElemental Armor Increase2022-01-31 19:43:05 UTC
N e rSnake JuiceMana Increase2022-02-01 05:44:38 UTC
N e rHammerDamage Increase Percent2022-02-01 06:46:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsIntelligence Requirement2022-02-01 09:25:19 UTC
MizuDiamond ChunksDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2022-02-01 20:22:58 UTC
N e rSeeds Of Huge MushroomIntelligence Requirement2022-02-02 02:01:17 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Unicorn Putrid2022-02-02 16:51:08 UTC
N e rArrows Of SteelMana Increase2022-02-02 21:22:10 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeArmor Increase2022-02-02 21:46:46 UTC
N e rTome Of BlacksmithingDescription2022-02-02 23:01:55 UTC
MizuDragon ScalesConstitution Requirement2022-02-03 06:11:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Bottle LargeHealth Increase2022-02-03 07:01:21 UTC
MizuMage BloodWeight2022-02-03 08:54:53 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeHealth Increase2022-02-03 19:45:33 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of GreedRarity2022-02-03 21:25:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesArrows Of MahoganySkill Type2022-02-04 03:16:53 UTC
WolfwoodHealth Bottle MediumMana Increase2022-02-05 21:12:48 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of Sand PearSlot2022-02-05 21:56:06 UTC
VoodooKingHadesChest Of Weapons HugeDexterity Requirement2022-02-05 23:52:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoDropped By: Succubus2022-02-05 23:54:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoWeight2022-02-06 00:09:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHell Spawn TailDropped By: Hell Spawn2022-02-06 00:46:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTome Of HealingStrength Requirement2022-02-06 01:42:38 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCopper DustStrength Requirement2022-02-06 05:38:18 UTC
MizuChest Of Armor LargeDropped By: Siren Grim2022-02-06 07:24:19 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumRarity2022-02-06 09:00:43 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumConstitution Requirement2022-02-06 09:28:11 UTC
VanguardChest Of Armor HugeConstitution Requirement2022-02-07 03:17:39 UTC
WandrarksHell Spawn TailDescription2022-02-07 20:17:24 UTC
WolfwoodArrows Of BronzeIntelligence Increase2022-02-07 20:31:02 UTC
MizuArrows Of BloodwoodDuration2022-02-08 09:35:48 UTC
WolfwoodArrows Of BronzeGold Increase Percent2022-02-08 16:55:46 UTC
FlamtarHealth Bottle MediumDexterity Increase2022-02-09 04:56:13 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailDexterity Requirement2022-02-10 18:35:46 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsRarity2022-02-10 22:00:25 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsSlot2022-02-11 09:12:54 UTC
WandrarxElemental Dark EssenceDropped By: Fallen Angel2022-02-11 09:42:49 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsConstitution Requirement2022-02-11 10:05:08 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeMana Increase2022-02-11 10:19:45 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaStrength Increase2022-02-11 20:59:49 UTC
WandrarksGrilled TunaDamage Increase Percent2022-02-11 21:45:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of CherubsConstitution Requirement2022-02-12 05:05:22 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker SmallDuration2022-02-12 05:05:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Chocolate HeartsSell Price2022-02-12 05:12:07 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker SmallDropped By: Hydra2022-02-12 05:13:10 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker SmallDexterity Increase2022-02-12 05:15:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker SmallLuck Increase Percent2022-02-12 05:24:43 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Chocolate HeartsSkill Requirement Type2022-02-12 05:29:09 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Beaker SmallDexterity Requirement2022-02-12 05:30:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of CherubsSkill Requirement Type2022-02-12 05:32:38 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallStrength Requirement2022-02-12 06:51:56 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallHealth Increase2022-02-12 06:57:41 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallDamage Increase Percent2022-02-12 06:59:54 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallSkill Increase2022-02-12 07:00:59 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Nymph2022-02-12 07:05:52 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallRarity2022-02-12 07:07:05 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallDropped By: Heart2022-02-12 07:10:41 UTC
FlamtarShard Of CherubsDropped By: Heart2022-02-12 07:14:29 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Chocolate HeartsSkill Requirement2022-02-12 07:16:58 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of SootheRarity2022-02-12 07:20:43 UTC
FlamtarShard Of CherubsDropped By: Angel2022-02-12 07:21:06 UTC
MizuBolts Of BloodwoodWeight2022-02-12 07:22:25 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallArmor Increase2022-02-12 07:23:14 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallExp Increase Percent2022-02-12 07:24:19 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallConstitution Requirement2022-02-12 07:36:40 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallElemental Armor Increase2022-02-12 07:37:46 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love SmallConstitution Requirement2022-02-12 07:37:55 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallDescription2022-02-12 07:43:21 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love SmallWeight2022-02-12 07:45:30 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Chocolate HeartsDexterity Requirement2022-02-12 07:47:23 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallSlot2022-02-12 07:47:26 UTC
FlamtarTiny Broken HeartConstitution Requirement2022-02-12 07:47:55 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Salamander2022-02-12 07:53:23 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallMana Increase2022-02-12 07:55:51 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Chocolate HeartsIntelligence Requirement2022-02-12 07:56:08 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallConstitution Increase2022-02-12 07:57:12 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love SmallMana Increase2022-02-12 07:57:31 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallSkill Type2022-02-12 08:07:07 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love SmallArmor Increase2022-02-12 08:07:07 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Barbarian Mage2022-02-12 08:07:43 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallGold Increase Percent2022-02-12 08:11:06 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallIntelligence Increase2022-02-12 08:14:48 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallSkill Requirement Type2022-02-12 08:15:43 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-02-12 08:17:59 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallWeight2022-02-12 08:25:28 UTC
FlamtarShard Of CherubsDropped By: Valkyrie2022-02-12 08:30:49 UTC
FlamtarHealth Beaker SmallSkill Requirement2022-02-12 08:30:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Love MediumSkill Requirement Type2022-02-12 09:50:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Love SmallStrength Requirement2022-02-12 09:51:17 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Chocolate HeartsRarity2022-02-12 10:26:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of CherubsDropped By: Unicorn2022-02-12 10:29:34 UTC
WandrarxPotion Love SmallSkill Requirement2022-02-12 12:11:51 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Egg King2022-02-12 12:19:19 UTC
WandrarxPotion Love SmallElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-02-12 14:54:40 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of SootheSkill Requirement2022-02-12 16:21:57 UTC
WandrarxPotion Love MediumGold Increase Percent2022-02-12 18:56:59 UTC
WandrarxPotion Love MediumStrength Requirement2022-02-12 19:35:09 UTC
FerorSeeds Of BerriesWeight2022-02-12 23:16:21 UTC
VanguardTome Of SmeltingDropped By: Gold2022-02-13 04:56:56 UTC
WandrarxDragon ScalesSlot2022-02-13 09:23:37 UTC
WandrarxSextantSell Price2022-02-13 12:48:23 UTC
WandrarxIron ChiselWeight2022-02-13 12:52:26 UTC
WandrarksShard Of CherubsDexterity Requirement2022-02-13 14:01:34 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love SmallHealth Increase2022-02-13 14:05:05 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love SmallIntelligence Requirement2022-02-13 15:12:14 UTC
WandrarksHoliday Chocolate HeartsConstitution Requirement2022-02-13 15:26:27 UTC
WandrarksBox Of TomesDropped By: Dire Wolf2022-02-13 15:32:21 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love SmallSell Price2022-02-13 16:40:25 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoDropped By: Demon2022-02-13 21:09:26 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoDexterity Requirement2022-02-13 21:11:12 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Love SmallDamage Increase Percent2022-02-13 22:06:48 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Love MediumElemental Armor Increase2022-02-14 04:08:27 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love MediumStrength Increase2022-02-14 04:57:50 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Chocolate HeartsWeight2022-02-14 05:13:47 UTC
WandrarksBox Of TomesDropped By: Heart2022-02-14 18:26:57 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love LargeSkill Requirement Type2022-02-14 18:46:12 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love MediumElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-02-14 18:49:52 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Chocolate HeartsStrength Requirement2022-02-14 22:09:13 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Love SmallSkill Type2022-02-15 06:09:50 UTC
MizuHealth Beaker LargeStrength Requirement2022-02-15 07:30:28 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsWeight2022-02-15 14:49:21 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-02-15 17:26:20 UTC
WandrarksScroll Of SootheDropped By: Nymph2022-02-15 17:29:06 UTC
WandrarksPotion Love SmallStrength Increase2022-02-15 19:42:39 UTC
WandrarksHoliday Chocolate HeartsDropped By: Heart2022-02-15 21:32:09 UTC
PuppyScroll Of SootheWeight2022-02-16 08:37:03 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2022-02-16 15:48:55 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulDescription2022-02-16 15:52:11 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulDropped By: Hell Spawn2022-02-16 15:52:49 UTC
WandrarksScroll Of SootheStrength Requirement2022-02-16 21:52:20 UTC
WandraxsScroll Of SootheSell Price2022-02-16 22:09:06 UTC
Rick SanchezChest Of Armor TinyDexterity Requirement2022-02-18 01:36:15 UTC
MizuChest Of Weapons LargeSkill Requirement2022-02-18 07:42:34 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBanshee HairWeight2022-02-19 10:04:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBanshee HairConstitution Requirement2022-02-20 04:45:48 UTC
FlamtarWyvern ClawDexterity Requirement2022-02-20 05:12:33 UTC
Rick SanchezMana Bottle SmallElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-02-21 01:50:14 UTC
Rick SanchezBox Of TomesDropped By: Snowman2022-02-21 02:50:44 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBright LightDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain Putrid2022-02-21 19:22:29 UTC
TshenSeeds Of BerriesDexterity Requirement2022-02-22 00:55:51 UTC
VoodooKingHadesCopper DustRarity2022-02-22 03:27:03 UTC
TshenScroll Of BlessSkill Requirement Type2022-02-22 14:29:12 UTC
TshenSeeds Of BerriesIntelligence Requirement2022-02-22 15:24:01 UTC
MizuGreen SlimeDropped By: Bog Demon2022-02-22 17:14:47 UTC
MizuGold FlakesWeight2022-02-22 19:05:48 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumWeight2022-02-22 19:20:22 UTC
VanguardLetter PieceRarity2022-02-22 20:27:53 UTC
WandraxsCopper DustSlot2022-02-23 07:44:52 UTC
MizuShard Of BugsDropped By: Spider Mage2022-02-23 11:42:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesFallen Angel WingsStrength Requirement2022-02-24 01:49:59 UTC
VoodooKingHadesDiamond ChunksDropped By: Skeleton Grim2022-02-24 03:33:16 UTC
TshenCrucibleDexterity Increase2022-02-24 12:14:09 UTC
MizuDollDexterity Requirement2022-02-24 15:12:10 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsDexterity Requirement2022-02-24 20:13:35 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Yetti General2022-02-25 06:10:23 UTC
TomekSnowballSkill Requirement Type2022-02-25 06:22:35 UTC
TomekMana Vial LargeHealth Increase2022-02-25 06:22:40 UTC
MizuShard Of CherubsRarity2022-02-25 12:10:14 UTC
TabunHealth Bottle SmallGold Increase Percent2022-02-26 03:08:41 UTC
TshenSnake JuiceSkill Increase2022-02-26 15:02:46 UTC
TabunGreen SlimeSkill Requirement Type2022-02-26 15:21:33 UTC
TabunHealth Bottle MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-02-26 19:25:56 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of FortifyConstitution Requirement2022-02-26 20:37:07 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeWeight2022-02-26 21:36:26 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeSlot2022-02-26 21:48:19 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial LargeIntelligence Requirement2022-02-27 01:03:25 UTC
FlamtarMana Vial LargeMana Increase2022-02-27 07:54:55 UTC
PuppySnowballRarity2022-02-28 03:10:20 UTC
TripoliusSeeds Of BerriesDropped By: Snake Coral2022-02-28 05:23:55 UTC
TabunScroll Of GreedIntelligence Requirement2022-02-28 23:34:55 UTC
TabunSeeds Of Huge MushroomDropped By: Spore Swarm2022-03-01 02:55:58 UTC
PuppySnowballDescription2022-03-01 06:16:34 UTC
PuppyHealth Vial LargeDropped By: Yetti2022-03-01 06:20:03 UTC
TabunMage BloodStrength Requirement2022-03-01 21:00:42 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDescription2022-03-02 00:29:53 UTC
TabunMage BloodRarity2022-03-02 01:08:06 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumDropped By: Lich2022-03-02 14:07:35 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailSlot2022-03-02 14:48:28 UTC
TabunMage BloodSell Price2022-03-02 23:29:22 UTC
TabunLetter PieceDropped By: Lizard2022-03-02 23:38:59 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial FortuneDescription2022-03-03 02:16:16 UTC
WandrarksMana Bottle LargeSlot2022-03-03 19:47:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce Devil WingsSkill Requirement Type2022-03-04 05:28:34 UTC
TabunScroll Of LeechDropped By: Molten2022-03-04 17:22:38 UTC
FlamtarIce Devil WingsConstitution Requirement2022-03-05 00:47:00 UTC
TabunSeeds Of AppleDescription2022-03-05 01:04:36 UTC
FlamtarSnowballSlot2022-03-05 01:11:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce Devil WingsSlot2022-03-06 01:03:07 UTC
PuppySnowballDropped By: Yetti General2022-03-06 03:47:50 UTC
LabookSeeds Of Rose WhiteRarity2022-03-06 07:35:52 UTC
LabookHealth Bottle SmallConstitution Increase2022-03-06 07:50:56 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeStrength Increase2022-03-06 11:07:24 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeLuck Increase Percent2022-03-06 11:07:53 UTC
TabunDragon ScalesDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2022-03-06 15:27:15 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsSkill Requirement2022-03-06 15:32:56 UTC
FlamtarSeeds Of Rose WhiteSlot2022-03-06 22:20:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial LargeHealth Increase2022-03-07 00:53:15 UTC
LabookLeather BoltDropped By: Burrow Mound2022-03-07 05:27:33 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker MediumMana Increase2022-03-07 20:28:01 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons MediumSlot2022-03-07 21:33:49 UTC
VoodooKingHadesIce Devil WingsIntelligence Requirement2022-03-08 04:49:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Vial LargeRarity2022-03-08 06:05:20 UTC
WandrarxFallen Angel WingsSell Price2022-03-08 11:57:52 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeRarity2022-03-08 12:32:38 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeSkill Requirement Type2022-03-09 07:25:15 UTC
WandrarxEthereal ScrapDexterity Requirement2022-03-09 08:16:25 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsDropped By: Ice Devil2022-03-09 12:39:08 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeGold Increase Percent2022-03-09 13:56:00 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeDamage Increase Percent2022-03-09 13:56:00 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeSkill Type2022-03-09 13:57:03 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeSkill Requirement2022-03-09 15:09:32 UTC
TabunMana Beaker SmallSkill Requirement Type2022-03-09 22:55:03 UTC
TabunArrows Of SteelIntelligence Requirement2022-03-10 02:05:15 UTC
DEV ProskierShard Of RoyaltySkill Requirement2022-03-10 02:38:21 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Vial LargeIntelligence Requirement2022-03-10 02:57:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHealth Vial LargeRarity2022-03-10 02:59:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesElemental Ice CrystalSkill Requirement Type2022-03-10 06:07:01 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMana Vial LargeConstitution Increase2022-03-10 08:51:45 UTC
FlamtarIce Devil WingsDescription2022-03-11 06:07:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Vial SpiritDamage Increase Percent2022-03-12 20:55:30 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of BugsSlot2022-03-13 06:44:32 UTC
TabunPouch Of Mist MediumStrength Requirement2022-03-13 15:48:58 UTC
TabunEyeballConstitution Requirement2022-03-13 20:03:53 UTC
TabunShard Of BirdsSlot2022-03-13 20:09:18 UTC
TabunEyeballStrength Requirement2022-03-13 23:56:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesPotion Vial SpiritDescription2022-03-13 23:56:52 UTC
LabookStudded Leather BoltDropped By: Burrow Mound2022-03-14 04:06:58 UTC
WandrarxBanshee HairSlot2022-03-14 17:14:53 UTC
TabunChest Of Weapons MediumDropped By: Raven Grim2022-03-15 00:52:03 UTC
WandrarxGold OreSkill Requirement2022-03-15 08:10:23 UTC
FlamtarIce Devil WingsWeight2022-03-16 23:55:30 UTC
FlamtarIce Devil WingsStrength Requirement2022-03-17 00:17:04 UTC
RiquinhoSeeds Of BerriesStrength Requirement2022-03-17 22:21:35 UTC
WandraxsGold BarDexterity Requirement2022-03-17 22:31:20 UTC
VanguardGold BarConstitution Requirement2022-03-17 23:22:18 UTC
WandrarxHealth Vial LargeDamage Increase Percent2022-03-18 19:41:56 UTC
RiquinhoArrows Of LeadDropped By: Fire Mites2022-03-19 01:06:45 UTC
VoodooKingHadesTiny Spider FangsWeight2022-03-19 01:30:46 UTC
Tio SanAxe HeadDexterity Requirement2022-03-19 01:31:07 UTC
TabunPouch Of Mist MediumSlot2022-03-19 23:48:18 UTC
TabunChest Of Weapons MediumDropped By: Raven2022-03-20 00:16:53 UTC
VanguardShard Of InfernoSlot2022-03-20 06:39:44 UTC
SantinoBread LoavesElemental Armor Increase2022-03-21 00:03:23 UTC
SantinoShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Snake Grim2022-03-21 19:30:42 UTC
SantinoScroll Of BlessStrength Requirement2022-03-21 20:04:56 UTC
SantinoSeeds Of BerriesDropped By: Berries Shrub2022-03-22 11:38:53 UTC
SantinoSeeds Of BerriesSell Price2022-03-22 17:16:48 UTC
TabunPouch Of Mist MediumSell Price2022-03-22 18:35:19 UTC
zarastrMana Beaker MediumSkill Requirement Type2022-03-22 21:55:46 UTC
WandrarxEthereal ScrapDropped By: Specter2022-03-23 07:12:29 UTC
SantinoScroll Of GustSkill Requirement2022-03-23 22:15:36 UTC
SantinoScroll Of GustSlot2022-03-23 22:46:36 UTC
TabunHealth Vial LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-03-25 21:40:32 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesSkill Requirement Type2022-03-26 11:14:00 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksDropped By: Lich Grim2022-03-26 11:36:19 UTC
zarastrMage BloodIntelligence Requirement2022-03-28 21:59:23 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumStrength Requirement2022-03-29 06:27:39 UTC
zarastrLavender BunchDescription2022-03-29 13:45:24 UTC
zarastrMana Vial MediumGold Increase Percent2022-03-30 00:29:01 UTC
zarastrMana Vial MediumDexterity Requirement2022-03-30 01:01:04 UTC
zarastrMana Vial MediumDescription2022-03-30 01:05:32 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck MediumDescription2022-03-30 15:08:30 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker LargeGold Increase Percent2022-03-31 13:59:31 UTC
WandraxsChest Of Weapons LargeConstitution Requirement2022-03-31 15:01:58 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeSlot2022-03-31 19:39:31 UTC
LabookChumDexterity Increase2022-03-31 21:58:40 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeDropped By: Holy Flame Grim2022-04-02 08:03:33 UTC
WandrarxEthereal ScrapDropped By: Specter Putrid2022-04-03 14:14:36 UTC
PuppyCopper DustDexterity Requirement2022-04-05 07:03:43 UTC
WandrarksArrows Of SteelDamage Increase Percent2022-04-05 15:11:39 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksSkill Requirement Type2022-04-05 20:30:48 UTC
FlamtarElemental Dark EssenceWeight2022-04-09 05:44:19 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDropped By: Yetti2022-04-09 18:46:44 UTC
PuppyGoldDropped By: Orc Brute2022-04-09 20:01:20 UTC
WandrarxMana Bottle LargeSkill Type2022-04-09 20:26:04 UTC
AeloMortar And PestleDropped By: Vampire Bat2022-04-09 20:37:00 UTC
VoodooKingHadesScroll Of CurseDropped By: Snake King2022-04-09 22:13:44 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeIntelligence Requirement2022-04-09 22:24:32 UTC
VoodooKingHadesMagic BagConstitution Increase2022-04-09 22:47:27 UTC
TomekMahogany LogsSlot2022-04-10 00:26:26 UTC
FlamtarBasket LargeConstitution Increase2022-04-10 03:55:36 UTC
FlamtarHuge MushroomDropped By: Burrow Mound2022-04-10 06:10:27 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeLuck Increase Percent2022-04-10 06:13:48 UTC
FlamtarChest Of Armor TinySkill Requirement2022-04-10 07:14:36 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLeather BoltWeight2022-04-10 07:39:31 UTC
WandrarxElemental Dark EssenceDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2022-04-10 14:25:16 UTC
VoodooKingHadesLeather BoltDropped By: Pirate2022-04-10 20:47:34 UTC
BankkarrdBread LoavesRarity2022-04-11 06:04:13 UTC
PuppyPouch Of Luck LargeDexterity Requirement2022-04-11 19:48:04 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeSkill Requirement Type2022-04-12 06:02:56 UTC
WandrarxShard Of InfernoDropped By: Imp2022-04-12 11:14:33 UTC
TomekShard Of InfernoRarity2022-04-13 16:54:35 UTC
alphyHolly LeafConstitution Requirement2022-04-14 06:38:47 UTC
alphyTome Of TailoringDropped By: Spider Web2022-04-14 07:45:40 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeDropped By: Golem Grim2022-04-14 08:00:45 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumWeight2022-04-14 19:22:25 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial SmallSkill Type2022-04-14 22:01:13 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial SmallSlot2022-04-14 22:07:37 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of LeadGold Increase Percent2022-04-14 22:14:59 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of LeadSkill Requirement2022-04-14 22:30:59 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsDropped By: Mahogany Tree2022-04-14 23:26:54 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Easter EggsSkill Requirement Type2022-04-16 02:58:31 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsSlot2022-04-16 04:21:29 UTC
FlamtarTiny Cracked EggshellRarity2022-04-16 04:32:45 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsRarity2022-04-16 04:39:47 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Easter EggsDropped By: Egg Blue2022-04-16 04:45:17 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsSkill Requirement2022-04-16 04:48:23 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Cristiana2022-04-16 05:01:08 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsWeight2022-04-16 05:01:51 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsDropped By: Egg King2022-04-16 05:14:58 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Easter EggsStrength Requirement2022-04-16 05:17:05 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Easter EggsDropped By: Egg King Boss2022-04-16 05:36:23 UTC
FlamtarShard Of UngroupedConstitution Requirement2022-04-16 05:40:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Easter EggsConstitution Requirement2022-04-16 05:45:04 UTC
FlamtarShard Of UngroupedStrength Requirement2022-04-16 05:45:20 UTC
VoodooKingHadesHoliday Easter EggsDexterity Requirement2022-04-16 05:45:58 UTC
VoodooKingHadesBox Of TomesDropped By: Wyvern White2022-04-17 06:34:46 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of RoyaltyRarity2022-04-17 06:52:37 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailStrength Requirement2022-04-17 12:12:05 UTC
WandrarxShard Of UngroupedDescription2022-04-17 19:31:06 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Easter EggsDescription2022-04-17 20:50:33 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Easter EggsIntelligence Requirement2022-04-17 20:55:25 UTC
zarastrHoliday Easter EggsDropped By: Egg Pink2022-04-17 21:02:06 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Orc Mage Dealer2022-04-18 12:42:34 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeSell Price2022-04-18 12:42:34 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Easter EggsSell Price2022-04-18 20:23:03 UTC
PuppyScroll Of CurseSkill Requirement Type2022-04-19 03:26:47 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Guard Captain2022-04-19 08:04:30 UTC
WandrarxShard Of UngroupedSkill Requirement2022-04-19 08:07:17 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman2022-04-19 17:55:19 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Egg Blue2022-04-19 18:00:14 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeStrength Increase2022-04-19 20:59:54 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeIntelligence Increase2022-04-19 21:00:24 UTC
VoodooKingHadesSeeds Of Sand PearDescription2022-04-20 01:49:36 UTC
DinkBread LoavesHealth Increase2022-04-20 16:54:30 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulSell Price2022-04-20 18:28:18 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailSkill Requirement2022-04-20 19:03:23 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailSell Price2022-04-20 19:51:38 UTC
VanguardSeeds Of StrawberryWeight2022-04-21 03:40:19 UTC
VanguardBox Of TomesDropped By: Spider Poison2022-04-21 03:53:17 UTC
VanguardSeeds Of StrawberrySkill Requirement Type2022-04-21 04:25:20 UTC
VanguardTiny Spider FangsDropped By: Spider Mage2022-04-21 04:28:20 UTC
FlamtarGold FlakesDropped By: Bog Demon2022-04-21 04:48:25 UTC
WandrarxShard Of UngroupedDropped By: Firework2022-04-21 13:08:37 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2022-04-21 22:28:49 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeStrength Requirement2022-04-21 22:49:45 UTC
zarastrLetter PieceWeight2022-04-22 23:40:56 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoIntelligence Requirement2022-04-23 02:13:22 UTC
FlamtarWyvern ClawSlot2022-04-23 22:10:29 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Trifid2022-04-23 22:10:40 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDexterity Requirement2022-04-24 07:50:52 UTC
FlamtarChest Of Weapons LargeSell Price2022-04-25 04:31:43 UTC
FlamtarChest Of Weapons LargeDropped By: Lich2022-04-25 04:46:40 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeStrength Requirement2022-04-25 15:33:39 UTC
WandrarxEyeballDropped By: Raven2022-04-25 17:55:37 UTC
VoodooKingHadesShard Of InfernoStrength Requirement2022-04-26 00:59:18 UTC
VanguardScroll Of GreedSkill Requirement Type2022-04-27 02:42:27 UTC
VanguardShard Of MarineDropped By: Stingray2022-04-27 02:56:05 UTC
VanguardDiamond ChunksDropped By: Holy Flame Grim2022-04-27 04:30:40 UTC
FlamtarIce Devil WingsDexterity Requirement2022-04-29 00:40:32 UTC
FlamtarShard Of FrostDropped By: Frozen Hawk Putrid2022-04-29 00:43:41 UTC
zarastrDragon ScalesDropped By: Shark2022-04-29 11:21:09 UTC
WandrarxEyeballIntelligence Requirement2022-04-29 13:06:17 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeWeight2022-04-29 13:25:59 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeDescription2022-04-29 15:52:43 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesDropped By: Snake Grim2022-04-29 16:55:31 UTC
zarastrBananasStrength Requirement2022-04-29 21:24:49 UTC
WandrarxRubyConstitution Requirement2022-04-29 22:01:33 UTC
WandrarksPotion Vial SpiritSkill Type2022-05-01 06:16:59 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryDropped By: Aloe Vera Plant2022-05-01 07:46:53 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryDropped By: Spider Queen2022-05-01 07:52:59 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryConstitution Requirement2022-05-01 07:57:47 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberrySell Price2022-05-01 08:47:38 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2022-05-01 09:00:59 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Valkyrie2022-05-01 15:04:58 UTC
zarastrMaple PlanksSlot2022-05-01 16:15:10 UTC
zarastrLavender BunchSell Price2022-05-01 19:34:08 UTC
WandrarxEthereal ScrapStrength Requirement2022-05-01 19:39:40 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryIntelligence Requirement2022-05-02 07:00:06 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryStrength Requirement2022-05-02 07:15:42 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberrySlot2022-05-02 12:18:17 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberrySkill Requirement2022-05-02 12:37:37 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryDescription2022-05-02 20:02:59 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryDexterity Requirement2022-05-02 20:34:46 UTC
WandrarxBright LightIntelligence Requirement2022-05-02 20:54:58 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BugsDropped By: Giant Bee2022-05-02 21:08:32 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of StrawberryRarity2022-05-02 21:15:08 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial SpiritDuration2022-05-02 22:16:19 UTC
zarastrShard Of UndeadDropped By: Specter Putrid2022-05-03 14:02:06 UTC
WandrarxGorgon HeadStrength Requirement2022-05-04 21:15:23 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of AppleSlot2022-05-04 23:12:48 UTC
WandrarxMana Bottle LargeMana Increase2022-05-05 14:39:34 UTC
WandrarxMana Bottle LargeGold Increase Percent2022-05-05 14:49:50 UTC
zarastrCopper DustSkill Requirement Type2022-05-05 22:47:40 UTC
zarastrLetter PieceConstitution Requirement2022-05-05 22:50:49 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Hydra Grim2022-05-06 14:36:23 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Egg King Boss2022-05-06 22:22:01 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Pig2022-05-06 22:22:01 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDexterity Requirement2022-05-07 07:14:25 UTC
WandrarxBright LightSkill Requirement2022-05-07 18:59:52 UTC
WandrarxSunflowerSkill Requirement2022-05-07 21:43:16 UTC
VanguardShard Of CursedDropped By: Cursed Guard Trainee2022-05-09 04:45:23 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeConstitution Requirement2022-05-09 12:53:52 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraSkill Requirement Type2022-05-10 07:28:39 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraSell Price2022-05-10 07:55:18 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraDescription2022-05-10 10:58:43 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraDexterity Requirement2022-05-10 11:27:37 UTC
WandrarxWyvern ClawDescription2022-05-10 19:11:47 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailWeight2022-05-11 19:28:54 UTC
WandrarxPeridotDexterity Requirement2022-05-12 16:49:05 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of Sand PearIntelligence Requirement2022-05-12 18:23:29 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeSkill Increase2022-05-12 18:25:46 UTC
LabookMana Vial SmallSkill Increase2022-05-12 23:07:52 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeStrength Requirement2022-05-13 06:54:05 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Lich Grim2022-05-14 07:00:45 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsSell Price2022-05-14 14:26:13 UTC
WandrarxShard Of GiantsDropped By: Titan2022-05-15 06:51:59 UTC
WandrarxShard Of GiantsDropped By: Storm Lord2022-05-15 10:43:22 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumSkill Type2022-05-15 21:39:26 UTC
LabookSeeds Of Rose WhiteDropped By: Pirate Wench2022-05-17 04:51:59 UTC
LabookChumDuration2022-05-17 04:55:33 UTC
zarastrBronze IngotWeight2022-05-17 12:11:05 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsRarity2022-05-18 08:35:07 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeSkill Increase2022-05-20 07:28:14 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeExp Increase Percent2022-05-20 07:40:40 UTC
WandrarxWyvern ClawSkill Requirement2022-05-21 10:59:53 UTC
WandrarxShard Of UndeadStrength Requirement2022-05-21 23:12:24 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Scholar2022-05-22 17:08:27 UTC
LabookSeeds Of Rose WhiteDropped By: Spider Web2022-05-23 22:13:46 UTC
LabookLeather BoltSell Price2022-05-25 02:27:22 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeWeight2022-05-25 05:15:58 UTC
BankkarrdScroll Of CurseDexterity Requirement2022-05-25 07:27:23 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeRarity2022-05-26 09:58:38 UTC
LabookLeather BoltDropped By: Bear2022-05-26 10:01:39 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumStrength Increase2022-05-26 11:04:02 UTC
WandrarxGold OreWeight2022-05-26 11:05:19 UTC
WandrarxGold OreDropped By: Gold2022-05-26 18:46:33 UTC
WandrarxGold OreStrength Requirement2022-05-27 20:33:12 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FiendsRarity2022-05-29 15:49:52 UTC
zarastrBananasConstitution Increase2022-06-02 12:33:26 UTC
LabookSeeds Of Rose WhiteSell Price2022-06-03 09:15:13 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Assassin2022-06-03 18:04:51 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Pumpkin Happy2022-06-03 19:39:39 UTC
zarastrEyeballDropped By: Gorgon2022-06-06 15:29:38 UTC
VanguardShard Of GiantsSkill Requirement2022-06-07 22:01:35 UTC
zarastrMage BloodSlot2022-06-11 18:50:54 UTC
zarastrHealth Bottle LargeDuration2022-06-11 19:41:29 UTC
zarastrChumHealth Increase2022-06-11 19:49:32 UTC
zarastrLetter PieceSkill Requirement2022-06-12 19:16:39 UTC
zarastrPotion Vial HunterIntelligence Increase2022-06-19 17:08:41 UTC
zarastrChest Of Weapons LargeDexterity Requirement2022-06-19 19:17:04 UTC
zarastrMahogany LogsRarity2022-06-19 19:56:53 UTC
zarastrTopazDropped By: Large Ripple2022-07-03 19:12:54 UTC
Tsuki HellwenchChest Of Armor TinyDescription2022-07-10 19:50:45 UTC
Tsuki HellwenchBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed King2022-07-10 20:48:11 UTC
Tsuki HellwenchBox Of TomesDropped By: Stingray2022-07-11 00:12:38 UTC
Tsuki HellwenchShard Of ReptilesWeight2022-07-12 21:32:11 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of AppleConstitution Requirement2022-07-14 15:44:19 UTC
zarastrDiamond ChunksDropped By: Hydra Grim2022-07-14 15:53:35 UTC
zarastrShard Of FrostConstitution Requirement2022-07-17 14:27:30 UTC
zarastrTome Of BlacksmithingDropped By: Iron2022-07-17 22:31:39 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of Huge MushroomDescription2022-07-20 12:58:29 UTC
AikaPickaxe HeadWeight2022-07-28 08:41:24 UTC
GerkChest Of Weapons TinyDexterity Requirement2022-07-29 11:49:17 UTC
LabookLeather BoltDropped By: Swamp Muck2022-07-30 02:42:57 UTC
FlamtarLeather BoltConstitution Requirement2022-07-30 03:22:34 UTC
zarastrStrong HandleDropped By: Sand Rock2022-07-31 14:36:19 UTC
LabookLeather BoltRarity2022-07-31 23:01:06 UTC
ALoliBread LoavesConstitution Increase2022-08-01 12:36:45 UTC
ALoliAxe HeadSkill Requirement2022-08-01 13:33:27 UTC
ALoliScroll Of BlessSell Price2022-08-02 07:49:34 UTC
ALoliScroll Of BlessDescription2022-08-02 09:11:40 UTC
ALoliSnake JuiceDescription2022-08-02 11:23:28 UTC
ALoliSpore DustDropped By: Burrow Mound2022-08-02 13:10:27 UTC
ALoliBread LoavesDexterity Increase2022-08-03 13:46:57 UTC
ALoliChest Of Armor TinyRarity2022-08-03 16:39:09 UTC
ALoliHealth Vial SmallRarity2022-08-03 23:52:15 UTC
ALoliChest Of Weapons TinyDropped By: Snake Grim2022-08-05 22:56:39 UTC
GarzugBread LoavesConstitution Requirement2022-08-05 22:59:42 UTC
GarzugScroll Of BurnIntelligence Requirement2022-08-06 03:52:43 UTC
ALoliCooked StingraySkill Type2022-08-06 20:53:16 UTC
ALoliLeather BoltSkill Requirement2022-08-09 15:41:59 UTC
ALoliHealth Bottle SmallDropped By: Harpy2022-08-09 16:36:10 UTC
PooHeadBread LoavesArmor Increase2022-08-10 04:49:04 UTC
PooHeadChest Of Armor TinySlot2022-08-10 22:46:38 UTC
PooHeadBread LoavesWeight2022-08-11 03:35:46 UTC
PooHeadBread LoavesStrength Requirement2022-08-11 04:05:56 UTC
PooHeadChest Of Weapons TinyDescription2022-08-11 04:16:00 UTC
PooHeadArrows Of BirchGold Increase Percent2022-08-12 19:09:20 UTC
PooHeadScroll Of PoisonConstitution Requirement2022-08-13 01:12:24 UTC
PooHeadBread LoavesDamage Increase Percent2022-08-17 05:29:06 UTC
SarkhaniaScroll Of GustStrength Requirement2022-08-17 16:20:18 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeDropped By: Unicorn2022-08-30 21:22:43 UTC
WandrarxBright LightStrength Requirement2022-09-01 06:44:33 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailSkill Requirement Type2022-09-02 08:03:53 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2022-09-02 08:29:52 UTC
WandrarxHell Spawn TailRarity2022-09-02 08:30:47 UTC
TabunBright LightSlot2022-09-03 16:49:04 UTC
TabunPouch Of Mist MediumIntelligence Requirement2022-09-03 23:06:47 UTC
TabunSeeds Of AppleStrength Requirement2022-09-03 23:43:56 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeDropped By: Swamp Muck2022-09-04 23:17:35 UTC
FlamtarArrows Of MahoganyConstitution Requirement2022-09-04 23:56:29 UTC
FlamtarArrows Of MahoganyRarity2022-09-05 06:33:18 UTC
FlamtarGreen SlimeStrength Increase2022-09-05 06:59:32 UTC
WandrarxElemental Dark EssenceStrength Requirement2022-09-10 12:06:07 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-09-10 12:25:05 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeDropped By: Fallen Angel2022-09-10 18:54:32 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeSkill Type2022-09-10 19:13:19 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeDuration2022-09-10 19:19:01 UTC
LabookMana Beaker SmallConstitution Requirement2022-09-11 05:16:43 UTC
WandrarxGold OreDescription2022-09-11 08:18:40 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksDropped By: Siren Grim2022-09-13 15:04:14 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeIntelligence Requirement2022-09-13 15:04:14 UTC
WandraxsPlatinum PlateRarity2022-09-13 19:56:42 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumDexterity Requirement2022-09-15 13:32:48 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BloodwoodDropped By: Stone Giant2022-09-15 13:39:11 UTC
EmmyLeaf PileSkill Requirement2022-09-17 00:54:21 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumSkill Requirement2022-09-17 06:34:18 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2022-09-17 14:38:33 UTC
WandrarxGold OreRarity2022-09-17 16:04:03 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Death2022-09-17 16:13:21 UTC
WandrarxGold FlakesDexterity Requirement2022-09-17 17:32:56 UTC
EmmyShard Of BugsDescription2022-09-17 19:19:07 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksDropped By: Flame Grim2022-09-20 10:52:32 UTC
MystikkoBread LoavesIntelligence Requirement2022-09-20 11:52:41 UTC
MystikkoSnake JuiceElemental Armor Increase2022-09-20 12:54:35 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeDescription2022-09-20 21:00:26 UTC
DaGreatCornholioChest Of Armor TinyConstitution Requirement2022-09-21 02:43:39 UTC
SamoajaShovelConstitution Requirement2022-09-21 08:56:13 UTC
Musta SeppaArrows Of LeadIntelligence Requirement2022-09-21 09:59:24 UTC
Musta SeppaChest Of Weapons TinyDropped By: Mouse2022-09-21 10:26:10 UTC
SamoajaChest Of Weapons TinyIntelligence Requirement2022-09-21 18:16:46 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeIntelligence Requirement2022-09-22 08:08:17 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Centaur Grim2022-09-22 10:40:46 UTC
MystikkoBread LoavesGold Increase Percent2022-09-22 11:42:32 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeDropped By: Lich2022-09-22 14:47:55 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDescription2022-09-22 19:10:11 UTC
SpakeshaScroll Of BlessConstitution Requirement2022-09-23 04:58:48 UTC
MystikkoSeeds Of Huge MushroomDexterity Requirement2022-09-23 08:14:56 UTC
MystikkoHealth Vial SmallSkill Increase2022-09-23 08:15:00 UTC
MystikkoHolly LeafIntelligence Requirement2022-09-23 09:43:04 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeStrength Requirement2022-09-23 12:09:22 UTC
SamoajaBolts Of MapleStrength Increase2022-09-23 12:35:56 UTC
SamoajaTome Of CarpentryIntelligence Requirement2022-09-23 13:50:10 UTC
VanguardMage BloodSkill Requirement2022-09-24 05:16:32 UTC
kiityArrows Of LeadDescription2022-09-25 07:14:09 UTC
kiityArrows Of LeadSkill Requirement Type2022-09-25 07:18:18 UTC
kiityArrows Of LeadDuration2022-09-25 07:21:52 UTC
Musta SeppaMana Bottle SmallDescription2022-09-25 09:45:38 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of LeadDamage Increase Percent2022-09-25 20:08:57 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of LeadRarity2022-09-26 02:10:40 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeDropped By: Siren Grim2022-09-26 10:20:50 UTC
BankkarrdBolts Of MapleArmor Increase2022-09-26 11:10:08 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesWeight2022-09-26 11:12:55 UTC
SamoajaToasted Spider LegsSkill Requirement2022-09-26 11:19:19 UTC
SamoajaTome Of CarpentryDropped By: Maple Tree2022-09-26 19:01:10 UTC
kiityChest Of Weapons TinyDropped By: Frog Grim2022-09-27 00:24:38 UTC
Musta SeppaHealth Bottle SmallDexterity Increase2022-09-27 10:37:10 UTC
Musta SeppaArrows Of SteelSlot2022-09-27 10:37:35 UTC
Musta SeppaHealth Bottle SmallExp Increase Percent2022-09-27 13:11:47 UTC
SamoajaScroll Of SmiteDexterity Requirement2022-09-27 14:52:14 UTC
kiityBolts Of MapleMana Increase2022-09-27 19:02:02 UTC
kiityBolts Of MapleDescription2022-09-27 19:25:40 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of MapleDamage Increase Percent2022-09-27 20:00:54 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of MapleSkill Increase2022-09-27 21:03:32 UTC
kiityScroll Of FreezeWeight2022-09-27 21:36:19 UTC
DaGreatCornholioMana Beaker SmallSlot2022-09-27 22:09:33 UTC
DaGreatCornholioMana Beaker SmallIntelligence Requirement2022-09-27 22:12:56 UTC
DaGreatCornholioMana Beaker SmallSkill Requirement2022-09-27 22:26:04 UTC
DaGreatCornholioMana Beaker SmallDropped By: Giant Bee2022-09-27 23:03:43 UTC
DaGreatCornholioSeeds Of Lily PinkDropped By: Holly Bush2022-09-27 23:08:26 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of MapleStrength Increase2022-09-28 01:03:31 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of MapleIntelligence Increase2022-09-28 02:27:08 UTC
kiityIron IngotStrength Requirement2022-09-28 02:45:04 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumWeight2022-09-28 09:46:46 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumConstitution Increase2022-09-28 13:12:55 UTC
kiityScroll Of PoisonSlot2022-09-28 23:43:59 UTC
DaGreatCornholioLetter PieceDescription2022-09-29 04:59:04 UTC
DaGreatCornholioLavender BunchDexterity Requirement2022-09-29 16:59:01 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchDexterity Requirement2022-09-29 17:53:13 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchStrength Increase2022-09-29 17:53:55 UTC
BonecleaverAquamarineDescription2022-09-29 20:04:34 UTC
BonecleaverHealth Vial SmallExp Increase Percent2022-09-29 21:07:08 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Guard Trainee2022-09-30 07:50:59 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumExp Increase Percent2022-09-30 17:20:12 UTC
PaldisaurChest Of Armor TinyDropped By: Cockroaches2022-09-30 19:26:41 UTC
zarastrMahogany PlanksRarity2022-09-30 23:09:56 UTC
kiityScroll Of BurnDropped By: Fire Mites2022-10-01 01:52:16 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchLuck Increase Percent2022-10-01 04:20:22 UTC
kiityScroll Of LeechSlot2022-10-01 04:58:05 UTC
DaGreatCornholioTome Of MillingSkill Requirement2022-10-02 06:14:06 UTC
FlamtarLetter PieceSlot2022-10-02 07:36:40 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Nothing SmallIntelligence Requirement2022-10-02 08:22:22 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchConstitution Increase2022-10-02 08:41:01 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchSkill Type2022-10-02 08:42:30 UTC
FlamtarToxic BloodDexterity Requirement2022-10-02 09:08:35 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchDuration2022-10-02 19:43:48 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BloodwoodDexterity Increase2022-10-03 11:08:40 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchStrength Requirement2022-10-03 23:37:41 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of BirchMana Increase2022-10-05 00:20:19 UTC
kiityHealth Bottle SmallIntelligence Requirement2022-10-05 00:47:42 UTC
DaGreatCornholioBananasMana Increase2022-10-05 00:58:25 UTC
DaGreatCornholioScroll Of HealWeight2022-10-05 01:35:00 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksSkill Requirement2022-10-05 08:58:06 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeRarity2022-10-05 12:35:48 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2022-10-06 12:18:40 UTC
BankkarrdChest Of Weapons MediumSkill Requirement2022-10-07 05:12:22 UTC
kiityHealth Beaker MediumRarity2022-10-08 02:03:54 UTC
DaGreatCornholioDragon ScalesSkill Requirement2022-10-09 00:01:16 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial SmallDamage Increase Percent2022-10-09 08:33:59 UTC
WandrarxWyvern ClawSell Price2022-10-09 10:00:10 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumDexterity Increase2022-10-10 10:16:25 UTC
WandrarxElemental Polished RockDropped By: Ettin2022-10-10 12:45:19 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumGold Increase Percent2022-10-10 21:34:07 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumConstitution Requirement2022-10-11 09:19:30 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of FortifyDescription2022-10-11 09:56:58 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlacksmithingDropped By: Bronze2022-10-11 13:08:23 UTC
FlamtarMana Vial SmallConstitution Increase2022-10-11 21:45:38 UTC
DaGreatCornholioArrows Of MahoganySkill Increase2022-10-11 22:58:24 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of DiseaseRarity2022-10-12 07:22:47 UTC
zarastrShard Of InfernoDropped By: Demon Putrid2022-10-12 14:11:38 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker MediumDuration2022-10-13 08:23:30 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingWeight2022-10-13 12:20:02 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Luck LargeDescription2022-10-13 13:04:37 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Undead Mage2022-10-13 18:51:54 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Brimlock Mage Dealer2022-10-14 06:12:01 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeRarity2022-10-14 10:21:13 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeSkill Requirement2022-10-14 10:23:16 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeIntelligence Requirement2022-10-14 11:17:45 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of MapleDexterity Requirement2022-10-15 13:42:52 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of MapleHealth Increase2022-10-15 13:44:24 UTC
WandrarxLavender BunchDropped By: Medium Ripple2022-10-15 16:21:43 UTC
WandrarxBirch PlanksRarity2022-10-15 19:13:51 UTC
kiityEyeballSlot2022-10-16 00:47:39 UTC
VanguardScroll Of DiseaseDropped By: Shade2022-10-16 01:53:01 UTC
VanguardScroll Of FreezeDexterity Requirement2022-10-16 01:56:06 UTC
WandrarxBright LightRarity2022-10-16 19:18:18 UTC
WandrarxBright LightConstitution Requirement2022-10-16 20:09:39 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeGold Increase Percent2022-10-16 20:35:24 UTC
WandrarxShard Of GiantsSell Price2022-10-18 09:19:13 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingRarity2022-10-19 11:27:39 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial MediumDropped By: Spirits2022-10-23 09:03:59 UTC
WandrarxMana Bottle MediumStrength Requirement2022-10-24 13:23:13 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of AppleDropped By: Frozen Hawk2022-10-24 15:00:22 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeSlot2022-10-24 20:18:03 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeSell Price2022-10-24 20:29:56 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Specter Putrid2022-10-25 07:16:21 UTC
AmazzoBRBread LoavesSell Price2022-10-26 02:56:20 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeConstitution Requirement2022-10-26 12:57:12 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeExp Increase Percent2022-10-26 13:04:13 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeDexterity Increase2022-10-26 13:11:21 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeArmor Increase2022-10-26 13:14:36 UTC
WandrarxMana Vial LargeElemental Armor Increase2022-10-26 13:47:40 UTC
LabookScroll Of SootheDropped By: Lizard2022-10-26 23:19:50 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeConstitution Requirement2022-10-27 20:27:42 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2022-10-27 20:34:27 UTC
FlamtarShard Of MagesDropped By: Tundrian Mage Dealer2022-10-29 06:34:29 UTC
JarudielAxe HeadStrength Requirement2022-10-29 14:52:13 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Wandering Wizard2022-10-29 20:04:32 UTC
FlamtarShard Of RoyaltySkill Requirement Type2022-10-30 04:39:44 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial RageDropped By: Pumpkin Angry2022-10-30 04:52:41 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Pumpkin StemSell Price2022-10-30 04:52:57 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial RageArmor Increase2022-10-30 13:35:45 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Carac2022-10-30 13:45:21 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Clover2022-10-30 14:14:46 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDexterity Requirement2022-10-30 14:18:02 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDescription2022-10-30 14:24:43 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemStrength Requirement2022-10-30 14:25:44 UTC
WandrarxTiny Pumpkin SeedsRarity2022-10-30 14:29:40 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemWeight2022-10-30 14:41:29 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Caleb2022-10-30 16:12:53 UTC
WandrarxTiny Pumpkin SeedsDropped By: Pumpkin King Boss2022-10-30 16:12:59 UTC
WandrarxTiny Pumpkin SeedsSkill Requirement2022-10-31 17:01:27 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemRarity2022-10-31 17:16:43 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemConstitution Requirement2022-10-31 18:25:06 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesSkill Requirement Type2022-10-31 18:26:31 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemSkill Requirement Type2022-10-31 20:49:23 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Skandar2022-10-31 20:53:51 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDropped By: Pumpkin King Boss2022-10-31 21:02:10 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemSkill Requirement2022-10-31 21:05:03 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltySlot2022-10-31 21:09:12 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemIntelligence Requirement2022-10-31 21:14:11 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDropped By: Pumpkin Happy2022-11-01 11:21:40 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemSlot2022-11-01 11:38:56 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial RageMana Increase2022-11-01 11:41:00 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltyDexterity Requirement2022-11-01 11:41:04 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDropped By: Pumpkin Angry2022-11-01 12:06:28 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Farmer2022-11-01 12:07:24 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesSkill Requirement2022-11-01 12:11:25 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Pumpkin StemDropped By: Pumpkin King2022-11-01 15:20:51 UTC
zarastrShard Of RoyaltyIntelligence Requirement2022-11-01 20:28:11 UTC
NarsaScroll Of BlessIntelligence Requirement2022-11-02 23:50:12 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Balzar2022-11-03 09:06:16 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Queen Cristiana2022-11-03 09:32:27 UTC
zarastrPotion Vial RageDescription2022-11-03 14:57:54 UTC
WandrarxShard Of RoyaltySell Price2022-11-04 06:57:29 UTC
FlamtarBright LightDropped By: Spider Queen Boss2022-11-04 09:32:10 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeDescription2022-11-06 15:51:40 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeSkill Requirement Type2022-11-06 17:24:08 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesWeight2022-11-06 19:53:04 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDropped By: Yetti General2022-11-06 21:00:47 UTC
WandrarxGold FlakesConstitution Requirement2022-11-11 12:38:53 UTC
EcomonsScroll Of GustWeight2022-11-12 01:19:40 UTC
EcomonsScroll Of CurseConstitution Requirement2022-11-13 02:18:32 UTC
EcomonsBread LoavesDropped By: Mouse2022-11-13 13:17:53 UTC
EcomonsSeeds Of BananaDescription2022-11-15 19:48:03 UTC
EcomonsSeeds Of BananaRarity2022-11-15 20:55:35 UTC
EcomonsMana Vial SmallDuration2022-11-15 23:37:33 UTC
EcomonsMana Vial SmallRarity2022-11-16 12:32:01 UTC
EcomonsArrows Of LeadStrength Increase2022-11-16 13:08:56 UTC
EcomonsMana Vial SmallHealth Increase2022-11-16 13:23:51 UTC
EcomonsMana Bottle SmallSkill Increase2022-11-16 18:26:31 UTC
EcomonsCrucibleMana Increase2022-11-16 18:27:10 UTC
EcomonsSeeds Of BananaConstitution Requirement2022-11-16 21:09:33 UTC
EcomonsScroll Of SmiteSkill Requirement Type2022-11-17 18:14:17 UTC
EcomonsScroll Of SmiteSell Price2022-11-17 18:37:04 UTC
EcomonsSeeds Of Lily YellowDropped By: Berries Shrub2022-11-17 20:00:00 UTC
EcomonsSeeds Of BananaSkill Requirement Type2022-11-18 13:53:17 UTC
EcomonsScroll Of SmiteStrength Requirement2022-11-18 15:23:26 UTC
zarastrBananasRarity2022-11-23 16:23:53 UTC
zarastrBananasSlot2022-11-23 16:51:52 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesSell Price2022-11-23 16:51:57 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Clover2022-11-24 00:57:18 UTC
FlamtarBananasDuration2022-11-24 01:07:42 UTC
FlamtarBananasConstitution Requirement2022-11-24 01:10:54 UTC
FlamtarBananasDropped By: Turkey2022-11-24 01:12:53 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyIntelligence Requirement2022-11-24 01:21:35 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Bald Eagle2022-11-24 09:04:35 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsWeight2022-11-24 09:05:14 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyDescription2022-11-24 09:14:00 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyRarity2022-11-24 09:15:09 UTC
WandrarxBananasDamage Increase Percent2022-11-24 09:19:49 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyDexterity Requirement2022-11-24 16:12:52 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsRarity2022-11-24 17:01:14 UTC
BankkarrdTome Of LootingDropped By: Unicorn Putrid2022-11-25 01:41:41 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Crab2022-11-25 12:03:11 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeySell Price2022-11-25 15:22:09 UTC
WandrarxBananasDropped By: Deranged Monk2022-11-25 17:51:45 UTC
WandrarxBananasElemental Armor Increase2022-11-25 18:04:56 UTC
FlamtarBananasGold Increase Percent2022-11-26 00:35:56 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Turkey2022-11-26 14:31:07 UTC
WandrarxBananasArmor Increase2022-11-26 14:37:59 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Barbarian Axeman2022-11-26 14:39:34 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyWeight2022-11-26 14:41:48 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeySkill Requirement2022-11-26 14:42:59 UTC
WandrarxBananasDexterity Increase2022-11-26 16:39:53 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Harpy2022-11-27 07:49:07 UTC
WandrarxTome Of LootingWeight2022-11-27 07:49:23 UTC
WandrarxBananasLuck Increase Percent2022-11-27 07:50:33 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Skeleton Grim2022-11-27 07:52:43 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyStrength Requirement2022-11-27 08:01:02 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Unicorn2022-11-27 08:02:25 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Vampire Bat2022-11-27 08:19:46 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeySlot2022-11-27 08:26:49 UTC
WandrarxTome Of LootingSkill Requirement2022-11-27 10:46:03 UTC
WandrarxBananasDropped By: Farmer2022-11-27 11:27:57 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Dullahan2022-11-27 17:14:37 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Raven Grim2022-11-27 18:22:19 UTC
WandrarxTome Of LootingIntelligence Requirement2022-11-28 18:57:38 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsConstitution Requirement2022-11-28 18:59:40 UTC
WandrarxBananasIntelligence Requirement2022-11-28 19:07:50 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Thanksgiving TurkeyConstitution Requirement2022-11-28 19:19:19 UTC
WandrarxTome Of LootingRarity2022-11-28 19:32:27 UTC
WandrarxBananasSkill Requirement2022-11-28 19:38:33 UTC
WandrarxBananasElemental Damage Increase Percent2022-11-28 20:13:05 UTC
FlamtarShard Of MagesRarity2022-12-07 11:53:36 UTC
dingleArrows Of LeadConstitution Requirement2022-12-18 19:51:18 UTC
dingleAquamarineDropped By: Berries Shrub2022-12-19 05:49:40 UTC
zarastrHoliday Present GreenSlot2022-12-27 11:57:36 UTC
zarastrOrangesLuck Increase Percent2022-12-27 13:39:17 UTC
zarastrHoliday Present GreenIntelligence Requirement2022-12-27 13:40:44 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of OrangeIntelligence Requirement2022-12-27 14:09:20 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Present GreenDropped By: Snowman2022-12-28 07:59:20 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Present GreenSkill Requirement2022-12-28 07:59:56 UTC
FlamtarShard Of FrostDropped By: Frozen Hawk2022-12-29 00:07:50 UTC
zarastrShard Of FrostRarity2022-12-29 20:23:58 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of OrangeDropped By: Snowman2022-12-29 20:49:17 UTC
scratchMana Bottle SmallWeight2022-12-31 14:40:26 UTC
scratchMana Bottle SmallArmor Increase2022-12-31 14:49:58 UTC
WulffChest Of Weapons TinySkill Requirement Type2023-01-04 03:40:11 UTC
WulffScroll Of BurnSkill Requirement2023-01-07 23:48:31 UTC
WulffChest Of Weapons TinyWeight2023-01-08 20:29:14 UTC
scratchArrows Of BirchDescription2023-01-11 00:27:22 UTC
VanguardHealth Bottle LargeDropped By: Barbarian Mage2023-01-19 03:25:34 UTC
LisaBread LoavesSkill Type2023-02-01 14:05:05 UTC
WolfwoodMana Beaker MediumSlot2023-02-14 20:33:10 UTC
JhorrTome Of SmeltingDropped By: Iron2023-02-15 07:37:58 UTC
zarastrPotion Love MediumSkill Increase2023-02-15 20:29:33 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallExp Increase Percent2023-02-15 20:41:33 UTC
zarastrShard Of CherubsSkill Requirement2023-02-15 20:42:40 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallDescription2023-02-15 20:51:33 UTC
WolfwoodShard Of GiantsDexterity Requirement2023-02-15 20:57:05 UTC
zarastrHoliday Chocolate HeartsDescription2023-02-15 21:03:13 UTC
WolfwoodShard Of GiantsSkill Requirement Type2023-02-16 23:53:12 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallDexterity Requirement2023-02-17 13:54:18 UTC
WolfwoodMana Beaker MediumElemental Damage Increase Percent2023-02-17 17:12:58 UTC
WolfwoodBright LightDexterity Requirement2023-02-18 15:04:51 UTC
robinhoodspimpChest Of Armor SmallDescription2023-02-19 06:14:38 UTC
zarastrHoliday Chocolate HeartsSlot2023-02-19 19:28:24 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallRarity2023-02-19 19:57:05 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallSkill Increase2023-02-19 20:01:13 UTC
zarastrShard Of CherubsDropped By: Pilgrim2023-02-19 21:00:24 UTC
zarastrScroll Of SootheDropped By: Heart2023-02-19 21:20:02 UTC
zarastrPotion Love SmallSkill Requirement Type2023-02-19 21:43:43 UTC
WolfwoodToxic BloodIntelligence Requirement2023-02-20 14:53:22 UTC
WolfwoodChest Of Armor MediumDropped By: Raven Grim2023-02-20 17:45:41 UTC
WolfwoodBright LightDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman Putrid2023-02-20 17:51:35 UTC
WolfwoodMana Beaker MediumExp Increase Percent2023-02-20 22:12:44 UTC
WolfwoodBox Of TomesDescription2023-02-21 21:18:03 UTC
robinhoodspimpHolly LeafSell Price2023-02-22 02:33:05 UTC
WolfwoodHealth Bottle LargeConstitution Increase2023-02-22 21:51:43 UTC
robinhoodspimpIron IngotDexterity Requirement2023-02-24 05:53:10 UTC
WolfwoodHealth Vial SmallConstitution Requirement2023-02-25 09:34:23 UTC
WolfwoodHealth Vial SmallSkill Requirement Type2023-02-25 09:34:32 UTC
WolfwoodSunflowerStrength Requirement2023-02-25 12:16:28 UTC
WolfwoodGreen SlimeElemental Armor Increase2023-02-25 14:19:23 UTC
WolfwoodGreen SlimeDuration2023-02-25 14:38:43 UTC
WolfwoodGreen SlimeStrength Requirement2023-02-25 15:37:01 UTC
WolfwoodToxic BloodSkill Requirement Type2023-02-25 18:50:11 UTC
WolfwoodAloe VeraDropped By: Aloe Vera Plant2023-02-25 19:29:16 UTC
WolfwoodToxic BloodWeight2023-02-25 19:35:01 UTC
zarastrShard Of CherubsDropped By: Deranged Monk2023-02-26 01:44:03 UTC
WolfwoodGreen SlimeDamage Increase Percent2023-02-26 14:11:20 UTC
robinhoodspimpMaple PlanksIntelligence Requirement2023-02-27 06:13:58 UTC
robinhoodspimpBolts Of MapleStrength Requirement2023-02-27 06:24:16 UTC
robinhoodspimpBolts Of MapleDexterity Increase2023-02-27 06:25:59 UTC
robinhoodspimpBolts Of MapleRarity2023-02-27 06:34:22 UTC
robinhoodspimpBolts Of MapleConstitution Requirement2023-02-27 06:51:17 UTC
ParadoxAxe HeadConstitution Requirement2023-02-27 11:38:22 UTC
WolfwoodChumSell Price2023-02-28 10:40:32 UTC
WolfwoodBox Of TomesIntelligence Requirement2023-03-01 13:11:22 UTC
WolfwoodBright LightSkill Requirement Type2023-03-01 13:12:08 UTC
WolfwoodMana Beaker MediumRarity2023-03-01 16:49:46 UTC
WolfwoodSeeds Of AppleSell Price2023-03-01 17:25:14 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial LargeIntelligence Increase2023-03-01 21:19:09 UTC
WolfwoodMana Bottle MediumSlot2023-03-02 09:45:38 UTC
WolfwoodMana Bottle MediumArmor Increase2023-03-02 09:46:10 UTC
WolfwoodSeeds Of AppleSkill Requirement2023-03-03 21:41:34 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial LargeDuration2023-03-04 15:03:54 UTC
WolfwoodSeeds Of AppleDexterity Requirement2023-03-04 20:44:22 UTC
WolfwoodMana Vial LargeSell Price2023-03-04 23:15:29 UTC
WolfwoodElemental Ice CrystalSlot2023-03-05 07:22:34 UTC
WolfwoodShard Of FrostSkill Requirement2023-03-06 08:19:50 UTC
zarastrBronze IngotRarity2023-03-11 22:34:29 UTC
zarastrBronze IngotDescription2023-03-11 22:37:48 UTC
zarastrBronze IngotSkill Requirement2023-03-11 22:41:54 UTC
zarastrTree RootStrength Requirement2023-03-19 22:54:06 UTC
zarastrTree RootSell Price2023-03-25 14:51:50 UTC
zarastrTree RootWeight2023-03-25 14:54:48 UTC
zarastrShard Of EarthenDropped By: Dirt Burrower2023-03-25 15:13:33 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesDropped By: Banshee2023-03-25 17:39:27 UTC
zarastrTree RootIntelligence Requirement2023-03-25 17:51:50 UTC
WolfwoodSeeds Of AppleDropped By: Rose Bush2023-03-27 21:13:01 UTC
zarastrGreen SlimeRarity2023-04-04 14:07:31 UTC
zarastrToxic BloodConstitution Requirement2023-04-04 14:27:31 UTC
zarastrCrab MeatDexterity Requirement2023-04-04 15:32:12 UTC
zarastrGold FlakesDropped By: Gold2023-04-04 20:57:43 UTC
zarastrAloe VeraSlot2023-04-04 21:02:30 UTC
zarastrSunflowerDexterity Requirement2023-04-04 21:29:38 UTC
zarastrToxic BloodStrength Requirement2023-04-06 14:47:49 UTC
GooseTiny Cracked EggshellSlot2023-04-07 20:43:54 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceDexterity Increase2023-04-09 00:54:52 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceDuration2023-04-09 17:35:56 UTC
NarsaBread LoavesIntelligence Increase2023-04-09 20:29:20 UTC
TomekShard Of UngroupedDexterity Requirement2023-04-10 03:02:27 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceElemental Damage Increase Percent2023-04-15 21:38:36 UTC
VictusShard Of ReptilesSlot2023-04-16 22:57:16 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceIntelligence Requirement2023-04-18 02:21:34 UTC
NarsaBread LoavesSlot2023-04-23 00:47:52 UTC
CrastShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Snake Corn2023-04-23 15:07:39 UTC
NarsaMana Vial SmallStrength Increase2023-04-23 23:04:27 UTC
NarsaMana Vial SmallSkill Requirement2023-04-23 23:17:32 UTC
KazukiScroll Of GustDropped By: Bat2023-04-25 07:33:25 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceArmor Increase2023-04-25 23:41:34 UTC
NarsaHolly LeafRarity2023-04-26 10:14:06 UTC
VictusBox Of TomesDropped By: Pumpkin Angry2023-04-26 14:57:19 UTC
NarsaSnake JuiceConstitution Increase2023-04-26 22:58:53 UTC
CrastShard Of PeltDropped By: Deer2023-04-27 22:52:21 UTC
NarsaChest Of Armor SmallSell Price2023-04-28 02:09:23 UTC
NarsaScroll Of DiseaseSell Price2023-04-28 03:05:40 UTC
NarsaMana Bottle SmallSkill Requirement2023-04-28 03:30:42 UTC
GM RumbleBolts Of MapleLuck Increase Percent2023-04-28 13:16:49 UTC
VictusBread LoavesDexterity Requirement2023-04-28 19:41:04 UTC
VictusScroll Of StunWeight2023-04-28 20:10:38 UTC
VictusArrows Of BirchSkill Requirement2023-04-28 20:23:02 UTC
NarsaMana Bottle SmallSell Price2023-04-29 16:15:26 UTC
NarsaToasted Spider LegsElemental Armor Increase2023-04-29 22:31:54 UTC
CrastBolts Of MapleDuration2023-04-30 14:14:20 UTC
CrastBread LoavesStrength Increase2023-04-30 14:32:18 UTC
CrastTiny Spider FangsStrength Requirement2023-04-30 15:30:43 UTC
NarsaChumWeight2023-05-13 16:35:41 UTC
NarsaDragon ScalesDropped By: Burrow Mound2023-05-13 17:37:40 UTC
NarsaCooked StingrayIntelligence Increase2023-05-14 14:58:53 UTC
NarsaScroll Of HealStrength Requirement2023-05-14 16:43:08 UTC
EvilswingHealth Vial SmallSkill Type2023-05-15 05:53:37 UTC
NarsaCrucibleExp Increase Percent2023-05-15 12:41:25 UTC
NarsaMana Vial SmallStrength Requirement2023-05-17 22:38:14 UTC
NarsaSeeds Of AppleSkill Requirement Type2023-05-28 15:11:39 UTC
NarsaMana Bottle SmallSkill Type2023-05-28 15:49:42 UTC
NarsaMana Vial MediumDamage Increase Percent2023-05-29 17:55:23 UTC
WandrarxBananasSkill Requirement Type2023-05-29 20:45:08 UTC
WandrarxBananasHealth Increase2023-05-29 21:02:20 UTC
WandrarxShard Of InfernoDropped By: Bog Demon2023-05-29 21:45:50 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeDescription2023-05-30 00:27:05 UTC
HolicScroll Of CurseRarity2023-05-30 08:24:20 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeDropped By: Swamp Muck2023-05-31 17:15:20 UTC
NarsaTiny Slime Drop GreenSkill Requirement Type2023-05-31 17:26:26 UTC
NarsaArrows Of MahoganyDexterity Requirement2023-05-31 17:39:23 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeDexterity Increase2023-05-31 20:40:45 UTC
NarsaMana Bottle SmallDamage Increase Percent2023-06-01 01:35:45 UTC
NarsaMana Bottle SmallDexterity Increase2023-06-01 01:37:28 UTC
CrastSeeds Of AppleIntelligence Requirement2023-06-02 03:07:24 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeMana Increase2023-06-03 14:59:03 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeGold Increase Percent2023-06-03 18:35:53 UTC
NarsaArrows Of MahoganyConstitution Increase2023-06-03 18:47:23 UTC
NarsaGreen SlimeDexterity Requirement2023-06-03 18:56:37 UTC
NarsaArrows Of MahoganyGold Increase Percent2023-06-04 02:35:14 UTC
zarastrLetter PieceDexterity Requirement2023-06-05 14:37:15 UTC
zarastrShard Of InfernoSkill Requirement Type2023-06-05 15:18:01 UTC
FlamtarBasket SmallSlot2023-06-05 17:08:27 UTC
zarastrSunflowerSell Price2023-06-07 16:07:56 UTC
FlamtarShard Of UndeadSkill Requirement Type2023-06-09 22:13:36 UTC
OnkyTiny Bat WingsIntelligence Requirement2023-06-15 09:41:55 UTC
TomekPouch Of Luck LargeStrength Requirement2023-06-16 16:31:48 UTC
FlamtarTiny Eagle BeakIntelligence Requirement2023-07-04 07:22:01 UTC
WandraxsHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherIntelligence Requirement2023-07-04 23:07:53 UTC
WandraxsHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherSlot2023-07-05 10:32:08 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Ent Putrid2023-07-06 16:14:07 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Outlaw Ryia2023-07-06 16:33:22 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Outlaw Banathos2023-07-07 00:16:45 UTC
WandraxsShard Of BirdsDropped By: Djinn2023-07-07 15:46:43 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Capital Mage Dealer2023-07-09 16:46:23 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons LargeSkill Requirement Type2023-07-10 08:43:27 UTC
WandrarxShard Of GiantsDropped By: Stone Giant2023-07-11 13:07:32 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial Stone SkinIntelligence Requirement2023-07-11 13:08:04 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of MahoganyStrength Requirement2023-07-11 13:22:19 UTC
VanguardSeeds Of Lily PinkStrength Requirement2023-07-13 17:41:14 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Golem Obsidian2023-07-17 16:21:17 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDexterity Requirement2023-07-22 20:58:42 UTC
DuckkyStoneDiamond ChunksConstitution Requirement2023-07-30 10:47:41 UTC
DuckkyStoneScroll Of CurseSlot2023-07-31 12:42:44 UTC
WandrarxEyeballDescription2023-08-01 20:21:19 UTC
WandrarxBox Of TomesDropped By: Turkey2023-08-01 20:34:23 UTC
WandrarxPhoenix TearIntelligence Requirement2023-08-02 07:39:19 UTC
WandrarxEyeballWeight2023-08-02 08:00:05 UTC
GalahadAquamarineDropped By: Lead2023-08-02 14:00:33 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraRarity2023-08-04 13:53:28 UTC
DaiseyScroll Of GustIntelligence Requirement2023-08-05 01:22:40 UTC
WandrarxStrong HandleSell Price2023-08-09 11:24:42 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker SmallConstitution Increase2023-08-09 11:57:33 UTC
ElfeBread LoavesSkill Requirement2023-08-16 20:24:43 UTC
ElfeScroll Of GustSkill Requirement Type2023-08-16 20:36:18 UTC
ElfeHealth Vial SmallConstitution Increase2023-08-16 21:57:20 UTC
WandrarxCrucibleArmor Increase2023-09-25 19:34:45 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial FortuneElemental Armor Increase2023-09-25 21:44:19 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial DarknessSell Price2023-09-25 21:44:19 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial FortuneDropped By: Crab2023-09-25 22:54:05 UTC
WandrarxBottle EmptyWeight2023-09-25 22:55:05 UTC
KillmongerScroll Of BurnStrength Requirement2023-09-26 03:29:46 UTC
VanguardIron IngotIntelligence Requirement2023-09-26 04:25:43 UTC
KillmongerShard Of ReptilesRarity2023-09-26 04:26:07 UTC
VagabuzTiny Bat WingsDropped By: Bat2023-09-26 08:10:47 UTC
WandrarxShard Of CursedSkill Requirement Type2023-09-26 10:56:28 UTC
TomekBronze IngotStrength Requirement2023-09-26 18:43:36 UTC
GenovaHealth Vial SmallMana Increase2023-09-26 23:17:49 UTC
lookBox Of TomesDropped By: Pumpkin King Boss2023-09-27 00:26:57 UTC
CroxTiny Bat WingsDexterity Requirement2023-09-27 02:41:36 UTC
CroxTiny Bat WingsSell Price2023-09-27 14:16:42 UTC
CroxScroll Of GustSell Price2023-09-27 14:17:37 UTC
VermileighShard Of ReptilesConstitution Requirement2023-09-28 04:59:15 UTC
derwinMaple PlanksWeight2023-09-28 12:13:07 UTC
derwinCrucibleDamage Increase Percent2023-09-28 13:02:30 UTC
derwinScroll Of StunDexterity Requirement2023-09-28 13:02:38 UTC
derwinSeeds Of Lily PinkSkill Requirement Type2023-09-28 15:25:20 UTC
derwinScroll Of NimbleConstitution Requirement2023-09-28 15:26:43 UTC
derwinScroll Of WisdomSlot2023-09-28 15:28:48 UTC
derwinScroll Of PoisonDropped By: Bear2023-09-28 15:49:59 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FiendsDropped By: Fallen Angel2023-09-29 21:20:11 UTC
FlamtarAloe VeraSkill Requirement2023-09-29 22:38:34 UTC
derwinScroll Of HealSkill Requirement Type2023-09-30 00:06:08 UTC
YukiryuuBread LoavesExp Increase Percent2023-09-30 16:10:10 UTC
YukiryuuShard Of PeltIntelligence Requirement2023-09-30 16:12:37 UTC
derwinBottle EmptyDexterity Requirement2023-10-02 02:35:15 UTC
olddudePickaxe HeadSkill Requirement2023-10-04 23:58:23 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsRarity2023-10-05 13:27:46 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsWeight2023-10-05 13:57:11 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsSlot2023-10-05 14:27:00 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsSkill Requirement2023-10-05 16:00:11 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsConstitution Requirement2023-10-05 20:54:42 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsStrength Requirement2023-10-05 20:55:49 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsDescription2023-10-06 00:24:19 UTC
GumboTiny Bat WingsSkill Requirement Type2023-10-06 06:07:39 UTC
derwinMana Bottle MediumSkill Requirement Type2023-10-07 07:06:45 UTC
GumboSeeds Of Lily YellowSell Price2023-10-07 08:38:03 UTC
TomekTopazDropped By: Mahogany Tree2023-10-09 16:01:35 UTC
tengusekTiny Bat WingsDropped By: Pet Tamer2023-10-09 19:13:21 UTC
kiityArrows Of MahoganyIntelligence Requirement2023-10-10 01:22:56 UTC
FlamtarGrilled TunaElemental Armor Increase2023-10-10 02:07:02 UTC
FlamtarShard Of MagesDropped By: Lich Grim2023-10-12 13:40:05 UTC
FlamtarScroll Of GreedDropped By: Ice Critter2023-10-17 12:30:05 UTC
TomekBronze IngotConstitution Requirement2023-10-18 04:44:52 UTC
TomekTopazDropped By: Bronze2023-10-21 05:18:25 UTC
FlamtarDiamond ChunksDropped By: Golem Grim2023-10-21 21:46:32 UTC
FlamtarShard Of FiendsDropped By: Shade2023-10-21 21:46:58 UTC
TomekArrows Of BloodwoodDexterity Requirement2023-10-22 00:26:36 UTC
TomekTopazSkill Requirement Type2023-10-22 19:40:52 UTC
FlamtarDiamond ChunksDropped By: Cyclops Grim2023-10-23 13:50:07 UTC
TomekTome Of BlacksmithingSell Price2023-10-24 03:58:38 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial RageSkill Requirement Type2023-10-25 02:31:04 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial RageWeight2023-10-25 02:40:01 UTC
FlamtarShard Of EarthenWeight2023-10-25 03:11:08 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Dark Harbinger2023-10-25 03:52:14 UTC
FlamtarTiny Pumpkin SeedsDexterity Requirement2023-10-25 04:04:12 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial RageConstitution Increase2023-10-25 04:09:19 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Wyvern2023-10-25 04:22:05 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Demon Putrid2023-10-25 13:38:08 UTC
FlamtarShard Of EarthenDropped By: Ent2023-10-25 13:41:47 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Cursed Criminal Guard2023-10-25 13:42:39 UTC
FlamtarTiny Pumpkin SeedsSlot2023-10-25 14:14:27 UTC
FlamtarShard Of RoyaltyConstitution Requirement2023-10-25 21:14:29 UTC
TomekShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Banker2023-10-26 00:16:07 UTC
TomekPotion Vial RageRarity2023-10-26 00:22:52 UTC
FlamtarPotion Vial RageExp Increase Percent2023-10-26 00:56:57 UTC
FlamtarShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Neveia2023-10-26 01:35:01 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2023-10-26 02:34:25 UTC
FlamtarDiamond ChunksDropped By: Frog Grim2023-10-26 14:05:24 UTC
FlamtarElemental Dark EssenceDescription2023-10-26 14:13:12 UTC
VanguardBox Of TomesDropped By: Frost Knight2023-10-26 16:51:21 UTC
VanguardShard Of EarthenIntelligence Requirement2023-10-26 16:54:31 UTC
VanguardShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Leif2023-10-26 19:43:03 UTC
VanguardShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Egg King Boss2023-10-27 02:02:30 UTC
VanguardShard Of EarthenSell Price2023-10-27 02:17:07 UTC
VanguardBox Of TomesDropped By: Pumpkin King2023-10-28 08:44:31 UTC
TomekPotion Vial RageSkill Increase2023-10-28 15:28:57 UTC
TomekShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Black Marketer2023-10-28 17:20:09 UTC
TomekTiny Pumpkin SeedsDropped By: Pumpkin Angry2023-10-28 22:46:24 UTC
VanguardShard Of RoyaltyDropped By: Egg King2023-10-29 08:11:35 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesDropped By: Barbarian Xbowman2023-10-29 19:08:53 UTC
zarastrShard Of RoyaltyStrength Requirement2023-10-29 20:40:55 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesDropped By: Turtle2023-10-29 21:02:59 UTC
TomekBox Of TomesDropped By: Snake2023-10-30 15:46:07 UTC
zarastrShard Of EarthenDropped By: Labourer Rulf2023-11-02 00:15:14 UTC
zarastrShard Of EarthenSkill Requirement Type2023-11-02 18:53:31 UTC
zarastrShard Of RoyaltyWeight2023-11-07 09:20:14 UTC
zarastrPotion Vial RageDexterity Requirement2023-11-07 14:17:33 UTC
FlamtarGorgon HeadDexterity Requirement2023-11-08 02:44:09 UTC
zarastrTiny Pumpkin SeedsDropped By: Pumpkin King2023-11-09 11:02:58 UTC
zarastrMana Vial MediumSell Price2023-11-13 12:43:20 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Pumpkin Happy2023-11-22 17:57:46 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Pumpkin King Boss2023-11-23 14:36:51 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Pumpkin Angry Grim2023-11-23 14:48:31 UTC
TomekBurnt AshDropped By: Pumpkin King2023-11-23 14:51:49 UTC
FlamtarBurnt AshDropped By: Pumpkin Angry2023-11-24 04:20:51 UTC
FlamtarBananasSell Price2023-11-24 04:23:25 UTC
TomekTome Of LootingDexterity Requirement2023-11-24 05:23:32 UTC
zarastrBox Of TomesSlot2023-11-25 00:07:04 UTC
zarastrTiny Turkey WattleSlot2023-11-25 00:19:27 UTC
TomekShard Of BirdsSkill Requirement2023-11-25 19:32:23 UTC
DaGreatCornholioSextantDexterity Requirement2024-01-14 23:17:26 UTC
SephTome Of TailoringDexterity Requirement2024-01-16 04:37:24 UTC
SephBottle EmptyConstitution Requirement2024-01-16 06:12:29 UTC
SephScroll Of SmiteSkill Requirement2024-01-16 22:46:28 UTC
SephScroll Of FortifySkill Requirement Type2024-01-18 01:07:05 UTC
SephDragon ScalesDexterity Requirement2024-01-18 04:12:19 UTC
SephMana Vial MediumDuration2024-01-19 08:05:14 UTC
LegolasCooked StingrayWeight2024-01-21 14:10:01 UTC
LegolasCooked StingrayConstitution Requirement2024-01-21 17:05:33 UTC
LegolasCooked StingrayArmor Increase2024-01-21 17:44:13 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumSkill Requirement2024-01-22 02:12:18 UTC
SephSeeds Of Rose RedDexterity Requirement2024-01-22 08:06:32 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumIntelligence Requirement2024-01-23 04:07:20 UTC
SephScroll Of SwellDescription2024-01-23 11:06:42 UTC
SephScroll Of SwellRarity2024-01-23 11:16:31 UTC
SephScroll Of HealDropped By: Spirits2024-01-23 11:19:17 UTC
SephShard Of CherubsDropped By: Unicorn Putrid2024-01-23 11:22:10 UTC
SephScroll Of FortifyDexterity Requirement2024-01-23 11:26:58 UTC
SephSeeds Of Rose RedConstitution Requirement2024-01-24 22:54:52 UTC
SephTome Of ForagingDropped By: Aloe Vera Plant2024-01-25 04:23:39 UTC
SephTome Of ForagingIntelligence Requirement2024-01-27 03:17:01 UTC
SephSeeds Of Rose RedWeight2024-01-27 10:25:16 UTC
SephAquamarineDropped By: Tiny Ripple2024-01-28 01:57:05 UTC
AragornMaple PlanksRarity2024-01-28 02:15:10 UTC
LegolasBolts Of MapleIntelligence Requirement2024-01-28 02:42:37 UTC
LegolasBolts Of MapleDamage Increase Percent2024-01-28 02:47:42 UTC
LegolasBolts Of MapleSkill Increase2024-01-28 03:00:27 UTC
SephScroll Of WisdomSkill Requirement Type2024-01-28 12:08:41 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumStrength Requirement2024-01-28 23:03:44 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumSell Price2024-01-28 23:09:39 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumWeight2024-01-28 23:10:07 UTC
SephPouch Of Nothing MediumDescription2024-01-28 23:12:25 UTC
SephTome Of CarpentrySkill Requirement2024-01-30 09:08:48 UTC
SephScroll Of BurnSkill Requirement Type2024-01-31 01:18:37 UTC
SephMortar And PestleSkill Increase2024-02-01 01:08:44 UTC
AragornTome Of BlacksmithingSkill Requirement Type2024-02-02 10:54:13 UTC
AragornTome Of SmeltingDropped By: Sand Rock2024-02-04 09:46:08 UTC
SephPotion Vial HunterConstitution Increase2024-02-05 02:05:18 UTC
SephTiny Spider FangsIntelligence Requirement2024-02-08 02:15:12 UTC
SephBright LightDropped By: Albatross Boss2024-02-08 03:33:05 UTC
SephTiny Slime Drop BlueStrength Requirement2024-02-10 03:12:44 UTC
TomekShard Of HumanoidIntelligence Requirement2024-02-13 05:29:30 UTC
SephPotion Vial SpiritSlot2024-02-16 01:23:45 UTC
SephScroll Of GreedSell Price2024-02-17 12:38:21 UTC
SephBox Of TomesDropped By: Egg King Boss2024-02-17 17:18:43 UTC
SephPotion Love SmallDexterity Increase2024-02-17 17:25:18 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Frozen Hawk Putrid2024-02-18 00:49:58 UTC
FlamtarTiny Broken HeartStrength Requirement2024-02-18 00:52:27 UTC
FlamtarPotion Love SmallSlot2024-02-18 00:58:02 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Frozen Hawk2024-02-24 00:29:51 UTC
TomekHoliday Pumpkin StemDropped By: Pumpkin Angry Grim2024-02-28 00:57:52 UTC
TomekPotion Vial RageDexterity Increase2024-02-28 01:08:27 UTC
LabookBox Of TomesRarity2024-03-09 18:38:47 UTC
MorticianHealth Vial SmallLuck Increase Percent2024-03-10 01:27:40 UTC
MorticianHealth Vial SmallDexterity Requirement2024-03-10 01:53:15 UTC
MorticianCrucibleSkill Requirement2024-03-10 17:29:39 UTC
MorticianBox Of TomesDropped By: Frog Grim2024-03-15 19:27:43 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Clover PatchWeight2024-03-19 04:23:15 UTC
FlamtarBox Of TomesDropped By: Pumpkin Angry Grim2024-03-19 04:24:59 UTC
FlamtarTree RootDescription2024-03-19 04:27:22 UTC
FlamtarShard Of EarthenDropped By: Sheep2024-03-19 04:44:23 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Clover PatchConstitution Requirement2024-03-28 14:37:14 UTC
FlamtarShard Of EarthenDropped By: Pumpkin Happy2024-03-28 14:38:11 UTC
FlamtarShard Of EarthenDropped By: Pumpkin Angry Grim2024-03-28 14:39:57 UTC
FlamtarTree RootDropped By: Birch Tree2024-03-28 14:49:54 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Clover PatchSkill Requirement Type2024-03-28 14:54:36 UTC
LabookTree RootSlot2024-03-28 16:24:53 UTC
zarastrTree RootConstitution Requirement2024-03-29 03:57:13 UTC
zarastrHoliday Clover PatchStrength Requirement2024-03-29 04:13:29 UTC
MinerMana Bottle SmallExp Increase Percent2024-04-26 17:53:20 UTC
TomekBolts Of LeadDaily Gift2024-04-28 01:42:34 UTC
RayexiaArm BoneDaily Task2024-04-28 02:04:16 UTC
DEV ProskierGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-04-28 02:19:03 UTC
RayexiaReedDaily Task2024-04-28 03:05:23 UTC
RayexiaBear PawDaily Task2024-04-28 11:06:57 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-04-28 11:21:52 UTC
RayexiaArm BoneDaily Gift2024-04-28 11:22:56 UTC
RayexiaBolts Of SteelDaily Task2024-04-28 11:28:00 UTC
yuriBat WingDaily Task2024-04-28 11:48:39 UTC
KibethMouse TailDaily Gift2024-04-28 12:05:05 UTC
MinerSteel BarDaily Task2024-04-28 12:23:47 UTC
yuriSnake SkinDaily Task2024-04-28 12:35:28 UTC
KibethSnake SkinDaily Gift2024-04-28 12:45:27 UTC
KibethBurnt AshDaily Task2024-04-28 12:47:12 UTC
yuriShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Lizard Man2024-04-28 12:55:12 UTC
yuriFrog LegDaily Gift2024-04-28 12:59:36 UTC
RayexiaReedDaily Gift2024-04-28 13:29:38 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-04-28 13:30:28 UTC
yuriScroll Of CurseDaily Gift2024-04-28 13:37:19 UTC
yuriGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-04-28 13:37:37 UTC
RayexiaLeather BoltDaily Task2024-04-28 13:45:49 UTC
RayexiaCooked SardineDaily Task2024-04-28 15:22:39 UTC
RayexiaCooked SardineDaily Gift2024-04-28 15:35:22 UTC
RayexiaRoasted AnchovyDaily Task2024-04-28 16:23:12 UTC
RayexiaRoasted AnchovyDaily Gift2024-04-28 16:45:22 UTC
RayexiaRoasted AnchovyDropped By: Seagull2024-04-28 16:45:32 UTC
RayexiaCooked StingrayDaily Gift2024-04-28 16:47:56 UTC
RayexiaCooked TambaquiDaily Gift2024-04-28 17:29:49 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (30)2024-04-28 17:42:46 UTC
RayexiaPotion Vial FortuneStrength Increase2024-04-28 17:44:10 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of BirchDropped By: Flea Swarm2024-04-28 17:53:03 UTC
RayexiaSkullDaily Gift2024-04-28 18:00:14 UTC
RayexiaPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-04-28 18:01:42 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-04-28 18:05:32 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-04-28 22:16:05 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-04-28 22:20:00 UTC
FlamtarShard Of HumanoidConstitution Requirement2024-04-28 22:43:17 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-04-28 22:59:04 UTC
FlamtarDiamond ChunksDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2024-04-28 23:02:27 UTC
FlamtarBurnt AshDaily Gift2024-04-28 23:03:02 UTC
FlamtarPouch Of Mist LargeDaily Gift2024-04-28 23:06:10 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-04-28 23:15:02 UTC
FlamtarShard Of MagesDropped By: Elder Mage2024-04-28 23:21:14 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-04-28 23:22:58 UTC
FlamtarBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-04-28 23:31:08 UTC
KibethBat WingDaily Gift2024-04-29 00:07:04 UTC
MinerBolts Of IronDaily Gift2024-04-29 00:08:00 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-04-29 00:28:19 UTC
RayexiaHealth Vial MediumDaily Task2024-04-29 00:32:32 UTC
RayexiaHealth Vial MediumDaily Gift2024-04-29 00:33:16 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-04-29 00:39:05 UTC
RayexiaBear PawDaily Gift2024-04-29 00:43:48 UTC
RayexiaCooked TambaquiDaily Task2024-04-29 00:54:36 UTC
MinerSteel OreDaily Task2024-04-29 04:05:06 UTC
RayexiaIron IngotDaily Gift2024-04-29 05:09:50 UTC
RayexiaGlass Vial SmallDaily Gift2024-04-29 07:15:28 UTC
RayexiaHealth Bottle SmallDaily Gift2024-04-29 07:55:30 UTC
RayexiaPine LogsDaily Task2024-04-29 08:13:20 UTC
RayexiaGlass Beaker SmallDaily Task2024-04-29 10:20:25 UTC
RayexiaGlass Beaker SmallDaily Gift2024-04-29 10:24:24 UTC
MinerSkullDaily Task2024-04-29 11:31:57 UTC
RayexiaHoneycombDaily Task2024-04-29 11:46:38 UTC
MinerSpider LegsDaily Gift2024-04-29 12:07:47 UTC
RayexiaGlass Bottle SmallDaily Task2024-04-29 12:15:43 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-04-29 12:20:56 UTC
RayexiaSeeds Of Huge MushroomWeight2024-04-29 12:38:36 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-04-29 12:38:59 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-04-29 12:40:36 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-04-29 12:42:14 UTC
RayexiaEyeballDaily Gift2024-04-29 12:51:35 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of PineDaily Gift2024-04-29 12:59:29 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of PineDaily Task2024-04-29 13:02:58 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of IronDaily Task2024-04-29 13:14:27 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-04-29 13:15:38 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of IronDaily Gift2024-04-29 13:17:46 UTC
RayexiaHolly BerriesDaily Gift2024-04-29 13:19:06 UTC
RayexiaBolts Of SteelDaily Gift2024-04-29 14:21:23 UTC
RayexiaBolts Of LeadDaily Task2024-04-29 14:27:16 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-04-29 14:27:35 UTC
RayexiaMana Vial SmallDaily Task2024-04-29 14:40:49 UTC
RayexiaGlass Bottle SmallDaily Gift2024-04-29 14:46:28 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-04-29 14:48:11 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of LeadDaily Task2024-04-29 14:50:44 UTC
RayexiaMana Vial SmallDaily Gift2024-04-29 14:51:34 UTC
KibethFrog LegDaily Task2024-04-29 16:17:32 UTC
LabookHoneycombDaily Gift2024-04-29 19:32:10 UTC
LabookChest Of Weapons SmallDropped By: Cyclops Grim2024-04-29 19:34:49 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-04-29 22:51:11 UTC
MinerStudded Leather BoltDaily Task2024-04-29 22:59:52 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-04-29 23:01:06 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (30)2024-04-29 23:20:17 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-04-29 23:54:07 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-04-30 00:39:22 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-04-30 00:42:53 UTC
KibethSnake FangDaily Gift2024-04-30 02:22:37 UTC
EnixMouse TailDaily Task2024-04-30 04:28:04 UTC
EnixSnake FangDaily Task2024-04-30 04:54:53 UTC
MinerSteel BarDaily Gift2024-04-30 05:47:40 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle SmallDaily Task2024-04-30 06:16:25 UTC
EnixPine LogsDaily Gift2024-04-30 08:37:09 UTC
yuriGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-04-30 11:42:29 UTC
RandorCloth ScrapDaily Gift2024-04-30 12:23:57 UTC
RandorBolts Of PineDaily Task2024-04-30 13:27:06 UTC
RandorRobe ScrapDaily Task2024-04-30 13:56:05 UTC
RandorRobe ScrapDaily Gift2024-04-30 13:56:07 UTC
RandorHealth Vial SmallArmor Increase2024-04-30 14:07:50 UTC
RandorCockroach LegDaily Gift2024-04-30 14:39:48 UTC
RandorFrog SkinDaily Gift2024-04-30 14:42:02 UTC
RandorScroll Of CrushDaily Gift2024-04-30 14:44:17 UTC
RayexiaShard Of FrostIntelligence Requirement2024-04-30 16:22:20 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Dragon Red2024-04-30 23:09:01 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-04-30 23:27:05 UTC
TomekPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-04-30 23:30:32 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-04-30 23:34:57 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-04-30 23:36:50 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-04-30 23:38:02 UTC
TomekToxic BloodDaily Gift2024-04-30 23:39:03 UTC
TomekGlass Vial LargeDaily Task2024-04-30 23:46:59 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (30)2024-05-01 00:02:16 UTC
MinerLead OreDaily Gift2024-05-01 00:16:39 UTC
MinerLead OreDaily Task2024-05-01 00:38:15 UTC
RayexiaToasted CrabDaily Gift2024-05-01 05:01:19 UTC
RayexiaShard Of UndeadDropped By: Mummy2024-05-01 05:44:42 UTC
RayexiaGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-01 05:45:10 UTC
RayexiaArrows Of LeadDaily Gift2024-05-01 06:17:54 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (30)2024-05-01 12:16:23 UTC
MinerPine PlanksDaily Task2024-05-01 12:30:48 UTC
zarastrGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-05-01 21:41:08 UTC
zarastrGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-05-01 21:45:48 UTC
zarastrGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-05-01 22:16:33 UTC
zarastrShard Of MagesConstitution Requirement2024-05-01 22:27:23 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of StrawberryDaily Task2024-05-01 22:36:22 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (30)2024-05-02 04:05:50 UTC
MinerMana Beaker SmallSkill Increase2024-05-02 04:10:23 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-05-02 12:50:09 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-05-02 13:07:27 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-02 13:12:01 UTC
MinerHuge MushroomDaily Task2024-05-02 13:15:13 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-05-02 13:24:33 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-02 13:39:00 UTC
MinerArrows Of SteelDaily Task2024-05-02 14:55:47 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-05-02 15:05:48 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-02 18:33:59 UTC
MinerBolts Of IronDaily Task2024-05-02 21:49:29 UTC
FlamtarMana Beaker LargeDaily Task2024-05-02 22:39:44 UTC
FlamtarRose RedDaily Gift2024-05-02 22:44:40 UTC
FlamtarBolts Of BronzeDaily Task2024-05-02 22:59:40 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-05-03 01:05:39 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-03 01:06:28 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-05-03 04:04:16 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-05-03 04:20:35 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor TinyDaily Gift2024-05-03 14:08:07 UTC
MinerHolly BerriesDaily Task2024-05-03 14:20:54 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-05-03 23:59:42 UTC
zarastrGlass Bottle LargeDaily Task2024-05-04 00:00:10 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-04 00:00:57 UTC
TomekArrows Of MahoganyDaily Task2024-05-04 00:04:28 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-04 00:14:46 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-05-04 00:38:33 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-05-04 00:45:14 UTC
MinerRock DustDaily Gift2024-05-04 00:46:12 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-05-04 01:01:22 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-05-04 01:06:11 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-05-04 02:30:55 UTC
MinerBolts Of PineDaily Gift2024-05-04 02:47:58 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-04 04:08:14 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-04 04:08:27 UTC
VanguardGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-04 06:22:40 UTC
VanguardSnowballDaily Gift2024-05-04 09:46:07 UTC
MinerSteel OreDaily Gift2024-05-04 14:44:01 UTC
zarastrGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-05-04 15:26:00 UTC
zarastrGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-04 15:27:10 UTC
zarastrScroll Of IlluminateRarity2024-05-04 15:27:45 UTC
zarastrScroll Of BrawnDropped By: Molten2024-05-04 15:35:23 UTC
MinerBolts Of MapleSkill Requirement Type2024-05-04 22:28:54 UTC
VanguardShard Of FrostDropped By: Frost Knight2024-05-04 23:47:01 UTC
MinerArrows Of SteelDaily Gift2024-05-05 00:25:32 UTC
MinerMana Beaker SmallMana Increase2024-05-05 03:55:46 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-05 04:00:28 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-05-05 05:00:27 UTC
MinerBolts Of BirchDaily Task2024-05-05 05:07:39 UTC
MinerIron OreDaily Task2024-05-05 13:04:41 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-05 14:33:19 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-05 14:46:14 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-05-05 14:50:45 UTC
LegacyScroll Of BlessDaily Gift2024-05-05 17:22:40 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-05-05 19:16:51 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-05-05 19:21:44 UTC
VanguardSnowballDaily Task2024-05-06 02:23:15 UTC
MinerDollDaily Task2024-05-06 03:00:51 UTC
FlamtarEthereal ScrapDaily Task2024-05-06 03:48:54 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-05-06 03:59:31 UTC
MinerRock DustDaily Task2024-05-06 04:17:01 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-05-06 16:46:26 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-06 16:48:24 UTC
MinerStudded Leather BoltDaily Gift2024-05-06 16:58:31 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-05-06 17:17:34 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-06 17:21:17 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-05-06 17:52:46 UTC
MinerBirch LogsDaily Gift2024-05-06 17:56:40 UTC
FlamtarAloe VeraIntelligence Requirement2024-05-06 17:59:01 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor TinyDaily Task2024-05-06 18:14:31 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-05-06 18:17:32 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-05-06 18:28:47 UTC
MinerGoldDaily Task2024-05-06 18:32:47 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-06 18:44:06 UTC
MinerBirch PlanksConstitution Requirement2024-05-06 18:50:59 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-05-06 19:00:11 UTC
FlamtarLetter PieceDaily Task2024-05-06 19:43:20 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-05-06 19:44:12 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-06 19:51:48 UTC
MinerGlass Bottle MediumDaily Task2024-05-06 20:02:11 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-05-06 21:07:43 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-05-06 21:26:51 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-05-06 21:37:44 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-05-06 22:44:45 UTC
MinerSpider LegsDaily Task2024-05-06 23:32:59 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-05-06 23:39:36 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-06 23:42:07 UTC
MinerGlass Vial SmallDaily Task2024-05-06 23:44:14 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-05-06 23:44:48 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-05-06 23:45:24 UTC
FlamtarGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-06 23:46:23 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-07 03:24:58 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-07 03:26:23 UTC
MinerScroll Of FreezeSell Price2024-05-07 04:02:12 UTC
MinerBasket LargeLuck Increase Percent2024-05-07 15:09:21 UTC
LegacyCockroach LegDaily Task2024-05-07 15:20:08 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-05-07 15:31:14 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-07 17:52:03 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-07 18:23:49 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-05-07 18:46:10 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-05-07 19:59:53 UTC
MinerFeatherDaily Gift2024-05-08 04:17:04 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-05-08 04:17:37 UTC
MinerTurtle MeatDaily Gift2024-05-08 05:01:15 UTC
MinerScroll Of DarkenSlot2024-05-08 16:23:39 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle MediumDaily Task2024-05-08 16:29:31 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-05-08 16:37:30 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-05-08 16:39:52 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-05-09 06:17:53 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-05-09 13:34:01 UTC
MinerHuge MushroomDaily Gift2024-05-09 14:05:50 UTC
MinerGreen SlimeDaily Gift2024-05-09 14:16:31 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-09 16:09:13 UTC
MinerScroll Of FortifyDaily Gift2024-05-09 16:44:48 UTC
MinerImp BloodDaily Gift2024-05-09 18:36:04 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor MediumSell Price2024-05-09 20:01:21 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-09 20:23:15 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-05-09 20:34:05 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-09 21:14:55 UTC
MinerGoldDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-05-09 21:30:23 UTC
MinerGlass Bottle MediumDaily Gift2024-05-10 03:22:08 UTC
MinerGoldDaily Gift2024-05-10 04:19:37 UTC
zarastrChest Of Weapons MediumSkill Requirement Type2024-05-10 17:01:47 UTC
zarastrShard Of BirdsDexterity Requirement2024-05-10 17:01:56 UTC
FlamtarRose RedDaily Task2024-05-10 18:51:58 UTC
MinerSeeds Of AppleDaily Gift2024-05-11 03:16:05 UTC
MinerBirch LogsDaily Task2024-05-11 04:14:35 UTC
MinerApplesDaily Task2024-05-11 18:49:23 UTC
MinerShard Of PeltRarity2024-05-11 18:52:44 UTC
MinerSand PearDaily Gift2024-05-12 15:35:30 UTC
MinerLily PinkDaily Task2024-05-12 16:29:42 UTC
MinerDirtDaily Gift2024-05-12 23:41:36 UTC
MinerAleDaily Task2024-05-13 09:05:52 UTC
MinerChumArmor Increase2024-05-13 09:06:41 UTC
MinerMage BloodDaily Task2024-05-13 09:28:19 UTC
MinerMage BloodDaily Gift2024-05-13 09:32:26 UTC
MinerSunflowerDaily Task2024-05-13 10:00:38 UTC
MinerTiny Bat WingsDaily Task2024-05-14 04:02:04 UTC
MinerScroll Of GustDaily Gift2024-05-14 04:04:07 UTC
MinerHealth Vial LargeDaily Gift2024-05-14 04:26:24 UTC
MinerMana Vial LargeDaily Task2024-05-14 04:52:03 UTC
MinerPouch Of Luck SmallDaily Task2024-05-14 05:32:51 UTC
MinerMana Bottle LargeDaily Task2024-05-14 13:07:11 UTC
MinerCopper DustDaily Gift2024-05-14 13:13:49 UTC
FlamtarSand PearDaily Task2024-05-14 20:21:29 UTC
LabookPouch Of Mist SmallDaily Gift2024-05-14 21:36:57 UTC
MinerGlass Bottle LargeDaily Gift2024-05-15 08:56:48 UTC
MinerGlass Vial MediumDaily Gift2024-05-15 12:54:19 UTC
MorgarothSeeds Of BerriesDaily Task2024-05-15 13:04:59 UTC
MinerScroll Of SwellWeight2024-05-15 15:04:07 UTC
MinerMana Beaker SmallDaily Gift2024-05-15 19:06:56 UTC
MinerIron OreDaily Gift2024-05-15 20:23:38 UTC
MinerDragon ScalesDaily Gift2024-05-16 06:05:34 UTC
MinerShard Of ReptilesDropped By: Snake King2024-05-16 07:36:03 UTC
MinerSeeds Of StrawberryDaily Gift2024-05-16 09:15:17 UTC
MinerLetter PieceDaily Gift2024-05-16 10:01:30 UTC
MinerStingray MeatDaily Gift2024-05-16 10:51:14 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Molten2024-05-16 12:28:50 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Flame Grim2024-05-16 13:09:53 UTC
MinerScroll Of DiseaseSkill Requirement Type2024-05-16 14:17:34 UTC
MinerTome Of SmeltingDaily Gift2024-05-16 16:15:16 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-16 17:42:41 UTC
MinerPebblesDaily Task2024-05-16 18:50:40 UTC
MinerChest Of Weapons LargeDaily Task2024-05-16 19:11:42 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-05-16 19:19:44 UTC
MinerChumDamage Increase Percent2024-05-17 00:08:41 UTC
MinerDragon ScalesSkill Requirement Type2024-05-17 00:21:29 UTC
MinerShard Of MarineDexterity Requirement2024-05-17 09:39:48 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-05-17 09:40:27 UTC
MinerScroll Of SootheIntelligence Requirement2024-05-17 09:43:12 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDaily Task2024-05-17 09:44:21 UTC
MinerTurtle MeatDaily Task2024-05-17 09:44:28 UTC
MinerShard Of MarineDropped By: Blowfish2024-05-17 09:52:55 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-17 10:07:29 UTC
MinerScroll Of DarkenSell Price2024-05-17 10:08:41 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Dragon Red2024-05-17 10:25:17 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-05-17 10:25:32 UTC
MinerTambaquiDaily Task2024-05-17 10:33:53 UTC
MinerDiamond ChunksIntelligence Requirement2024-05-17 14:24:00 UTC
MinerDragon ScalesDropped By: Dragon Red2024-05-17 14:32:07 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoConstitution Requirement2024-05-17 14:35:22 UTC
MinerScroll Of FreezeStrength Requirement2024-05-17 19:11:17 UTC
MinerSalmonDaily Gift2024-05-17 19:14:52 UTC
MinerShard Of BirdsDaily Gift2024-05-17 21:14:11 UTC
LabookSpore DustDaily Gift2024-05-17 23:20:16 UTC
MinerClay PotteryDaily Gift2024-05-18 09:01:53 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle MediumDaily Gift2024-05-18 09:04:38 UTC
MinerLeather BoltDaily Gift2024-05-18 09:12:52 UTC
MinerGlass Vial LargeDaily Gift2024-05-18 10:58:13 UTC
MinerBananasDaily Task2024-05-18 12:45:48 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-05-18 19:15:00 UTC
MinerHealth Beaker MediumDaily Task2024-05-18 21:04:58 UTC
MinerHealth Beaker MediumDaily Gift2024-05-18 21:05:13 UTC
MinerTopazSkill Requirement2024-05-18 21:35:29 UTC
MinerBolts Of BloodwoodGold Increase Percent2024-05-19 05:19:26 UTC
MinerSilk BoltDaily Gift2024-05-19 16:23:29 UTC
zarastrAquamarineSell Price2024-05-19 22:15:58 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist LargeDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-05-19 22:22:06 UTC
MinerTambaquiDaily Gift2024-05-19 22:35:17 UTC
MinerAnchovyDaily Gift2024-05-19 22:41:50 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle LargeStrength Requirement2024-05-20 04:29:31 UTC
MinerArrows Of BronzeDaily Task2024-05-20 04:33:01 UTC
MinerCopper DustDaily Task2024-05-20 07:54:54 UTC
MinerShard Of CherubsDropped By: Spirits2024-05-20 10:15:06 UTC
MinerLily PinkDaily Gift2024-05-20 12:24:53 UTC
MinerMana Vial LargeDaily Gift2024-05-20 14:43:10 UTC
MinerPouch Of Luck SmallDaily Gift2024-05-20 15:26:35 UTC
MinerSeeds Of Sand PearStrength Requirement2024-05-21 06:50:33 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2024-05-21 16:15:01 UTC
MinerScroll Of FortifyDropped By: Spirits2024-05-21 16:35:26 UTC
MinerAnchovyDaily Task2024-05-21 16:52:16 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDaily Gift2024-05-21 17:01:36 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Flame2024-05-21 21:55:10 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-21 22:03:26 UTC
MinerTiny Dragon Scales GreenDropped By: Dragon Green Putrid2024-05-21 22:04:43 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (90)2024-05-22 03:30:12 UTC
MinerShard Of MarineSkill Requirement2024-05-22 03:45:04 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDropped By: Hell Spawn2024-05-22 03:48:42 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDescription2024-05-22 04:03:23 UTC
MinerAleDaily Gift2024-05-22 04:17:14 UTC
MinerSeeds Of Rose WhiteDaily Gift2024-05-22 10:27:28 UTC
MinerBolts Of BloodwoodElemental Damage Increase Percent2024-05-22 15:50:23 UTC
MinerHealth Beaker LargeDaily Gift2024-05-22 16:21:54 UTC
MinerPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-05-22 20:40:01 UTC
zarastrSeeds Of Lily PinkSkill Requirement2024-05-22 22:23:35 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadDropped By: Ghostly Man2024-05-23 09:07:38 UTC
MinerScroll Of DarkenIntelligence Requirement2024-05-23 09:22:47 UTC
MinerHell Spawn TailDaily Task2024-05-23 09:44:35 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-05-23 09:51:51 UTC
MinerDragon ScalesDaily Task2024-05-23 14:09:38 UTC
MinerSeeds Of WheatDaily Gift2024-05-23 17:12:30 UTC
MinerShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Pirate2024-05-23 17:16:41 UTC
MinerChest Of Weapons LargeRarity2024-05-23 20:19:16 UTC
MinerChumSkill Requirement2024-05-23 20:27:41 UTC
MinerDiamond ChunksWeight2024-05-23 20:28:45 UTC
MinerImp BloodDaily Task2024-05-23 21:46:51 UTC
MinerShard Of FiendsDropped By: Tormented Souls2024-05-23 22:13:27 UTC
Magic HandsGlass Vial MediumDaily Task2024-05-24 08:42:04 UTC
MinerMystic BoltDaily Gift2024-05-24 19:05:56 UTC
MinerShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Barbarian Swordsman Putrid2024-05-24 20:14:03 UTC
Magic HandsGlass Beaker MediumDaily Task2024-05-24 21:01:42 UTC
MinerGlass Beaker LargeDaily Gift2024-05-25 05:21:03 UTC
MinerSardineDaily Task2024-05-25 09:20:54 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor LargeConstitution Requirement2024-05-25 09:22:58 UTC
MinerTree BranchDaily Gift2024-05-25 16:04:56 UTC
TomekIron IngotDaily Task2024-05-25 16:34:05 UTC
TomekGreen SlimeDaily Task2024-05-25 16:43:56 UTC
TomekPouch Of Luck LargeDaily Gift2024-05-25 16:44:37 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-05-25 16:44:44 UTC
Magic HandsSandDaily Gift2024-05-25 19:25:35 UTC
MinerSardineDaily Gift2024-05-26 04:51:22 UTC
MinerSalmonDaily Task2024-05-26 05:31:39 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (90)2024-05-26 05:54:51 UTC
MinerGrilled SalmonDaily Task2024-05-26 06:11:46 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftFrog SkinDaily Task2024-05-26 10:25:13 UTC
MinerTunaSlot2024-05-26 10:59:55 UTC
Magic HandsChest Of Armor SmallDropped By: Cyclops Grim2024-05-26 12:36:31 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-05-26 13:21:02 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftScroll Of DrownDaily Task2024-05-26 13:26:43 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoSell Price2024-05-26 14:04:56 UTC
MinerBottle EmptyStrength Requirement2024-05-26 15:27:54 UTC
MinerCrab MeatWeight2024-05-26 15:28:20 UTC
zarastrChumElemental Damage Increase Percent2024-05-26 17:48:11 UTC
zarastrGold BarIntelligence Requirement2024-05-26 18:16:42 UTC
MinerEucalyptus SprigDaily Gift2024-05-26 20:13:35 UTC
MinerEucalyptus SprigDaily Task2024-05-26 20:15:22 UTC
MinerScroll Of DarkenWeight2024-05-26 20:40:46 UTC
MinerShard Of MarineWeight2024-05-26 22:05:50 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftBolts Of MapleGold Increase Percent2024-05-27 01:32:58 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle LargeDaily Task2024-05-27 06:29:39 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle LargeConstitution Requirement2024-05-27 06:33:48 UTC
MinerHealth Vial LargeDaily Task2024-05-27 08:33:06 UTC
Magic HandsLead IngotDaily Gift2024-05-27 10:18:37 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftChest Of Weapons TinyDaily Gift2024-05-27 11:14:24 UTC
MinerMana Bottle LargeDaily Gift2024-05-27 12:47:19 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftBerriesDaily Gift2024-05-27 18:02:19 UTC
TomekPouch Of Luck MediumDaily Task2024-05-28 01:12:39 UTC
MinerPouch Of Luck MediumDaily Gift2024-05-28 04:00:04 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor MediumDropped By: Flame Grim2024-05-28 04:19:52 UTC
MinerShard Of InfernoDaily Task2024-05-28 04:45:49 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-05-28 17:14:49 UTC
MinerChumSkill Type2024-05-28 17:35:50 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftPouch Of Mist SmallDaily Task2024-05-28 17:43:52 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftChest Of Weapons SmallDaily Task2024-05-28 18:30:11 UTC
MinerChumSkill Increase2024-05-28 20:20:37 UTC
MinerEthereal ScrapDaily Gift2024-05-28 20:30:42 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Eel2024-05-29 03:58:11 UTC
MinerCooked TurtleDaily Task2024-05-29 04:14:29 UTC
MinerCooked TurtleDaily Gift2024-05-29 04:15:20 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Eel Electric2024-05-29 04:16:06 UTC
TomekGoldDropped By: Salamander Blue2024-05-29 04:34:52 UTC
TomekBolts Of BronzeDaily Gift2024-05-29 04:43:02 UTC
Magic HandsGlass Beaker LargeDaily Task2024-05-29 10:51:14 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftSandDaily Task2024-05-29 10:57:13 UTC
MinerShard Of FrostSell Price2024-05-29 11:09:52 UTC
MinerChest Of Weapons LargeDropped By: Holy Flame Grim2024-05-29 12:18:18 UTC
MinerBox Of TomesDaily Gift2024-05-29 12:23:49 UTC
LyrianSeeds Of BerriesDaily Gift2024-05-29 16:35:00 UTC
LyrianChest Of Weapons SmallDropped By: Skeleton2024-05-29 17:00:17 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadDropped By: Sick Man2024-05-29 17:01:57 UTC
LyrianBox Of TomesDaily Task2024-05-29 17:39:26 UTC
LyrianEyeballDropped By: Cyclops2024-05-30 03:41:19 UTC
LyrianEyeballDaily Task2024-05-30 03:49:52 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadDropped By: Skeleton2024-05-30 04:47:35 UTC
MinerChumSlot2024-05-30 04:59:26 UTC
MinerTunaDropped By: Shark2024-05-30 05:03:57 UTC
MinerDiamond ChunksDaily Gift2024-05-30 05:11:33 UTC
MinerScroll Of FreezeDescription2024-05-30 12:49:56 UTC
MinerGrilled SalmonDaily Gift2024-05-30 13:50:00 UTC
MinerGrilled TunaSlot2024-05-30 14:00:38 UTC
MinerTiny Unicorn HornDexterity Requirement2024-05-30 16:32:10 UTC
MinerShard Of CherubsSell Price2024-05-31 03:54:52 UTC
MinerElemental Burning SoulDropped By: Succubus2024-05-31 04:20:07 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-05-31 04:20:16 UTC
MinerChest Of Weapons LargeDaily Gift2024-05-31 04:28:34 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of BronzeDaily Gift2024-05-31 07:33:08 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftPouch Of Mist MediumDexterity Requirement2024-05-31 12:23:06 UTC
WandrarxTorn Lich RobeDaily Gift2024-05-31 16:34:53 UTC
WandrarxTorn Lich RobeDaily Task2024-05-31 16:35:19 UTC
MinerBronze OreDaily Gift2024-05-31 21:50:24 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of FortifyRarity2024-05-31 22:06:32 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeDaily Gift2024-05-31 22:36:23 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (60)2024-05-31 22:50:16 UTC
WandrarxCrispy Frog LegDaily Task2024-05-31 23:43:20 UTC
WandrarxCrispy Frog LegDaily Gift2024-05-31 23:45:03 UTC
MinerBronze OreDaily Task2024-06-01 06:22:07 UTC
MinerDiamond ChunksDropped By: Raven Grim2024-06-01 16:48:51 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-06-01 22:16:53 UTC
WandrarxTunaSkill Requirement Type2024-06-01 22:18:21 UTC
Magic HandsPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-06-02 03:51:55 UTC
Magic HandsScroll Of DrownDaily Gift2024-06-02 06:04:21 UTC
TomekBolts Of MahoganyDaily Gift2024-06-02 23:04:55 UTC
TomekScroll Of DiseaseDexterity Requirement2024-06-03 03:26:31 UTC
TomekGold OreSell Price2024-06-03 03:48:32 UTC
WandrarxFeatherDaily Task2024-06-03 11:12:16 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDaily Gift2024-06-03 11:33:22 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of BurnRarity2024-06-03 11:58:07 UTC
WandrarxMortar And PestleDaily Task2024-06-03 12:29:08 UTC
WandrarxMortar And PestleIntelligence Increase2024-06-03 12:37:55 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of BurnDaily Gift2024-06-03 12:40:23 UTC
WandrarxSalmonDropped By: Eel2024-06-03 19:47:06 UTC
WandrarxTunaIntelligence Requirement2024-06-03 20:19:39 UTC
TomekToxic BloodSell Price2024-06-03 22:13:18 UTC
TomekBlueberriesGold Increase Percent2024-06-03 22:20:41 UTC
TomekToxic BloodDropped By: Toxic Death2024-06-03 22:29:15 UTC
TomekToxic BloodSkill Requirement2024-06-04 01:00:10 UTC
TomekToxic BloodDescription2024-06-04 01:12:38 UTC
TomekAloe VeraConstitution Requirement2024-06-04 01:21:02 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftSeeds Of Lily PinkDaily Gift2024-06-04 03:07:08 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftApplesDaily Gift2024-06-04 03:49:52 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaDescription2024-06-04 09:13:07 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaDexterity Increase2024-06-04 09:15:55 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaWeight2024-06-04 10:53:40 UTC
MinerCrab MeatDescription2024-06-04 13:53:36 UTC
MinerBottle EmptyIntelligence Requirement2024-06-04 13:54:57 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-06-04 22:05:25 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor LargeSell Price2024-06-04 22:10:43 UTC
WandrarxTunaDropped By: Albatross2024-06-05 07:29:51 UTC
MinerPouch Of Luck LargeDaily Task2024-06-06 14:58:32 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2024-06-07 17:22:19 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (90)2024-06-07 17:31:46 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDaily Task2024-06-08 02:48:25 UTC
WandrarxTiny Dragon Scales RedIntelligence Requirement2024-06-08 14:20:22 UTC
WandrarxTiny Dragon Scales RedDexterity Requirement2024-06-08 14:30:37 UTC
MinerGold OreDaily Task2024-06-08 14:46:15 UTC
WandrarxDiamond ChunksDropped By: Centaur Grim2024-06-08 22:14:23 UTC
WandrarksChest Of Armor LargeDaily Task2024-06-09 00:05:21 UTC
WandrarksShard Of CherubsIntelligence Requirement2024-06-09 00:10:03 UTC
WandrarksDiamond ChunksDaily Task2024-06-09 00:18:53 UTC
WandrarksElemental Burning SoulWeight2024-06-09 00:51:33 UTC
TomekTunaDropped By: Whale2024-06-09 01:07:17 UTC
WandrarksGlass Beaker MediumDaily Gift2024-06-09 01:28:34 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (30)2024-06-09 01:34:50 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftScroll Of SootheDaily Gift2024-06-09 03:44:15 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftDirtDaily Task2024-06-09 03:53:25 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftCeramic MugDaily Task2024-06-09 05:29:08 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftSilk BoltDaily Task2024-06-09 07:54:41 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersSkill Requirement2024-06-09 15:46:48 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersConstitution Requirement2024-06-09 15:52:47 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersIntelligence Requirement2024-06-09 16:46:27 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (90)2024-06-09 16:50:52 UTC
WandrarksDiamond ChunksDexterity Requirement2024-06-09 17:08:02 UTC
WandrarksTopazConstitution Requirement2024-06-09 18:18:05 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersDescription2024-06-09 18:41:46 UTC
WandrarksTiny Dog PawSell Price2024-06-09 19:05:07 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersDaily Task2024-06-09 19:27:47 UTC
WandrarksChest Of Weapons HugeSkill Requirement2024-06-09 19:42:37 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersWeight2024-06-09 19:45:10 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (90)2024-06-10 08:50:23 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-06-10 10:55:12 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDaily Task2024-06-10 11:00:09 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-06-10 11:11:38 UTC
WandrarksTambaquiDropped By: Salamander Blue2024-06-10 12:39:32 UTC
WandrarksShard Of UndeadDropped By: Skeleton Grim2024-06-10 12:42:24 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersSell Price2024-06-10 13:53:49 UTC
MinerMortar And PestleConstitution Increase2024-06-10 17:30:15 UTC
WandrarksBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Earth (60)2024-06-10 18:54:01 UTC
WandrarksPouch Of Luck LargeSkill Requirement Type2024-06-10 20:05:56 UTC
WandrarksShard Of EarthenDropped By: Swamp Muck2024-06-10 20:07:47 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadDropped By: Specter2024-06-11 04:51:01 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-06-11 05:15:55 UTC
LabookCooked StingrayDaily Task2024-06-11 05:17:26 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor LargeDaily Gift2024-06-11 05:36:01 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist SmallDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (30)2024-06-11 18:46:50 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsSlot2024-06-11 20:53:08 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsStrength Requirement2024-06-11 20:59:27 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadWeight2024-06-11 21:05:14 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodDuration2024-06-12 06:37:23 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodLuck Increase Percent2024-06-12 06:44:18 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodSkill Type2024-06-12 07:18:45 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsDescription2024-06-12 07:35:42 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsDaily Gift2024-06-12 07:40:29 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodIntelligence Increase2024-06-12 07:53:15 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodDaily Gift2024-06-12 09:17:01 UTC
WandrarxShard Of GiantsDropped By: Giant Grim2024-06-12 09:25:47 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsDropped By: Trifid2024-06-12 09:29:27 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodIntelligence Requirement2024-06-12 09:55:57 UTC
WandrarxBloodwood LogsIntelligence Requirement2024-06-12 10:10:13 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodConstitution Requirement2024-06-12 11:16:48 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodDamage Increase Percent2024-06-12 12:24:40 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodDropped By: Stone Giant2024-06-12 12:30:19 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodExp Increase Percent2024-06-12 13:59:11 UTC
MinerSeeds Of Rose WhiteDescription2024-06-12 14:23:10 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltDaily Task2024-06-12 14:55:13 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersDexterity Requirement2024-06-12 15:30:32 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostStrength Requirement2024-06-12 18:28:17 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDaily Task2024-06-12 18:33:43 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsDaily Task2024-06-12 18:35:06 UTC
WandrarxIce Devil WingsDaily Gift2024-06-12 18:35:16 UTC
MinerWyvern ClawSkill Requirement Type2024-06-12 18:53:48 UTC
MinerGold OreSlot2024-06-12 19:05:54 UTC
MinerChumRarity2024-06-12 19:11:48 UTC
MinerTunaDescription2024-06-12 19:26:46 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2024-06-12 20:11:04 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (90)2024-06-12 20:30:54 UTC
MinerShard Of UndeadSkill Requirement2024-06-12 20:36:36 UTC
MinerWyvern ClawConstitution Requirement2024-06-12 21:25:23 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulSlot2024-06-13 07:52:15 UTC
MinerSeeds Of Lily PinkConstitution Requirement2024-06-13 08:29:17 UTC
MinerSewing Needle BronzeSkill Requirement Type2024-06-13 11:50:35 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeSkill Requirement2024-06-13 12:26:48 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftTiny Lizard TailDaily Gift2024-06-14 16:15:23 UTC
EHTaylorSwiftBread LoavesDaily Gift2024-06-14 17:05:09 UTC
MinerPetrified Wyvern FeathersSlot2024-06-14 18:24:23 UTC
MinerShard Of CherubsDropped By: Holy Flame Grim2024-06-14 18:45:42 UTC
MinerChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Lizard Man2024-06-14 22:36:45 UTC
MinerShard Of CherubsDaily Task2024-06-14 23:15:44 UTC
MinerMaple LogsDaily Task2024-06-14 23:16:45 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2024-06-15 10:13:02 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDropped By: Snowman2024-06-15 10:20:11 UTC
WandrarxPearlDaily Gift2024-06-15 13:09:55 UTC
Magic HandsScroll Of WisdomStrength Requirement2024-06-15 13:14:09 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDaily Task2024-06-15 21:38:08 UTC
WandrarxTree BranchDaily Task2024-06-15 21:45:55 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-06-16 08:13:50 UTC
MinerHealth Bottle LargeSkill Requirement Type2024-06-16 18:16:57 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Gorgon2024-06-16 18:22:01 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeSell Price2024-06-16 18:49:31 UTC
WandrarxShard Of FrostDaily Gift2024-06-16 19:00:44 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersDropped By: Wyvern2024-06-16 19:02:04 UTC
WandrarxWyvern ClawDaily Gift2024-06-16 20:20:03 UTC
TomekStingray MeatDaily Task2024-06-16 21:10:24 UTC
WandrarxMystic BoltDropped By: Eel Striped2024-06-17 08:13:23 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodArmor Increase2024-06-17 09:10:19 UTC
WandrarxElemental Ice CrystalDaily Task2024-06-17 13:12:32 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlacksmithingIntelligence Requirement2024-06-17 14:16:23 UTC
MinerBanshee HairRarity2024-06-17 22:36:55 UTC
MinerBanshee HairDaily Gift2024-06-18 07:48:09 UTC
MinerBanshee HairDescription2024-06-18 08:30:13 UTC
MinerBanshee HairIntelligence Requirement2024-06-18 08:35:03 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor LargeSlot2024-06-18 09:34:59 UTC
MinerHell Spawn TailDaily Gift2024-06-18 21:16:05 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor LargeDexterity Requirement2024-06-19 12:42:58 UTC
MamedECloth ScrapDaily Task2024-06-19 21:28:09 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (30)2024-06-19 21:30:03 UTC
TomekToasted CrabDaily Task2024-06-20 01:56:10 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Water (60)2024-06-20 10:21:19 UTC
MinerChumStrength Increase2024-06-20 13:02:16 UTC
TomekMaple LogsDaily Gift2024-06-20 14:45:31 UTC
WandrarxGold OreIntelligence Requirement2024-06-20 23:16:24 UTC
WandrarxPlatinum PlateDescription2024-06-21 20:18:18 UTC
MinerChest Of Armor LargeDropped By: Golem Grim2024-06-21 21:39:14 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Fallen Angel Grim2024-06-23 13:51:55 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeIntelligence Requirement2024-06-23 13:53:38 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDaily Gift2024-06-23 13:54:30 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Weapons HugeDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2024-06-23 14:19:11 UTC
WandrarxTunaConstitution Requirement2024-06-23 14:50:33 UTC
yuriBerriesDaily Task2024-06-23 15:08:09 UTC
WandrarxElemental Ice CrystalDexterity Requirement2024-06-23 20:04:23 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MarineDescription2024-06-24 19:28:16 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeWeight2024-06-24 19:29:16 UTC
WandrarxTunaStrength Requirement2024-06-24 19:31:54 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaDexterity Requirement2024-06-25 06:53:57 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaElemental Damage Increase Percent2024-06-25 08:05:26 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaExp Increase Percent2024-06-25 08:35:03 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaIntelligence Increase2024-06-25 09:14:57 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaDaily Gift2024-06-25 09:39:57 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaDaily Task2024-06-25 10:30:20 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaLuck Increase Percent2024-06-25 10:44:28 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaSkill Requirement Type2024-06-25 10:45:33 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaGold Increase Percent2024-06-25 11:37:47 UTC
WandrarxGrilled TunaStrength Requirement2024-06-25 12:15:35 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeLuck Increase Percent2024-06-25 19:47:07 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeConstitution Requirement2024-06-25 20:30:46 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeDexterity Increase2024-06-25 21:12:38 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker LargeGold Increase Percent2024-06-26 08:08:33 UTC
MinerBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-06-26 15:57:14 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDaily Task2024-06-27 12:03:03 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeSkill Requirement Type2024-06-27 18:43:21 UTC
WandrarxSpore DustDaily Task2024-06-28 11:24:40 UTC
WandrarxPebblesDaily Gift2024-06-29 21:35:02 UTC
TomekBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-07-01 01:59:38 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingSlot2024-07-01 18:10:02 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingDescription2024-07-01 18:55:23 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingIntelligence Requirement2024-07-01 22:01:11 UTC
WandrarxPearlDropped By: Eel Electric2024-07-02 12:24:02 UTC
WandrarxLinen ScrapDaily Gift2024-07-02 15:23:42 UTC
WandrarxHealth Beaker SmallDaily Gift2024-07-02 15:26:32 UTC
WandrarxTiny Unicorn HornWeight2024-07-02 15:27:29 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Dark (90)2024-07-02 17:04:53 UTC
WandrarxGold OreDaily Gift2024-07-02 18:38:05 UTC
WandrarxGold FlakesRarity2024-07-02 18:56:57 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial Stone SkinSkill Requirement Type2024-07-02 19:44:56 UTC
WandrarxPeridotStrength Requirement2024-07-02 21:08:29 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsDaily Gift2024-07-03 14:07:10 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-07-03 14:23:46 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodElemental Armor Increase2024-07-03 14:57:24 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of BloodwoodConstitution Increase2024-07-03 15:08:15 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlockingDropped By: Dullahan2024-07-03 19:56:04 UTC
WandrarxBananasDaily Gift2024-07-03 20:24:11 UTC
WandrarxPearlDaily Task2024-07-03 20:51:56 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (30)2024-07-03 22:17:55 UTC
WandrarxSextantIntelligence Requirement2024-07-04 06:41:45 UTC
WandrarxTopazDaily Gift2024-07-04 08:25:34 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Mist Cloud Fire (60)2024-07-04 09:22:55 UTC
WandrarxMahogany LogsDaily Task2024-07-04 09:30:30 UTC
TomekArrows Of BloodwoodLuck Increase Percent2024-07-04 23:52:00 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-07-05 08:35:27 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Mist Cloud Holy (60)2024-07-05 08:37:52 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of EtherDaily Gift2024-07-05 09:01:30 UTC
WandrarxSewing Needle IronStrength Requirement2024-07-05 18:53:09 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherDaily Gift2024-07-05 19:07:12 UTC
WandrarxTiny Eagle BeakConstitution Requirement2024-07-05 19:19:38 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherSkill Requirement2024-07-05 19:21:08 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Wyvern2024-07-05 19:23:19 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherSkill Requirement Type2024-07-05 19:30:20 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsStrength Requirement2024-07-05 19:58:26 UTC
PaldisaurSewing Needle IronElemental Armor Increase2024-07-05 19:59:17 UTC
PaldisaurShard Of BirdsSell Price2024-07-05 20:03:14 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherSell Price2024-07-05 20:13:05 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherDaily Task2024-07-05 21:01:48 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherConstitution Requirement2024-07-05 21:03:35 UTC
WandrarxHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherDropped By: Bald Eagle2024-07-05 21:08:56 UTC
PaldisaurSewing Needle IronHealth Increase2024-07-06 00:06:25 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Seagull2024-07-06 17:32:57 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherStrength Requirement2024-07-06 18:10:49 UTC
FlamtarHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherDexterity Requirement2024-07-06 18:23:02 UTC
WandrarxMahogany PlanksDaily Task2024-07-06 18:44:45 UTC
PaldisaurHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherDescription2024-07-06 21:58:06 UTC
PaldisaurShard Of BirdsDropped By: Albatross2024-07-07 05:15:04 UTC
PaldisaurHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherWeight2024-07-07 05:17:26 UTC
zarastrTiny Eagle BeakRarity2024-07-07 20:25:04 UTC
zarastrHoliday Bald Eagle FeatherRarity2024-07-07 21:10:42 UTC
zarastrShard Of BirdsDropped By: Bat2024-07-07 22:29:48 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlacksmithingDexterity Requirement2024-07-08 09:19:59 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingDaily Task2024-07-09 07:55:33 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDaily Gift2024-07-09 18:13:57 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulDropped By: Phoenix2024-07-09 18:23:01 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Hell Spawn Grim2024-07-10 20:00:44 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeStrength Requirement2024-07-10 20:32:06 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingConstitution Requirement2024-07-10 20:59:25 UTC
WandrarxElemental Ice CrystalSkill Requirement2024-07-10 21:26:58 UTC
LabookMana Beaker SmallWeight2024-07-11 16:48:23 UTC
zarastrBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (30)2024-07-13 17:37:30 UTC
zarastrBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (30)2024-07-13 17:39:01 UTC
WandrarxPotion Vial Stone SkinDexterity Increase2024-07-15 11:16:20 UTC
WandrarxTome Of SmeltingDropped By: Bronze2024-07-15 15:14:55 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor MediumDropped By: Ice Critter2024-07-15 21:37:34 UTC
WandrarxShard Of BirdsDropped By: Wyvern White2024-07-16 07:01:04 UTC
WandrarxChumLuck Increase Percent2024-07-16 09:31:14 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Mist MediumDropped By: Cyclops Grim2024-07-16 11:13:45 UTC
WandrarxTiny Dragon Scales RedStrength Requirement2024-07-16 16:38:45 UTC
WandrarxPhoenix TearDropped By: Phoenix2024-07-16 16:45:09 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Centaur Grim2024-07-16 17:20:36 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersDaily Gift2024-07-16 17:33:31 UTC
WandrarxPetrified Wyvern FeathersStrength Requirement2024-07-16 17:34:02 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of NimbleDaily Task2024-07-16 17:58:15 UTC
WandrarxElemental Burning SoulStrength Requirement2024-07-16 18:05:55 UTC
WandrarxMana Beaker SmallDexterity Increase2024-07-16 18:30:34 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of AmplifySlot2024-07-16 18:34:57 UTC
WandrarxShard Of CherubsDropped By: Holy Flame2024-07-17 17:54:38 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeWeight2024-07-18 07:29:50 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeExp Increase Percent2024-07-18 07:45:16 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeElemental Armor Increase2024-07-18 08:51:30 UTC
WandrarxHealth Bottle LargeSkill Type2024-07-18 22:41:13 UTC
WandrarxTunaDexterity Requirement2024-07-19 07:39:04 UTC
WandrarxTunaDaily Task2024-07-19 10:08:19 UTC
WandrarxTunaDaily Gift2024-07-19 11:40:57 UTC
WandrarxTunaWeight2024-07-19 21:47:29 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud Wind (60)2024-07-20 18:43:53 UTC
WandrarxLinen ScrapDaily Task2024-07-21 01:07:17 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of Rose WhiteConstitution Requirement2024-07-21 14:11:51 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of Rose RedDropped By: Thick Spider Web2024-07-21 14:28:31 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Nothing MediumDaily Gift2024-07-21 15:16:29 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Nothing MediumDaily Task2024-07-21 15:20:30 UTC
WandrarxPouch Of Nothing LargeSkill Requirement Type2024-07-21 16:07:42 UTC
WandrarxSeeds Of Rose RedRarity2024-07-21 19:32:50 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor HugeDropped By: Ice Devil Grim2024-07-22 10:53:39 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Hoeth Mage Dealer2024-07-22 18:32:27 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Corsinth Mage Dealer2024-07-22 19:41:14 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesStrength Requirement2024-07-22 19:42:54 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDropped By: Dwarf Mage Dealer2024-07-23 12:43:21 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesSell Price2024-07-23 12:57:18 UTC
WandrarxShard Of MagesDexterity Requirement2024-07-23 15:47:36 UTC
WandrarxBright LightDropped By: Mist Cloud (60)2024-07-24 06:57:29 UTC
WandrarxDiamond BitsConstitution Requirement2024-07-24 06:57:29 UTC
WandrarxShard Of HumanoidDropped By: Centaur Grim2024-07-24 09:00:48 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of MahoganyStrength Increase2024-07-24 19:54:23 UTC
WandrarxChest Of Armor SmallRarity2024-07-24 20:01:43 UTC
WandrarxBolts Of MahoganyDaily Task2024-07-24 20:31:14 UTC
WandrarxArrows Of MahoganyExp Increase Percent2024-07-24 20:32:12 UTC
WandrarxScroll Of DarkenDaily Task2024-07-24 21:06:18 UTC
WandrarxShard Of CursedDropped By: Cursed King2024-07-24 21:39:45 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraDaily Gift2024-07-25 09:44:42 UTC
WandrarxShard Of UndeadConstitution Requirement2024-07-25 11:24:26 UTC
WandrarxSteel PickaxeDuration2024-07-25 11:44:35 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraDropped By: Toxic Death Grim2024-07-25 11:48:46 UTC
WandrarxShard Of HumanoidDaily Gift2024-07-25 12:24:13 UTC
WandrarxShard Of HumanoidStrength Requirement2024-07-25 12:24:48 UTC
WandrarxAloe VeraStrength Requirement2024-07-25 12:29:57 UTC
WandrarxShard Of EarthenDropped By: Goblin2024-07-25 12:34:14 UTC
WandrarxTome Of BlacksmithingStrength Requirement2024-07-26 12:04:54 UTC

Spell researchers:

NameSpellField NameUnlock Date
DEV ProskierBlessDuration2015-09-16 04:01:19 UTC
PuppyHealDescription2018-03-24 15:57:12 UTC
PuppyHealSkill Increase2018-03-24 18:08:22 UTC
PuppyHealStrength Increase2018-03-24 21:36:27 UTC
PuppyHealHealth Increase2018-03-25 07:49:10 UTC
PuppyHealDamage Increase Percent2018-03-27 15:45:04 UTC
PuppyHealElemental Hit Max2018-03-27 21:10:05 UTC
PuppyHealElemental Damage Increase Percent2018-03-28 01:15:12 UTC
PuppyHealDexterity Increase2018-03-28 04:00:06 UTC
PuppyHealElemental Armor Increase2018-03-28 10:43:53 UTC
PuppyHealSkill Requirement2018-03-29 23:54:21 UTC
PuppyHealGold Increase Percent2018-03-30 02:05:00 UTC
PuppyHealElemental Hit Min2018-03-30 07:10:57 UTC
PuppyHealStrength Requirement2018-03-30 11:59:18 UTC
PuppyHealArmor Increase2018-03-30 13:16:23 UTC
PuppyHealIntelligence Requirement2018-03-30 19:35:32 UTC
PuppyHealDexterity Requirement2018-03-30 20:16:32 UTC
PuppyHealDistance2018-03-30 21:52:58 UTC
PuppyHealLuck Increase Percent2018-03-30 22:00:00 UTC
PuppyHealMana Increase2018-09-04 18:29:22 UTC
PuppyHealDuration2018-09-04 21:51:11 UTC
PuppyHealSkill Type2018-09-05 01:11:06 UTC
PuppyHealIntelligence Increase2018-09-05 14:24:29 UTC
PuppyHealConstitution Increase2018-09-05 15:08:04 UTC
PuppyHealExp Increase Percent2018-09-05 15:47:50 UTC
PuppyHealConstitution Requirement2018-09-06 00:33:07 UTC
PuppyHealCooldown2018-09-10 14:21:31 UTC
PLZxBlessConstitution Requirement2019-12-27 10:57:51 UTC
PLZxBlessDexterity Requirement2019-12-30 05:45:21 UTC
AzazelBlessSkill Type2020-07-20 14:00:26 UTC
AzazelNimbleConstitution Requirement2020-07-21 13:43:39 UTC
AzazelNimbleIntelligence Requirement2020-07-23 05:03:50 UTC
AzazelSwellConstitution Requirement2020-07-24 00:41:46 UTC
PuppyWisdomCooldown2020-07-25 12:23:13 UTC
AzazelFortifyDuration2020-07-27 01:25:51 UTC
AzazelEtherArmor Increase2020-07-27 16:54:51 UTC
AzazelBrawnLuck Increase Percent2020-07-28 22:26:56 UTC
PuppyNimbleElemental Hit Min2020-08-08 15:45:31 UTC
AzazelWisdomStrength Requirement2020-08-13 19:11:52 UTC
AzazelBrawnDamage Increase Percent2020-08-15 06:24:16 UTC
PuppyBrawnElemental Hit Max2020-08-18 15:42:59 UTC
PuppyNimbleMana Increase2020-08-27 05:57:46 UTC
PuppyBrawnSkill Increase2020-09-05 04:42:36 UTC
FlamtarEtherDistance2020-12-21 03:30:54 UTC
FlamtarWisdomLuck Increase Percent2020-12-23 10:48:06 UTC
FlamtarBlessStrength Requirement2020-12-24 07:11:27 UTC
SoLciusEtherElemental Hit Min2021-01-24 08:03:48 UTC
FlamtarSwellArmor Increase2021-01-25 23:58:58 UTC
FlamtarBrawnSkill Requirement2021-02-28 07:46:11 UTC
VanguardBlessStrength Increase2021-03-02 03:49:27 UTC
FlamtarNimbleConstitution Increase2021-03-10 05:10:35 UTC
FlamtarWisdomElemental Hit Max2021-03-23 20:36:48 UTC
FlamtarBrawnIntelligence Increase2021-03-27 22:44:31 UTC
FlamtarWisdomConstitution Increase2021-04-05 17:01:38 UTC
FlamtarSwellDescription2021-04-22 06:40:33 UTC
FlamtarSootheMana Increase2021-05-16 22:42:58 UTC
FlamtarSootheConstitution Increase2021-05-18 19:13:24 UTC
FlamtarBrawnDuration2021-06-01 23:45:35 UTC
TaPiMSootheDexterity Increase2021-06-20 01:33:04 UTC
FlamtarEtherElemental Damage Increase Percent2021-06-28 23:43:12 UTC
PuppyNimbleHealth Increase2021-12-03 07:50:01 UTC
FatAdamBlessDamage Increase Percent2021-12-25 16:08:26 UTC
Lady ZaydeeWisdomDescription2021-12-27 21:42:19 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSootheExp Increase Percent2021-12-28 20:47:23 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSootheLuck Increase Percent2021-12-29 03:24:56 UTC
Lady ZaydeeWisdomHealth Increase2021-12-29 06:23:17 UTC
Lady ZaydeeBrawnIntelligence Requirement2021-12-29 08:07:11 UTC
Lady ZaydeeEtherGold Increase Percent2021-12-30 19:19:16 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSwellSkill Type2022-01-01 03:57:28 UTC
Lady ZaydeeWisdomSkill Type2022-01-02 03:16:07 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSwellCooldown2022-01-03 03:45:31 UTC
Lady ZaydeeWisdomDamage Increase Percent2022-01-03 11:17:41 UTC
Lady ZaydeeSwellDexterity Increase2022-01-03 12:19:41 UTC
Lady ZaydeeEtherSkill Type2022-01-03 14:47:14 UTC
Lady ZaydeeEtherDexterity Requirement2022-01-05 08:25:38 UTC
tlanfanyBlessConstitution Increase2022-01-17 14:04:44 UTC
WolfwoodBlessElemental Hit Max2022-02-07 20:15:45 UTC
WolfwoodSootheArmor Increase2022-02-08 20:11:01 UTC
FlamtarSootheDescription2022-04-29 00:26:36 UTC
FlamtarSootheDexterity Requirement2022-05-02 22:30:04 UTC
WandrarxGreedConstitution Requirement2022-05-27 20:04:32 UTC
FlamtarWisdomExp Increase Percent2022-09-16 06:32:34 UTC
WandrarxFortifyExp Increase Percent2022-10-05 07:28:01 UTC
EcomonsSwellConstitution Increase2022-11-16 19:25:42 UTC
EcomonsBlessArmor Increase2022-11-19 13:28:42 UTC
WolfwoodBlessHealth Increase2023-03-02 13:02:29 UTC
zarastrSootheHealth Increase2023-03-19 19:33:32 UTC
FlamtarSootheStrength Increase2023-10-30 19:33:54 UTC
SephFortifyElemental Armor Increase2024-01-19 07:28:48 UTC
SephSootheElemental Damage Increase Percent2024-02-05 05:03:35 UTC
FlamtarSootheIntelligence Increase2024-03-10 17:54:49 UTC
MinerTankDescription2024-05-17 10:30:20 UTC
WandrarxSootheSkill Type2024-06-15 09:58:00 UTC
WandrarxSootheSkill Increase2024-06-15 10:11:55 UTC
TomekHealMana Cost2024-06-16 01:58:50 UTC
WandrarxSanguineStrength Requirement2024-06-16 18:55:08 UTC
WandrarxIlluminateElemental Damage Increase Percent2024-07-19 12:17:11 UTC

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