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Version 1.4.0 patch

New Features

  • School Island will teach new characters how to play
  • Guild leaders can now edit guild name, tag, and description
  • Guilds have levels based on contributions from members (shards and/or gold)
  • Guild bonus for members based on the guild level and faction (weapons/tradeskills/elemental)
  • Guild history shows who joined, left, donated, etc. and when
  • Premium Shop feature: Auto pickup gold/loot – ability to pickup by walking over stuff
  • Account banker to store between all characters
  • Costume, mount, and pet equipment slots added – costume done, but only one so far – mount and pet features not started yet
  • New polearms and wand – thanks Flamtar

Gameplay Changes

  • Increased player walk speed
  • Doors automatically open when you wall into them
  • Less kills/gathers needed for daily quests
  • More chance to have gathers for daily quests
  • Changed AFK timeout to 30 mins
  • Monsters respawn location a bit more random
  • Changed buffs to last twice as long
  • Lowered premium shop prices for many items

Bug Fixes

  • ANDROID: Inspecting a plant showed filename and type instead of name and planter name
  • Using shovel crashed the game
  • Using puddle on unplanted soil crashed the game
  • Fixed attack and elemental attack calculation errors and display on character window

Version 1.3.8 patch

New Features

  • Planting and harvesting are now in the game with many more seeds to come
  • Players can rummage for items, cow and water fountain for the moment – hello easter eggs
  • ANDROID: Reduced size of split window for smaller phone sizes
  • Hand torch is now craftable and priced appropriately
  • Added some translations for the Portuguese language

Gameplay Changes

  • Drawing code speed improvements
  • Weapon rebalancing against level tables
  • Mob hit min and max rebalancing
  • Weapons and armor rarer from dailies
  • SERVER: reduced connection checker time in case client-side loses internet

Bug Fixes

  • ANDROID: Game crashed when using non English language
  • ANDROID: Fixed some crashes when opening settings in update screen
  • WEBSITE: Reset password is now case insensitive for email
  • WEBSITE: Many pages showed local timezone instead of UTC time
  • Hopefully fixed MAC button background colors not showing

Look out Farmville

I have been working on farming – look out Farmville – haha!  I have been trying to work on optimization to speed up the Android app and even PC version.  Also trying to finish up missing things so I can work on brand new features.
farming, planting, harvesting
There will be an update soon enough once I am done with all of the farming.



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