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Chat types and filters

Kisnard Online now has various different types of in-game chat. Do you hate typing /w or /g for whisper or guild channels?  To get focus on the chat text box you either, hit enter, click in the box, or click a chatting mode type.  In order to change chat modes all you need to do is hit tab while in active typing mode.  It will flip between the 4 modes.  And of course after I take the screenshot I decided to remove the chat modes on each line before the character name, but you get the general idea.  I am still unsure how/if I want to do private messages, but I am leaning towards not.

Quick way to switch between chat modes

Muhaha… play nice or ban hammer

Ban stick anyone?  I can’t wait until I am done working on infrastructure and tools and can start coding the game, however, these buttons were fun to make.  Play nice children.  note: nothing to play yet… 🙁

Naughty players get a taste of the ban stick

It’s Alive… Movement!

It only took me a little over a year(first line of code was written 09/04/2011).  Players can actually walk around now and interact and the other players can see movement live, as it happens.  It certainly is a long way away from a game, but it is getting there.  Check out the fraps below to see the active movement of different characters.  Players would move at the same time(or microseconds apart) if I had more than one computer to play on.



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